

单词 此处

此处 ()

this place
here (literary)

External sources (not reviewed)

此处讲述 的干燥 过程可以得到理想的结果,前提是干燥过程必须尽量与此接近。
The drying process described here can give the wanted result, provided that the process is closely complied with.
此处的一项明确谅解是,本协定的实施取决于委内瑞拉和执行委员会 都令人满意地履行义务。
It is clearly understood that the fulfilment of this agreement [...]
depends on satisfactory performance of its obligations by
both Venezuela and the Executive Committee.
此处既不 适用最初的义务 (因为保留方不同意),也不适用通过保留提出的经过更改的义务(因为反对方不同 意)。
Neither the initial obligation, nor the modified obligation proposed by the reservation, applies: the former because the author of the reservation has not agreed to it and the latter because the author of the objection has in turn opposed it.
此处没有 连接固定式滤油机的供油管,则应该连接一根管道,该管道另一端 在变压器油箱的一侧以操作高度连接着一个放油阀。
If no feed pipe of a stationary oil filter unit is connected here, a pipe must be connected which ends with a drain valve at the side of the transformer tank at operating height.
此处的一 项义务是向上级或组织领导报告存在这种关系,且是经双方同意的,从 而避免承担法律责任(La.A 274/06,匿名人诉匿名人案)。
There is an obligation to report to the superior or the head of the organization [...]
of the existence of a relationship and
the fact that it is consensual, in order to avoid liability (La.A 274/06 Anonymous v. Anonymous).
这样处理的理由是,一个国家(此处指 合并产生的国家)对同一项条约只能 有一种地位此处即条 约当事国地位(在法律上的连续性原则)。
This solution is based on the fact that a State — in this case a State formed from a uniting of States — can have only one status in respect of a single treaty: in this case that of a State party to the treaty (principle of ipso jure continuity).
请参考第 3 章关于正确处理需粘合的表面,并确保在粘合之前执 此处 理 操 作。
Refer to chapter 3 for the correct preparation of the surfaces to be bonded and ensure that this operation is carried out before attempting to perform bonding itself.
诸多制裁 措施中,尽管出于人道主义援助和开展基础发展合 作等目的存在有例外情况,且这些措施也互有区 别,但是为简单起见,本简报以术语“制裁”通称 之,这也因为津巴布韦和南部非洲的政治对话中通 常也此处理这一概念。
While there are exceptions within and distinctions between many of these measures, including for humanitarian aid and basic development cooperation, this briefing applies the generic term “sanctions” to them for the
sake of simplicity,
[...] but also because this is how Zimbabwean and southern African political dialogue commonly addresses the concept.
在该项法规中,“婴儿床防撞护垫”是指“一块或多块无网 孔材料,可直接放置于婴儿床床垫上,围绕在婴儿床床沿或 内侧,针对使用至婴儿可以抓物站立的年纪” 此处 不 包 括 直立式护垫以及紧包各独立床轨或带网孔的衬垫。
In this regulation, “baby pumper pads” means “a pad or pads of non-mesh material resting directly above the mattress in a crib, running the circumference of the crib or along any of the interior sides of the crib, and intended to be used until the age that an infant pulls to stand” and does not include vertical bumpers that wrap tightly around each individual crib rail or mesh crib liners.
65 还有国家指出“应当对条款草案最后非常笼统地提到国际法的情况进行 澄清,以避免任何可能违反《联合国宪章》的情况”。66 正如第 20 条草案的评注 第(5)段所言(A/64/10,第 51 段),由于国际组织不是联合国成员 此处 已 用对 国际法的引述取代国家责任条款第 21 条中对《宪章》的引述。
Two States suggested the deletion of draft article 20, one of them on the basis of the argument that Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations applies only to States and not to international organizations.65 It was also stated that “the very general reference to international law at the end of the draft article should be clarified to avoid any possible violation of the Charter of the United Nations”.66 As paragraph (5) of the commentary on draft article 20 explains (A/64/10, para. 51), the reference here to international law replaces the reference to the Charter in article 21 on State responsibility because international organizations are not members of the United Nations.
如未经事先同意,正常工作时间以外 的工作应包括在客户签署的订单内, 此处 所 规 定的条款约束并依据本协议规定的验收 费(v)收取。
Work required outside normal hours that has not been previously agreed shall be covered by a signed order from the customer and which will be subject to the terms and conditions stated herein and charged according to the rates of survey costs (v) stated in this agreement
如需与我们的企业传讯人员联系,请 此处 查 看 联系人。
To get in contact with a member of [...]
our Communications staff, see the contact persons here.
此处包含 的规范和信息以“按现状”的基础提供,并在适用法律许可的最大范围内被允许,IBM 和 Microsoft 和 BEA 以“按现状并可能存在各种错误”的基础提供本文档,特此声明免除所有(无论是明示的、默示的,还是法定的)其它保证和条件,包括(但不限于)对与本文档有关的适销性、适用于某特定用途、响应的准确性或完整性、结果、技艺精湛的成果、无病毒和无疏忽的默示保证、责任或条件(如果有的话)。
This specification and the information contained herein is provided on an [...]
"AS IS" basis and to the maximum extent permitted
by applicable law, BEA, IBM and Microsoft provides the document AS IS AND WITH ALL FAULTS, and hereby disclaims all other warranties and conditions, either express, implied or statutory, including, but not limited to, any (if any) implied warranties, duties or conditions of merchantability, of fitness for a particular purpose, of accuracy or completeness of responses, of results, of workmanlike effort, of lack of viruses, and of lack of negligence, all with regard to the document.
此处是一 份复制样品,带有解释性注释。
A sample is reproduced here, with explanatory notes.
对本规范此处描述 的信息的任何使用均受本许可证中的条款和条件、Specification Lead web 站点中陈述的法律术语以及任何适用的出口控制法律和条例的制约。
Any use of the Specification and the information described therein will be governed by the terms and conditions of this license, the Legal Terms as set forth in the Specification Lead website and any applicable export control laws and regulations.
此处是艾尔莎·科罗 纳和巴德洪堡医院院长Rossenbeck 博士以及地区行政长官J [...]
ürgens博 士一起,在医院的第一台A 2008 C 型透析器前。1985/86年靠近法兰 克福的Hochtaunuskreis医院第一 次使用费森尤斯公司的仪器做血透 析。
Pictured here is
[...] Else Kröner together with the medical [...]
director of the Bad Homburg, Germany, hospital, Dr. Rossenbeck, and
the district administrator, Dr. Jürgens, in front of the clinic’s first A 2008 C. The hospitals in the Hochtaunuskreis district near Frankfurt first used Fresenius devices for hemodialysis in 1985/86.
同样,在开发署的支持下,越南制定了一种公共行政业绩指数,以便 此处 理公 民和民间社会在决策和实施中的参与普遍有限的问题,并提供一个向政府问 责的手段。
Similarly, with support from UNDP, Viet Nam developed a Public Administration Performance Index as a way to address the generally limited participation of citizens and civil society in policy-making and implementation, and also provides a means of holding the government accountable.
前面几个段落中讨论的有关针对《京都议定书》的这类相应修 正生效提出的同一些程序性备选办法均 此处 也 都 适用。
The same range of procedural options for the entry into force of such consequential amendments to the Kyoto Protocol discussed in the preceding paragraphs would apply.
在随后的讨论中,德国代表解释指出,法国政 府认为费用超支不是政策,而是费用核算问题,所以法国将 此处 理 费用超支问题,因为 法国政府并未打算使项目的费用超支。
In the ensuing discussion, the representative of Germany explained that the Government of France considered
that cost overruns were not
[...] policy but accounting issues and that France would deal with any cost [...]
overruns on that basis as
it was not the intention of the Government of France to have cost overruns for projects.
一旦使用网站、从 Microsoft 商店购买产品或使用任何服务,即表示您接受并同意这些使用和销售条款、Microsoft 的隐私声明(请参见下文中第 21 节)、适用的条款和条件此处提及和可通过相关超链接访问的政策或免责声明(以下统称为“Microsoft 商店政策”)。
By using the Website, purchasing products from the Microsoft Store or using any Services, you accept and agree to these Terms of Use and Sale, Microsoft's Privacy Statement (see Section 21 below), and applicable terms and conditions, policies or disclaimers referenced herein and accessible through the related hyperlinks (collectively the "Microsoft Store Policies").
该记录是很明确的,促进人权此处 是 用水权,合法获得饮用水的权利是 已确定战略基础上与此相关的重要任务。
Clearly, therefore, the promotion [...]
of human rights, particularly the right to equal access to water, constitutes an important,
relevant, sustainable and strategically well defined task.
还可以此处查看 你的固件和内核版本,以及 MAC 地址。
You can also look up your firmware and kernel version here, as well as the MAC address.
专门的指标(如氨基酸)需要更宽的波长范围和更高的清晰度,而我们新型的NIRS DS2500就可达到这些要求,请点此处。
Specialty parameters such as Amino Acids
require broader wavelength range and higher resolution,
[...] which you can get with our new [...]
NIRS DS2500 instrument, see here .
此处讨论 了四种政策工具及当前的使用情 况:企业社会责任政策、报告要求、管理者义务以及特别承认“企业文化”概念 的法律规定。
Four policy tools and their current usage are discussed here: CSR policies, reporting requirements, directors’ duties and legal provisions specifically recognizing the concept of “corporate culture”.
第二是必须一方面在安全理事会与非盟和平与 安全理事会之间另一方面在联合国秘书处与非盟委 员会之间建立一种战略性的和更有效的伙伴关系,以 求取得长期的成功,并确保该两个组织对以下问题具 有共同的理念:如何提高非盟提供快速反应的能力并 加强联合国保障持续行动的能力, 此处 理 维 持非洲 和平的问题。
Secondly, it is necessary to establish a strategic and more effective partnership between the Security Council and the AAU Peace and the Security Council, on the one hand, and between the United Nations Secretariat and the AU Commission on the other, in order to achieve long-term success and ensure a joint vision of the two organizations on how to address peacekeeping in Africa by enhancing the ability of the AU to provide a rapid response and bolster the United Nations capacity to guarantee sustained operations.
对于因双方合理控制能力之外的情况导致的任何延迟或未 能执行本协议下规定的任何义务,双方均无需承担任何责任 此处 所指的情况包括但不限于火灾、洪水、爆炸、事故、不可抗力、已宣布或未 宣布的战争或暴乱、罢工、停工或工人的其他集体行为、政府行为、原 材料短缺、未能获得出口或进口许可、《美国出口管制条例》的任何条 款或规定,或任何政府行为、不作为、监管、许可、命令或裁定。
Neither party shall be liable for any delay or failure to perform any of its obligations under this Agreement if and to the extent such delay or failure is due to circumstances beyond the reasonable control of such party, including but not limited to, fires, floods, explosions, accidents, acts of God, declared and undeclared wars or riots, strikes, lockouts or other concerted acts of workmen, acts of government, shortages of materials, inability to obtain export or import licenses, or any provision or requirement of the U.S. Export Administration Regulations or any government act, omission, regulation, license, order or rule.
基于输入假设,MSLS 的结果显示了项目的战略价值此处项目 的净现值 NPV 用资产的现值减去如果立刻执行所有阶段带来的所有实施成本(现 值)。
Based on the input assumptions, the results in the MSLS indicate the calculated strategic value of the project, while the NPV of the project is simply the PV Asset less all Implementation Costs (in present values) if implementing all phases immediately.
最后也可能是最重要的一点,对条约的保留(欧洲)观察站的目标是针对 其他国家提具的保留建立尽可能统一的“阵线”,这显然不会 此处考 虑 建立的协助机制的功能,因为从前面一节可以得知,这一机制更多的 是为了一方面向有此愿望的国家提供技术援助,另一方面帮助在保留方 面存有意见分歧的国家(和国际组织)解决这些分歧,拉近彼此观点,并 向有关国家或国际组织提供关于可适用的法律规则的具体资料。
Lastly, and perhaps most importantly, whereas the objective of the (European) Observatory of Reservations to International Treaties is to present as united as possible a “front” with respect to reservations formulated by other States, this would obviously not be the function of the assistance mechanism envisaged here; it will be clear from the preceding section that its purpose would be rather to provide technical assistance to States that wished to receive it; to help States (and international organizations) with differing views concerning reservations to resolve their differences by finding common ground; and to provide those countries or international organizations with specific information on the applicable legal rules.
此处规定 的生命权应能够更好地实现经济、社会和文化权利,尤其是在医 疗、教育和其他公共服务领域内,尤其是儿童、残疾人以及老年人等弱势群体。
The right to life thus stipulated should [...]
allow the better realization of economic, social and cultural rights; notably in
the areas of health, education and other public services, in particular for vulnerable groups such as children, persons with disabilities and older persons.
即使是在危机时期,连续性一 直是开发署在埃塞俄比亚、卢旺达和越南 [13 ]的工作的显著特 色 ( 此处 及 整节中, 方括号内的数字代表相关表格中提到的评价)。
Even through periods of crisis, continuity has been a significant feature in UNDP’s position in Ethiopia, Rwanda and Viet Nam [13].




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