

单词 正生

External sources (not reviewed)

前面几个段落中讨论的有关针对《京都议定书》的这类相应正生效提 出的同一些程序性备选办法均在此处也都适用。
The same range of procedural options for the entry into force of such consequential amendments to the Kyoto Protocol discussed in the preceding paragraphs would apply.
然而,在约旦和阿拉伯叙利亚共和国,难正 生活在稳定和没有冲突的环境中。
By contrast, in Jordan and the Syrian Arab Republic, the refugees were living in stable and conflict-free environments.
在黎巴嫩和叙利亚边境附近的贝卡地区,许多难民家 正生 活 在废旧材料搭建的非正规定居点。
In the Bekaa region, near the Lebanese–Syrian border, many refugee families
[...] are living in informal settlements [...]
constructed out of scrap material.
而没有被询问的 桑人显然当正生活在离他们部落土地 1500 里远的帐篷营里。
The remaining San were apparently at the time living in a tented camp 1500 miles from their tribal lands.
(六 ) 過去5年,曾在戒毒所接受戒毒服務的中五或以下的學童, 成功戒毒後能夠返回主流學校繼續學業的人數及比例為
[...] 何;政府有否計劃在香港推廣類 正生 書 院 的戒毒學校教育 模式,鼓勵更多非牟利團體開辦類似的學校,以應付日後可 [...]
(f) of the number and proportion of rehabilitated students at Secondary 5 or below levels who could return to mainstream schools to continue their studies after receiving drug addiction treatment in addiction treatment centres in the past five years; whether the Government has planned to promote in Hong Kong the
education model of drug rehabilitation school
[...] similar to the Zheng Sheng College and [...]
encourage more non-profit-making organizations
to operate schools of similar nature, so as to cope with the situation that a large number of young people may need to receive drug addiction treatment in the future?
為了協正生會為 接着的工作早作準備,我們已向該會描劃 要求,例正生會須 負責裝修校舍和設置所需的設施,為重置的 院舍取得有關牌照,為日後營辦的私立學校( 若該會決定營辦) 取 得註冊,採用合適的運作模式,作出妥善的行政和財政管理安排 以提高透明度及問責性,接受政府合適的服務監察等,以回應社 區及公眾人士的關注事宜。
To assist CZSA in preparing early for possible steps ahead in the ensuing exercise, we have outlined to it our requirements which include CZSA taking up renovation [...]
for necessary
facilities in the premises, obtaining the relevant licence for the reprovisioned DTRC and registration for the future private school (if it so desires), adopting a suitable mode of operation, making proper administrative and financial management arrangements to enhance transparency and accountability, receiving appropriate service monitoring by Government, etc. in order to address the concerns of the local community as well as the public at large.
负责任渔业行为守则》第 6.18
条认识到“个体渔业和小型渔业 对就业、收入和粮食安全作出的重要贡献”,并建议各国“适当保护渔民和渔业
[...] 工人,尤其是从事自给、小型和手工作业的渔民和渔业工人,享有安全和 正生 计的 权利,以及在适当时优先进入其国家管辖水域内的传统渔场和获得资源的权 [...]
In article 6.18 of the Code of Conduct for Responsible Fisheries, there is recognition of the important contributions of artisanal and small-scale fisheries to employment, income and food security, with States recommended to appropriately protect the rights of fishers and fish workers, particularly those engaged in
subsistence, smallscale and artisanal fisheries,
[...] to a secure and just livelihood, as [...]
well as preferential access, where appropriate,
to traditional fishing grounds and resources in the waters under their national jurisdiction.
为什么尽管有风险当今世界还是如此盲目地走 在错误的道路上的原因是人正生活 在 资本主义制 度下,这种制度运行的前提只有一个:即在尽可能 最短的时间里个人收益最大化。
The reason why the world was so blindly going the wrong way in spite of the risks was that mankind was living under the capitalist system, which operated on a single premise: maximizing individual gain in the shortest possible time.
本已不稳定的社会 经济状况在继续恶化:失业人数剧增,越来越多的正生活在 绝望的贫穷中,健康和教育标准继续急 剧下降,包括供水和卫生系统在内的民用基础设施 情形也是每况愈下。
The already precarious socio-economic situation continued to worsen: unemployment was rampant and an ever-increasing number of persons were living in abject poverty.
这一办 法的好处是,将确保即使在附件 B 的正生效之后,也能保持在 2013 至 2015 年有 关第一个承诺期的行动的法律基础。
The merit of this approach is that it would ensure that the legal basis of actions relating to the first commitment period that will occur from 2013 to 2015 was preserved even after the entry into force of the amendment to Annex B. The table overleaf illustrates how such an amended Annex B might look.
於本公佈刊登日期,董事會成員包括郭令燦先生擔任執行主席;郭令海先生擔任總裁、行政 總裁;陳林興生及英正生先生擔任執行董事;郭令山先生擔任非執行董事及卡達先生、司 徒復可先生及丁偉銓先生擔任獨立非執行董事。
As at the date of this announcement, the board of directors of the Company comprises Mr. Quek Leng Chan as Executive Chairman; Mr. Kwek Leng Hai as President, CEO; Mr. Tan Lim Heng and Mr. James Eng, Jr. as executive directors; Mr. Kwek Leng San as non-executive director and Mr. Sat Pal Khattar, Mr. Volker Stoeckel and Mr. Ding Wai Chuen as independent non-executive directors.
[...] 於年內,集團首次採用由香港會計師公會頒佈的下列新修訂及詮釋(「新 HKFRSs」),該等準則正生效或 已經生效。
In the current year, the Group has applied, for the first time, the following new amendments and interpretations (“new
HKFRSs”) issued by the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants
[...] (“HKICPA”), which are or have become effective.
对于发展中国家来说,这些趋势既 可能生正面作 用,也可能产生负面影响,了解其对这些国家的影响是不无重要的,特别 是对穷人的影响。
These trends are likely to have both positive and negative aspects for developing nations and it is important to understand how they impact on such countries, particularly the poor.
大洋洲各地生正通过新州AME S 在线互动系列课程EnglishatAMES™来学习语言,掌握在英语环境中生活和工作所需的就业技巧与职业技能。
Students across Australasia are already [...]
accessing the interactive range of NSW AMES online courses, EnglishatAMES™, to learn
the language, employability and vocational skills required to live and work in English-speaking environments.
通過適當的學與教策略可以培育 生正 面 的 價 值觀和積極的態度,這不但有助提升學生的學習效能,亦有助培養他們的 [...]
The inculcation of such positive values/attitudes [...]
through appropriate learning and teaching strategies can enhance learning,
and this in turn will reinforce their development in students as part of character formation.
我们感到不得不就一个程序性问题发言,因为我 们希望提醒大家注意,哥斯达黎加代表的发言脱离了 大会正在审议的项目。主席生,正 如 你 指出的那样, 我们目前审议的项目涉及的是消除危地马拉国内有 罪不罚现象国际委员会和危地马拉代表提交的决议 草案(A/65/L.51*)。
We felt compelled to take the floor on a point of order because we wish to draw attention to the fact that the representative of Costa Rica is not keeping to the item under the consideration of the General Assembly, which, as you pointed out, Mr. President, concerns the International Commission against Impunity in Guatemala and the draft resolution introduced by the Permanent Representative of Guatemala (A/65/L/51*).
至於特區政府的各個施政範疇方面,以滿意淨值計,六項指標全部錄得正值,排名依次為:處理與中央政府關係正56個百分比、維持經濟繁榮正51個百分比、執法部門整體表現正34個百分比、改善 生正 2 1 個 百 分比、維護人權自由正21個百分比,以及推行民主步伐正10個百分比。
As for the specific policy areas, in terms of net satisfaction rate, all six areas register positive figure. Their rankings are: Relation with the Central Government at positive 56 percentage points, maintaining economic prosperity at positive 51 percentage points, performance of Macau law enforcement departments at positive 34 percentage points, improving people’s livelihood at positive 21 percentage points, protection of human rights and freedom at positive 21 percentage points, and developing democracy at positive 10 percentage points.
由于干旱频繁生,正在对 关于干旱和粮食安全 的各种方案给予关注。
As a result of frequent
[...] droughts, attention is being given to programmes [...]
on drought and food security.
善用社區資源 與不同的社會服務機構合作,安排了一系列的校內及校外補救性、預防性及發展
[...] 性的輔導活動,如:「觀塘區倡健學校計劃」、「南亞裔健康支援計劃」、「同一天空 下」成長計劃、「中國雜耍訓練課程」及專題講座,培養 生正 面 價 值觀及積極的 人生觀,幫助學生健康成長。
By working with different social service agencies, we have organized a series of counselling activities, both internally and externally, of remedial, preventive and developmental natures, such as "Kwun Tong District Health Promoting School Scheme", "South Asian Health Support Programme", "Under the Same Sky" Growth Plan, "Chinese Acrobatic
Training Programme" and special seminars,
[...] helping students to growth healthily with correct values and a positive [...]
为解决环境与可持续发展综合问题,加强了非洲科学与管理能力,这主要通过以 下途径来实现:热带森林和区域综合规划和管理地区研究生院(ERAIFT)(来 自 10 个国家的 30 名非洲生正在进 行硕士课程学习);巴西亚马逊、刚果民主 共和国(热带森林和区域综合规划和管理地区研究生院)和印度尼西亚各网络和 伙伴之间的合作(相关介绍见 2011-2013 年热带森林土地与资源综合管理南南合 作工作计划);与来自 18 个非洲国家的参与方一起在人与生物圈计划国际协调 理事会(MAB-ICC)第二十三届会议上组织了有关“非洲生物圈保护区管理挑战 与机遇”的培训课程。
African science and management capacities were strengthened to deal with integrated environment and sustainable development issues, notably through: ERAIFT (where a cohort of 30 African students from 10 countries is continuing its studies in the MSc programme); collaboration between networks and partners in the Brazilian Amazon, Democratic Republic of Congo (ERAIFT) and Indonesia (as outlined in the 2011-2013 work plan for South-South cooperation for integrated management of tropical forest land and resources); a training course on “Management Challenges and Opportunities in Biosphere Reserves in Africa” organized at the twenty-third MAB-ICC with participants from 18 African countries.
在縮圖上顯示現用的應用程式圖示 在用縮圖檢視時,這個選項會在左上角出現一個圖示,顯示 生正 在 執行的應用程式。
When in the thumbnail view, this option will show an icon in the upper left hand corner that represents the current application that the student is running.
應用程式可以直接輸入,或透過按一下 「加入」按鈕並在教師電腦上選取一個現用應用程式來加
[...] 入,或按一下 「監控」功能表上的 「檢視生正在執 行的程式」來加入一個學生電腦上的應用程 式。
Applications can be typed in directly, added by clicking on the add button and selecting an active application on the Teacher's computer, or
by adding an application from the Student's computer by clicking on View Student's
[...] Running Programs in the Monitor menu.
[...] 些其他异常后果,也没有说明如何或在什么基础上会 生 “ 正 常 ”或可能“异常” 的后果。
But the Committee is silent on both the question of what these other
consequences might be, and the question of how
[...] and by what the “normal” consequence and [...]
the potential “abnormal” consequence are triggered.
主席生,正如你 在你的概念文件(S/2010/9)中 正确地指出,虽然《联合国宪章》把维护国际和平与 [...]
安全的主要责任赋予安全理事会,但它又郑重其事地 承认,在适当情况下,区域组织可以采取行动维护和 支持其成员国间的和平与安全。
Mr. President, you rightly note in your [...]
concept paper (S/2010/9) that while the United Nations Charter places primary responsibility
for the maintenance of international security on the Security Council, it also deliberately recognizes that regional organizations may, in appropriate circumstances, take action to maintain and support peace and security among their member States.
办事处在教科文组织非集中化系统当中情况独特,因为办事处从预算外项目中得到大量 的管理费,这样办事处几乎完全是自力 生 , 正 常 计 划资金的拨款非常有限。
This Office is unique within UNESCO’s decentralized system as it receives a substantial portion of the overheads generated by its extrabudgetary projects, which enables the Office to be almost entirely self sustaining with only a limited allocation of regular programme funds.
經計及本集團於最後可行日期的現金及現金等價物及未動用的銀行信貸融資,以 及本集團於往績記錄期間因自其經營活動 生正 現 金 流而有能力償還銀行借貸後,董 事認為本集團擁有足夠營運資金可支持其擴張計劃。
After taking into consideration the cash and cash equivalent of the Group and the unutilised banking facilities of the Group as at the Latest Practicable Date, and the Group’s ability to repay bank borrowing in view of its positive cashflow generated from operating activities during the Track Record Period, the Directors are of the view that the Group has sufficient working capital in supporting its expansion plan.
主席生,正如贵 国代表团为本次辩论编写的背 景说明(S/2010/248,附件)中指出的,不同文化间对 话并不是安全理事会不关心的问题。
As noted in the background note that your delegation, Mr. President, has prepared for this debate (S/2010/248, annex), intercultural dialogue is in no way alien to the concerns of the Security Council.
另有消息来源告诉专家组,一名法国公民,R.M.控股公司的罗伯特·蒙托亚生,正在白俄罗斯(他通常常驻多哥)商讨一项涉及航空物资以及可能涉及三架米-24 型直升机的交易。
Additional sources informed the Group that a French national, Mr. Robert Montoya of R. M. Holdings, was in Belarus (he is usually based in Togo) to discuss a deal involving aeronautic materiel and possibly three Mi-24 helicopters.
秘书长的索马里问题特别代表奥古斯丁·马希格 生正 牵 头 与过渡联邦机构、地 区利益攸关方和国际合作伙伴就结束过渡的安排进行讨论。
The Special Representative of the Secretary-General for Somalia, Augustine Mahiga, is leading the discussions with the transitional federal institutions, regional stakeholders and international partners on the arrangements to end the transition.




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