

单词 正经

正经 ()

according standards

正正 adverb ()

exactly adv




正经八百 adj

sincere adj
serious adj


in deadly earnest

External sources (not reviewed)

他要求 指导如何处理利比亚阿拉伯民众国、阿拉伯叙利亚共和国、突尼斯和也门 正经 历 政 治困 难国家的氟氯烃淘汰管理计划制定问题。
He also sought guidance as to how to deal with HPMP development in countries experiencing political difficulties, such as the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, the Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia and Yemen.
尽管我们不时 地听到世界各地爆发暴力行为,我们或 正经 历 着 一场风暴来临之前的寂静,这 场风暴的破坏程度可能会为使我们不知所措。
In spite of the news of sporadic violent outbursts around the world, we are experiencing, perhaps, the calm before the storm, one whose devastation could overwhelm us.
菲律宾代表团指出,本区域许经济 体 正经 历 一 场人口结构变迁,其 中一些国家正在收获“人口红利”,而其他一些则面临着“人口税”问题。
The delegation of the Philippines
[...] noted that many economies of the region were undergoing a [...]
demographic transition, with some
countries reaping a ―demographic dividend‖ while others faced a ―demographic tax‖.
We are now
[...] facing a global economic meltdown.
这也意味着在民间社会对 不正经济政 策提出警告时,以及在提出替代性的地方和国家发展战略建议时, [...]
This also means taking heed both of civil-society
[...] warnings about unjust economic policies, and [...]
of proposals for alternative local and
national development strategies.
通用电气医疗保健目正经历从 Test for I-deas 迁移到使用 PULSE Reflex Core 和模态分析平台进行测试的过程。
GE Healthcare is currently in the process of migrating from Test for I-deas to the PULSE Reflex Core and Modal Analysis platform.
该委员会的工作人员告诉专家组,该机构 正经 历 内 部改革。
Officials at ARECA informed the Group that
[...] it was also undergoing a process of [...]
internal reform.
居住着几亿人的黑海区正经历着 社会经济、人口和地球 物理等方面的快速变化,若不能有效利用空间技术特别是地球观测,便无法研 究和跟踪这一区域的环境变化。
The environmental changes in the Black Sea region, which is home to hundreds of millions of inhabitants and subject to rapid changes in all of its socio-economic, demographic and geophysical parameters, is impossible to study and follow without the effective use of space technology, especially Earth observation.
[...] 承认在国家,包括新的民主国家 正经 历 民 主化的国 家定期举行公平、真正选举的重要性这些新内容,以 [...]
便赋予公民表达意愿的权力并促进成功过渡到可持 续的民主。
It included new elements recognizing the importance of fair,
[...] periodic, and genuine elections, including [...]
in new democracies and countries undergoing
democratization, in order to empower citizens to express their will and promote successful transition to sustainable democracies.
由于 家庭工作传统上是由女性家庭成员无偿操持的,因而许多雇主对这项他们着实认
[...] 为最多不过给一个房间、住所或一点感激的工作一 正经 地 支付工资持有保留看 法。
Because domestic work was traditionally performed by female family members for free, many employers feel
reticent to pay a serious salary for work they
[...] think should really cost no more [...]
than room, board and a measure of gratitude.
朝鲜民主主义 人民共和国是发展中国家正经历食 品、能源和金 融危机,面对许多经济、社会和发展问题,但是仍 [...]
旧努力加强与儿童基金会、世界粮食计划署和其他 组织的合作,并提交《儿童权利公约》的相关定期 报告。
The Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea was a developing country which, despite
[...] facing many economic, social and [...]
development problems in the current food, energy
and financial crisis, was making efforts to strengthen its cooperation with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the World Food Programme and other organizations and had submitted periodic reports under the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
索马里摩加迪沙,2012年11月13日 —— 十个月大的伊夫拉哈.穆罕默德.阿卜迪(Ifrah Mohamed Abdi)出生时,非正经历20多年来最为严重的饥荒,她家世代居住的村庄也未能幸免。
MOGADISHU, Somalia, 13 November 2012 – Ten-month-old Ifrah Mohamed Abdi was born as the first famine declared in more than 20 years in Africa held its grip on the village in which her family has lived for generations.
一、1924 年 8 月 25 日在布鲁塞尔签署的《统一提单若干法律规则国际公约》、 1968 年 2 月 23 日签署的修正《统一提单若干法律规则国际公约》的议定书、或 1979 年 12 月 21 日在布鲁塞尔签署的正经由 1 968 年 2 月 23 日修正议定书修正 的《统一提单若干法律规则国际公约》的议定书的缔约国,应在批准、接受、核 准或加入本公约的同时,通过向比利时政府提供相应的通知,退出已是其缔约国 的该公约及其议定书,同时声明退约自本公约对该国生效之日起生效。
A State that ratifies, accepts, approves or accedes to this Convention and is a party to the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading signed at Brussels on 25 August 1924, to the Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading, signed at Brussels on 23 February 1968, or to the Protocol to amend the International Convention for the Unification of certain Rules of Law relating to Bills of Lading as Modified by the Amending Protocol of 23 February 1968, signed at Brussels on 21 December 1979, shall at the same time denounce that Convention and the protocol or protocols thereto to which it is a party by notifying the Government of Belgium to that effect, with a declaration that the denunciation is to take effect as from the date when this Convention enters into force in respect of that State.
总体上食品领正经历结 构的调整,是收入增加、人口结构改变、新的生 活方式、全球化、贸易自由化和出现新的市场的结果。
The food sector in general is encountering a period of structural adjustment as a result of growing incomes, modifications in the population structure, new lifestyles, globalization, liberalization of trade and the emergence of new markets.
[...] 获得关于警察培训方案和课程方面的第一手资料,因为它们是网上广泛传播的视 频的主题,其中显示该市的警正经 受 不 人道和有辱人格的待遇,作为其“培训” 的一部分。
During the visit, the delegation held a meeting in Mexico City with authorities from the municipality of León, Guanajuato, in order to receive direct information about the police training programmes and courses that have been the subject of videos widely circulated on the Internet, in which police
officers from this
[...] municipality are shown being subjected to inhuman and degrading treatment as part of their [...]
2010年联合国审议大会(审议大会)鼓励所有国家成为RFB缔约方,因这些机 构依靠国家的合作38 。不过,尽管很支持区域机构,但明显的是多数 R F B 正经 历着 难以履行职权的问题,因没有提供合适框架、许多职权过时以及不能处理当前关 键渔业管理问题。
The 2010 United Nations Review Conference (the Review Conference) encouraged all States to become parties to RFBs, as these bodies rely upon State cooperation.38 However, despite this significant endorsement of regional
bodies, it is apparent
[...] that most RFBs are experiencing difficulties in fulfilling their mandates, and that many of these mandates are outdated [...]
as they do not provide
appropriate frameworks within which RFBs can address current critical fisheries management issues.
伊朗认为只有针 对最严重的罪行,经正当程 序,包括经高等法院复审之后,才可执行死刑。
Iran considered execution as permissible only for the most serious crimes and after due process, including review by the Supreme Court.
本报告在正 式印发之前经正式编辑整理。
The report
[...] is issued without formal editing.
硬 X 射线调制望远镜(HXMT)工程经正式 启 动,目的是研究黑洞的性质、 [...]
The Hard X-ray Modulated Telescope (HXMT)
[...] project has been formally started with [...]
the aim of studying the nature of the black
hole, the rules of physics under extreme conditions and other highly topical scientific issues.
另外,还声称,该公约对承认和执行外国仲裁裁决规 定了具体规则和要求,按照该规定,申请裁决这些行动的当事方在提出申请时 必须提供:(1)经正式认 证的裁决书原件 经正 式 证 明的裁决书副本;以及(2)当 事双方的协议原件,其中承诺彼此间因特定的法律关系(无论是否为合同关 系)就可通过仲裁加以解决的事项产生的或可能产生的所有或任何分歧,将提 交仲裁解决;经正式证 明的该协议副本。
Further, it argued that the Convention established specific rules and requirements relating to the recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitral awards, under which the party applying for such action was required to supply, at the time
of the application:
[...] (1) the duly authenticated original award or a duly certified copy thereof; and (2) the original agreement under which the parties undertook to submit to arbitration all or any differences that had arisen or that might arise between them in respect of a given legal relationship, whether contractual or not, concerning a matter capable of settlement by arbitration; or a duly certified copy [...]
b) 我们目前的生产和消费体系不可持续,正在造成资源的迅速枯竭、污染、生态 系统退化和气候变化的威胁,可能产生不可逆转的灾难性后果,其中一些经 正在发 生中,特别是对发展中国家的贫穷人群,正在造成其生活更加艰难
b) Our current systems of production and consumption are unsustainable and are causing rapid resource depletion, pollution, degradation of ecosystems and the threat of climate change, with potentially irreversible and disastrous consequences, some of which are already being witnessed and are causing further hardship, in particular to poor communities in developing countries
[...] 示关切的是,许多儿童仍然被迫在危险的条件下工作并因此辍学,特别是女童往 往经正式雇佣,从事艰苦和有辱人格的家政服务。
However, the Committee is concerned that many children are still forced to work in hazardous conditions and drop out of school for
that reason, and that especially girls are
[...] often employed informally in domestic work [...]
under very difficult and degrading conditions.
经过了正确培 训 的使用传统型空气雾化喷枪的操作员所采用的有效性喷漆技术在对传输效率的改进方面总是远远 优于一个使用 HVLP 或静电喷枪、且经正确喷 漆做法培训的操作员。
An operator using a conventional air
atomizing spray gun
[...] who has been properly trained and uses efficient painting techniques will be far more effective in improving transfer efficiency than an operator who uses an HVLP or electrostatic spray gun, but has not been trained in proper painting practices.
根据秘书长的公报 ST/SGB/2005/22 和 ST/SGB/2007/11,该办公 室的主要职权包括管理财务披露方案;根据本组织保护举报不当行为和 经正式 授 权的审计或调查提供合作的工作人员免遭报复的政策,履行交给道德操守办公 室的职责;与人力资源管理厅和其他适当的办公室协调,拟订道德操守问题上的 标准并开展培训和教育,开展道德操守外联;就道德操守问题(例如利益冲突), 向工作人员提供保密的咨询和指导,包括管理一个道德操守热线;支持道德标准 的制定和政策一致性。
Pursuant to Secretary-General’s bulletins ST/SGB/2005/22 and ST/SGB/2007/11, the main responsibilities of the Office include administering the financial disclosure programme; undertaking the responsibilities assigned to it under the Organization’s policy for the protection of staff against retaliation for reporting misconduct and for cooperating with duly authorized audits or investigations; developing standards, training and education on ethics issues, in coordination with the Office of Human Resources Management and other offices, as appropriate, and conducting ethics outreach; providing confidential advice and guidance to staff on ethical issues (e.g., conflicts of interest), including administering an ethics helpline; and supporting ethics standard-setting and policy coherence.
本组织秘书处、各国全国委员 会和(或)其他有关机构应采取必要的措施,禁止 经正 式 授 权的第三者注册和使用 这类混合域名。
The Secretariat, National Commissions and/or other competent bodies shall take all appropriate measures to prevent third parties not expressly authorized from registering and using such combined domain names.
在 图书部门,教科文组织为九个国家的能力建设做出了贡
[...] 献,其中包括拟定适当政策和图书立法(其中一项经 正式确定,九项正在进行之中),提高建立连锁书店的 [...]
技能,以及促进各国(九个国家)在发展图书部门方面 的协调,并对私立部门所起的作用给予特别关注。
In the book sector, UNESCO contributed to
[...] capacity-building in nine countries through the [...]
preparation of appropriate policies and book
legislation (one institutionalized, nine in progress), skills development within the book chain and through national coordination for the development of the book sector giving special attention to the role of the private sector (All nine countries).
环境规划署解释,巴哈马受到美利坚合众国的技术的严重影响,鉴于R-410A 技 术当前的价格和可及性,巴哈马 经正 在 进 行转变。
UNEP explained that Bahamas (the) is strongly influenced by technologies in the United States of America and, given the current price and availability of R-410A technology, Bahamians are already making the transition.
关于条约法,《宪法》规定经正式 批 准或核可的国际公约规定的规则一旦 [...]
被正式公布,就在葡萄牙国内法令内生效,并且,只要这些规则对于葡萄牙国来 说具有国际约束力,就应继续有效。
Regarding treaty law, it says that the rules set out in
[...] international conventions duly ratified or approved [...]
shall come into force in the Portuguese
internal legal order once they have been officially published, and shall remain so for as long as they are internationally binding for the Portuguese State.
[...] 法就是建立一种结构,该结构确保对信息的请求迅速有效地到达目的地,并且 这些请经正式程 序得到处理,从而确保进行适当的保障、核查和平衡,并且 [...]
A good practice has been the establishment of a structure that ensures that the request for information reaches its destination quickly
and efficiently, that the requests are
[...] handled through a formal procedure, thus [...]
ensuring the proper safeguards, checks and
balances and that the information gathered is credible and is ultimately admissible in a court of law.
但是由于.Adobe Acrobat本身所附的Distiller、PDF
[...] Writer等转档工具是为所有使用者而设计的, 经正 确 设 定也符合印刷所需的要求,但总不是高阶印刷专用的方案。
Adobe Acrobat attached itself Distiller, PDF Writer, such as digitized tool is designed for all users,
[...] and despite the correct settings for printing [...]
in line with the
requirements, but not the exclusive use of high-end printing program.




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