

单词 正确处理人民内部矛盾

See also:


handle correctly


internal contradiction

External sources (not reviewed)

1956 年,毛主席寫了一 篇“如何理人民內部矛盾”的 文章,他說民主是人民用以實施、用以向一 些階級敵人專政的制度。
In 1956, Chairman MAO wrote an essay
[...] entitled "How should internal conflicts among the people [...]
be dealt with?
这些罪行包括:未能保护平民,蓄意袭 击平民目标,预谋杀害平民,阻止向受伤的巴勒斯坦 人提供医疗救助,对手持白旗的平民开火,袭击平民 生活基础,譬如破坏工业基础设施、粮食生产、供水 设施及污处理厂,用巴勒斯坦民 作 为 人 肉 盾 牌,在羞辱和有辱人格的条件下扣押包括妇女和儿童内的平民,任意剥夺巴勒斯坦人的自由和侵犯他们正当程序权利,以及在住宅地区使用磷弹和使用高密 度惰性金属炸药的弹药。
Those include failing to protect civilian populations; deliberately attacking civilian targets; the premeditated killing of civilians; denying medical aid to wounded Palestinians; firing at civilians carrying white flags; carrying out attacks
on the foundations of civilian life, such as the
[...] destruction of industrial infrastructure, food production, water installations and sewage treatment plants; using Palestinian civilians as human shields; detaining civilians, including women and children, in humiliating and degrading [...]
conditions; arbitrarily depriving Palestinians of liberty and violating their due process rights; and using phosphorus bombs in residential areas and using dense inert metal explosive munitions.
尽管存在后勤人力资 源方面的限制,以及任何新机构均固有 内部矛盾 , 综合安全分遣队在保 护民营和确保其 周围地带安全方面取得了进展。
Despite logistical and human
[...] resource constraints, as well as internal contradictions inherent in any new institution, DIS has made advances in protecting refugee camps and securing their [...]
国际法明确指出各种贩运形式以及各国 正确处理 受 害 者方面的 义务,但在某些国内部以及 在原籍国和接收国之间,在保护方面仍然存在 差距。
While international law does clearly identify the forms of trafficking and the obligations on States with regard to the appropriate treatment of victims, [...]
there were still gaps
in protection both within certain States and between countries of origin and countries of reception.
联合国发展集团正在 开展关于简化和统一业务程序内部 讨 论 ;儿童基金 正 就 与联合国开发计划署 及联合人口基金协商制定业绩理 记 分 卡;儿童基金会在莫桑比克和坦桑尼亚 联合共和国的国家办处正与“ 组织改进进程”密切合作, 确 保 其 “一体行动” 观点在试点国家得到体现。
Discussions within the United Nations
[...] Development Group were ongoing with regard to the simplification and harmonization of business processes; UNICEF was consulting with the United Nations Development Programme and the United Nations Population Fund on the development of a performance management scorecard; and the UNICEF country offices in Mozambique and the United Republic of Tanzania were closely collaborating in the organizational improvement process to ensure that their perspectives [...]
as “delivering
as one” pilot countries were reflected.
在一些新问题方面,情况尤其如此,土人民可能不一定具正确处理这些 问题所必要的技能或难以得到有关技术。
This is particularly true with
regard to new issues,
[...] where indigenous peoples may not necessarily have the skills or access to technology to address them properly.
當然,我們十分明白陳偉業 議員提出正案的 來由,因為我也是由於看到特首連工作也做得不 好,亦沒有理深層次矛盾 ⎯⎯ 現在中人民政府 駐香港特別行政 區聯絡辦公室(“中聯辦”)竟明目張膽,公然地干預香港的 部 事 務, 這當然違反《基本法》第二十二條 ⎯⎯ 由於特首做得這麼差,我才 會代表公民黨於稍後提出該修正案。
Certainly, we fully understand the
reasons why Mr Albert CHAN has put
[...] forward this amendment, because I have also observed that the Chief Executive has not done his job well and has not tackled deep-rooted conflicts ― the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (LOCPG) has brazenly interfered in the internal affairs of Hong Kong, [...]
which is certainly
in breach of Article 22 of the Basic Law ― given such bad performance of the Chief Executive, I will move my amendment on behalf of the Civic Party in a moment.
若干国家办事处响应这次评价,修订年度 理 计 划, 明 确 规 定 以两性平等纳 入主流为优先事项,并在核定和批准程序中规定进行‘两性平等的检查’;其他 办事处已经修订两性平等协人和顾问的职权范围和作用;有些办事处已经修订 年度工作计划,以包括对性别问题有敏感认识的更多活动,或使两性平等纳入主 流的目前做法和专门知识更趋明显;还有几个办 处正 在 计 划举 内部 能 力 发展 活动,加强伙伴关系,并合力促进两性平等,特别是通过联合国以两性平等为主 题的团体进行这种活动。
In response to the evaluation, several country offices have revised annual management plans to specify gender mainstreaming priorities and “gender checks” in authorization and approval processes; others have revised the terms of reference for the role of gender focal points and consultants; some have revised annual work plans to include more gender-sensitive activities or to make the existing gender mainstreaming practice and expertise more visible; and a few are planning to conduct in-house capacity development exercises and to strengthen partnerships and collaborate to promote gender equality, in particular through United Nations gender theme groups.
确保该系统保持独立,内部司 法办 公室负责理正式系统的部门,向两法庭、书记 处 和 工 作 人 员 法 律援助办公 室以内部司法理事会提供行政、业务和技术支持。
In order to ensure that the system is independent, the Office of Administration of Justice administers the elements of the formal system, providing administrative, operational and technical support to the Tribunals, the Registries and the Office of Staff Legal Assistance, as well as to the Internal Justice Council.
主席,另一個民關注的矛盾,正是 政治紛爭,尤其 部 分 議 員近 日發動所謂的公投運動,名副其實是 人 不 利 己。
President, another conflict of concern to the people is political discord, especially the so-called referendum movement recently launched by some Members.
鑒 於本港經濟已 踏
[...] 入 通 脹 期,但失 業 率依然 高企,工資亦未 有 明 顯 回 升 ,而社會貧富懸殊的 情況更趨嚴重,本會促請政府設立一 個政府的跨部門扶貧委員會,全面 研究本港 的貧富懸殊問題,以 便 提 升弱勢社 羣 的 自 助能力 及 更 有效地 分 配 社會資源 ,以幫 助最 需要受 幫 助人,以及保障基層民的 基 本生活 需要;同時,政 府應協調部門的工作,制訂 相應的政策及協助脫 貧的措施,以 縮 窄 貧 富懸殊的 差距,減少 社矛盾,並促進社會和 諧 發 展 。
That, as the Hong Kong economy has entered an inflation period, yet the unemployment rate remains high, with wages not showing an evident rebound and the disparity between the rich and the poor becoming more serious, this Council urges the Government to set up a governmental interdepartmental committee on aiding the poor to comprehensively examine the disparity between the rich and the poor in Hong Kong, so as to enhance the self-help capability of the socially disadvantaged groups and enable a more effective allocation of social resources, thereby
helping those who
[...] are most in need and safeguarding the basic needs of the grass-roots people; at the same time, the Government should co-ordinate the efforts of various departments in formulating corresponding policies as well as measures to help get rid of [...]
poverty, with a view
to narrowing the gap between the rich and the poor, reducing social conflicts and promoting harmonious social development.
监察组的评估认为,厄立特里亚尽管相对贫穷,但长期以来一直资助 而且继续资助整个区域,甚至区域外的武装反对派团体。300 对这一明矛盾现象 的解释是,存在庞大、复杂的正规 经 济,厄立特里亚政府 人 阵 高级官员每年 从非正规经济中收取和控制数以亿美元计的非官方收入,主要是厄立特里亚民 和私 营企业(其中涉及人阵经营的国外公司或业务伙伴关系)缴纳的税款。
In spite of its relative poverty, Eritrea has long acted — and, in the assessment of the Monitoring Group, continues to act — as a patron of armed opposition groups throughout the
region, and even beyond.300
[...] This apparent contradiction is explained by a vast and complex informal economy through which senior officials in the Government and PFDJ collect and control hundreds of millions of dollars each year in unofficial revenues, largely from taxation of Eritreans in the diaspora and private [...]
business arrangements
involving PFDJ-run companies or business partnerships abroad.
主席,最重要的是,我想提 供一個平台,讓大家有機會在最低工資立法實施後,就坊間的一些爭 議、矛盾、憂慮、疑惑,作出公開的辯論,也讓張局長或其他的政府 官員,就這些問題,透過本會向廣大 民 嚴 正 解 釋 他們的立場和取 態,以及解釋一些仍未清楚表達的定義、計算 矛盾 如 何 處 理 , 使 大 家不需要繼續在恐慌中、疑惑中爭持下去。
It is also a
[...] platform for Secretary Matthew CHEUNG or other government officials to solemnly explain to the public their position and stance on these issues, as [...]
well as to clarify ambiguous
definitions and computations so as to remove all our fears and doubts.
正如相 互 作用的讨论中阐述的那样,例如一方非法利用 民 做 人盾 , 并不影响另一方有义确保空 袭中伤害平民不超过军方优先杀害目标士兵的数量。
As the discussions on reciprocity
[...] one side’s unlawful use of civilian shields, for example, does not affect the other side’s obligation to ensure that airstrikes do not kill [...]
in excess of the military advantage of killing the targeted fighters.
人担忧 ,而且实际上也已经受到一些法 理 论 家 的批评。他们认为,这 给条款草案造成了明显内部矛盾, 因 为在适用国籍联系后,任何通过援引责任 保护在国外受伤害人权利 的努力都将失效,即使其他场合已经承认,对违背强 制性规范的援引必须优先于外交保护。
This is worrying and has in fact been criticized by some legal theorists, who have said that it creates an obvious internal conflict within the draft articles, since the application of the nationality linkage would invalidate, for the protection of rights of individuals [...]
injured abroad,
any attempt to invoke responsibility, even though it has already been recognized on other occasions that the invocation of a breach of a peremptory norm must take precedence over diplomatic protection.
青年圣战运动(更常被称为青年党)是一个集圣战 者、商业利益和部民兵为一体的不断扩张蔓延的联盟,在外国战 人 员 的 作用、 利人体炸 弹和政治对话的可取性等问题上已产生严重 内部矛盾。
Harakat al-Shabaab al-Mujahideen (better known as Al-Shabaab) is a
[...] coalition of jihadists, business interests and clan militias, which has suffered serious internal frictions over such issues as the role of foreign fighters, the use of suicide bombers and desirability [...]
of political dialogue.
马尔代夫人权委员会在履行职责上,继续面临一些挑战,其中包括:伊斯 兰教法的某些方面与国人权法 之间存 矛盾 ; 缺 乏马尔代 人 权 委 员会可以自 动就对人权产生影响的新立法进行磋商的制度;政 部 委 有 忽视委员会的参与和 意见的倾向;在马尔代夫人权委员会是否可以代表受害者出庭或者甚至向法庭提 交意见上,存在法律确定性;以及很少吸纳国家预防机制的建议。
The HRCM continues to face a number of challenges in carrying out its mandate including: tension
between certain
[...] aspects of Shari’ah law and international human rights law; lack of an established system under which HRCM is automatically consulted on new legislation impacting on human rights; tendency for government departments to ignore the Commission’s input and opinions; legal uncertainty as to whether HRCM can appear in court on behalf of victims, or even [...]
submit opinions to the
courts; and very low take-up of NPM recommendations.
因此,我们看到民主力量内部产生矛盾,行动出现问题,自行要求 遣返的高级军官数目有所增加。
Consequently, we have seen internal FDLR strains and operational [...]
problems, and some increase in the number of more senior
officers who have presented themselves for repatriation.
为了让更多人了解对话及其作为调 矛盾 、 增 加相 理 解 和 开展和平建设的工具的 潜质,增加发行了教科文组织“对话系列”出版物,包括“文明间的对话:探索新视角” (2003 年 7 月,新德里)、“文明间对话地区论坛”(2003 年 8 月,奥赫里德)以及“全 球化与人的尊严--为民造福 ”(2003 年 7 月,东京)等会议记录汇编。
With a view to broadening knowledge about the dialogue and its inherent potential as a tool for reconciliation, mutual understanding and peace-building, additional volumes were published in the UNESCO Dialogue Series containing the proceedings of “Dialogue among Civilizations: Quest for New Perspectives” (New Delhi, July 2003), the “Regional Forum on Dialogue among Civilizations”, (Ohrid, August 2003) as well as “Globalization with a Human Face – Benefitting All” (Tokyo, July 2003).
但是,有关问题的份量(秘处内部 各 种 矛盾的 数量和严重性)很大,每月开一次会议已不足以解决日常问题和考虑未来的共同协定。
such (number and seriousness of conflicts in the Secretariat) that monthly [...]
meetings are not enough to find solutions to
ongoing questions and to agree on a future approach.
关于确保适用该原则的程序,它 们通过国际批准文件的普通适用机制获得落实:国家劳动法的规定 正确 适 用现 行劳动法方面的人控制 (劳动监察局、工会、雇员协会),以及对违反根据国际 规则实行的内规范的行为的适用 处 罚 制 度。
With respect to the procedures meant to ensure its application, these take place through the ordinary mechanisms of application of international ratified documents: provision in national labour
legislation of state and
[...] private control of correct application of the labour legislation in force (labour inspection, trade unions, associations of employers) and application of a system of sanctions for breach of internal norms adopted on [...]
the basis of international rules.
因此,总干事决定在国际文学评论家协会 内部矛盾 未 得 到解决之前,继续同该 协会开展正式合作。
The Director-General has therefore decided to continue
[...] cooperation with IALC on an informal basis pending the resolution of the NGO’s internal conflict.
考虑到联合国系统内的新合同安排和新统一服务条件,以 及本组内正在进行的其人力资 源改革,行预咨委会促 请安部在其人力资源审查过程中 人 力 资源 管 理 厅并 酌情与外勤支部密切联系确保任 何对当前政策和做法 提出的修订提议都与整个组织已经采取的措施保持一致。
Given the new contractual arrangements and the newly harmonized conditions of service for the
United Nations system, as
[...] well as other ongoing human resources reforms within the Organization, the Advisory Committee urges the Department, during the course of its human resources review, to liaise closely with the Office of Human Resources Management and, where appropriate, the Department of Field Support to ensure that any proposed [...]
modifications to current
policies and practices are in line with measures that have already been taken Organization-wide.
他们进一步重申,所有人权特别是发展权都具有普遍性,而且是不可 剥夺、不可分割、相互依存和相互关联的,必须在全球范围内通过建设性
[...] 的、以对话为基础的以及采取公正、平等和客观的方式,以尊重国家主权 和领土完整、不干涉别内政、公正 、 不 偏袒和透明性为其指导原则处 理人权问题,同时考虑到各国的政治、历史、社会、宗教和文化特点。
They further reaffirmed that all human rights, in particular the right to development, are universal, inalienable, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated, and that human rights issues must be addressed within the global context through a constructive, non-confrontational, non-politicized and non-selective dialogue-based approach, in a fair and equal manner, with objectivity, respect for national sovereignty and
[...] integrity, non-interference in the internal affairs of States, impartiality, non-selectivity and transparency [...]
as the guiding principles, taking into account the political, historical,
social, religious and cultural particularities of each country.
组织复原力干事将与管理事务部业务连续性管理股密切合 作,负责以下事务:维持并在必要时修订维和部和外勤部关于业务连续性的总部 标准作业程序;理在总部确定、 配备和培训大约 333 名确定的关键工人员;直接协助编制、执行和评价 12 个维和特派团的业务连续性计划;编制 2 份维和 部和外勤部复原和重建计划;支助办公室主任办公室作为秘书处危 处 理 小 组成 员的职责。
The Officer would work closely with the Business Continuity Management Unit and would be responsible for: maintaining and, as needed, revising the DPKO and DFS Headquarters standard operating procedure for DPKO and DFS continuity of operations; managing the identification, equipping and
training of approximately 333 identified critical staff at Headquarters; directly assisting in the production, implementation and evaluation of 12 peacekeeping missions’ business continuity plans; producing 2 DPKO and DFS recovery and reconstitution plans; and supporting the staff of the Office of the Chief of Staff in fulfilling their responsibilities as members of the Crisis Operation Group.
这些科的人事干事应就人力资源 规划、职务分类、人员流动、考绩、培训和发展问题以及在解释工作人员条例及细则 处理 有关矛盾等方面向相关管人员提 供建议和指导。
The same holds true in the remaining sections of the Bureau of HRM, where HR Officers provide advice and guidance to line managers regarding human resources planning, job classification, mobility, performance appraisals, training and development, as well as interpretation of the Staff Regulations and Staff Rules and conflict management.
理会第 1861(2009)号决议赋予中乍特派团的授权包括在 中非共和国东部确保比 劳机场安全、在其附近地带进行有限巡逻、开展有限行动 以救处于危险中的民和人道主 义工作人员、以及保护联合国人员和设施。
The mandate given to MINURCAT in the north-eastern Central African
[...] by the Security Council in resolution 1861 (2009) included securing the Birao airfield, limited patrols in its immediate vicinity, limited operations to extract civilians and humanitarian workers in danger, and protecting United Nations [...]
personnel and facilities.
司法机关会对偏远地区的民进行 法律和权利方面 的培训,帮助他理解自己的权利和义务,从而实现 矛盾 在 社 区 内 化 解 和调 停、并营造和谐的文化氛围的目的。
This system relies on community leaders to inform people in remote areas about their rights and duties with a view to promoting a culture of peace and the implementation of community mediation arrangements.




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