

单词 此事

External sources (not reviewed)

中心會密切留意各國有關評估和規管雙酚A的發 展,並跟此事。
CFS would monitor closely the development of international assessment of BPA and regulation
[...] and follow up the issue.
此事需要 作进一步的讨论,执行委员会设立了由有关成员组成的联络小组,邀 [...]
Given the need for further
[...] discussions on the matter, the Executive [...]
Committee formed a contact group comprising interesting
members, inviting participation by the representative of the Executive Director of UNEP and a representative of the Secretariat.
然而,有些阿富汗人完全有可能知道,且有可能 此事 告 诉 阿富 汗国内的人。
However, it is possible that some Afghans know and could communicate that information to persons in Afghanistan.
他們稍後將會 進行大型調查跟此事。
They would conduct a large scale survey later
[...] to follow-up on the issue.
大会该届会议还请秘书长继续为协助方案下一个两年期和以后的两年期方 案预算提供所需资源,确保该方案持续有效和进一步发展,尤其是定期安排国际 法区域课程,确保联合国国际法视听图书馆能继续办下去;定期邀请会员国、大 学、慈善基金会和关此事的其 他国家与国际机构和组织以及个人,对协助方案 经费作出自愿捐助,或以其他方式协助方案的执行和可能的扩展;又请秘书长在 同协助方案咨询委员会协商后,提出关于其后各年执行协助方案的建议(第 66/97 号决议)。
Also at that session, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to provide to the programme budget for the following and future bienniums the resources necessary to ensure the continued effectiveness and further development of the Programme of Assistance, in particular the organization of regional courses in international law on a regular basis and the viability of the United Nations Audiovisual Library of International Law; to periodically invite Member States, universities, philanthropic foundations and other interested national and international institutions and organizations, as well as individuals, to make voluntary contributions towards the financing of the Programme of Assistance or otherwise to assist in its implementation and possible expansion; and, following consultations with the Advisory Committee on the Programme of Assistance, to submit recommendations regarding the execution of the Programme in subsequent years (resolution 66/97).
他提出,有鉴于此,向委员会这一处 此事 件 的 唯一机构提出对他被 引渡至墨西哥的决定的合理性的质疑是正当的,并辩称,在被引渡到墨西哥之后 [...]
遭受酷刑提出的损害诉讼显然不能构成避免他被引渡的有效补救措施,因此也不 能被看做国内补救办法的一种可用手段。
He submits that it is thus valid to challenge [...]
the legality of the decision to extradite him to Mexico before the Committee,
the sole body dealing with the matter, and argues that clearly, a suit for damages filed subsequent to the torture he endured after extradition to Mexico cannot constitute an effective remedy that would have prevented his extradition and thus cannot be considered as an available means of domestic remedy.
(D) 如替任董事之委任人因任何原因不再擔任董事一職,替任事 將因此事實而 不再擔任替任董事,惟如任何董事在任何會議上輪換卸任但在同一會 議上獲重選,則緊接該董事卸任前根據有效之本細則作出之任何委任將繼續有效, 猶如該董事並無卸任。
(D) An alternate Director
[...] shall ipso facto cease to be an alternate Director if his appointor ceases for any reason to be a Director provided that, if at any meeting any Director retires [...]
by rotation or
otherwise but is re-elected at the same meeting, any appointment made by him pursuant to this Article which was in force immediately before his retirement shall remain in force as though he had not retired.
If the transformer has
[...] not been operated electrically at low temperatures for a long period, this event may arise.
将在议程项目 13(通过决定草案)下审此事。
This would be considered under agenda item 13, the adoption of draft decisions.
食典委同意,秘书处可以用《程序手册》中作出 的标准化规定替代污染物(包括农药)的规定,从而使所有食典标准保持一致,在出现 具体技术问题,需要对污染物部分进行非编辑性修改时,可 此事 提 交给有关委员会。
The Commission agreed that the Secretariat would replace the provisions for contaminants (including pesticides) with the standardized provision as set out in the Procedural Manual for consistency throughout Codex standards and refer the matter to the committee concerned when specific technical issues arose that required more than editorial changes to the section on contaminants.
[...] 员一定注意到这些火箭,所以他询问特别委员会主 席为什么未在报告中提此事。
As its members must have noticed the rockets, he asked the Chair of the Special
[...] Committee why had they not been mentioned [...]
in its report.
[...] 故意未采取其权力范围内一切必要合理的措施预防和约束其下属的相关罪行,也 未此事提交主管机关。
A number of military commanders and civilian superiors may reasonably be suspected of responsibility for crimes against humanity because of their knowing failure to take all necessary and reasonable measures within their power to prevent
or repress the commission of relevant crimes by their subordinates
[...] or to submit the matter to the competent [...]
然而,根据指控的详细程度,专家们认为,可以相信在泰国存在中央情报局 黑点,并呼吁泰国当局此事进行 独立调查。
In the light of the detailed nature of the allegations, however, the experts believe it credible that a CIA black
site existed in Thailand, and calls on the domestic authorities to launch an
[...] independent investigation into the matter.
在题为“在会员国中选择合作伙伴的指导原则,包括这些合作伙伴使用教科文组织名 称和徽标的规章条例:总干事的建议”的文件 159 EX/30,以及相关决定
[...] 159 EX/7.3 中, 执 行局请总事就此事项与 全国委员会密切合作 并与联合国系统进行磋商。
In document 159 EX/30 entitled Guidelines for selecting partners in the Member States, including the rules and regulations governing the use of UNESCO’s name and emblem by these partners: proposals by the Director-General, and the
related 159 EX/Decision 7.3, the Executive
[...] Board invited the Director-General to closely [...]
cooperate with National Commissions
and consult with the United Nations system on these matters.
[...] 数决定向大会建议将此争端提交仲裁法庭,由其作出最 后裁决此事应由执行局进行安排。
In cases where the Organization is party to a dispute, the Legal Committee may decide, by a simple majority, to recommend to the General Conference that the
case be submitted for final decision to an Arbitral Tribunal, arrangements for which
[...] shall be made by the Executive Board.
[...] 际一级实行石榴标准化做出结论,但同意近东协调委员会可以开始工作,并 此事 提交 食典委作最后决定。
The Commission further noted that, in the critical review, the Executive Committee had been unable to agree whether the standardization of pomegranate should be taken up at regional or international level, while agreeing
that there was no impediment to start work in the CCNEA, and
[...] had referred this matter to the Commission [...]
for final decision.
我 們 建 議 在 調 查 的 初 步 階 段此 事 告 知 受 疑 人,以 便 受 疑 人 能 決 定 自 己 在 接 受 執 法 人 員 查 問 時 [...]
應 採 取 甚 麼 行 動 。
It is recommended that a suspect be
[...] informed of this fact at an early stage in the investigation so that he can then [...]
make a decision on the
course of action he should take when being questioned by a law enforcement officer.
(d) 至於獲制定通過的《競爭條例》能否打擊領 匯在天水圍所擁有的強大市場權勢,此點將 取決於有關貨品/服務的替代程度,而在規 管當局可以進行調查工作前,當局難以此 事作出 結論,尤其是上述個案的消費者並非 普羅大眾,而是可選擇在其他地方經營的店 舖經營者。
(d) whether the enacted Ordinance could tackle the substantial market power of The Link REIT in Tin Shui Wai would again hinge on the substitutability of the goods/services concerned and, before investigation could be conducted, there was difficulty in drawing a conclusion in this regard, especially as the consumers in the above case were not members of the public but shop operators, and that they might have the option of operating elsewhere.
然 而,委员会认为,尽管如医疗专家所述,申诉人目前患有心理问题, 此事 实并 不能构成缔约国有义务停止将申诉人遣送到土耳其的程序的充分理由。
However, it is of the opinion that the very fact that the complainant suffers, at present, from
psychological problems as reported by a medical
[...] expert, cannot be seen as constituting [...]
sufficient grounds to justify an obligation,
for the State party, to refrain from proceeding with the complainant’s removal to Turkey.
在會面時,李教授指出人口結構轉變因素及對教師的 需求減少,建議教院探討與其他高等院校更緊密協作,以及教院可否 吸納其他高等院校的教育學院,以建立一個卓越的師資培訓中心,但 李教授強調此事應由 教院與其他高等院校磋商。
At the meeting, Professor Li pointed out the demographic factor and the reduced need for teachers, and suggested that HKIEd should explore closer collaboration with other HEIs and the possibility of HKIEd absorbing education faculties of other HEIs to create a centre of excellence of teacher educators, but Professor Li emphasized that it was up to HKIEd to negotiate with other HEIs.
会议成立了一个不限成员名额工作组,进一步磋 此事 , 以 便就委员会的工 作量问题最终拟订一项决定草案供会议审议。
The Meeting established an open-ended
working group to allow for further
[...] consultations on the matter in order to finalize [...]
a draft decision on the workload of
the Commission for consideration by the Meeting.
註': 除 註2所 涉 及 的 擔 保 外,本 公 司 以 持 有 剛 中 電 信 有 限 公 司 的5'%股 權 進 行 質 押 為 控 股 子 公 司 剛 中 電 信 有 限 公 司 的 銀 行 貸 款 提 供 擔 保,因 剛 中 電 信 有 限 公 司 的 資 產 負 債 率 超 過'0% ,此 事 項 按 照 有 關 法 律 法 規 規 定 經 董 事 會 及 股 東 大 會 審 議 通 過。
Note ': InadditiontoguaranteesdescribedinNote2,theCompany providedaguaranteeinrespectofabankloanextended tosubsidiaryCongo-ChineTelecomS.A.R.L.bypledgingi ts5'%equityinterestsinCongo-ChineTelecomS.A.R.L. As the gearing ratio of Congo-Chine exceeded '0%, the said guarantee had been considered and approved by the Board of Directors and the general meeting of the Company in accordance with requirements of relevant laws and regulations.
The Committee agreed that further informal
[...] discussions on the matter should be held [...]
among interested parties.
如果必要,法院会在审此事之时,会确保适用或适用必要的临时法律保 护(也就是说,如果必要,禁止令可以立即适用)。
If necessary, the court may secure an application or apply
necessary provisional legal protection while
[...] adjudicating the matter (i.e. if necessary, [...]
a restraining order may be applied immediately).
现决定删除拟议引用的经合组织关于地球静止轨道卫星是否构成常设单位 的第 5.5 段,但在问题目录里列入关此事项 的 讨论。
It was decided to delete the proposed quoted OECD paragraph 5.5, dealing with whether a satellite in
geostationary orbit
[...] could constitute a permanent establishment, and to instead include the discussion of the matter in the catalogue [...]
of issues.
该报告还突出强调必须通过得到改善的职等结 构,征聘和挽留年轻专业人员;提议进行主动积极的
[...] 人员更替规划(不只是填补空缺),并要求行政首长协 调会人力资源网更积极地参此事。
The report also highlighted the need to recruit and retain young professionals through an improved grade structure, proposed proactive succession planning that went
beyond merely filling vacancies and called for the CEB Human Resources Network to be more
[...] actively involved in the matter.
在我昨天向安理会发言时(见 S/PV.6490),我指 出此事关系到整个阿拉伯世界的和平与安全这一根 [...]
本问题,我们所面临的共同挑战是如何提供真正的保 护和制止正在发生的暴力。
When I addressed the Council yesterday (see [...]
S/PV.6490), I noted that fundamental issues of peace and stability were at stake
across the Arab world and that our collective challenge was how to provide real protection and halt the ongoing violence.
欧盟驻科法治团支持普里什蒂纳-贝尔格莱德继续对话,协助商议交还 1998-1999 年冲突中从科索沃拿走的民事登记记录副本,主持关 此事 的 联 合委 员会,并作为中间人,证明和分享记录文件。
EULEX provided support to the continuing Prishtinë/Priština-Belgrade dialogue, facilitating the agreement to hand over copied civil registries records removed from Kosovo during the 1998-1999 conflict by chairing the Joint Committee on the matter and acting as an intermediary to certify and share the documents.
大会在第 63/248 号决议第四节第 12
段中请秘书长加紧努力解决同一节第 10
[...] 段所述问题,特别是大会第六十二届会议期间第五委员会续会第二期会议审议的 文件所遇到的问题,包括召开为研 此事 成 立 的工作队会议,提出有关维持和平 经费筹措文件的临时报告,通过会议委员会 [...]
2009 年组织会议向大会报告为解决 该问题举行的协商和采取的行动的结果,以便第五委员会续会第二期会议审议该
In section IV, paragraph 12, of its resolution 63/248, the General Assembly requested the Secretary-General to enhance his efforts to address the problem cited in paragraph 10 of the same section, particularly as experienced with documentation considered at the second resumed session of the Fifth Committee during the sixtysecond session of the General
Assembly, including convening the task force
[...] formed to study the matter, to provide an [...]
interim report on documentation concerning
peacekeeping financing, to report on the results of those consultations and actions taken to solve the problem to the General Assembly, through the Committee on Conferences at its organizational session for 2009, in order for the Fifth Committee to consider the report at its second resumed session, and to provide a comprehensive report to the Assembly at its sixty-fourth session through the Committee on Conferences.
(d) 如委任人因任何原因停止担任董事,候补 事 应 因 此事 实 停止担任候补董 事,惟条件是如某董事退任并在让该退任生效的会议上获选再任,他按照 在紧接他退任之前生效的本条规定作出的任何委任,应在他再任后继续有 效,一如他没有退任般。
(d) An alternate Director shall ipso facto cease to be an alternate Director if his appointor ceases for any reason to be a Director provided that if a Director retires and is re-elected by the meeting at which such retirement took effect, any appointment made by him pursuant to this Article which was in force immediately prior to his retirement shall continue to operate after his re-election as if he had not so retired.




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