

单词 此课题

See also:


course n
subject n
class n

form of divination

External sources (not reviewed)

首先,我会先和家长介绍主题的背景知识,帮助家长了解我们教 此课题 的 原 因;其次,我会向家长提供实际的方法帮助孩子在家提高学习技巧。
In each of my workshops, I aim to communicate
useful information; firstly with some
[...] background knowledge about the subject that [...]
can help the audience to understand the
reasons why we teach as we do and, secondly, to provide practical ways to help children develop in their skills at home," she said.
In this study, subjects were given nitrate [...]
supplements, in an amount similar to what would be found in 2 to 3 beets or a
plate of spinach, for three days, and its effects on energy production in skeletal muscle and whole-body oxygen consumption during exercise, were studied.
本节没有 把重点放在促进技术研发与示范或部署的国家政策 上,因此课题将在 本系列的另一篇文件中论述。
This section does not focus on national policies to promote RD&D or the deployment of technologies, as this subject is treated in another paper in this series, National policies and their linkages to negotiations over a future international climate change agreement by Dennis Tirpak.
大会第 65/96 号决议第 14 段请秘书长利用现有资源,就马绍尔群岛原子辐 射的影响问题向大会第六十六届会议提出报告,本报告就是应此要求编写的,其 中概述了联合国原子辐射影响问题科学委员会及其他机构过去几十年 此课题 开展的评估情况。
The present report has been prepared pursuant to paragraph 14 of General Assembly resolution 65/96, in which the Assembly requested the Secretary-General to report to it, within existing resources, at its sixty-sixth session, regarding the effects of atomic radiation in the Marshall Islands.
此外,还实施了 44 个与“基础研究基金”合作的研 课题 、5 个与俄罗斯 科学人道主义基金会合作的项目。
Besides these 44 common research projects with the Fundamental Research Fund and 5 projects [...]
with the scientific humanitarian
Fund from Russia have been implemented.
西北大西洋渔业组织科学理事会定期主办国际科学研讨会以及讲习班,就 具体的科课题交流 信息,如把地理信息系统用于鱼类种群评估和鱼种老龄化研 讨会,此可分 享和审查各国所使用的技术方面的信息。
The NAFO Scientific Council regularly sponsored international scientific symposia, as well as workshops, to
share information on specific scientific topics, such as the use of Geographic Information Systems in stock assessment and ageing workshops for fish species, in which information about techniques used by various countries could be shared and examined.
z此局限以外,教会应鼓励那些确实对档案有兴趣,也愿意签写注册表格(包括通知 档案馆他们的研课题和出 版计划)的人士,充分和自由地使用所汇集的资料。
Aside from this limitation, the [church] encourages all persons with a bona fide interest in the archives who are prepared to sign a registration form (including a commitment to keep the archive informed on the course of their research [...]
and their publication
plans) to make full and free use of the materials gathered.
按照 2009 年 12 月 7 日的第 1538 号决议,外交部将人权问题列为选拔外 交领事人员的必课,此外, 宣布将人权 题 纳 入 巴拉圭外交领事学院研修计划 中的必修课。
By Decision No. 1538 of 7 December 2009, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs made the subject
of human rights a
[...] requirement for anyone wishing to be selected for the diplomatic and consular corps, and made teaching of the subject compulsory [...]
at Paraguay’s
diplomatic and consular academy “José Falcón”.
但以往 MOCVD 用的钌前驱物所能形成的电极薄膜细孔长宽比最高仅为 6 比 1,因此无法 制造出 20 奈米世代之后所需的高深宽比电容电极 此 点 为技术上所须克服 课题。
However, the largest aspect ratio of pores making up electrode film that could be formed by conventional MOCVD ruthenium precursors was 6:1, and the inability
to manufacture
[...] capacitor electrodes with the high aspect ratio required for the 20-nanometer generation and later has become a technical [...]
有,同样,许多元素tannaitic传统,特别是圣经midrashic注释,以及众多halakic解释,辞书和材料,这是在较受限制的米示拿的意思解释为进入犹太法典纳入准备一,当米示拿犹大成为标准halakic工作,作为对宗教法律问题的决定都源,而且,更特别是,作为一个在院校研究 课题 , 对 犹太法典的mishnaic文本的解释,无论在理论上并在实践中,自然就成了最重要的研究分支,包括传统科学的其他分支,被来自的halakah和midrash(halakic训诂学)派生,也包括haggadic材料,但向未成年人的程度。
There were, likewise, many elements of tannaitic tradition, especially the midrashic exegesis of the Bible, as well as numerous halakic interpretations, lexicographical and material, which were ready for incorporation into the Talmud in its more restricted meaning of the interpretation of the Mishnah of Judah I. When this Mishnah became the
standard halakic work, both as a source for
[...] decisions of questions of religious [...]
law, and, even more especially, as a subject
of study in the academies, the Talmud interpretation of the mishnaic text, both in theory and in practise, naturally became the most important branch of study, and included the other branches of traditional science, being derived from the Halakah and the Midrash (halakic exegesis), and also including haggadic material, though to a minor degree.
他在答复代表们提出的问题时澄清了以下问题: 关于海关官员培训和许可证制度的
最后评价报告将讨论提供给海关官员的消耗臭氧层物质鉴定设备是否是所需要的型号,而 且在数量是否满足需要;案头研究是实地考察的必要先头工作,使他能够向执行委员会证
[...] 实,他确实是在研究各位成员认为最重要的问题;正如执行委员会所希望的那样,评课 题是由 他独立决定,然后在秘书处内部以协作方式进行讨论。
In response to questions from representatives, he clarified that the final report on the evaluation of customs officers training and licensing system projects would cover the question of whether the equipment supplied to customs officers for identification of ODS was of the required type and number; that a desk study was a necessary precursor to a field study, enabling him to verify with the Executive Committee that he was indeed studying the issues that the members
considered most relevant; and that the
[...] determination of subjects for evaluation [...]
was made independently by him, as desired
by the Executive Committee, and then discussed collaboratively within the Secretariat.
注意到,这课题的结果将在适当时用于 JECFA 和/或相关法典附属机构。
It was noted that the results of these projects would be available [...]
to JECFA and/or the relevant subsidiary bodies of Codex as appropriate.
此课程的目标人群是有在Windows 基础的TCP/IP网络中管理网络并熟悉其它操作系统,例如:OSX,Unix或Linux的IT专业人士,以及希望通过获得基础安 题 目 方 面的知识在IT界开始工作的个人;备战CompTIA Security+认证考试的个人;或者将Security+作为一个高级安全认证获事业角色基石的个人。
This course is targeted toward an Information Technology (IT) professional who has networking and administrative skills in Windows-based TCP/IP networks and familiarity with other operating systems, such as OS X, Unix, or Linux, and who wants to further a career in IT by acquiring a foundational knowledge of security topics; prepare for the CompTIA [...]
Security+ Certification
examination; or use Security+ as the foundation for advanced security certifications or career roles.
[...] 了活动,重点是改进分地区和国家一级的教育和培训水平,并提高在各个研 课题 上 的 研究 能力,即物理、数学、化学(尤其是生态及水化学)、生物科学和生物技术方面的研究能 力。
Activities in support of capacity-building in the basic sciences, the life sciences and the engineering sciences have focused on promoting education and training at subregional and national
level and enhancing research
[...] capacities in various research topics in physics, mathematics, [...]
chemistry (especially ecological
and water chemistry) and biological sciences and biotechnologies, with the training of hundreds of scientists and specialists, especially women and young researchers.
大会重申巴勒斯坦难民有权享有其财产并从中获得收益;请秘书长同联合国 巴勒斯坦和解委员会协商,采取一切适当步骤,保护以色列境内的阿拉伯财产、 资产和产权;敦促巴勒斯坦和以色列按照双方所达成的协议,在中东和平进程最 后地位谈判框架内处理关于巴勒斯坦难民财产及其收益的重要 题 ; 此 外 请 秘书 长就决议的执行情况向大会第六十七届会议提出报告(第 66/75 号决议)。
The General Assembly reaffirmed that the Palestine refugees were entitled to their property and to the income derived therefrom; requested the Secretary-General to take all appropriate steps, in consultation with the United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine, for the protection of Arab property, assets and property rights in Israel; urged the Palestinian and Israeli sides, as agreed between them, to deal with the important issue of Palestine refugees’ properties and their revenues within the framework of the final status negotiations of the Middle East peace process; and requested the Secretary-General to report to the Assembly at its sixty-seventh session on the implementation of the resolution (resolution 66/75 ).
大会第三十五届会议请法国政府按照第 34/91 号决议的规定,作为迫切事项,
[...] 与马达加斯加政府着手进行谈判,以期按照《宪章》的宗旨及原则解决这个 题; 此外请 秘书长监测决议的执行情况,并就此向大会第三十六届会议提出报告(第 [...]
35/123 号决议)。
At its thirty-fifth session, the General Assembly invited the Government of France to initiate with the Government of Madagascar, as a matter of urgency, the negotiations
provided for in resolution 34/91, with a view
[...] to settling the question in accordance [...]
with the purposes and principles of the Charter,
and requested the Secretary-General to monitor the implementation of the resolution and to report thereon to the Assembly at its thirty-sixth session (resolution 35/123).
[...] 启动针对不同的目标受众的教育和培训方案;发展信息收集和宣传系统;加强研 究内容广泛课题,包 括可持续森林管理、合理地利用木材、生态系统服务等。
Focus areas included: reforming and updating the legislative and policy frameworks; launching education and training programmes for different target audiences; developing information collection and communication
systems; and strengthening research on
[...] a broad range of subjects, including sustainable [...]
forest management, sound use of
wood, ecosystem services, etc.
教材包括各种各样课 题,如 :与人权相关的国内法和国际条约及其在和平,秩序及国内安全行动中的 [...]
The broad range of subjects that are covered [...]
by the instructional materials include all human rights-relevant domestic laws
and international treaties and their applicability in peace and order and internal security operations.
此课程中,您会:-检验基本网络并分辨不同的网络模式-描述数据动作,物理媒介和网络连接设施的基础-使用OSI模式并理解Ethernet,Token [...]
Open Transport和IPv6-检查一个本地区网络的基础架构-分辨不同的通过公共载体服务来连接网络的方法-了解不同的远程网络方法-了解并实现网络安全相关方面-实施灾难恢复策略-描述并使用高级数据存储技术-了解并实行网络疑难排解过程-描述现今使用的网络操作系统基础。
In this course, you will examine [...]
basic networking and identify different networking models, describe the basics of data
movement, physical media, and network connectivity devices, use the OSI model and understand Ethernet, Token Ring, FDDI, and wireless networks, understand data routing and common network protocols such as NetBEUI and TCP/IP, discover TCP/IP services, understand older network protocols still used today, such as IPX/SPX, AppleTalk, Apple Open Transport, and IPv6, examine the infrastructure of a local area network, distinguish the different methods used to connect networks together through the public carrier services, understand the different methods of remote networking, understand and implement relevant aspects of network security, apply disaster recovery principles, describe and employ advanced data storage techniques, understand and implement network troubleshooting procedures, and describe the basics of the network operating systems in use today.
为协助本地企业了解禽流感可能带来的影响及如何采取迅速的应急措施,以减低其造成的冲击,本会特联同卫生部及新加坡标准,生产力与创新局(SPRING)举办上 课题 说 明 会。
To help businesses understand the possible impact of a flu pandemic and how they can deal with it rapidly and lessen its impact, the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCCI), SPRING Singapore and the Ministry of Health (MOH) will be organising a briefing session on “Preparing for the Next Pandemic”.
一成员强调,必须在一单独议程项目下审议所有与气候有关 的题,此议程 项目将涵盖额外收入融资机制、资金动员活动和职能机构做法,并认为, [...]
One Member stressed that it was important to consider all the
[...] climate-related issues under a single [...]
agenda item that would include the facility
for additional income, resource mobilization, and the functional unit approach and suggested that the Secretariat set aside sufficient time at the next Meeting to allow in-depth consideration of the matter.
利益攸关方表达的最重大的关切包括:因特网治理论坛尽管在促进对话和理 解方面发挥了作用,但并没有对其在发展方面 课题 或 关键因特网资源管理这一 具体问题给予足够的重视;论坛没有向参与因特网治理的政府间机构和其他实体 提供具体的咨询意见;还需要做更多的工作,以便让利益攸关方,特别是来自发 展中国家的利益攸关方参与因特网治理机制。
The most significant concerns expressed by stakeholders were that the Internet Governance Forum, despite its role in promoting dialogue and understanding, had not devoted sufficient attention to its development remit or the specific question of management of critical Internet resources, that the Forum had not provided concrete advice to intergovernmental bodies and other entities involved in Internet governance, and that more needed to be done to engage stakeholders in Internet governance mechanisms, especially stakeholders from developing countries.
此课程的 目的是让学生有机会使用 Skype 与其 他国家的人们进行沟通,共享和平日的有关信 息并激励他们在当日采取进一步的行动。
This lesson is intended to give students the opportunity [...]
to communicate with others in another country using Skype, share
the message of Peace Day and inspire further action on the day.
在对调查问卷中的一套问题以及对已经收到的答复展开讨论期间,工作组 称,为了让工作组汇集各种意见以便今后审议,会员国以及在委员会享有常设 观察员地位的国际政府间组织和非政府组织如果能够提供更多书面意见,则将 有利于工作组继续此题目展开讨论。
During the discussion of the set of questions in the questionnaire and the responses received, the Working Group noted that its continued discussion of that topic would benefit from more written contributions from member States and from international intergovernmental organizations and non-governmental organizations with permanent observer status with the Committee, in order for the Working Group to develop a collection of views for future consideration.
欢迎将于 2010 年 7 月 31 日至 8 月 13 日在“2010 年欧洲文化之都”土耳其 伊斯坦布尔举行第五次世界青年代表大会,欢迎墨西哥政府主动提出于 2010 年 8 月
24 日至 27 日在墨西哥城主办一次世界青年会议,这两次会议都将重点讨论与
[...] 实现千年发展目标有关的青年与发展 题 , 此 外 还 欢迎将于 2010 年 8 月 14 日至 [...]
26 日在新加坡举办首届青年奥林匹克运动会,其宗旨是激励全世界青年人接纳、 体现和表达卓越、友谊和互敬这些奥林匹克精神。
Welcoming the fifth World Youth Congress, to be held in Istanbul, Turkey, European Capital of Culture 2010, from 31 July to 13 August 2010, and the initiative of the Government of Mexico to host a World Youth Conference, in Mexico City from 24 to 27 August 2010, both of which
will focus on the issue of youth and
[...] development in the context of the Millennium [...]
Development Goals, as well as the inaugural
Youth Olympic Games, to be held in Singapore from 14 to 26 August 2010, the aim of which is to inspire young people around the world to embrace, embody and express the Olympic values of excellence, friendship and respect
它的主要做法是通过吸收会员国教育界专业人士参加它 课题 研 究 ,来达到提高他们业务能 力的目的。有关提高教育质量的指导方法(建立和改进有关教育质量研究辅助软件,开发利 用南部非洲控制教育质量联合会关于南部非洲教育质连数据资料等)、全民基础教育(完成 了一项有关法语非洲国家发展“多级同班”式教学所引起问题的综合分析研究、一项关于提 高女童就学率的教育政策的影响效果的研究,以及有关发展中国家教育体制中学校管理问题 的研究)等研课题的开展,都是采用的这种方式。
These studies concerned monitoring the quality of education (creation and improvement of software to be used in research on the quality of education and exploitation of SACMEQ data on the quality of education in southern Africa) and Basic Education for All (drafting of a synoptic report on the problems posed by multiple-grade classes in French-speaking Africa and of a study of the impact of educational policies designed to increase the enrolment of girls in schools, and studies of school management in education systems in the process of decentralization).
世界知识产权组织确有委托对具体课 题和某些研究论文进行研究(比如它完成了一项非常有用的传统知识领域的个案研究计 [...]
WIPO does commission
[...] studies on particular topics (for example, it [...]
has completed a very useful programme of case studies
in the field of traditional knowledge) and occasional research papers, but we are surprised that it does not support a more substantial and extensive research programme directed at the emerging issues in its field.
我很感谢我的旅伴,感谢他独特的见解, 我对 “和平一天”
[...] 能够与 Skype 进行合作 为您提此课程感 到十分激动,该课程使 年轻人能够完成他们的“三个步骤”并与 [...]
世界其他人联系,使他们成为跨文化合作 以及帮助 “和平一天” 在 2012
年 9 月 21 日 让 30 亿人了解和平日的先锋。
I’m grateful to my travelling companion for his insight, and I’m
thrilled that POD is partnering with Skype to
[...] bring you this lesson, enabling young [...]
people to complete their THREE STEPS and
connect with others around the world, becoming champions of intercultural cooperation and helping POD to reach 3 billion people with the message of Peace Day by 21 September 2012.
马 来 西 亚 还 有 兴趣了解卢森堡为纠 正 对 妇女的 持续性陈旧刻板态度问题而开展了哪些工作,而消除对妇女歧视委员会 2008 年也 已 经指出了这一题,此 外 还 有为处理尤其针 对 阿 拉 伯 人和穆 斯 林 的 种族主义和 仇 外 心 理事件、以 及为处理政府官员对少数民 族 的 歧视性态度问题而开展的工 作,这些情况已经在委员会 2005 年的意见中提到了。
Malaysia was also interested in knowing what has been done to address the issues of the persistence of stereotypical attitudes towards women, mentioned in the observations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women in 2008, as well as of racist and xenophobic incidents, particularly against Arabs and Muslims, and discriminatory attitudes towards ethnic minorities by public officials, quoted in the Committee’s observations in 2005.
关于教科文组织参与不同文明间对话活动,在两次国际会议 上此题目进行了发言,一次是有关“西方对于穆斯林世界的政策”国际会议,联合王国威 尔顿公园,2002 年 2 月 15 日和 有关“文化的发展-发展的文化”国际政策对话, 德国柏 林, 2002 年 3 月 4-5 日。
Presentations were made at two international conferences on UNESCO’s involvement in the dialogue among civilizations, namely to the international conference on “Western Policies Towards the Islamic World”, Wilton Park, United Kingdom, 15 February 2002 and to the International Policy Dialogue “Development of Cultures – Cultures of Development”, Berlin, Germany, 4-5 March 2002.




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