

单词 正统

正统 noun ()

formal education n

正正 adverb ()

exactly adv


非正统 adj

unorthodox adj

External sources (not reviewed)

乌兹 别克斯坦的伊斯兰教,正如在整个中亚的伊斯兰教一样,融合 正统 的 伊斯兰教 派、苏菲神秘主义派和伊斯兰教传入之前的宗教。
Typical of Islam in Uzbekistan, and indeed throughout Central Asia, is the merging of orthodox Islam and Islamic mysticism, or Sufism, as well as the presence of some pre-Islamic beliefs.
作品《安息日2008》以纪录片的手法,记录了在安息日前夜,耶路撒冷及周边的极 正统 犹 太 社区被封闭的事件。
The work “Sabbath 2008” documents the closing
[...] down of the ultra-orthodox neighborhoods [...]
in and around Jerusalem on the eve of the Sabbath.
如以色列上次报告详述的,就妇女的劳动就业而言,需要对两类人实施特 别方案和措施――极正统东正教犹 太妇女和阿拉伯妇女,因为宗教文化方面的 [...]
As detailed in Israel’s previous report, with regard to
female participation in the labor force, two
[...] groups — Ultra Orthodox Jewish women and [...]
Arab women — require special programs
and measures, due to the religious-cultural factors affecting their potential entry into the labor market.
一、1924 年 8 月 25 日在布鲁塞尔签署的《统一提单若干法律规则国际公约》、 1968 年 2 月 23 日签署的正《统一提 单若干法律规则国际公约》的议定书、或 1979 年 12 月 21 日在布鲁塞尔签署的修正经由 1968 年 2 月 23 日修正议定书正 的《统一提 单若干法律规则国际公约》的议定书的缔约国,应在批准、接受、核 准或加入本公约的同时,通过向比利时政府提供相应的通知,退出已是其缔约国 的该公约及其议定书,同时声明退约自本公约对该国生效之日起生效。
A State that ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Convention and is a party
to the International
[...] Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading signed at Brussels on 25 August 1924, to the Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading, signed at Brussels on 23 February 1968, or to the Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules [...]
of Law relating to Bills
of Lading as Modified by the Amending Protocol of 23 February 1968, signed at Brussels on 21 December 1979, shall at the same time denounce that Convention and the protocol or protocols thereto to which it is a party by notifying the Government of Belgium to that effect, with a declaration that the denunciation is to take effect as from the date when this Convention enters into force in respect of that State.
委员会建议缔约国尤其要把努力重点放在 下列群体上:阿拉伯裔以色列人、极 正统 犹 太教家庭以及老人、残疾人和寻求 避难者等处境不利和边缘化的群体。
The Committee recommends that the State party focus its
efforts in particular on the Arab Israeli
[...] population, Ultra-Orthodox Jewish families [...]
and disadvantaged and marginalized groups
such as older persons, persons with disabilities and asylum-seekers.
按 照流行正统经济 理论,一般经验法则是无论经济条件、经济扩张速度、公共 [...]
开支需要和社会保障程度如何,各国政府都应将财政赤字控制在国内生产总值 3 %以内。
Under the
[...] prevailing economic orthodoxy, the general [...]
rule of thumb has been that the fiscal deficit should be brought down
to about 3 per cent of GDP for all countries regardless of their economic conditions, their rate of economic expansion, their need for public expenditure or their coverage of social protection.
作品的核心是文革时期我在港的家人与广州的联系,频繁的邮政,年终用扁担挑回乡的物资,还有香港的邮政安排,展开文革港粤间的另类经济历史,「补充」只讲大发展 正统 经 济 论。
Together with various changes in the postal service arrangements between Hong Kong and China, I am writing an alternative economic history, in the spirit of Fernand Braudel, based on the changing costs of purchasing and mailing daily necessities.
技术进步和创新的汽车电子统正在 不 断提升传统内燃汽车和新型混合动力汽车的整体效率。
Technology advances and innovative
[...] automotive electronic systems are driving up [...]
overall vehicle efficiency in both internal
combustion and hybrid vehicles.
统 正在运 行时,如果收到优美的电源控制功能请求时,在被控制系统监视器内弹出一个窗口, 并开始向下计数。
When the OS running on the managed system receives a graceful power control request, it will generate a pop-up window on the managed system’s monitor and start a count down.
影响健康的周围环境因素的监测和信息 统 , 正 在 实 行现代化。
The monitoring and
[...] information system of ambient environmental factors affecting health is being modernised.
其中包括启动数据库;在维也纳实施最先进的会议管理 统(正 在纽 约进行该系统的平行测试,以期 2010 年年底前正式启用);在所有四个工作 地点全面实施口译派任方案;确立一项“就近规则”,用于为不在这四个工作地 点召开的会议提供会议服务,根据这项规则,将对使用来自不同工作地点的工作 人员所需费用进行比较,以在考虑到重置成本、现有能力和质量保证的基础上, 达成费用最低的安排。
These include the launch of the data warehouse; the introduction in Vienna of a state-of-the-art meetings management system (parallel testing of this system is under way in New York with a view to its full introduction before the end of 2010); the full implementation across all four duty stations of the interpreters’ assignment programme; and the establishment of a “proximity rule” for the servicing of meetings held away from the four duty stations, pursuant to which the costs of using staff from different duty stations would be compared and the least costly arrangement assembled, taking into consideration replacement costs, available capacity and quality assurance.
太阳能采暖统正逐渐 成为获取热能的常用手段,这意味着高质量的稳压罐正在成为一种必需品。
Solar heating systems are becoming [...]
an increasingly common means of power generation and this means that high-quality pressure
maintenance vessels are becoming a necessity.
预期成果 1:在非洲、阿拉伯国家、亚洲和太平洋以及拉丁美洲和加勒比,统计所向选定的 重点国家提供了技术援助,目的是提高关键指标的质量和区域覆盖程度;统计所继续完善自
[...] 身的数据处理工具和信息共享工具,同时落实内部质量监测 统 ; 正 在 开展工作将数据中心 并入新近改版的网站,以更易于外部用户了解和获取统计所的数据。
Expected result 1: UIS provided technical assistance to selected priority countries in Africa, the Arab States, Asia and the Pacific and Latin America and the Caribbean, aimed at increasing quality and coverage of regional averages for key indicators; UIS is continuing to refine its data processing tools and information sharing tools as well as
implement the internal quality monitoring
[...] system; work on making UIS data more visible [...]
and available for external users is also
under way with integrating the Data Centre into a newly redesigned website.
联合国统正在支 持这次大会的筹备工作,其途径是通过各种互补的机构间机制,确保会 员国规定的任务得到最大限度的支持。
The United Nations system is supporting the preparations for the Conference through various complementary inter-agency mechanisms to ensure maximum support to the mandates given by Member States.
正如《2002—2007 年中期战略》(31 C/4)中指出的那样,本组织在其所有计划中将
[...] [...] 重点放在了最不发达国家的需要和要求上,尤其是“以弱势群体(妇女和青年)为对象,并 确定有利于他们的具体行动;传播可替代 统正 规 教 育之解决办法的成功例子并依样去做; 鼓励使用科学和技术来改善最不发达国家的物质生活条件;利用文化作为同贫困现象作斗争 [...] [...]
的杠杆(促进艺术创作、发展文化产业知识产权);促进最不发达国家开发和利用各种信息 和传播技术”。
As stated in its Medium-Term Strategy for 2002-2007 (31 C/4) the Organization is firmly committed to mainstreaming throughout all its programmes the needs and requirements of the LDCs, in particular by “targeting the most disadvantaged groups (women and youth) and identifying specific actions for them; spreading and
replicating successful examples of
[...] alternatives to traditional formal education; encouraging [...]
the use of science and technology
in order to improve material living conditions in the LDCs; using culture as a political lever for poverty alleviation (promoting artistic creation, developing cultural industries and intellectual property rights); and fostering the development of LDCs and their access to ICTs”.
(b) 采取步骤,改善少年司法系统,包括在各省设立未成年人法院,并确 保为该统正常运 转划拨充足的人力和资金资源
(b) Take steps to improve the system of juvenile justice, including through the establishment of courts for minors in the
different provinces, and ensure that the system has adequate human and financial
[...] resources in order to function properly
同时,全新域名审核统正式投入使用,通过集成身份证验证功能、完善数据备份机制、多样的数据调 [...]
Meanwhile, a brand new domain name
[...] auditing system was officially put into operation [...]
to provide a stable and high-efficient
platform system for registrant ID and domain name online auditing by integrating ID verification function, improvement of data backup mechanism and diversified data access methods, considerable reminder function and other user-friendly and convenient design.
如果要想统正确安全地 运行,维护是绝对必要的。
Maintenance is absolutely
[...] essential if the systems are to operate correctly and safely.
中国是一个飞速步入城市化的国家,不仅有一些大都市,也有大量中小城市,以及郊 区。新的供水统正在许 多地区建设,但是,也有许多地区供水系统承受着极度的压 力,这些地区管网老化,管径过小,水资源有限。
This has advantages in that new water supply systems are being built in many areas, but also there are many places where existing supply systems are being put under extreme pressure and where pipes are old or small and water resources limited.
(d) 4 月 14
[...] 日,萨拉赫丁·拉巴尼(遭刺杀的高级和平委员会前主席布尔汉 努丁·拉巴尼的儿子)被卡尔扎伊 统正 式 任 命为该委员会的新任主席。
(d) On 14 April, Salhuddin Rabbani (son of the previous, assassinated Chair of
the High Peace Council,
[...] Burhanuddin Rabbani) was formally appointed as the [...]
new Chair of the Council by President Karzai.
塔 吉克斯坦还报告说,该正在筹备对受地雷影响地区的地雷和其他战争遗留爆炸 物受害者进行一次需求评估,主要目的是为了建立一个有效的受害者信息 统, 该系统符合排雷行动信息管理统的 标准,将成为地区和州两个层面 统 和 可靠 的机制。
In addition, Tajikistan reported that it is preparing to conduct a
needs assessment of landmine
[...] and other ERW victims in mine affected districts with the main goal being to establish a functional victim information system (VIS), which would comply with the Information Management System for Mine Action (IMSMA) standards and become a systematic and reliable mechanism at the district and oblast level.
我们大力提醒安理会,马尔泰利 统正 式 确定的 优先事项是建设海地国家警察以及落实其行动层面 [...]
We strongly remind the Council that the priority to which
[...] President Martelly has formally subscribed is [...]
the development of the Haitian National Police
and the implementation of all its operational components.
不同模式有不同优缺点,联合国 统正 在 研 究哪个最 合适。
Various models had different advantages and disadvantages and the United
[...] Nations system was learning which modalities [...]
were most suitable.
通行证发放统正在升 级,以加强防伪标识,包括重 新设计证本,采用最新的生物芯片安全安保技术,以确保证件防伪并符合国际民 用航空组织的标准。
The system for issuing laissez-passers is being upgraded to enhance [...]
its security features, including the redesign of the
booklets to include the most current safety and security features such as biochip technology to ensure document integrity and compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization standards.
然后排出水管中的水,让含氯的水(最高 浓度为2mg/L)流出,接着就可以给供水 统正 常 充 水了。
Then drain the pipes, allowing the chlorinated water (2 mg/l maximum) to flow out and let the system fill
[...] with water from the normal supply.
缅甸的执行机构和立法机构之间的紧张关系日益加 剧,吴登盛统正尽力巩固自己的地位,昂山素季 也努力适应着自己的新角色,西方国家在实施了几 十年的隔离制裁政策后又重新与缅甸政府接触,这 些日益错综复杂的政治局势使得缅甸只能自上而下 地加强改革。
The reforms are being consolidated from the top down as the political landscape becomes more complex, with growing tensions between the executive and the legislature, President Thein Sein [...]
working to consolidate
his position, Aung San Suu Kyi growing into her new role, and Western governments re-engaging after decades of keeping their distance due to sanctions policies.
通过获取深入、全面的信息和洞察社交媒体生态 统正 在 发 生的事情,企业、商家、公共关系机构和传播业者能够做出更聪明的商业和战略决策,找到建立更牢固的关系、增强忠诚度和提高销售的新的和不同的方法。
By accessing in-depth, comprehensive information and gaining
insight about what is happening within the
[...] social media ecosystem, corporations, [...]
marketers, public relations agencies and
communication professionals can make smarter business and strategic decisions, and find new and different ways to build stronger relationships, enhance loyalty and increase sales.
卡尔扎伊统正是考 虑到这一点才邀请塔利班一起来讨论该国的前途,并任命一 个由阿富汗社会各界人士组成的和平高级委员会的成员,请他们领导作出民族和 解努力。
As a reflection of this, President Karzai has invited the Taliban to talk about the future of the country and appointed the members of the High Peace Council, drawn from all sectors of Afghan society to lead national reconciliation efforts.




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