

单词 正面的

See also:

正面 n

front n
open n


right side
obverse side

正面 adv

positively adv

External sources (not reviewed)

我們提出這種市況好轉的可能性已有好一段時間 ,現在 終於對業績帶正面的影響 ,實在令人鼓舞 ,惟未來亦存在不明朗因素 。
We have been signalling the possibility of such an improvement for some time and it is encouraging that it may now be making a positive impact to the bottom line.
本校提供學 生一個清潔、安全正面的學校 環境,促進學生追求學業卓越和承擔社會責任,因而贏得嘉獎。
It is an award winning school that provides a clean, safe, and positive school environment that fosters academic excellence and social responsibilities.
对女孩教育权利和家庭成员中的平等认识不足,以及对少女的健康风险 认识不足;在性别作用方面,社区长者、地方教师和政治领导人缺 正面的领 导 ;在全国学校课程中,没有有关妇女权利和性别平等的教育,而却存在在学校 里进行强迫的怀孕测试或其他加强性别规范的政策;直接歧视妇女与女孩或者对 [...]
她们有极大不利影响的国家立法;造成早婚和怀孕的经济压力;或上述各项综 合。
For example, if gender norms reinforce early pregnancy, there may be lack of awareness of girls’ rights to education and equality among family members and of the health risks of
pregnancy for young
[...] adolescents; lack of positive leadership by community elders, local teachers and political leaders regarding gender [...]
roles; lack of education
regarding women’s rights and gender equality in national school curricula, coupled with forced pregnancy testing in schools or other policies that reinforce gender norms; national legislation that directly discriminates against women and girls or has a disproportionate adverse impact on them; economic pressures that contribute to early marriage and pregnancy; or a combination of the above.
這類評估活動,能讓學生循序漸進, 逐步訂定個人可遞增的學習目標,並調適自己的步伐,為學習帶 正面的 影響
Assessment practices of this kind allow students to set their own incremental targets and manage their own pace of learning, which will have a positive impact on their commitment to learning.
候選人的姓名和其他宣傳口號,包括相片,應置於 函件的背面或函件正面左半部,地址則置於函 正面的 右半 部。
The name of the candidate and other propaganda slogans, including photographs, should appear on the back of the item or on the left-hand half of the address side reserving the right-hand half of the front exclusively for the address.
我要报告自撰写秘书长报告(S/2009/1)以来发 生的各种情况,其中包正面的和负 面的情况。
First, let me report on developments, positive and negative, since the report of the
[...] Secretary-General (S/2009/1) was written.
我校的目標是令所有 孩子發正面的自尊 心,成為一名終身學習者,在人生各階段的個人和就業方面均能成功,和有 強烈個人和公民責任感。
Our school vision is that every child will develop positive self-esteem; be a life-long learner; achieve academic, personal and vocational success at all stages of life; and have a strong sense of personal and civic responsibility.
在这里,社会保障鼓励改善 工作组织和工作环境的措施可以对精神健康和紧张、
[...] 营养和健康、烟草使用以及对整个 NCD 水平等参数 产正面的影响
Here, social security measures to encourage improvements in work organization and the working environment can have a positive impact on a number
of parameters such as mental health and stress, nutrition and health, tobacco
[...] use, and therefore on overall NCD levels.
該署亦向 囚犯推廣文化活動,例如組織流行樂隊、舉辦徵文比賽、時 裝設計比賽及興趣班等,以發掘他們的才能,並幫助他們建正面的自我形象。
Cultural activities such as pop bands, essay writing competition, fashion design competition and hobby classes are promoted among prisoners to explore their talents and help them develop positive self-image.
在这方 面,一项重要正面的发展 是特别提到拉丁美洲国家积极参加与区域有关的渔业 管理区域组织; (f) 认为亟其重要的是,这些报告强调指出粮农组织关于港口国预防、阻止 和消除非法、未报告和无管制的捕捞活动措施具有法律约束力的《协定》,其中 为港口国通过有效措施确定最低标准,认为这一《协定》是 2006 年审查会议之 后最重大的一项成就之一。
(f) Consider it significant that the aforementioned reports highlight the binding FAO Agreement on Port State Measures to Prevent, Deter and Eliminate Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated Fishing, which establishes minimum standards for the adoption of effective port State measures, as one of the major achievements since the 2006 Review Conference.
除此以外,Decks4Schools为如大曼彻斯特区等穷困地区的年轻人,安排一些体验机会, 正面的 方 式 改变其生活。
In particular, Decks4Schools targets disadvantaged young people from some of the most deprived areas of
Greater Manchester and gives them an opportunity
[...] to experience something that could change [...]
their lives in a positive way.
由于改善健康可以改进人的认知和促使人们投资教育,而教育是经济增长的动 力,因此在考虑到它们同时产生的影响的情况下进行的分析表明,改善健康可以 产生重大正面的间接影响。
Because better health improves cognition and produces incentives to invest in education and education is a driver of economic growth, analyses that incorporate the simultaneous effect of both show that the indirect effect of improvements in health can be significant and positive.
对人权的影响并非都正面的,灾后恢复工 作有时受到所谓的“土地最佳使用原则”的指导,这 一原则忽视了贫困社区的权利,将他们驱逐出土地, 从而为商业和旅游设施让路,或以虚无的公共安全或 灾害风险缓解问题为掩护。
The implications for human rights were not all positive, as disaster recovery efforts were sometimes guided by the so-called principle of “optimal use of land”, which disregarded the rights of poor communities, evicting them to make way for business and tourism facilities or under the guise of groundless public safety or disaster risk mitigation concerns.
因此,除提供职业训练和就业支援予残疾人士外,我 们会继续采正面的鼓励 措施,例如嘉奖良好雇主、推广良好的做法及为雇主提 [...]
In this regard, apart from providing vocational training and employment support for persons with disabilities, we would
continue to adopt positive encouragement
[...] measures, such as giving recognition to [...]
good employers, sharing of good practices
and providing incentive and assistance to employers etc. to enhance the job opportunities of persons with disabilities.
在该政策指令中,美国确认,该国致力于制定“一个积极 正面的 发 展 议 程,并配之以相称的资源,以加强我们需要其帮助制止冲突和打击全球犯罪网络 的区域合作伙伴;建立一个稳定、包容、具有新的繁荣前景的全球经济;推进民 主和人权”。
In that policy directive, the United States recognized the country’s commitment to “an aggressive and affirmative development agenda and commensurate resources, [to] strengthen the regional partners we need to help us stop conflict and counter global criminal networks; build a stable, inclusive global economy with new sources of prosperity; [and] advance democracy and human rights”.
除本章程細則另有規定者外,本公司向任何股東發出的任何通知或文件及董 事會向任何股東發出的任何通知,均可以專人遞送或預付郵資郵件寄至有關
[...] 許的情況下以電子方式將其傳送至股東向本公司提供的任何電子號碼或電子 地址或網站或刊登於本公司網站上,惟股東已事先向本公司發出明確 正面 的書面 確認以電子形式或(如為通知)以在報章上刊登廣告的方式收取或以 其他形式獲提供本公司將向其發出或刊發的通知及文件。
209 Except as otherwise provided in these Articles, any notice or document may be served by the Company and any notices may be served by the Board on any member either personally or by sending it through the post in a prepaid letter addressed to such member at his registered address as appearing in the register or, to the extent permitted by the Listing Rules and all applicable laws and regulations, by electronic means by transmitting it to any electronic number or address or website supplied by the member to the Company or by
placing it on the
[...] Company's Website provided that the Company has obtained the member's prior express positive confirmation in writing to receive [...]
or otherwise have
made available to him notices and documents to be given or issued to him by the Company by such electronic means, or (in the case of notice) by advertisement published in the newspapers.
正面的例子 是,现在全球许多城市都正在草拟或通过人权宪章,形成一个以 在城市级地方政府对经社文权利负责的新形式的国际都市网络。56 类似的改革需要在所有的地方和区域层面进行,以保证对国际人权规范和价值的透明 度和负责任,并且为听取申诉和提供救济提供更不那么正式的、更以社区为本的方法。
One positive example is that a number of cities around the world are now drafting and adopting human rights charters, establishing a cosmopolitan framework for new forms of local accountability to ESC rights at the municipal level.56 Similar reforms are needed at all levels of local and regional decision-making, to ensure transparency and accountability to the norms and values of international human rights and to provide less formal and more community-based methods for hearing complaints and providing remedies.
承认儿童的 特殊需要而允的正面歧视 ,其目的是纠正实有对儿童的不平等或受虐待的情 况。
Positive discrimination is therefore admissible with the purpose of correcting existent inequalities [...]
or abusive situations,
thus recognizing children’s particular needs.
巴哈 马是加勒比海的一个 小国,也是不结盟国 家集团 的成员,与古 巴关系 友好, 因缺 乏资源等原因正面临着严峻的经济形势 。
The Bahamas, a small country of the Caribbean and a member of the non aligned group,
enjoys friendly relations with
[...] Cuba, and is facing a serious economic situation because of, inter alia, [...]
lack of resources.
[...] 为大众媒体产品设置“容忍标 准”,包括在犯罪报告中不得提及族裔背景的禁令、在联邦媒体中在报道俄罗斯 联邦各民族时强制性面新闻 报道的定额以及在为儿童制作电影广播时塑造俄 罗斯联邦各民的正面形象 ;(b) 在高等教育机构中设置族裔间研究;(c) 由 各民族代表在一般性教育机构中开设关于其民族文化、传统和习俗的综合课程; [...]
(d) 提高年轻人对于俄罗斯社会民族多样性的认识。
The Government provided information about its plans to work in the following areas: (a) setting “tolerance standards” for popular media productions, including a ban on mentioning ethnic backgrounds in crime reporting, a
mandatory quota for broadcasts of positive news accounts featuring the peoples of the Russian Federation in the federal media, and producing films and broadcasts for children casting the various peoples of the Russian Federation
[...] in positive roles; (b) establishing inter-ethnic studies in higher educational institutions; (c) conducting comprehensive lessons on the [...]
culture, traditions and
customs of various ethnic groups by members of those groups in general educational establishments; and (d) raising awareness among the young about the ethnic diversity of Russian society.
将多面的正规与 非正规教育包含在内的更为全面的人权教育方针,在很 多层面上都是必不可少的。
A more systematic approach to human rights education encompassing
[...] the diverse aspects of formal and non-formal [...]
education and training is necessary at the different levels.
委员会鼓励缔约国采取有效措施,特别是与传统酋长进行对话,以加强对男女平 等的认识,提高妇的正面形象并打破对妇女的成见。
The Committee encourages the State party to implement effective measures, in particular by pursuing the dialogue with traditional chiefs, on strengthening understanding of the equality between women and men, and to enhance a positive and non-stereotypical portrayal of women.
在《綜合諮詢文件》內,我們建議對《主板規則》第 2.07A(2)條(及《創業板規則》的相應條文)作出修訂,使有關條文清晰表 明,有關明確正面確認的規定 同時適用於使用電子形式(如以電郵方式傳 送公司通訊予股東)及使用電子格式取代印刷本(如以光碟形式發送公司通 訊給股東)。
In the CCP, we proposed an amendment to Main Board Rule 2.07A(2) (and its GEM Rule equivalent) to make clear that the requirement for express, positive confirmation applied both to the use of electronic means (e.g. emailing a corporate communication to a shareholder) and the use of an electronic format in place of the printed version (e.g. sending a corporate communication to a shareholder on a CD).
这些正的目的是多方面的:(a ) 简化一些 规则,并确保它们更好地转化黎巴嫩问题特别法庭规约有关规定的文字和精神; [...]
(b) 确保经修正的规则与其他有关规则的一致性;(c) 尽可能鼓励各国和各组织 与黎巴嫩问题特别法庭的合作,以及对敏感信息源的使用;(d)
满足进行中的调 查的业务需要;及(e) 在调查阶段保护信息机密,以有效进行调查并保护人员。
The objectives of the amendments were manifold: (a) to streamline [...]
certain rules and ensure that they better translated the
letter and spirit of the relevant provisions of the statute; (b) to ensure that the amended rules were consistent with other relevant rules; (c) to encourage, to the extent possible, cooperation with the Tribunal on the part of States and organizations, as well as the use of sources of sensitive information; (d) to meet the operational needs of the ongoing investigation; and (e) to protect the confidentiality of information during the investigative stage in order to ensure the effective conduct of the investigation and the protection of all relevant persons.
[...] 的文化和生活。總而言之,我們竭盡所能,為學生及其家人提供支援,營 正面 、 充 滿教 的學 習 環境,以滿足他們持續不斷和不斷改變的需要。
We do whatever is necessary to support the ongoing and changing [...]
needs of the students and families within a positive, nurturing, and academic environment.
(c) 继续促进和教育家长、监护人和从事与儿童相关事务和儿童事务的专 业人员认识对体罚的危害效应,以期扭转看待体罚做 的 公 众 态度,推 正面、 非暴力、参与的抚育和管教儿童形式,以取代体罚。
(c) Continue to sensitize and educate parents, guardians and professionals working with and for children on the harmful effects of corporal
punishment with a view to changing the general attitude towards this
[...] practice, and promote positive, non-violent, participatory forms of child-rearing and discipline [...]
as an alternative to corporal punishment.
在战场上建立博物馆、竖立纪念碑、举办展览及确保维护和保养与伟大的卫 国战争(第二次世界大战)的历史事件有关的特定区域时,不应以培养对纳粹主义 意识形的正面态度 和以美化纳粹罪犯及其帮凶为目的。
Establishing museums, erecting memorials on battlefields, organizing exhibitions and ensuring the maintenance and upkeep of specific areas associated with the historical events of the Great Patriotic War (Second World War) shall not be aimed at cultivating a positive attitude towards the ideology of Nazism and at glorifying Nazi criminals and their accomplices.
目前需要同时努力使经济增长与矿物开采活动脱钩,在生产国增加矿业对经的正面影响 ,并尽量减少在社会和环境方面对受害社区的不良影响,还必须朝 着四个大方向采取积极的政府行动。
Simultaneous efforts to decouple economic growth from mineral extraction, increase the positive economic impacts of mining in producing countries, and minimize the negative social and environmental impacts on affected communities are needed and have to rely on aggressive government actions in four broad directions.
(a) 促进基于社会与人权的做法,承认环境中存在不利的因素以及由社会 制造的态度障碍,承认所有残疾儿童都是其权利的主人,开展针对政府、公众和
[...] 家庭的提高认识的运动,树立残疾儿童与成年 的正面 形 象 ,以及他们作为社会 积极参与者与贡献者的作用
(a) To promote the social and human rights based approach which acknowledges that the disabling factors reside in the environmental and attitudinal barriers created by society, and that all children with disabilities are subjects of their own rights, and undertake awareness-raising campaigns aimed at the government, public and families to promote the
positive image of children and adults with
[...] disabilities and their role as active participants [...]
and contributors to society
虽然全球的正面影响 在若干 国家以经济飞速增长的形式得到收获,但 也引起了一系列具有挑战性的问题,其中 [...]
包括金融冲击的迅速传递、跨国犯罪和贩 毒、日益动荡不定的国际金融和产品市 场、粮食和能源安全问题、气候变化、移 民和日益扩大的收入和社会不公平等。
While in a number of countries, the positive impacts of globalization [...]
have been reaped in the form of rapid economic growth,
globalization has also given rise to a range of challenging issues including rapid transmission of financial shocks, international crime and drug trafficking, increasingly volatile and turbulent international financial and product markets, issues of food and energy security, climate change, migration and a widening of income and social inequalities.




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