

单词 正要



hit the nail on the head [idiom.]

External sources (not reviewed)

该法案还 载有一项最后的法律正,要求新 西兰批准《儿童权利公约第二任择议定书》。
The bill also contained the last legislative amendment required for New Zealand to ratify the Second Optional Protocol to the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
[...] 他国家,而只需说明它将如何对该国控制下的巴勒 斯坦和阿拉伯人民的正要求做 出回应。
Israel had no right to talk about other countries, but simply about how to
[...] respond to the just demands of the [...]
Palestinian and Arab peoples under its control.
3.4 Gapirjanova
[...] 女士称,对她儿子的审判不符合《公约》第十四条第1 款意义 内的正要求, 对他的判刑也没有根据。
3.4 Ms. Gapirjanova contends that her son’s trial did not meet the
[...] requirements of fairness within the meaning [...]
of article 14, paragraph 1, of the Covenant,
and his sentence was unfounded.
[...] 顧實情地提供虛假或具誤導性的資訊,目的是為了令資料使用 者依從其正要求, 便須處以刑事罰則。
In this regard, the Administration considers that criminal penalty would become necessary if the data subject knowingly or
recklessly supplies false or misleading information for the purpose of making the data user
[...] comply with the correction request.
与会者还呼吁教科文组织在涉及阿拉伯地区人员配备,特别是高级职位方 要 公 正, 要符合 教科文组织的有关标准和国家名额的要求。
The participants also made a plea for justice in UNESCO staffing with respect to the Arab region, especially with regard to high-level posts, in accordance with UNESCO standards and the country quotas.
[...] 和平行动,注重关键领域如规划、部署、决策及监督 进程,使维持和平行动能够在现 正要 求 部 署的复杂 环境中取得成功。
NAM believes that the United Nations must better manage its peacekeeping operations, focusing on key areas such as the planning, deployment, decisionmaking and monitoring processes,
which will allow peacekeeping operations to succeed in the complex environment in
[...] which they are being asked to deploy.
在这些市场,消费者在食品新鲜度、多样化、方便程度以及安 全方正要求有 更高的标准,包括质量保证,例如可追溯性、包装要求和加工控 制。
In these markets, consumers are requesting higher standards in terms of food freshness, diversity, convenience and safety, including quality assurances such as traceability, packing requirements and processing controls.
[...] 的另一种情形是,由于对最初招标文件的澄清和修改,采购标的发生了很大变 动,最初的文件不再能使潜在供应商或承包商清楚地了解采购实体的 正要 求。
A “material change” is also highly likely to arise when, as a result of clarifications and modifications of the original solicitation documents, the subject-matter of the procurement has changed so significantly that the original
documents no longer put prospective suppliers or
[...] contractors fairly on notice of the true requirements of [...]
the procuring entity.
其他三个国家要么有着根据第 31/48 号决定制定的制冷剂管理计划 (几内亚比绍),要么与执行委员会订有实现履约的消耗臭氧层物质淘汰协定(波斯尼亚 和黑塞哥维那),要么有着针对非低消费量国家的制冷剂管理计划, 正要 求 对 基准进行 修改,以便能够履约(也门)。
The other three countries either have an RMP pursuant to Decision 31/48 (Guinea Bissau), an ODS phase-out agreement with the Executive Committee to achieve compliance (Bosnia and Herzegovina), or an RMP for a non-LVC that is requesting a change in baseline to enable compliance (Yemen).
現時服務混亂,我覺得是歷史性問題,如果政 要正 視 和處 理,相信要㆒段時間。
If the Government is thinking to address and handle this matter seriously, I believe it will take some time to achieve this end.
对于安装不正确、维修使用不当或操作条件不正常 引起的故障,维修要正常收费。
We should charge customers normally for maintenance service due to improper installation, operation and maintenance.
网络和机构等等 社会资产越来越要,正在成 为确定一个国家或社群独特性的主要因素。
Social assets such as networks and institutions had become increasingly important and were becoming the prime factor defining the uniqueness of a country or community.
安理会关于保护平民的第 1674(2006)号和第 1894(2009)号决议指出,如果一 个深陷冲突的社会或正从冲突中恢复的社 要正 视 过去的违法行为,并防止其再次 发生,则必须结束有罪不罚现象,而且各国有责任履行其义务,调查和起诉涉嫌犯 有战争罪、危害人类罪、灭绝种族罪或其他严重违反国际人道主义法的人员。
Security Council resolutions 1674 (2006) and 1894 (2009) on the protection of civilians state that ending impunity is essential if a society in conflict or recovering from conflict is to come to terms with past violations and prevent their recurrence, and that it is the responsibility of States to comply with their obligations to investigate and prosecute persons suspected of war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide or other serious violations of international humanitarian law.
但是,假若 我們要正式授權,僅僅是為了防備萬一在未來某時需要它,我們可能就是在沒有充 [...]
But if we simply want formal authority just [...]
in case we need it at some time in the future, we may be seeking to take away
the autonomy and valued status of our family member without good reason.
他提及安全理事会关于武装冲突中保护平民的第 1674(2006) 和 1894(2009)号决议,其中强调指出,如果一个深陷冲突的社会或正从冲突中恢 复的社要正视过 去的违法行为,防止其再次发生,就应该结束有罪不罚现象。
He referred to Security Council resolutions 1674 (2006) and 1894 (2009) on the protection of civilians in armed conflict, which underline that ending impunity is essential if a society in conflict or recovering from conflict is to come to terms with past violations and prevent their recurrence.
秘书处着重指出,南南贸易有潜力进一步自由化,对中间投入 征收的关税有可能降低,要正确处 理非关税措施,需要一个健全的商业环境和 [...]
有效的政府,以营造有利的环境以提高本国公司对全球网络的吸引力,需要开发 人力资本,还强调了运输和贸易便利化与全球供应链的相关性。
The secretariat highlighted the potential for the further liberalization of South–South trade and the
reduction of tariffs on intermediate
[...] inputs, the need to properly address non-tariff [...]
measures, the need for a sound business
environment and an effective government to establish the enabling environment to make domestic firms more attractive to global networks, the necessity for human capital development, and the relevance of transport and trade facilitation to GSCs.
深信,冲突中社会或冲突后正在恢复的社 要正 视 身陷武装冲突的平民以往 遭受虐待的问题并在今后防止这种虐待,就必须消除有罪不罚现象
Convinced that ending impunity is essential if a society in conflict or recovering from conflict is to come to terms with past abuses committed against civilians affected by armed conflict and to prevent such abuses in the future
我们强调生活在武装冲突局势中和外国占领下的人民 要正常 运 转的公共卫生制度,其中包括获得保健和服务。
We underline the need of people living in situations of armed conflict and foreign occupation for a functioning public-health system, including access to health care and services.
倘該等 公司細則中關於股東大會的所有規定作出必要修訂,亦適用於各個另行召開的股東大 會,惟所需的法定人數為不少於兩名人士或由受委代表(或倘股東為法團,則作為有
[...] [...] 關法團的正式授權代表)持有該類別已發行股份面值至少三分之一,及於續會上,不 少於兩名人士或由受委代表(或倘股東為法團,則作為有關法團的正式授權代表)持 有該類別股份及該類別股份的任何持有人親身或由受委代表出席者(或倘股東為法 團,則作為有關法團正式授 權代表)均有 要 求 投 票表決。
To every such separate general meeting the provisions of these Bye-laws relating to general meetings shall mutatis mutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) at least one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of that class, and at an adjourned meeting not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) shares of that class, and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by
proxy (or, in the case
[...] of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) may demand a poll.
我们注意到,尽管财务审计处(DCO)和预算局(BB)作了努力, 要正 确 地 确定有 效的未清偿承付款仍然存在一些困难。
We noted that despite the efforts made by DCO and Bureau of the Budget (BB), there are still problems with the proper identification of valid ULOs.
有效管理固体废物、有害废物和污水对可持续发展至关 要 , 正如 2 1 世纪 议程所述:“废料的无害环境的管理是主要关切的一个环境问题,它关系到维持地 球环境的质量,尤其是实现所有国家的可持续的和无害环境的发展”(第 21.1 段)。
Effective management of solid waste, hazardous waste and sewage is essential to sustainable development, as mentioned in Agenda 21: “environmentally sound management of wastes was among the environmental issues of major concern in maintaining the quality of the Earth’s environment and especially in achieving environmentally sound and sustainable development in all countries” (para. 21.1).
对于软管卷盘要正 确操作,这些零配件必须正常对齐。
For the hose reel to operate correctly, these parts must be aligned correctly.
[...] LDC(线路压降补偿),必须计算出以电压互感器二次侧为基准的电阻电压降 和电抗电压降(单位为 V),并且要正确设 置现有的测量回路。
To set the LDC correctly requires calculation of the ohmic and inductive voltage drops,
related to the secondary side of the voltage
[...] transformer in V. Correct set-ting of the [...]
existing measuring circuit is also necessary.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该正在筹 备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,要目 的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息系统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理系统的标准,将成为地区和州两个层面系统和可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a needs assessment of landmine and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.
正在进行采购,寻找一个要承包 商负责土地核证无雷,和一个排雷方案办公室提供质量控制和保证及社区建立信 任措施。
Procurement processes are now under way for a main contractor to undertake this land release and a Demining Programme Office to provide quality control and assurance, and community confidence building measures.
巴基斯坦建议德国:(a) 承认《公民权利和政治 权利国际公约》完全 适用于国内外在其管辖之下的每一个人;(b) 在反恐措施方面充分遵守各项国际人 权文书的规 定,包括《公 民权利 和政治 权 利 国 际公约》 和 《 禁 止 酷刑公约》 的 规 定;(c) 废除侵犯个人隐私 权的任何 法规 ,如对私人 住宅 的 摄像监视; (d) 确保其 境 内的所 有人,不论其法律地 位如何
,都能 充 分享有 基 本 保健、受教育和法律诉 讼权利; (e) 采取具体行动,取消就业和社会融合方面的基 于宗教的歧视性做法; (f)
[...] 对种族主义问题特别报告员的建议给予特别注意,他曾警告 要正 确 对 待仇外 思想,以避免产生右翼极端主义。
Pakistan recommended that Germany: a) acknowledge the full applicability of ICCPR to persons subject to its jurisdiction both at home and abroad; b) in the context of counter terrorism measures fully respect the provisions of international human rights instruments including ICCPR and CAT; c) repeal any legislation that infringe upon individuals’ right to privacy such as the video surveillance of private homes; d) ensure full access to primary health care, education and judicial recourse to all persons present on its territory irrespective of their legal status; e) take concrete actions to deal with the discriminatory practices on the grounds of religion in access to employment and social integration; and f) pay special attention to the recommendations of the
Special Rapporteur on racism who cautioned that xenophobia
[...] needs to be addressed squarely to avoid right-wing [...]
要正确的 解释没有确定下来,有条件的解释性声明就仍然未确定,并 且无法确定它是否关于一解释性声明的允许性的规则或者应该对它适用的关于一 [...]
So long as the correct interpretation has [...]
not been established, the conditional interpretative declaration remains undetermined
and it is impossible to determine whether it is the rules on the permissibility of an interpretative declaration or those on the permissibility of a reservation that should be applied to it.
小组委员会满意地注意到,全面、协调和持续的地球观测系统对于人类的 利益至关要,正在作 出重大努力,以建设发展中国家利用地球观测提高生活 [...]
The Subcommittee noted with satisfaction that comprehensive, coordinated and sustained Earth observation systems were essential for
the benefit of humankind and that
[...] significant efforts were being made to build the [...]
capacity of developing countries in using
Earth observations to improve quality of life and advance their socio-economic development.




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