单词 | 步斗踏罡 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 步斗踏罡—worship the astral deities (idiom, refers to Daoist |
然而,这是本公司朝向未来踏出令人振奋的一步,我们将会向各位股东报告有关进展。 asiasat.com | However, this is anexciting stepfor theCompany and we shall [...] keep the Shareholders apprised of progress. asiasat.com |
这些会议将为赢 得阿富汗和平、稳定和经济社会发展的战斗提供踏脚石。 daccess-ods.un.org | They will be the stepping stones [...] towards winning the battle of peace, stability [...]and economic and social development in Afghanistan. daccess-ods.un.org |
董事欣然呈交其年度报告连同abc [...] Multiactive Limited(辰罡科技有限公司)(以下统称「本公司」)及其附属公司(以 [...]下统称「本集团」)截至二零一二年十一月三十日止年度之经审核财务报表。 hklistco.com | The directors have pleasure in submitting [...] their report together with the audited financial [...] statements ofabc Multiactive Limited [...](hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) [...]and its subsidiaries (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Group”) for the year ended 30 November 2012. hklistco.com |
安全理事会还核可作为联科行动部队进一步缩编的先决条件而提出的各项基 准:完成前战斗人员可信的解除武装、复员和重返社会以及民兵的解散;成功完 成选举;开始安全部门改革,特别是在更广泛的框架内采取建立信任措施,进行 安全部门的民主管理和监督,统一军队并建立能够发挥作用和属于共和国的科特 迪瓦武装部队和安全服务部门;以及恢复国家在全国各地的权力。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Security Council also endorsed the following [...] benchmarks introduced as [...] preconditionsfor further drawdown ofthe UNOCI force: completion of credible disarmament, demobilization and reintegration offormer combatants and dismantling [...]of militias; successful [...]completion of the elections; commencement of security sector reform, in particular confidence-building measures within a broader framework for democratic governance and oversight of the security sector, reunification of the army and establishment of functional and republican Ivorian armed forces and security services; and restoration of State authority throughout the country. daccess-ods.un.org |
我记得,我国代表团在 2008 年哀叹我们在安理 会改革问题上原地踏步。 daccess-ods.un.org | I recall my delegation lamenting in 2008 that we were dancing around the same spot on Council reform. daccess-ods.un.org |
本 核 数 师 已 完 成 审 核 [...] 第34至 第103页 所 载 之辰罡科技有 限 公 司(「贵 公 [...]司」)及 其 附 属 公 司(统 称 为「贵 集 团」) 之综合财务报表,其中包括於二零一二年十一月三十日之综合及公司财务状况表,以及截至该日止年度之综 [...]合全面收益表、综合权益变动报表及综合现金流量报表及主要会计政策概要及其他说明资料。 hklistco.com | We have audited the consolidated [...] financial statementsofabc Multiactive Limited [...](the “Company”) and its subsidiaries (collectively [...]referred to as the “Group”) set out on pages 34 to 103, which comprise the consolidated and company statements of financial position as at 30 November 2012, and the consolidated statement of comprehensive income, the consolidated statement of changes in equity and the consolidated statement of cash flows for the year then ended, and a summary of significant accounting policies and other explanatory information. hklistco.com |
本 报 告 的 资 料 乃 遵 照《香 港 联 合 交 易 所 有 限 公 司 的 创 业 板 证 券 上 市 规 则》而 刊 载,旨 在 提 供 有 关abc Multiactive Limited(辰罡科技有限公司)的资料;abc Multiactive Limited(辰罡科技有限公司)的董事愿就本报 告的资料共同及个别地承担全部责任。 hklistco.com | This report, for which the directors of abc Multiactive Limited collectively and individually accept full responsibility, includes particulars given in compliance with the Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited for the purpose of giving information with regard to the Company. hklistco.com |
印度尼西亚在当地政府/社区建立了多个社区组织,以提高公众对恐怖活动 和潜在的恐怖威胁的认识、警觉、准备和警惕,进一步参与这一斗争。 daccess-ods.un.org | Indonesia established several community organizations in the local governments/districts to increase public sensitivity, alertness, preparedness, participation and vigilance against terrorist activities and potential terrorist threats. daccess-ods.un.org |
在反对这些因素的过程中,社 区将经历冲突,在冲突的基础上进一步参与更大的斗争,从而产生凝聚力和兄弟情谊。 crisisgroup.org | By opposing these things, the ummah will experience clashes, and from the clashes, larger conflicts that will produce solidarity and brotherhood. crisisgroup.org |
在中国期间,丽贝卡将住在当地人家里,参观当地工厂,她自己拥有和希望拥有的很多东西(时装、手机、平板电视)都是中国制造,她还将亲眼见证一个人口大国朝着同一个目标齐心协力所取得的成就:个人在大规模生产、组织和奋斗中取得进步。 shanghaibiennale.org | While Rebekkah is in China she will stay with a host family, visit factories where much of the objects she owns or aspires to own (fashion clothing, mobile phones, flat-screen TVs) are produced and witness first hand what can be achieved when a massive-scale, national [...] population pulls together towards one common goal: [...] individual improvement through massproduction, [...]organization and hard work. shanghaibiennale.org |
那是重要的一 年,我们在其间步入国际反恐斗争的下一个阶段。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was a significant [...] year in which we stepped forward into the next phase of the international fight against terrorism. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了尊重已经 完成的工作,不能原地踏步或倒退。 daccess-ods.un.org | Out of respect for the work already [...] accomplished, standing still or moving backwards [...]is not an option. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织朝着性别平等的方向大踏步前进,因为我们深信性别平等 就是“明智的经济学、明智的管理和明智的伙伴关系”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | UNESCO has moved forward in this direction because we are convinced that gender equality is “smart economics, smart management, and smart partnership”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
其中包括踏步机、脚踏车、梯度机、杠铃、跑步机等,并能为客人提 供个性化的训练方案。 oneandonlyresorts.com | These includesteppers,exercise bikes, gradient [...] machines, free weights, running machines and more, all available with personalised training. oneandonlyresorts.com |
发烧界最受欢迎男歌手之一刘罡,在涂鸦唱片推出的专辑备受推崇,《把你唱醉》是男声发烧碟经典作,现首次以真24/96 Hi Rez高清版本推出,绝对不可错过。 hifitrack.com | Renowned China Baritone Liu Gang's classic album “Drunk with Singing”, now firtst time comes in True 24/96 Hi Rez format! hifitrack.com |
如果公共或私人机构和组 [...] 织,采纳大多数祖父母和父母心中的智慧和自我牺牲的承诺,我们将大踏步前进, 在思维和行动中互助互爱。 daccess-ods.un.org | If institutions and organizations, whether public or private, can incorporate the wisdom and genuine sacrificial commitment to others that exist in the hearts of the most loving and [...] embracing grandparents and parents, we will have [...] takenahuge stride towardsthinking [...]and acting in ways that leave no person behind. daccess-ods.un.org |
这种状况造成的最令人不安的后果就是,政局陷 [...] 入不稳定状态,而此时此刻,安全局势眼看就要取得 突破,施政工作也正在大踏步地切实向前迈进。 daccess-ods.un.org | The most disturbing consequence of this situation is the descent into political instability at precisely [...] the time when the security situation is on the verge of a breakthrough and governance is [...] making effective strides forward. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,2012年利比里亚前总统查尔斯·泰 勒和塞拉利昂的两个非国家武装团体受到惩罚,代 表着促进国际司法和加强杜绝有罪不罚形象的斗争的重要步骤。 daccess-ods.un.org | In that connection, the punishment, in 2012, of Charles Taylor, former President of Liberia, and two non-State armed [...] groups in Sierra Leone [...] represents important steps forward for international justice and the greater fight against impunity. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这方面,两国认识到,通过《公约》是打击有罪不罚现象和防止强迫失踪斗争的重大步骤,因此,两国联合行动,以确保人权理事会以协商一致方式通过 该文书。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hence the two countries, conscious that the adoption [...] of the Convention [...] represented a major stepforwardin the fight against impunity and in favour of the prevention of enforced disappearance, acted jointly [...]to ensure that the [...]instrument was adopted by the Council by consensus. daccess-ods.un.org |
瓦塔拉总统下令部队在城外 坚守阵地,以便让巴博先生有最后和平离开的机会和避免进一步战斗。 daccess-ods.un.org | President Ouattara ordered the force to hold its [...] positions outside the city in order to give Mr. Gbagbo a last chance to leave [...] peacefully andto avoid further fighting. daccess-ods.un.org |
故 事越多,我们就离真正的国际企业又近了一步,斗山的3 Square 也会越来越光芒四射。 doosan.com | If there are more stories, we [...] will take one morestep as a global company and the three squares of Doosan will surely become [...]clearer and brighter for the world to see. doosan.com |
至於立法会应否通过政改方案,有48%市民认为应该通过方案,以免政制原地踏步,而认为应该否决方案,因为方案并无交代普选路线图及功能组别存废问题的则占33%。 hkupop.hku.hk | Regarding the passing or veto of the Government's proposal, 48% of the respondents think that the Legco should pass the proposal while 33% think the Legco should veto it. hkupop.hku.hk |
一方面,巿民普遍要求尽早实现普选,希望政府在政改方案中加入普选时间表,但另一方面又不希望否决政府提出的方案,以致原地踏步。 hkupop.hku.hk | On one hand, the majority of the Hong Kong people want an early universal suffrage, they hope that the government would incorporate a timetable for universal suffrage into the constitutional reform proposal. hkupop.hku.hk |
根据自1992年以来开展活动取得的经验,童工局根据各公共机构和组织以 [...] 及非政府组织的意见,在劳工组织/消除童工现象国际方案背景下,已经制定了 一项国家方案,以便采取劳工组织《第182号公约》所说的更为有效的措施,开 展打击童工斗争,逐步预防童工,特别是防止儿童在最恶劣环境下就业。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the light of the experiences gained from the activities conducted since 1992, a national programme has been prepared by the Working Children Department in accordance with the views of all the public establishments and institutions and NGOs within the context of the ILO/IPEC in order to take more effective steps within the [...] meaning of the ILO Covenant [...] No. 182 in the struggle against child labour, to prevent child labourgradually,especially [...]the employment of the [...]children in the worst conditions. daccess-ods.un.org |
请总干事按照普世人权的标准,就教科文组织主管领域内的各种权利,特别 [...] 是就性别平等与妇女权利、享有安全饮用水及卫生设施与人权之间的关系、 以及与贫困作斗争问题,进一步加强研究与政策制定之间的联系以及促进知 识共享。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Invites the Director-General to further promote research-policy linkages and knowledge-sharing on the rights within UNESCO’s competence, including on gender equality and women’s rights, on the relationship between access to safe [...] drinking water, sanitation and [...] human rights, and on the struggleagainst poverty, in full [...]conformity with universal human rights standards unesdoc.unesco.org |