

单词 此间

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而保留未述 及的所有条款或其组成部分,仍然在 此间 适 用
All the provisions or parts of provisions not affected by the reservation
[...] remain applicable as between the parties.
[...] 得进展,第一批学员已从刚果民主共和国的地区热带森林综合管理研究生院毕业,并召开了 教科文组织—库斯托生态技术教席圆桌会议以促进 此间 的 协 同作用。
Capacity-building continued apace, with the graduation of the first cadre of students from the Regional post-graduate Training school on Integrated Management of Tropical Forests in Kinshasa, Democratic
Republic of the Congo, and a round table of the UNESCO-Cousteau Ecotechnie Chairs
[...] to encourage greater synergy between them.
另一方面,而该条款的其他部分仍然在 此间 生 效
On the other hand, the rest of the provision
[...] remains in force between the two parties.
通过游戏,儿童理解此间的社会交往和对物理环境的参与可能会引起疼痛和不确定 性,所以“为了把不适看做‘背景噪音’而抑制他们的情绪权重” (Pellis and Pellis2006: 265); 如果在游戏中,儿童伤到了他们自己或被其他儿童伤到了,尽管疼痛是“真实”的,但是它 可能没有在非游戏性环境中严重,以为毕竟,“我们只是在进行游戏”。
Through playing, children appreciate that social interaction and engagement with each other and the physical environment may involve some pain and uncertainty, and so ‘dampen their emotional weighting in order for that discomfort to be regarded as “background noise”’ (Pellis and Pellis 2006: 265); if a child hurts themselves or gets hurt by others in play, while the pain is ‘real’ it may matter less than in nonplay contexts as, after all, ‘we were just playing’.
我呼吁各种不同信仰的地方宗教领袖 此间 展 示 开放 的态度,参与不同信仰间的各种活动,我还呼吁国际社会向那些可以在弥合族群 [...]
I appeal to the local religious leaders of different faiths to
demonstrate openness towards each other and
[...] participate in inter-faith events, [...]
and to the international community to support
those leaders who can play a positive role in bridging the existing divide between the communities.
这并不要求提供一个特别设计的地点,游戏空间是儿童通过 此间 以 及 和呈现在任何 空间的材料和符号的变化的和动态的互动创造出来的,儿童的游戏既占用空间,又制造空间。
Rather than requiring a specific designated location, a play space is created [...]
through children’s shifting and dynamic interactions
with each other and the materials and symbols present in any space; children’s performance of play both takes and makes place.
通过人民间的交流,人对人,心连心,我们开始消除障碍以及 此间 的 误 解。
By that human interaction, person to
person, mind to mind, heart to heart contact, this is how we begin to break down
[...] barriers, misunderstanding between us.
[...] 必须提供:(1)经正式认证的裁决书原件或经正式证明的裁决书副本;以及(2)当 事双方的协议原件,其中承诺此间 因 特定的法律关系(无论是否为合同关 [...]
系)就可通过仲裁加以解决的事项产生的或可能产生的所有或任何分歧,将提 交仲裁解决;或经正式证明的该协议副本。
Further, it argued that the Convention established specific rules and requirements relating to the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, under which the party applying for such action was required to supply, at the time of the application: (1) the duly authenticated original award or a duly certified copy thereof; and (2) the original agreement under which the parties
undertook to submit to arbitration all or any
[...] differences that had arisen or that [...]
might arise between them in respect of a given
legal relationship, whether contractual or not, concerning a matter capable of settlement by arbitration; or a duly certified copy thereof.
她对非洲一些区域机构的成立和精简也做出了巨大贡献,其 中包括东非和南部非洲共同市场(东南非共同市场)及政府间抗旱和发展联 盟此间,她 曾担任各立法委员会的立法顾问,负责为这些机构起草并修改条 约、文书及规则和条例。
She contributed significantly to the formation and streamlining of several regional bodies on the African continent including the Common Market for Eastern and
Southern African States
[...] (COMESA) and the Inter-Governmental Association on Drought and Development (IGADD) where she served [...]
as Legislative Consultant
on various Legal Committees tasked with drafting and amending the Treaties, Instruments, Rules and Regulations for those bodies.
At each floor
[...] plan, such two major systems [...]
are only connected with authorized access, to ensure the privacy and safety of the hotel suites.
[...] 联合国教科文组织应该鼓励和引导会员国之间的共同协作,以及分享 此间 的 经验和最佳实践方法,也应该鼓 励和引导会员国与私营部门和非盈利机构之间的合作关系。
In this context, UNESCO should encourage [...]
and facilitate networking, sharing of experiences and best practices among Member
States as well as partnerships with the private sector and not-for-profit institutions.
此,间距显 露他有婴儿牙齿,并威胁要杀死她,除非杰克放弃他的权力的来源,他的员工。
In response, Pitch reveals he [...]
has Baby-Tooth and threatens to kill her unless Jack relinquishes the source of his power, his staff.
我国政府与自 2001 年以来成立的各专家组之间 的关系很少有过冲突,而且无论我们存在什么分歧, 我们此间都始终尊重所有相关行为体的行动范围。
Relations between my Government and the various groups of experts we have seen since 2001 have rarely been contentious and have been characterized by respect for the scope of action of all actors involved, despite our differences.
这将有助于消除此间的文 化隔膜,促进相互间的理解和沟通。
This would also help you to bridge any cultural gap that may exist and improve mutual understanding and communication.
巴基斯坦的两个主要反对政党,即布托女士的人民党和巴基斯坦穆斯林联盟 (穆盟-谢派),自 2005 年初以来即把此间的长 期竞争放在一旁,共同努力,争 取为恢复民主治理确定一个共同框架。
Pakistan’s two main opposition political parties, Ms. Bhutto’s PPP and the Pakistani Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N), had put aside their long-term rivalry and worked together since early 2005 to define a common framework for a return to democratic rule.
与客户、供应商、政府、公众和 此间 的 所有交往所遵循的绝不妥协的标准。
Our uncompromising standards for all dealings with customers, suppliers, governments, the public, and each other.
双方只有本着诚意进行谈判,才能在 此间 商定一个结果,以终止冲突,调和巴勒斯坦的目标——即 [...]
按照商定的交换条件,建立一个以 1967 年边界为基 础的独立和有生存能力的国家——以及以色列关于 犹太国的目标,即它应拥有能够反映后来事态发展并
Only through good-faith
[...] negotiations can the parties mutually agree [...]
on an outcome that ends the conflict and reconciles
the Palestinian goal of an independent and viable State based on the 1967 lines, with agreed swaps, and the Israeli goal of a Jewish State with secure and recognized borders that reflect subsequent developments and meets Israeli security requirements.
2005 年《援 助有效性巴黎宣言》和 2008 年《阿克拉行动纲领》64 提出了一些原则和做法, 用于指导发展中国家制定本国战略,指导合作伙伴根据这些战略对自己进行调 整,并在此间协调行动。
The 2005 Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the 2008 Accra Agenda for Action64 set out a number of principles and practices to guide developing countries in establishing their own strategies and partners in aligning themselves with those strategies and harmonizing actions among themselves.
农工机械中心 2009 年举行了其技术委员 会和理事会第四和第五届会议,并增加了与各国对口机构的联络,尤其是通过 启用为技术委员会和理事会成员设计的新的网页加强了 此间 的 联 系。
Expert group meetings were organized to explore the application of the clean development mechanism in the agricultural sector and to consult stakeholders on the role of agricultural machinery development for sustainable agriculture. UNAPCAEM held the fourth and fifth sessions of its Technical Committee and Governing Council in 2009 and increased its networking with nationally designated institutes, in particular through the launch of a new web page designed for members of the Technical Committee and Governing Council.
你可以增此间隙以 增加涂料流量或减此间隙以 减少涂料流量。
(1.3 cm) gap. You can increase this gap for more material flow or decrease [...]
the gap for less material flow.
Theological battles among ourselves: Differing views about evangelism and eschatology have led to misunderstandings and divisions in the Christian community, draining off energy that could be going into ministry.
此间隔延 长至约100至公元170,当使徒的父亲已取代使徒。
This interval extended from [...]
about 100 to 170 AD, when the Apostolic Fathers had replaced the apostles.
各项目标与人权之间,特别是与《世界人权宣言》述及健康权和受教育权的第二 十五和二十六条,以及《经济、社会及文化权利国际公约》述及食物权、适足住 房权、健康权和受教育权的第十一、十二和十三条之间,必须清楚地明确 此间 的关联。
It is necessary to make a clear link between the Goals and human rights, particularly articles 25 and 26 of the Universal Declaration, on the rights to health and education, and articles 11, 12 and 13 of the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, on the rights to food, adequate housing, health and education.
2009 年,外联司将与所有托存图书馆合作,确保它们最佳利用技术和电子资源、 节约时间、支出和纸张、加强各自的能力、增强 此间 的 伙 伴关系。
In 2009, the Division will work with all depository libraries to ensure their optimal use of technological and electronic resources, conserving time, expenditure and paper, strengthen their capacity and increase partnerships among themselves.
堂区和慕道团应加强此间的关 系和沟通,如堂区牧职人员或牧民议会成员定期探访,介绍堂区近况、邀请慕道者参加堂区活动及为慕道者进行家访等,堂区神父更好担任慕道团的成员,以便多与导师及慕道者接触。
The relationship and
[...] communication between the parish and [...]
the catechumenate should be strengthened, e.g. members of pastoral
team or parish pastoral council should visit the catechumenate periodically, and share the recent development of the parish, invite catechumens to take part in parish activities and to conduct home visits to the catechumens etc. Parish priests are encouraged to be visiting speakers in the catechumenate, as to have more contacts with the catechumens.
建立联盟:另一种可能性是,民盟与其他一些党派 ——尤其是少数民族政党,但也可以是非少数民族 的民主党派——形成联盟,达成共识避免对相同选 区派遣多名候选人而造成此间的相 互竞争。
It would be an obvious way to ensure that minority parties (and the USDP) receive a number of seats that more accurately reflect their popularity, by removing the “winner-take-all” distortion inherent in the current plurality system.
教和信仰之间的对话并扩大其此间 了 解 , 此 外 强 调各国、区域组织、非政府组 织、宗教机构和媒体可以发挥重要作用,促进容忍和尊重宗教和信仰,促进宗教 [...]
Reaffirming the need for all States to continue their national and international
efforts to enhance dialogue and broaden
[...] understanding among civilizations, cultures, religions [...]
and beliefs, and emphasizing that
States, regional organizations, non-governmental organizations, religious bodies and the media have an important role to play in promoting tolerance, and respect for and freedom of religion and belief
坎 卡多·特林达德先生不知道为什么法律界承认这一宪法概念需要如此长的 间, 此外, 《宪章》第二、第六和第一百零三条等关键条款也为这一概念提供了证 据。
He wondered why it had taken so much time for the legal profession to acknowledge that constitutional conception, further evidenced by such key provisions as articles 2, paragraph 6, and 103 of the Charter.
应当指出第 2066/2008 号皇家法令第 35 条及其以下条款规定,在提供最优 惠融资的情况下,为特殊弱势群体兴建的公共房屋应包含适用于残疾人的房屋, 且房屋具有以下特性:建筑的一部分或整体是专为此目的而兴建的;每一住所的 实用面积应在人均 15 至 45 平方米;在某些情况下,可达到 90 平方米,以供家 庭或群体居住;同样,还可为居住人员的公共服务或辅助服务人员提供不超过 30 平方米的间;此外, 也会考虑为此类型特殊公共房屋所需要的车库提供优 惠融资。
Articles 35 ff of Royal Decree 2006/2008 provide, for purposes of securing the most favourable permissible sources of finance, that dwellings reserved for specially vulnerable groups (including where appropriate groups of persons with disabilities) must have the following features: they must form part of buildings, or groups of buildings, destined entirely and solely for that purpose; the usable space in each dwelling must be not less than 15 and not more than 45 square metres per person but may be increased to 90 square metres to permit family units or groups to live together.
(c) 个人在缔约国提供的服务,但在于有关财政年度开始或终了后 的任何 12 个月间,此人在 一个时期或若干时期停留在该国的累计时间必 须超过 183 天。
(c) For an individual, the performing of services in a contracting State by that individual, but only if the individual’s stay in that State is for a period or periods aggregating more than 183 days within any 12-month period commencing or ending in the fiscal year concerned.




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