

单词 正则参数

See also:


regular (figure in geometry)

正正 adv

exactly adv


positive number

参数 n

parameters pl
parametric n

External sources (not reviewed)

若执行命令中没有使用表 格总参数,则输入 SFCC 和 NORMAL 可使 IGP/PGL 返回 Normal(正常)模式。
If the form count parameter was not used in the Execute command, enter the SFCC and NORMAL to return the IGP/PGL to the Normal mode.
未来的条约应加强控制和规范武器贸易的机制,应该包括适用于所有国家制 造、进出口武器及进行其他形式的武器贸易的 则 、 参数 和 标 准。
The future treaty should strengthen mechanisms for controlling and regulating the arms trade and should include the
criteria, parameters and standards
[...] applicable to all States for the manufacture, export and [...]
import of arms and other forms of arms trading.
若要获得不同结果则须回 答有关克参数的更多问题。
To obtain a different result, you will
[...] have to answer additional questions about cloning parameters.
受过 1-4 年正规教育的阿拉伯人口数也从 2002 年的 4%下降到 2006 年的 3.9%,而此 类犹太人数则从――2002 年的 1.2%下降到 2006 年的 1%。
The number of persons with 1–4 years of formal education also decreased from 4% among the Arab population in 2002, to 3.9% in 2006, and among [...]
the Jewish population
– from 1.2% in 2002 to 1% in 2006.
如果没有在执行命令中提供表格数 , 则 必 须使用空白行或覆载 数据将执行命令正常命令分开。
A blank line or overlay data must always separate an EXECUTE command from a NORMAL command, unless a [...]
form count is given for the EXECUTE.
咨询委员会目前收到的报告(A/64/532)提供了标准化出入控制项目 的最新实施状况,以及 2010-2011
[...] 两年期拟议方案预算订正估计数,这 些正数参照了独立小组的报告以及安全和安保部管理审查的结果。
The report currently before the Advisory Committee (A/64/532) provides an update on the status of the
implementation of the standardized access
[...] control project and revised estimates under [...]
the proposed programme budget for the biennium
2010–2011, drawing on the outcome of the report of the Independent Panel and the management review of the Department of Safety and Security.
最后,委员会审查并注意 到委员会作为被告的 15 项判决,其中大数案件 维 持委员会的裁定,这表明基金《条例和 则 》 正 在得 到妥善执行。
Lastly, the Board had reviewed and taken note of the 15 judgements in respect of which the Board had been the respondent;
the Board’s decisions had
[...] been upheld in most cases, indicating that the Fund’s Regulations and Rules were being properly administered.
此项提议得到支持,理由是,该提议避免了在《 则 》 正 式 界定 “通知”一词之前(该词定义参见第 4 条草案)造成该词使用的可能的混 乱,而且该提议还体现了下述原则:在当事人接受《规则》时,在该阶段使用 [...]
This proposal received support on the basis that it avoided the
potentially confusing
[...] use of the term “notice” before it was formally defined in the Rules (which definition can [...]
be found in draft article
4) and furthermore encapsulated the principle that when parties accepted the Rules, the contact address used at that stage (as updated to the ODR provider from time to time), should be the address used.
如果启用了Protect Configs.(保护配置参数, 则必须 首先删除现有配置才能保存新配置。
If the Protect Configs. parameter is enabled, the [...]
new configuration will not be saved unless the existing configuration has been deleted first.
国家工作队报告则正在简 化,以方便报告的编制工作, 目前正在采取措施,由国家办事处采取后续行动,并鼓励它 参 与 这 一进程。
The guidelines for the UNCT reports are being simplified to facilitate the preparation of reports, and measures are being taken to follow-up with country offices to encourage their involvement in this process.
未来的文书应成为具有法律约束力的规范,用以加强控制和管制常规武器贸 易的机制,并就适用于所有国家的武器出口的 则 、 参数 和 标 准作出规定。
The future instrument should be intended to serve as a legally binding norm that will strengthen mechanisms for the control and regulation of
trade in conventional arms, establishing
[...] the criteria, parameters and standards [...]
applicable to all States in the context of arms exports.
然而,在采用 大纲前将对这个数额加以调整,以列入咨询委员会和 第五委员提议的最新正案,以及根据 2010-2011 两 年期方案预算第一次执行情况报告(A/65/589)所适 用的最参数进行 的重新费用计算,考虑到业务汇率 变化、实际通货膨胀、薪资情况、工作地点差价调整 乘数变动和生活费调整数。
However, the amount would be adjusted prior to the adoption of the
outline to include the
[...] latest amendments proposed by the Advisory Committee and the Fifth Committee and recosting based on the updated parameters applied in the first performance [...]
on the programme budget for the biennium 2010-2011 (A/65/589) in respect of operational rates of exchange, actual inflation experience, payroll experience and the movement of post adjustment multipliers and cost-of-living adjustments.
刚果民主共和国与安哥拉目正在双边 基础上处理这一问题,而难民则参 与 解 决难民问题。
The issue was
[...] currently being addressed bilaterally by the Democratic Republic of the Congo and Angola, also with the participation of the Office of [...]
the United Nations High
Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) for refugee-related matters.
鉴于流离失所人数量巨 大,治安形势十分动荡,这种做法可能意味着大量流离失所的可能参加的选民将 无法行使平等正参加选举的人权。
In light of the huge number of displaced persons and the volatile security situation, this approach could mean that a large number of displaced potential voters will be unable to exercise their human right to vote on an equal and fair basis.
另一方面,北方市 Zubin Potok、Zveçan/Zvečan 和 Leposaviq/Leposavić 以及米 特罗维察北参加选举的数则很少
On the other hand, turnout in the northern municipalities of Zubin Potok, Zveçan/Zvečan and Leposaviq/Leposavić, as well as in northern Mitrovicë/Mitrovica, was negligible.
支撑善治的五项基本则 是透明、正、参与、问责和高效。
The five basic principles underpinning good governance are transparency, impartiality, participation, accountability [...]
and efficiency.
适当地注意到会员国应秘书长请求,就建立常规武器进出口和转让共同国际 标准的具有法律约束力的综合文书的可行性、范围和暂 参数 向 秘 书长提出的意 见,1 欣见政府专家组提出的报告,2 其中表示,由于常规武器转让问题复杂,需 要一步步地以公开和透明的方式,进一步考虑在联合国内作出努力,处理常规武 器的国际贸易问题,以便在协商一致基础上做到兼顾各方,使所有国家都受益; 这些努力要把《宪章》的则摆在 中心地位
Taking due note of the views expressed by Member States on the feasibility, scope and draft parameters for a comprehensive, legally binding instrument establishing common international standards for the import, export
and transfer of conventional arms, submitted to the Secretary-General at his request,1 Welcoming the report of the Group of Governmental Experts,2 which
[...] states that, in view of the complexity of the issues of conventional arms transfers, further consideration of efforts within the United Nations to address the international trade in conventional arms is required on a step-by-step basis in an open and transparent manner to achieve, on the basis of consensus, a balance that will provide benefit to all, with the principles of the Charter at the centre of such efforts
联合会相信关 联组织为支持《全球契约》的 10 项则正在采 取的许多行动对于企业的生产力 有辅助作用,因此值得联合会全面支持 参 与。
The Confederation believes that many of the actions that affiliated
organizations are taking in support
[...] of the 10 principles of the Global Compact are complementary to enterprise productivity and thus merit the full support and participation of the Confederation.
在俄罗斯联邦正在使 用已经汇集的实验数据更加准确地界定空间碎片模 型参数(空 间碎片预测分析),目的是通过对 2025-2030 年期间以及直到 2110 年的更长时期内这类污染今后可能发生的演变而对近地空间人为污染情况作出 预测,并将所获成果与国外模型所获相应成果加以比较。
In the Russian
[...] Federation, work is being carried out to define the parameters of the space debris model (space debris prediction analysis) more precisely using compiled experimental data, to forecast man-made [...]
pollution of near-Earth
space by establishing possible future scenarios of such pollution during the period 2025-2030, and in the longer term up to 2110, and to compare the results obtained with the corresponding results obtained by foreign models.
如果使用了这参数,则不能 在此处输入实际徽标 名,而必须在 Execute Form(执行表格)模式下动 [...]
态输入(参阅第 71 页)。
If this parameter is used, the actual logo [...]
name cannot be entered here; it must be entered dynamically in Execute Form mode (see page 78).
只要通过 BYTE_ORDER 这参数正确地指示 数据库的平台,即可实现跨平台恢复。
As long as this parameter is properly instruct [...]
the database platform, you can achieve the cross-platform recovery purpose.
除非另有 说明,则参数之间必须用分号 (;) 隔开。
Each parameter must be separated by a [...]
semicolon (;) unless noted otherwise.
如果小写 n 是某一可选参数的一部分,且您并未选择该可参数,则不要求为 n 赋值。
If the lowercase n is part
[...] of an optional parameter and the option [...]
is not selected, a value for n is not required.
(ii) 如果基线情景下定期进行采伐和炼山,基线林木生物量可视为 数 ,则 本参数计为零。
the average tree biomass is constant, and
[...] hence value of this parameter is set equal to zero.
又深为关切全国民主联盟、其他政党、支持民主的行为体和 数 民 族 的代表 以及其他相关的利益攸关方受到各种限制,无法切实有效地 正参 与 对 话、民族 和解及向民主制过渡的真实进程
Deeply concerned also at restrictions to effective and genuine participation of the representatives of the National League for Democracy, other
political parties, pro-democracy
[...] actors, ethnic minorities and other relevant stakeholders in a genuine process of dialogue, national reconciliation and transition to [...]
联合国遵循基于人权的方式的问责制和透明度 则 , 正在 支持政府努力生成分数据, 以便利用这类数据的结论为政策和后续方案编制提 供指导。
Consistent with the human rights-based
[...] approach (HRBA) principles of accountability and transparency, the United Nations is supporting government efforts to generate disaggregated data so that findings from such data are available [...]
to inform policy and subsequent programming.
根 据该子条款厘定的总额将用甲方为乙方书面指定的货币列示,或者,如果甲方没有指定一种货币 则 本 位 币 适用于乙方的账户; 21.4.3 甲方将会把甲方承担的各种成本或损失看 正数 对 待 而把甲方获得的各种收益看作负数对待并把这些数额全 部合并得出一个正的或负的净额(清算金额),该净额用本位币表示并适用于乙方的账户。
Sums determined under this sub-clause will be expressed in the currency that we specify in writing to you or, if we do not specify a currency, the Base Currency applicable to your account; and 21.4.3 we shall treat each cost or loss to us as a positive amount and each gain by us as a negative amount and combine all of these amounts to produce a single, net positive or negative amount, expressed in the Base Currency applicable to your account (Liquidation Amount).
rows变量表示相对于偏移量参照系的左上角单元格向上(向下)偏移的行数(例如rows使用2作 参数 , 表 示目标引用区域的左上角单元格比reference低2行), 数 可 为 正数 ( 代 表 在起始引用单元格的下方)或者负数(代表在起始引用单元格的上方)或者0(代表起始引用单元格)。
variable rows that frame of reference in relation to offset the upper-left corner of the cell upward (downward) shift in the number of
rows (for example, the
[...] use of 2 as a parameter rows that reference the target cells in the upper left corner of the region lower than the reference line 2), line can be positive (on behalf of [...]
the initial quote in
the bottom of the cell) or negative (on behalf of the initial quote in the top of the cell) or 0 (on behalf of the initial reference cell).
因此,机会平等,优先考虑对儿童最高利益的保护,以及确保儿童 正参与 各项活动就成了西班牙法律的基本 则 的 一 部分。
Consequently equality of opportunity (the primary consideration in the protection of the best interests of the child) and the right of effective
participation in all matters
[...] concerning it are principles and rights enshrined in Spanish legislation as regards both implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, which Spain has ratified, and the provisions of Act No. 1/96 on the legal protection of minors, which gives flesh to these principles and rights.
本产品为用户提供一个可以连接到PCRE(Perl兼容的正则表达式)库的pascal接口,PCRE库是一个实 正则 表 达式模式匹配的 数 集 合 ,它使用和Perl语言一样的语义和语法。
LMD ElPack provides a pascal interface to the PCRE library, which is a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl.




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