

单词 正直








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应当倡导决策中的专业精神、诚实 正直 明度,尤其是要公开所有的利益冲突并合 理分享知识。
Professionalism, honesty, integrity and transparency in decision-making should be promoted, in particular declarations of all conflicts of interest and appropriate sharing of knowledge.
许多代表团赞同教科文组 织的职能是催化剂正直调者。
Many delegations endorsed UNESCO’s
[...] function as a catalystandhonest broker.
[...] 商业活动时必须遵守最高道德标准,确保富林特集团及其高级员工在内的所有员 正直信。
It is the Flint Group's policy to operate our businesses in compliance with the highest ethical standards in each of the countries
in which we operate, so that the integrity and honesty of Flint Group and its officers
[...] and employees arenotin question.
(p) 当工作人员的个人利益妨碍其履行公务或职责,或对该工作人员国际公 务员身份所要求正直立和公正造成干扰时,该工作人员应向部门首长披露 任何实际或可能出现的此种利益,并且,除非另经秘书长许可,应正式回避以任 [...]
(p) A staff member whose personal interests interfere with the performance of his or her official
duties and responsibilities
[...] or with the integrity, independence and impartiality requiredby the [...]
staff member’s status as
an international civil servant, shall disclose any such actual or possible interest to the head of office and, except as otherwise authorized by the Secretary-General, formally excuse himself or herself from participating with regard to any involvement in that matter which might give rise to a conflict of interest situation.
各国应对儿童司法系统中任何阶段的暴力侵害儿童行为的严肃报 告进行公开调查,调查应正直进行,还应得到充足经费,并且不得无故拖 延。
States should undertake public investigations into all serious reports of violence against children at any stage of the juvenilejustice system, carried out by persons of integrity and adequately funded and completed without undue delay.
尽管被称赞为他正直 的邻居,霍顿原谅的袋鼠,她接受了他的友谊,终于相信,有斑点的人。
While beingpraised for his integrity [...]
by his neighbors, Horton forgives the Kangaroo, and she accepts his friendship, finally
believing that there are people on the speck.
倘 若 承 授 人( 不 论 是 否 属 本 集 团 雇 员 )或 其 联 系 人 士 (i) 违 反 承 授 人 或 其 联 系 人 士 为 一 方 与 本 集 团 或 任 何 投 资 实 体 或 控 股股东 或 彼 等 各 自 之任何 附 属 公 司 为 另 一 方 之 间 订 立 的 任 何 合 约 ; 或 (ii) 视 为 无 能 力 偿 还 债 务 或 无 合 理 希 望有能 力 偿 还 债 务 或 破 产 或 涉 及 任 何 清 盘 或 相 关 诉讼或 与 其 债 权 人 作 出 任 何 全 面 偿 债 安 排 或 债 务 重 整 协 议 ; 或 (iii) 任 何 被 裁 定 触 犯 任 何 涉 及正 直或 诚 信 之 刑 事 罪 行 , 则 其 行 使 其 所 持 有 之 全 部 尚 未 行 使 购 股 权 之 权 利 将 即 时 被 终 止 。
If the Grantee (whether he is an employee of the Group or not) or his associate (i) commits any breach of any contract entered into between the Grantee or his associate on the one part and the Group or any Invested Entity or the Controlling Shareholder or any of their respective subsidiaries on the other part; or (ii) appears either to be unable to pay or to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay his or its debts or becomes insolvent or is subject to any liquidation or analogous proceedings or makes any arrangements or composition with his or its creditors generally; or (iii) is convicted of any criminal offence involving his or its integrity or honesty, the right to exercise all outstanding Options held by him or it shall thereupon terminate immediately.
他是一位既体贴周到又坚强有力的领导,通过在 UL 内部和外部积极参与测试、标准化和业务活动,彰显了自己诚 正直格。
He is a thoughtful and strong leader who demonstrates his integrity through his active participation in testing, standardization and business initiatives, both inside and outside of UL.
在建立业务关系及作出决策时,我 们充分遵守道德规范并保持诚正直明我们的企业文化推崇的是追求最高道德标准。
By fully including ethics and
[...] integrity in our ongoing business relationships [...]
and decision-making, we demonstrate a commitment
to a culture that promotes the highest ethical standards.
世界第三大人口城市——一座移民城市,从富裕的实业家、赤贫的乞丐、光鲜的影星、酒吧舞娘、工人、教师、公务员到不幸的妓女、黑手党、建筑工人、贪污的官员 正直进分子,所有这些人都共同居住在孟买这个摩天大楼和贫民窟交错的大熔炉里。
The third most populated city in the world—a city of migrants that range from wealthy industrialists, penurious beggars, flashy film stars, bar dancers, workers, teachers, clerks to hapless
prostitutes, mafia dons, builders,
[...] corrupt politiciansand upright activistsall co-existing [...]
in soaring skyscrapers and sprawling
slums in the cauldron that is Bombay.
没有 任何事情——我要重申——没有任何事情能够玷污 特派团作出的牺牲,或者玷污特派团数千名男女官兵 的奉献精神正直
Nothing, and I repeat, nothing can tarnish the sacrifices that the Mission has made or the devotion and integrity of the thousands of men and women who compose its ranks.
虽然观察团遇到了各种困难,一些人还 采取了不当行动,但观察团完全保持中立和独立,观察实地的日常实情,从而确 保了监测局势工作的透明度正直
It has observed daily realities on the ground with complete neutrality and independence, thereby ensuring transparency and integrity in its monitoring of the situation, despite the difficultiesthe Mission encountered and the inappropriate actions of some individuals.
良好的品格意 味着合乎职业道德标准,包正直实和可靠。
Good character means being ethical and includesintegrity,honesty, and trustworthiness.
今天,我们缅怀和纪念亚拉杜瓦总统个人的尊严正直对公共服务的执着承诺以及对尼日利亚 1.5 亿人民巨大潜力和光明未来的热切信念。
Today, we remember and honour President Yar’Adua’s profound personal decency and integrity, his deep commitment to public service and his passionate belief in the vast potential and bright future of Nigeria’s 150 million people.
他们从未失掉向前看的乐观、决心、希望以及对美国人民善良 正直的信念。
They never lost their forward looking optimism, determination, hope and belief in the basic goodness and decencyof the American people.
凭证机构必须进行人员的识别作业,忠诚、可信赖 正直华 民国国民是遴选信赖角色人员的必备条件,人员的资格、遴选、监督 [...]
CA shall carry out personnel identification operation and select
[...] loyal, reliable,righteous and R.O.C. citizens [...]
as personnel of relying roles and state
the relevant rules for personnel qualifications, selection, supervision and auditing in the CPS.
该发言人进一步强调指出,“如果没有保 正直理的高标准, 联合王国将毫不犹豫地出面干预”。
The speaker further stressed that “where high standards of probityand governance were not maintained, the United Kingdom did not hesitate to intervene”.
[...] 金监测和评价职能和程序与其他机构的这些职能和程序非常相似,都遵守联合国评价小组 规定的相同标准,遵守相同正直立的原则。
It had been found that the monitoring and evaluation function and procedure at the Multilateral Fund were quite similar to those at the other institutions as they all adhered to the same standards set by the
United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), and were governed by the same
[...] principles ofintegrity, impartiality and independence.
本人庄严宣誓,作为强迫失踪问题委员会的委员,我将独立、客观正 直实、公正、认真地履行我的职责并行使我的权力。
I solemnly declare that I shall perform my duties and exercise my powers as a member of the
Committee on Enforced Disappearances independently, objectively,
[...] honourably, faithfully,impartially and conscientiously.
依诚正直 则来行事,可让我们赢得和维护每个和我们合作的人对我们的 [...]
信任,其范围包括 Hospira 的同事以及其他公司的合作夥伴,我们对其生活有影响的患者和医务人员,以及我们所居住 和工作的社区。
Acting with integrity allows us to earn and
[...] maintain the trust of everyone we work [...]
with, from our colleagues at Hospira and
our partners at other companies to the patients and healthcare professionals whose lives we impact and the communities in which we live and work.
正直们所有业务关系和个人关系的基石,不论在 任何情况下,我们每个人在每一天的工作中都必须秉承诚信和道德原则。
Integrity is the cornerstone of all our business and personal relationships and we each must be committed to acting with integrity and ethics everyday and in every circumstance.
因为 Hospira
[...] 的产品与服务每天都会影响人们的健康与福利,所以谨慎地依据诚 正直 质及安全的原则行事,将可改善患者的健康,并让我们所有的利害关系人对 [...]
Hospira 产生信赖感。
Because Hospira’s products and services impact the
[...] health andwell-being of people every [...]
day, our careful attention to integrity, quality
and safety improves patients’ lives and builds trust in Hospira among all of our stakeholders.
多数人心目中,公园夜间似乎确实危险,家长也曾告诉我们,日落後绝不要待在公园内,如此说来,架设围篱看似完全合理,但若进一步思考,却未必符合逻辑,尽管公园在夜间可能引来罪犯,却无证据显示若公园在夜间关闭後,罪犯就不会在其他区域犯案,因此设置围篱时,形同认定公园会神奇地 正直变成坏蛋。
Though it may be that parks are likely to attract criminal elements at night, there is little evidence that crimes committed in parks at night wouldn’t be committed elsewhere if parks were closed.
全球认可并在 CE 标示外增添价值:UL 逾一世纪所累积的声誉,包括独立性、诚 正直越品质,早已赢得全球企业和消费者的信赖。
Global market recognition and added value for your CE Marking : UL's reputation for independence, integrity and high quality, earned over more than a century, has won it the trust of companies and consumers worldwide.
学生应能: y 培养对科学探究的好奇心和兴趣; y
[...] 坚持客观观察和诚实记錄实验结果,从而培 正直格; y 樂意就与化学有关的问题进行交流和作出判断,并能以开放的态度对待 [...]
他人的意見; y 体会化学是一门不断发展的科学,并了解其局限性;
y 欣赏化学与其他学科的相互关系,及其背後的社会和文化价值; y 遵从实验室的安全工作守则; y 关注化学对社会、经济、工业、环境和科技所带來的影响; y 在瞬息万变、以知識为基础的社会,体会终身学习的重要性。
Students are expected to: y develop curiosity and interest in making scientific investigation; y
develop personal integrity through objective
[...] observation and honestrecording of [...]
experimental data; y be willing to communicate
and make decisions on issues related to chemistry and demonstrate an open-minded attitude towards the views of others; y be aware that chemistry is a developing science and that it has its limitations; y appreciate the interrelationship of chemistry with other disciplines in providing social and cultural values; y be committed to working safely in a laboratory; y be aware of the impact of chemistry in social, economic, industrial, environmental and
在按照《公约》履行职责时,委员会委员应注重受害人,及时行事,在公正 和诚实方面保持最高标准,独立、客观 正直实、认真、不带偏见地将《公 约》的标准平等地适用于所有国家和个人。
In their duties under the Convention, members of the Committee shall proceed in a victim-oriented
and timely manner and maintain the
[...] highest standards of impartiality and integrity, [...]
and apply the standards of the Convention
equally to all States and all individuals, independently, objectively, honourably, faithfully, conscientiously and without prejudice.
( i) 行 为 不 当 而 遭 即 时 解 雇 , 或 以 其 他 方 式 违 反 任 何 雇 佣 条 款 或 其 他任命 彼 为 本 集 团 雇 员 之 其 他 合 约 条 款 ; 或 (ii) 视 为 无 能 力 偿 还 或 无 合 理 希 望有能 力 偿 还 债 务 或 破 产 或 与 其 债 权 人 作 出 任 何 全 面 债 务 偿 还 安 排 或 债 务 重 整 ; 或 (iii) 被 判 决 触 犯 任 何 涉正 直或 诚 信 之 刑 事 罪 行 , 则 其 行 使 其 所 持 有 之 全 部 尚 未 行 使 购 股 权 之 权 利 将 即 时 被 终 止 。
If the Grantee (if he is also an employee of the Group) (i) is summarily dismissed for misconduct or otherwise commits a breach of any terms of his employment or other contract constituting him an employee of the Group, or (ii) appears either to be unable to pay or to have no reasonable prospect of being able to pay his debts or becomes insolvent or makes any arrangements or composition with his creditors generally; or (iii) is convicted of any criminal offence involving his integrity or honesty, his right to exercise all outstanding Options held by him shall thereupon terminate immediately.
有一个原因 促使我特别把这作为一个例子,我想提一个问题:如 果一个社区正直员参加一个正常的选举进程, 以选出自己的代表,那么局势怎么会失控呢?
I wish to ask a question: How does a situation become out of control if decent members of a community participate in a regular electoral process in an effort to elect their own representatives?




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