

单词 此道



skilled in this field
be proficient in the area of

External sources (not reviewed)

The Government has apologisedforthis and acknowledged the poor treatment of the Sámi people in the past.
If the government fails
[...] to appreciate these crucialcriteria [...]
in its appointment process, it is not going to help the EOC
rebuild its credibility. After all, the appointment of the EOC chair is different from appointing principal officials.
I then split up with the railroad workers who, I remember said to me, "Be careful on your way home.
Paterson表示:「智利矿业的市场服务不足,而我们的合作夥伴Summit Mining 深此道清楚了解行业的需求。
The market for servicing Chile's
mines is under-served, and our partner, Summit Mining, has a fantastic understanding
[...] of what's required," says Paterson.
冰雪给了每个人释放自己与生俱来的雕塑本能的机会,小孩子尤 此道只要有一颗年轻的心,你也一定会乐此不疲的。
Snow offers everyone the chance to express their inner sculptor, especially if you’re a child or just young at heart.
本馆最出名菜则是Pho Xua 牛肉,品赏此道食客则不会忘却其独特味道。
The most famous dish oofered here is Pho Xua Beef and certainly, those who have tasted it can hardlyforget such a unique flavor of the dish.
如果您被Money God堂哥欺骗的话,您只会收到「2013年Money God堂哥T恤」此道会置放於您的衣帽间。
If you are tricked by Money God Cousin, you will only get2013 Money God Cousin T-shirt” in your wardrobe.
举例而言,如果一个 社 里面的赌博人口是 50%,但参与者并无沉此道态,而另一个社 里面的赌博人口虽然只有很少,只占 10%,但全部有这类病态,把两个社 的赌风孰轻孰重作出比较,就可以得出两种不同结论。
To illustrate the point, if the gambling population in one community accounts for 50% of the whole population and yet no gamblers show any signs of compulsive gambling and, in another community, the entire gambling population, though accounting for a very small percentage at only 10%, is pathological gamblers, then two different conclusions can be drawn by comparing the two communities in terms of the severity of their gambling trend.
咨询 委员会指出,目前因此尚不道此 求的范围以及全部所涉经费。
The Committee points out that the scope of the needs and the full financial
[...] implicationsare therefore not known at this time.
State Street)、JP摩根(J.P. Morgan)、CACEIS、法国巴黎银行(BNP Paribas)等顶级国际集团,以及其他 集团,都已经选择卢森堡作为主要业务 地点。
As a result, the biggest international groups, like State Street, J.P. Morgan, CACEIS, BNP Paribas Securities Services and many others, have already chosen Luxembourg as a prime location for their business.
行 特 别 於 10 月 9 日 至 10 [...]
月 16 日 期 间 , 推 出 多 项 增 值 潜 力 理 想 的 投 资 理 财 服 务 , 客 户 只 须 於 推 广 期 内 凭 认 购 地 铁 新 股 之 退 款
支 票 , 莅 临 道 亨 银 行 或 海 外 信 托 银 行 任 何 一 间 分 行 , 开 立 港 币 定 期 存 款 户 口 、 投 资 单 位 信 托 基 金 或 开 立 ec-account 综 合 理 财 户 口 , 均 可 获 得 多 项 即 时 优 惠 。
From 9 - 16 October 2000, customers can visit
[...] any branches of DaoHeng Bankor Overseas [...]
Trust Bank and present the MTRC IPO
subscription refund cheques to enjoy privileged benefits with the opening of Hong Kong Dollar Time Deposit account, subscription of Unit Trusts or opening of ec-account.
Quote was taken from Chinese media reportssubsequently removed from the web.
作品结尾处是塞鲁格的雅各布(Jacob of Serugh,卒于 521 年)关于圣母之死的格律缺失布道的后半部分。
At the end of this work comes
[...] a metrical homily by Jacob of Serugh (died 521) on the death of Mary, the last half of which is missing inthis copy.
D型连接件设计独特,此类气动执行器也可用作曲囊的替代件,法国的邓禄普‘Springride气胎’就是如此,” (Kluth)博士 动执行器在真正意义上拓宽了我们为客户提供的产品范围。
The connecting parts
[...] for the D typesare designedso that air actuators can also be used as a substitute for convolution bellows, as already seen in France with the Dunlop ‘Springride’,” says Dr.Kluth.
关键字功能,可以让您把重要的信息给予备注,让阅读者更能快速的 道此字的意思。
Keyword feature that allows you to note important information to give , let
[...] the reader know more quickly the meaning of thiskeyword .
4.2.1 由於主干道於香港会议展览中心以西横跨地铁隧道(如上
[...] 文所述),并以浅层隧道(海床以上)穿过香港会议展览 中心最实际的建造方法是沿岸填海至香港会 [...]
议展览中心以西,并填平香港会议展览中心两个海堤之间 的水道,然後以明挖回填形式建造主干道隧道。
4.2.1 With the Trunk Road crossing over the MTR tunnel at the west of the HKCEC, as described previously, and the shallow
tunnel (above seabed level) passing through
[...] the HKCEC waterchannel,the most practical [...]
construction approach in this area will
be to construct the Trunk Road as a cut-and-cover tunnel after reclaiming along the shoreline to the west of the HKCEC and filling the water channel between the two seawalls of the Convention Centres.
我们也在此 缅怀针对平民所犯战争罪行的受害者们,这些罪行发 生在克罗地亚,特别是发生在 Skabrnja、扎达尔、希 贝尼克、Kijevo、Vrlika、Sinj
和南斯拉夫人民军执 行拉特科·姆拉迪奇的命令攻击的其它城镇;他当时 是位于克罗地亚克宁的南斯拉夫人民军第九军团的
[...] 总指挥,他还下命令对平民目标实施疯狂攻击,明明道此击会给平民造成过度生命伤亡;特别是, [...]
他还企图通过摧毁佩鲁察水坝来淹没一大片人口居 住地区。
We also remember here the victims of the war crimes committed against the civilian population in Croatia, in particular in Škabrnja, Zadar, Šibenik, Kijevo, Vrlika, Sinj and other towns attacked by the Yugoslav People’s Army (JNA) under orders of Ratko Mladić while he was commander of the Ninth Corps of the JNA based in Knin, Croatia;
as well as his orders to launch indiscriminate attacks against
[...] civilian objects,knowing that suchattacks [...]
would cause excessive
loss of life or injury to civilians, in particular his attempt of flooding a large populated area by destroying the Peruča Dam.
中环填海计划第三期工程的主干道是明挖 回填式点的路面水平约为主水平基准面 以下 10 米。
The Trunk Road in CRIII is a cut-and-cover tunnel with a road level of around – 10mPD at this connectionpoint.
10 此人是霍比奥-哈拉尔代雷 海盗网络11 最臭名昭着和最具影响力的头目之一,当时正在持索马里外交护照
旅行,探望妻子和家人。12 回应有关其外交身份和旅行目的,Afweyne向当局出
[...] 示了一份显然是官方的文件,由过渡联邦政府总统府主任(内阁首长)Mohamed Moalim Hassan签发,过渡联邦政府谢赫谢里夫·谢赫·艾哈迈德总统 道此
In early April 2012, Malaysian immigration authorities identified Mohamed Abdi Hassan “Afweyne”,10 one of the most notorious and influential leaders of the Hobyo-Harardheere Piracy Network (HHPN),11 travelling on a Somali diplomatic passport to visit his wife and family living abroad.12 In response to questions about his diplomatic status and the purpose of his trip, Afweyne presented the authorities with an apparently official document issued by the Director of the Transitional Federal
Government Presidency (Chief of
[...] Cabinet), Mohamed Moalim Hassan, with knowledgeof Transitional [...]
Federal Government President Sheikh Sharif Sheikh Ahmed.
他很想道此律是否适用于联合国维持和平人 员在参加维持和平行动时实施的侵犯人权行为。
It would be
[...] interestingto know whether the law [...]
would apply to United Nations peacekeepers who committed human rights violations
while involved in peacekeeping operations.
虽有本条第二款第二项和第二款第四项的规定,一持有人在此项交货后 成为持有人,在其成为持有人时不知道且理应不可能 道此货的,取得可转 让运输单证或可转让电子运输记录所包含的权利。
( e ) Notwithstanding subparagraphs 2 (b ) and 2 (d ) of this article, a holder that becomes a holder after such delivery, and that did not have and could not reasonably havehad knowledge of such delivery at the time it became a holder, acquires the rights incorporated in the negotiable transport document or negotiable electronic transport record.
我们的合作伙伴中信银行已经道此 程序。
Our partners at CITIC Bank are aware of the new procedures.
拟将驻巴基斯坦的首席 安保顾问员额改叙为 D-1 职等,原因是,按照其规模、复杂程度和承担的责任, 再加上复杂的紧急情况,驻巴基斯坦安保管理系统堪比一个大型维持和 平行动。
In addition, the post of the Chief Security Adviser in Pakistan is proposed to be reclassified to the D-1 level as, in terms of size, complexity and degree of responsibility, in combination with a complex humanitarian emergency, [...]
the security management
system in Pakistan is considered comparable to a large peacekeeping operation.
(g) 在所有安排下,承 建商均 须要在广东道,車站月台的南端 位置,以明挖随填的方法,建造連接行車隧 道的通风系统 和机房,以及位於新港中 心 地底的通风对行 人及路面交通造成严重影响。
(g) All the three variants would require a cut and cover section at Canton Road at the southern end of the station platforms for tunnel ventilation connections and plant together with a ventilation adit under Silvercord Building, which would impose serious impacts on both pedestrians and road traffic during construction.
理事会 2010 年实质性会议在其第 2010/38 号决议中,请理事会主席将信息 学不限成员名额特设工作组再延长一年,使其能够在现有资源范围内充分执行理 事会关于这个项目的各项决议的规定,协助顺利执行秘书长就信息技术利用问题 采取的各项现行举措,继续执行实现其目标的各项必要措施,并在该方面请工作 组继续努力成为会员国不断变化的需要与秘书处所采取行动之间的沟通请工作组考虑其在这方面的未来角色、地位和任务并形成研究结果。
At its substantive session of 2010, the Council, in its resolution 2010/38, requested the President of the Council to convene the Ad Hoc Open-ended Working Group on Informatics for one more year to enable it to carry out, from within existing resources, the due fulfilment of the provisions of the Council resolutions on the item, to facilitate the successful implementation of the initiatives being taken by the Secretary-General with regard to the use of information technology and to continue the implementation of measures required to achieve its objectives, and in that regard requested the Working Group to continue its efforts to act as a bridge between the evolving needs of Member States and the actions of the Secretariat, and also requests the Working Group to consider its future role, status and mandate and develop findings in that regard.
最近的例子有,用恐怖分子 Yehieh Ayash 的名字命名拉马拉的主要对 100 多名以色列人的死亡承 担责任,他还是自杀恐怖袭击幕后操纵者之一;用 Dalal Mugrabi 的名字命 名伯利恒的女孩夏令营,此人对一辆公交车发动恐怖袭击,造成 37 名以色 列人死亡(其中有 12 名儿童);用 Rim Al Riyashi 命名加沙广场,此人引爆 自己身上的炸弹,造成 4 名以色列人死亡。
Among recent examples are the main Ramallah street named after the terrorist Yehieh Ayash, who is responsible for the death of over 100 Israelis and one of the master minds behind the concept of suicide terror attacks; the girl’s summer camp in Bethlehem named after Dalal Mugrabi, who led a terror attack on a bus that claimed the lives of 37 Israelis (among them 12 children); and the Gaza square named after the suicide bomber Rim Al Riyashi, who killed 4 Israelis.
该电视台继续对总统阵营和反对党阵营的活动进行不平衡的尽管科特迪瓦媒体一再作出承诺,他们在选举过程中遵守行为守则 [...]
Furthermore, despiterepeated commitments, [...]
there was little progress, among the Ivorian media, to adhere to a code of conduct during the electoral process.
关于申诉是否可以受理,缔约国表示,它不 道此前是否已经或正在 按照另外的国际调查程序或解决办法审理,同时也承认,已经用尽所有国内补救 办法。
4.11 With regard to the admissibility of the complaint, the State party submits that it is not aware of the present matter having been or currently being examined under another procedure of international investigation or settlement and also acknowledges that all available domestic remedies have been exhausted.
通过对 可行项目的共同筹资以及其他排可加快对基础设施建设的投资, 尤其是连接本区域较贫困地区与本区域经济增长中心的跨境连通性项目,从而 协助这些国家迅速发展并实现其千年发展目标。
By co-financing viable projects along with other sources, such an arrangement could expedite investments in infrastructure development, especially cross-border connectivity projects linking poorer parts of the region with the region’s growth centres, hence assisting them in their rapid development and their achievement of the Millennium Development Goals.




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