单词 | 此产品 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 此产品 noun —this product nSee also:产品 n—products pl • manufacture n • offerings n
此产品适合在标称电压为 120V 的电路上使用,其接地插头与下图所示的插头类似。 graco.com | This product is for use on [...] a nominal 120V circuit and has a grounding plug similar to the plug illustrated in the figure below. graco.com |
我对此产品非常 满意,因为它能让我从一台 物美价廉、操作简单的设备中得到所有我期待的特性和功能。 igel.com | I’m very [...] satisfied with the product, especially since I was able to get all of my [...]desired features and functions in one [...]affordable, easy-to-manage unit. igel.com |
请注意,在市场商店内购买产品意味着您获得在您的个人电脑上使 用 此产品 的 权 利。 activtrades.cn | Please note that buying a product in the Market store means that you receive the right to use it on your PC. activtrades.co.uk |
此产品一旦 被安装后,在服务器的内存中生成服务器端的条形码图像后传输到客户端,并且不会在服务器上保存任何的临时文件。 evget.com | Once installed, server-side barcode images are generated on the server in memory and streamed to the client without saving any temp files on the server. evget.com |
节能 12 伏技术和快速安装是此产品的标 志性特点。 oase-livingwater.com | Energy-efficient 12 V technology and fast installation are the [...] hallmark characteristics of this product. oase-livingwater.com |
在此产品出现问题时,请联系 当地的代理商。 leica-geosystems.be | In case of damage, contact the local dealership. leica-geosystems.be |
伯爵奢华腕表和珠宝作品经逐一制作, 因 此产品 重 量 及克拉数可能与所显示的数据有所出入。 piaget.com.cn | Piaget luxury watches and jewellery are individually [...] produced and thus the weight and carats of each product can vary [...]from the displayed data. en.piaget.com |
受 REACH 影响 - [...] 产品包含欧洲化学物品机构 (ECHA) 识别为较高关注的物质,并且订购 此产品 前 可能需要特别考虑。 digikey.cn | REACH Affected - The product does contain a substance of very high [...] concern as identified by the European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) and may require [...] consideration prior to ordering this part. digikey.se |
入口数据流的增加意味着须采取更有活力的做法进行信 [...] 息传播,因为传统的纸质地图已被有利于与最终产品进行互动并查 询 此产品的 电子网络平台所取代。 daccess-ods.un.org | That increased flow of ingress data means that more dynamic methods of information dissemination are required, as traditional [...] paper maps are superseded by electronic network platforms supporting interactions [...] with, and querying of, the final product. daccess-ods.un.org |
此产品包括 双金属继电器和固态过载继电器以及电机保护断路器。 ab.rockwellautomation.com | This product offering covers [...] bimetallic relays and solid-state overload relays, as well as motor protection circuit breakers. ab.rockwellautomation.com |
此产品的提供仅系供个人、非商业使用的许可,而非许可或默示任何权利将本产品用于任何商业(例如创收)实时传播(地球、卫星、线缆和/或任何媒体)、通过 [...] INTERNET、INTRANET 和/或其他网络或在其他电子内容发布系统传播/流媒体形式传播,例如付费音乐或音乐点播应用程序。 htc.com | Supply of this product only conveys a license for [...] private, non-commercial use and does not convey a license nor imply any [...]right to use this product in any commercial (i.e. revenue-generating) real time broadcasting (terrestrial, satellite, cable and/or any other media), broadcasting / streaming via Internet, intranets and/or other networks or in other electronic content distribution systems, such as pay-audio or audio-on-demand applications. htc.com |
为了轻松地集成到应用程序中,IDAutomation提供了若干字体工具,这些工具 在 此产品 中 的使用是免费的。 evget.com | For easy integration into applications, IDAutomation provides several Font Tools [...] that are free to use with this product. evget.com |
服用此产品时,结合高品质的辅酶Q10产品,效果更佳。 cn.iherb.com | Consider taking these other NOW products: CoQ10 and [...] Advanced Gamma E Complex. cn.iherb.com |
制造商的现场被审核(可能还包括生 产此产品 涉 及到的其他现场),通常涵盖审查记录、检查设备的设计规范、以及验证进行的试验和将与产品一起提供的文件。 nemko.com | The manufacturer’s site is audited (and possibly any [...] other sites that are involved with the [...] manufacture of the product) and typically covers [...]a review of records and a check of [...]the design specification of the equipment, as well as a verification of the tests carried out and documentation to be provided with the product. nemko.com |
它可以把60,000吨重的物体运至50米的高处 。 此产品 是 由ALE公司的工程师在英国公司的研发基地(位于荷兰布雷达)设计并建造的。 khl.com | It is designed to lift up to 60,000 tonnes to a height of 50 m. ALE engineers designed and built it at the UK-based company’s research and development facility in Breda, the Netherlands. khl.com |
此外, [...] 泡沫中小孔的大小和形状也会影响泡沫材料的总体性 能,因此,产品之间 的比较并不总是直截了当的。 ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch | In addition, the size and shape of the [...] cells also affects the overall performance of [...] the foams and, therefore, product comparisons [...]are not always straightforward. ipcc-wg1.unibe.ch |
紧凑的外形 铃木SDT用于检测车辆的例子 此产品只能做铃木北美地区,请注意。 chinatrader.ru | Compact form Suzuki SDT examples for testing the [...] vehicle This product can only do north [...]america area suzuki, please notice. chinatrader.ru |
如果以上备选方法均不可用,买方可将产品退回给卖方,且相关费用由卖方承担,在此情况下,卖方将等同 于 此产品 支 付 价格的金额汇入买方账户。 veeco.com.cn | If none of these alternatives is available, Buyer may return the product to [...] Seller at Seller's expense, in which case Seller will credit Buyer with an amount [...] equal to the price paid for such product. veeco.co.jp |
此产品选择指南涵盖的范围包括放大器、数据转换器、线性稳压器、开关稳压器、模块 [...] DC/DC 转换器、电池充电器、LED 驱动器、热插拔/PoE、接口、滤波器、RF/无线、定时功能、比较器、监控电路和基准。 digikey.cn | This product selection guide [...] features amplifiers, data converters, linear regulators, switching regulators, module DC/DC [...]converters, battery chargers, LED drivers, hot swap/PoE, interface, filters, RF/wireless, timing functions, comparators, supervisory circuits, and references. digikey.ca |
如果此产品与计算机配合使用,您使 用此 APC 产品保护哪类硬件? apc.com | If using this product with computer, what type of chip architecture do you protect with this APC product? apc.com |
柯达 ELECTRA XD 热敏印版 和其他多种热敏介质均经过验证,可 在 此产品 上 使 用。 graphics.kodak.com | KODAK ELECTRA XD Thermal Plates and a wide range of other thermal media have been qualified for use. graphics.kodak.com |
所以, 客户必须自己承担使 用此产品时所遇到的一切风险. proell.cn | Therefore, the customer uses the product entirely at [...] their own risk with no guarantee. proell.fr |
Fredrik Bredberg总结说,他们所说的话正好反应 了 此产品 的 优 良之处;它像一种介于移位机与助步架之间的产品,能够起到让病人活跃起来的作用,同时也是一种出色的工作辅助设备。 liko.com | Their saying that shows what is so good with this product; it is like something between a lift and a walker, which makes it work to activate the patient and simultaneously act as an excellent work-technical aid, Fredrik Bredberg concludes. liko.com |
因此,产品规格 和本手册中的内容如有变更,恕不另行通知。 bixolon.com | The specifications of the products and the contents [...] of the manual are subject to change without prior notice for this reason. bixolon.com |
你可以返回重新搜索也可以下载PDF文档的产品规格书或者 把 此产品 添 加到你的“产品清单”里或者继续搜索或马上索取所选产品的报价。 spellmanhv.cn | PDF datasheet with the full specification, or immediately "Request a Quotation" for the product selected. spellmanhv.com |
例如,一个飞行项目或市场调研项目的第一阶段结果显 示 此产品的 市 场尚未发展成熟,因此第二阶段就不应被执行。 crystalballservices.com | For example, a pilot project or market research in PI indicates that the market is not yet [...] ready for the product, hence PII is not [...]implemented. crystalballservices.com |
此产品可以用于需 要可重复的流量减 少或限制的液体或 [...] 气体输送系统。 swagelok.com | This product can be used in [...] liquid or gas delivery systems where repeatable flow reduction or limiting is required swagelok.com |