单词 | 正投 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 正投 noun —front projection n正正 adverb —exactly advExamples:正投影—orthogonal projection 正式投票—formal vote
在教科文组织安曼、河内、金斯敦和温得和克 办事处的支持下,该工具正投入试用。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The tool is being piloted with the [...] support of the UNESCO Offices in Amman, Hanoi, Kingston and Windhoek. unesdoc.unesco.org |
该伙伴关系正投入运 作,例如正在塞内加尔开展一个针对年轻女 性和妇女的扫盲计划。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Partnership is being operationalized, [...] for example in Senegal through a literacy programme for young girls and women. unesdoc.unesco.org |
现在王建宙透露中国移动正投标巴基斯坦业务的3G牌照,也将寻求新型市场的其他全球扩张机会。 youngchinabiz.com | Now Wang has revealed that [...] China Mobile is bidding for a 3G license [...]for the Pakistani unit, and will also seek other global [...]expansion opportunities with a focus on emerging markets. youngchinabiz.com |
在印度和全球,组织正投资噪 声来源识别系统作为他们基础设施的一部分,以降低总噪声。 bksv.cn | In India and worldwide, [...] organisations are investing in noise source [...]identification systems as a part of their infrastructure to reduce the overall noise. bksv.com |
把投票意欲轉化為真正投票, 當中涉及很多因素。 hkupop.hku.hk | There are many factors affecting the conversion of voting propensity into actual turnout rate. hkupop.hku.hk |
事實上,學生所付出的學費,有三分之一是用來償還院校開辦課程的 貸款的,而真正投資於課程質素的資源卻少之又少。 legco.gov.hk | In fact, one third of the tuition fees paid by students is spent on repaying the loans extended to institutions for [...] offering these programmes and the resources [...] actually committed to improving the quality of the programmes are negligible. legco.gov.hk |
会议对大会工作尤其重要,并表明需要改革 和转变世界经济和金融架构,以便改 正投 机 性 的金融 资本引发的失衡状况。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Conference was particularly important for the work of the General Assembly and demonstrated the need to reform and transform the [...] world economic and financial [...] architecture in order to correct the imbalances provoked by speculative financial capital. daccess-ods.un.org |
經驗顯示,投票意欲的一半或三分之二會成為 真 正投 票 率。 hkupop.hku.hk | Based on previous experiences, the conversion rate could be half to two-thirds. hkupop.hku.hk |
要 鼓勵風險投資真正投向新創或具有成長潛力的企業,因為過多的限制會導致原本可用作創業資金或 其他私人資金的資金,最終流向證券市場。 gemconsortium.org | Venture capital should be utilized to finance new businesses with high potential growth, but excessive restrictions in Shenzhen drive the funds which could flow into venture capital and other private equity into the public securities markets. gemconsortium.org |
墨西哥对拟议修正投了反对票, 因为墨西哥更希望保留原有内容,包括提及在打击 恐怖主义的同时促进和保护人权和基本自由问题特 别报告员,决议草案提案国已就此达成一致。 daccess-ods.un.org | Mexico had voted against the proposed amendments, as it would have [...] preferred retention of the original contents, including [...]the reference to the Special Rapporteur on the promotion and protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms while countering terrorism, which, in his delegation’s understanding, had been agreed with the sponsors of the draft resolution. daccess-ods.un.org |
暢道正投放資 源與各科研學術機構共同研發無線室內導航系統。 hksb.org.hk | In collaboration with scientific research institutions, BFA (HK) Ltd. has been engaging in the development of an indoor navigation system. hksb.org.hk |
如果我们想看到真正的全球FDI流动,特别是流向最需要的国家,我们就必须开始 纠 正投 资 保 护机制的制度性缺陷。 project-syndicate.org | If we are to see truly global FDI flows, particularly to those [...] countries that need them the most, we must begin to address the institutional [...] deficiencies of the investment-protection regime. project-syndicate.org |
最近在伦敦得到 [...] 认可的战略侧重通过培训、辅导和提供资源来加强阿 富汗的能力,使阿富汗人能够真正投 入 我 们的共同事 业,并对其成功产生责任感。 daccess-ods.un.org | The recent strategy endorsed in London focuses on strengthening Afghan capacity through [...] training, mentoring and resourcing so [...] that Afghans can be invested in our common project [...]and feel a sense of responsibility for its success. daccess-ods.un.org |
能自動偵測投影機的傾斜角度,並立即 校 正投 出 的 影像,擺脫手動梯形校對的不便,再也不會看到變形的影像、照片或圖表。 benq.com.tw | The automatic keystone adjustment helps turn misshaped images, graphics and charts into a perfect square. benq.com |
目前生产低频无极灯的企业,真正投 入 亿 元以上,产品质量(能通过3C、EMC、CE、UL)从2007年下半年起得到市场广泛认可、从灯管、镇流器到灯具都能自己生产(有真正的技术专家研发队伍)、有规模(年产20万套以上)、有国内外营销网络的,只有少数几家,它们是上海宏源、福建源光、江苏正信等。 global-lite.com | The current production of low-frequency [...] lamp enterprises, real investment in billion yuan, product [...]quality (through 3C, EMC, CE, [...]UL) from the second half of 2007 has been widely recognized, from the lamp, ballast to the lamps can be own production (with a real R & D team of technical experts), a large-scale (annual production capacity of 200,000 units or more), has own domestic and international marketing network, and only a few. global-lite.com |
彩星玩具亦正投資開發專 利品牌,包括能透過不同分銷渠道銷售予消費者,並能在虛擬環境中提供具娛樂性、互 [...] 動性和吸引力之產品。 ir.playmatestoys.com | Playmates Toys is also investing into the development [...] of proprietary brands of products, including products that can reach [...]consumers through multiple channels of distribution, and provide entertaining, interactive and engaging play in a virtual environment. ir.playmatestoys.com |
(d) 二零一二年的 21.78 億英鎊正投資相 關項目及其他變動主要反映亞洲股票市場的改善。 prudential.co.uk | (d) Positive investment-related items and [...] other movements of £2,178 million in 2012 primarily reflects improvements in the Asia equity market. prudential.co.uk |
(c) 截至二零一一年止首六個月,變額年金獨立賬戶負債中 的 正投 資 相 關項目及其他變動為 11.03 億英鎊,反映期內美國股票 市場上漲,而二零一零年上半年度的股票市場則出現下滑。 prudential.co.uk | (c) Positive investment-related items and other movements in variable annuity separate account liabilities of £1,103 million for the first six months ended 2011 reflect the increase in the US equity market during the period as compared to a fall in equity markets in the first half of 2010. prudential.co.uk |
现在Osisko正投资15 万美元为当地中学安装互动教学板,因为从这所小学毕业的学生已经习惯使用这些较好的设施。 solidgroundmagazine.com | Osisko is now investing $150,000 in interactive [...] boards in the local high school as well, because the students who graduate [...]from the primary school are used to better things. solidgroundmagazine.com |
21世纪前十年是微电子开始真正投入 市 场的年代。 bksv.cn | The first decade of the 21st century was one where microelectronics really began to shake the world. bksv.ru |
這些申報 ─特別是2007年全年和2008年1月的申報被稱 為「資金首選」(「the money [...] primary」)─ 因為它們被廣泛認為是反映在真正投 票 開 始前 每一名候選人吸引到的支持率的晴雨表。 americancorner.org.tw | These reports, particularly throughout 2007 and for January 2008, are known as “the money primary” because they [...] are widely viewed as a barometer of the amount of support each candidate is attracting [...] before the start of actual voting. americancorner.org.tw |
机构负责人和(或)权益代表论坛负责对投诉进行调查,并就以 其他可能方式纠正投诉的 情况提供信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | The head of the institution and/or [...] the interest rep forum examine/s the complaint and gives information on other [...] possible manners of remedying the complaint. daccess-ods.un.org |
上述转变或对奢华车造成重创,因为其中多数车 商 正投 入 巨 资,提高产能,以满足中国对豪华车的巨大需求,但我预计,最终会是个妥协的结果,政府机构将能够继续购买豪华车。 youngchinabiz.com | The shift would come as a huge blow for those names [...] just as most are investing billions of dollars [...]to increase their capacity to cater [...]to China’s huge thirst for luxury brands, though I expect the final outcome will be a compromise that allows some government sales to continue. youngchinabiz.com |
公民議程」成立網路平台後,希望市民能合作擬定議程提案、 修 正 、 投 票 , 並說明這些提案對生活有何影響,長期目標期望網路討論內能反映實體討論情況,甚至吸引更多人深入參與。 thisbigcity.net | Citizens Agenda aims to become an online platform that enables local people to work together [...] to create proposals for council agendas, [...] refining ideas, voting for or against [...]them and explaining how submitted proposals affect their lives. thisbigcity.net |
隨著燃料價格暴漲和4月的平均燃油經濟性提高到2016年的34.1英里每加侖的聯邦標準通過經常性的擔憂,汽車製造 商 正投 入 巨資在燃油經濟性技術和廣泛部署。 hkcarworld.com | With recurring fears of skyrocketing fuel prices and April’s adoption of federal standards boosting average fuel [...] economy to 34.1 miles per gallon by [...] 2016, carmakers are investing heavily in fuel economy [...]technologies and deploying them widely. hkcarworld.com |
豐田汽車的Prius車種即為經典範例,該公司於七零年代便已研發油電混合技術;但直到多年後環保消費概念崛起後,才 真 正投 資 與銷售這種汽車,豐田早已準備多年,故時機來臨便可先聲奪人。 thisbigcity.net | Toyota developed the technology in the 1970s, but it [...] wasn’t until the emergence of the green consumer years [...] later that it really invested in developing and [...]selling this car. thisbigcity.net |
他们履行了自己的承诺,根据昨天 宣布的公投正式结果,尊重苏丹南方人民实现独立的 愿望。 daccess-ods.un.org | They have honoured their commitments and respected the will of the people of Southern [...] Sudan to live in independence, in accordance with the official [...] results of the referendum, which were announced [...]yesterday. daccess-ods.un.org |
莫說是當時的“五區 公投”,即使是剛過去的3月 [...] 23日,香港大學的鍾庭耀博士舉行的民間 公投 正如何 秀蘭議員所說,只用數個紙箱,以手寫紙條投票, [...]也有二十多萬人參與 亦招惹到中聯辦的郝鐵川先生(當時屬中 宣部)大力抨擊。 legco.gov.hk | Even the civic referendum held by Dr Robert CHUNG of the University of Hong Kong on 23 March [...] ― as Ms Cyd HO has said, only a few carton [...] boxes were used and voting was made on handwritten [...]slips, there were over 200 [...]000 participants ― has aroused fierce criticisms from Mr HAO Tiechuan of the LOCPG (who belonged to the Central Propaganda Department at the time). legco.gov.hk |
倘該等 公司細則中關於股東大會的所有規定作出必要修訂,亦適用於各個另行召開的股東大 會,惟所需的法定人數為不少於兩名人士或由受委代表(或倘股東為法團,則作為有 [...] [...] 關法團的正式授權代表)持有該類別已發行股份面值至少三分之一,及於續會上,不 少於兩名人士或由受委代表(或倘股東為法團,則作為有關法團的正式授權代表)持 有該類別股份及該類別股份的任何持有人親身或由受委代表出席者(或倘股東為法 團,則作為有關法團的正式授 權代表)均有權要 求 投 票 表 決。 asiasat.com | To every such separate general meeting the provisions of these Bye-laws relating to general meetings shall mutatis mutandis apply, but so that the necessary quorum shall be not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) at least one-third in nominal value of the issued shares of that class, and at an adjourned meeting not less than two persons holding or representing by proxy (or, in the case of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) shares of that class, and that any holder of shares of the class present in person or by [...] proxy (or, in the case [...] of a member being a corporation, as the duly authorised representative of such corporation) may demand a poll. asiasat.com |