单词 | 正骨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 正骨 —bone settingChinese osteopathy正正 adverb —exactly advExamples:正骨八法—Chinese osteopathy • the eight methods of bone setting See also:骨 n—bone n • bones pl • skull n
醫生會把您的檢查結果與正常骨質密 度的掃描﹐以及其他同您年齡相若的人的 掃描﹐作一比較。 bcepilepsy.com | Your doctor will compare your results [...] with scans of normal bone density and the scans [...]of other people your age. bcepilepsy.com |
在檢討機制,擴大資助金額及擴大範圍的同時,希望切切實實地審 視法援如何能真正在骨節眼上動一點工夫,幫助市民。 legco.gov.hk | While reviewing the mechanism, increasing the amount of financial assistance and extending the scope, I hope they can also seriously examine how the legal aid system can help in the most important areas in order to help the public. legco.gov.hk |
我亦意識到有需要堅持做個正直而有 骨 氣 的 ㆟。 legco.gov.hk | I am conscious also of the need to maintain my personal honesty and moral integrity. legco.gov.hk |
高劑量的維生素A可能引致如肝中 毒, 腸胃不適,胎兒不正常, 和 小孩骨骼增長受到阻礙等副作用。 legco.gov.hk | High doses of vitamin A could result in side [...] effects such as liver toxicity, gastrointestinal disturbances, foetal [...] abnormalities, and reduced bone growth in children. legco.gov.hk |
法例亦會訂明,已獲臨時豁免的私營 骨 灰 龕 在獲發 正式牌照之前,必須凍結骨灰龕 位數目,並須停止出售骨灰 龕位。 legco.gov.hk | The legislation should also stipulate that a private columbarium that has been granted temporary exemption must freeze the number of niches and stop further sale of niches before a proper licence is issued. legco.gov.hk |
為了推廣脊骨神經醫學的專業水平及 正 確 運用 脊 骨 神 經 醫學,整個行業、包括從業者的執業情 況及其教育和培訓都需要完整的體系來監督。 hkca.org | In order to introduce [...] qualified practice and proper use of chiropractic, systems are needed to monitor [...]the entire [...]profession, the performance of practitioners and the education and training of practitioners. hkca.org |
局長會否考慮派員到在現時政府沒有 正 式 批 准興 建骨灰龕但設有骨灰龕 的地方,索取有關的合約 ⎯⎯ 其實索取有關合 約並不難,隨便向任何一位購買骨灰龕的善長索取便可以 ⎯⎯ 看看當 中的資料,然後研究有關的合約問題及有何方法可與骨灰龕的經營者聯 [...] 絡,以處理涉嫌違規或可能違規的情況,避免已購買的骨灰龕位或已擺 [...] 放骨灰的龕位須遷移,弄致死者不安寧。 legco.gov.hk | Will the Secretary consider sending officers to [...] locations where no formal permission has been given for the construction of columbaria but where [...]columbaria have been built to [...]ask for the relevant contracts ― in fact, obtaining a relevant contract is not difficult and one can get it from anyone having bought a niche there ― and look at the information therein to study the problems with the contracts concerned and ways of getting in touch with the operators of these columbaria, so as to deal with instances of suspected or possible irregularities and obviate the need to move the purchased or occupied niches, thus making it impossible for the deceased to rest in peace? legco.gov.hk |
5 营养不良会影响女孩骨盆的正常生 长,而 在 骨 盆 完全发育之前,早 孕则会增加分娩产道受阻的风险。 daccess-ods.un.org | Consequently, pregnancies [...] that occur early, before the pelvis is fully developed, can increase [...]the risk of obstructed labour. daccess-ods.un.org |
(c) 指示持牌人採取有效糾正行動,確保 骨 灰 龕 的經營及 管理情況令人滿意;確保前往骨灰龕的人士的安全; 並確保符合有關法例條文和發牌條件 legco.gov.hk | (c) direct the licensees to take effective remedial actions to ensure that the columbarium is operated and managed satisfactorily; the safety of persons visiting the columbarium is ensured; and provisions of the relevant legislation and conditions of licence are complied with legco.gov.hk |
正如香港脊骨神經 科學會會長李㆝德先生指出,如這行業可受到進㆒步的重視和認同,將 可以鼓勵更多有志的㆟士及在外㆞執業的本港脊骨神經科醫生回流香港執業。 legco.gov.hk | As Mr Edward LEE, President of the Chiropractors’ Association, [...] has pointed out that if greater importance is attached, and [...]given, to this profession, it will encourage more people with aspirations to join the profession and local born chiropractors practising abroad to return to, and practise, in Hong Kong. legco.gov.hk |
另外,有業界人士指出,如果要求獲豁免、獲暫時免 責或正在申請牌照的骨灰龕 凍結出售空置龕位,他們將沒有 足夠資金維持骨灰龕的正常運作。 legco.gov.hk | Besides, the trade pointed out that if columbaria which had been given exemption or temporary suspension of liability or were applying for a licence were requested to freeze the sale of their unoccupied niches, they would have insufficient funds to remain in operation. legco.gov.hk |
戴隐形眼镜的人员不应混合 PMMA骨水泥或靠近正在混合PMMA骨水泥 处。 wmt.com | Personnel wearing contact lenses should [...] not mix PMMA bone cement or be near the mixing of the PMMA bone cement. wmt.com |
此外,在这一假设髑髅战术核武器被称为 更 正 确 的 一个“ 头 骨 ” 的 地方,但福音无处使用复数。 mb-soft.com | Moreover, in this supposition Calvary wold have [...] been called more correctly a place "of skulls" but the Evangelists [...]nowhere use the plural. mb-soft.com |
花单生 花被略带紫色的到深紫色,很少带粉红色,钟状,顶部(6-) 8浅裂;筒部 1-1.2 * 1-1.5 厘米; 裂片带绿色的在边缘,正三角形, 6-8 * 3.5-4毫米,正面,4龙骨状,龙骨状紫 红色,厚,肉质,平滑,中心可达2毫米宽。 flora.ac.cn | Perianth purplish to dark-purple, rarely pinkish, campanulate, (6--)8-lobed apically; tube 1--1.2 × 1--1.5 cm; lobes greenish at margin, deltoid, 6--8 × 3.5--4 mm, adaxially 4-keeled, keels purple-red, very thick, fleshy, smooth, central 2 up to 1.5 mm wide. flora.ac.cn |
路博润生产的热塑性聚氨酯树脂(TPU)可协助关节置换(关节成形术)设计人员减少应力遮挡效应(即由于植入体消除 了 骨 头 的 正 常 压 力而造 成 骨 密 度减小),并在保持生物相容性和机械强度平衡的同时改进抗磨性。 cn.lubrizol.com | Lubrizol’s thermoplastic polyurethane resins (TPUs) may aid joint replacement (arthroplasty) designers in their quest to reduce [...] stress shielding (i.e. the [...] reduction in bone density as a result of removal of normal stress from the bone by an implant) [...]and to improve abrasion [...]resistance while maintaining the balance between biocompatibility and mechanical strength. lubrizol.com |
然后,这些受到人们欢迎的改革显然力度 不够大,而且没有伤及筋骨,因而目 前 正 处 于对监狱机构及思想方式进行改革的 关键时期。 daccess-ods.un.org | Although welcome, however, the reforms have been seriously insufficient and have not gone to the root of the problem, which requires a thorough overhaul of both institutions and attitudes. daccess-ods.un.org |
當中多數會以風力發電為骨幹,但我 們 正在 積極考慮太陽能及中小型水力發電項目的機會,特別是徑流式的水力發 電項目。 clp.com.cn | This will mostly be in the form of wind energy, but we are actively considering opportunities in solar energy and small to medium-sized hydro projects, especially run-of-the river projects. clp.com.hk |
香港人已經接受了自由是生而 有之,大家是生而平等,人權是天賦的, 即 正 如 我們 的 骨 肉 一 樣,是不能被 政府剝奪的。 legco.gov.hk | Hong Kong people have long accepted that freedom is inherent, all men are born equal and human rights are inborn and inalienable in as much the same way as our flesh and blood and can never be taken away from us by a government. legco.gov.hk |
行政長官於2010年 10月 13日發表2010-2011年度施政報 告後,在2010年 10月 15日的會議上,食物及衞生局局長告知事 務委員會,政府當局正在整理於骨灰 龕 政策檢討公眾諮詢期間 所收集的意見,並會於適當時候向事務委員會匯報。 legco.gov.hk | Following the Chief Executive's delivery of 2010-2011 Policy Address on 13 October 2010, the Panel was advised by SFH at the meeting on 15 October 2010 that the Administration was consolidating the views collected during the public consultation on review of columbarium policy and would report back to the Panel on the consultation outcome in due course. legco.gov.hk |
负重运动(如跑步、打太极、爬楼梯、球类运动)能够增加肌肉力量、维 持 骨 骼 正 常 代 谢。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Vigorous exercise (running, Tai [...] Chi, sports) can increase muscle mass, improve [...] balance, strengthen bone structure, and maintain normal bone metabolism. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
相关的错牙合畸形的变化可能有害身体的平衡,沿上 颌 骨 和 下 颌 骨 的 牙齿 在 正 常 位 置上的变化。 institutododelta.com.br | Changes potentially harmful to [...] body balance have been related to malocclusion, [...] changes in the normal position of the teeth along the maxilla and mandible. institutododelta.com.br |
您可以了解我们独一无二的Oracle洞察力业务战略开发计划,进行一次客户访问中心虚拟之旅,还可以了解其他客户和合作伙 伴 正 如 何 借助 甲 骨 文 获 得成功。 oracle.com | Read about our unique Oracle Insight business strategy development program, take a [...] virtual tour of our Customer Visit Center, or learn how other [...] customers and partners are achieving success with Oracle. oracle.com |
锁骨现在可以正确地 拉伸以调整到上臂位置。 images.autodesk.com | Collar bones now correctly stretch to adjust [...] to the upper arm position. images.autodesk.com |
此外,如果您考虑接受骨质疏松症药物治疗, 或 正 在 进 行 骨 质 疏 松症药物治疗,同样建议您进行骨密度检测以监督治疗。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | It you are considering treatment for osteoporosis or are currently undergoing a treatment regimen for osteoporosis, it is also [...] recommended that you have a bone density exam to monitor [...]your progress and treatment. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
广州现代肿瘤医院癌症专家提醒:如通过诊断发现患 上 骨 癌 , 应及时 到 正 规 的医院进行治疗。 asiancancer.com | Experts from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou remind that one should go to regular hospital [...] for treatment timely once diagnosed with bone cancer. asiancancer.com |
優卡幼犬大型犬飼糧能爲幼犬大型犬提供牠們所需要的最適量蛋白質、鈣和能量水平,同時也含有幼犬健康成長所不能缺少的各種重要的維生素和礦物質,並維持大型 犬 正 常 的 肌肉 和 骨 骼 發展 。 eukanuba.com | This Eukanuba diet has adjusted protein, calcium and energy levels, provides all [...] important vitamins and minerals, and supports a [...] balanced muscular and skeletal growth of large and [...]giant breed puppies. eukanuba.com |
港健醫療集團骨科醫生何正倫認 為:「此項調查反映出香港的在職人士潛在的關節炎危機非常嚴重,香港人必須正視關節的痛楚及關節炎徵兆,瞭解關節是伴隨一生的重要肢體。 hkupop.hku.hk | Dr. Henry Ho, Orthopaedic Specialist at Healthgate Medical Group commented, "Considering joint pain is a major symptom of arthritis, it appears that Hong Kong working class is facing a high risk of arthritis. hkupop.hku.hk |
解放刚果人民阵线骨干正在积 极重组对 2009 年 3 月与全国保卫人民大会和刚果爱国抵抗联盟签署的和平协议的方向以及金沙萨 [...] 和基加利之间区域和解表示不满的政治和军事行为者。 daccess-ods.un.org | FPLC cadres are active in regrouping [...] political and military actors disgruntled with the direction of the peace agreement [...]signed with the Congrès national pour la défense du peuple (CNDP) and PARECO in March 2009, as well as with the regional rapprochement between Kinshasa and Kigali. daccess-ods.un.org |
灰白色,卵圆形的小坚果,3.5-4毫米,果皮公司,发亮; 从雌蕊基到整个肋骨正面粘 在一起,不容易分开; 膨大的花盘在基部,在低处与几不发育分别。 flora.ac.cn | Nutlets gray-white, ovoid, 3.5-4 mm, pericarp [...] firm, shiny; adaxially coherent to gynobase by entire rib, not easily separated; [...]disc expanded at [...]base, lower part with a few rudimentary glochids. flora.ac.cn |