单词 | 正则 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 正则 —regular (figure in geometry)正正 adverb —exactly advExamples:正则参数—regular parametrization 正字法规则—orthographic rule See also:则 n—principle n • rule n • standard n 则—then • norm • classifier for written items (such as an official statement) • conjunction used express contrast with a previous sentence or clause • imitate
能够提醒正则表达 式的功能详细描述等。 javakaiyuan.com | To remind the regular expression functions detailed description . javakaiyuan.com |
支持通过下载模板和正则表达 式来定义下载规则。 javakaiyuan.com | Support by downloading [...] templates and regular expressions to define download rules. javakaiyuan.com |
(b) 如果国际注册簿明显有错,而且要求的更正同样明显,读者 能够认识到有错,且正确内容只能是提出的 更 正 , 则 国 际局一旦注意到错 误,即行更正 wipo.int | (b) where there is an obvious error in the International Register and the correction sought is likewise obvious, in the sense that a reader would recognize that there was an error and that nothing else could have been [...] intended other than what is [...] offered as the correction, the error will be corrected as soon as it [...]comes to the attention of the International Bureau wipo.int |
截取这些输出内容,循环遍历其中每一个 SHA 值,找出与之对应的提交信息,然后 用 正则 表 达 式来测试该信息包含的格式话的内容。 git-scm.com | You can take that output, loop through each of those commit SHAs, grab the message for it, and test that message against a regular expression that looks for a pattern. git-scm.com |
再举一个例子,要执行几乎等效于典型 通配符搜索字符串 c+t 的搜索,则可以使用以下正则表达式:³³+t³。 vmware.com | As another example, to perform a near equivalent to the typical wildcard search string c+t, you could use this regular expression: ³³+t³. vmware.com |
如果发现记录仪重置问题通常可以通过采用新电池来予以 修 正 , 则 有 必 要考虑上述因素,确立典 型的电池阈值,并在电量计显示此阈值时更换电池。 mesalabs.com | If it is observed that Logger Reset [...] problems are usually corrected by the use of a [...]new battery, then it may be necessary to [...]take the above effect into account, establish a typical battery threshold and replace batteries when the gauge indicates the established threshold. mesalabs.com |
秘书处解释说,文件中的许多拟议修正仅是对术语的修正,另一些 修 正则 是 让 《财务条例与细则》 (FRR)符合国际公共部门会计标准(IPSAS)的要求。 wipo.int | The Secretariat explained that many of the proposed amendments in the document were to terminology [...] only, whilst others aligned the Financial [...] Regulations and Rules (FRR) with the [...]requirements of International Public Sector Accounting Standards (IPSAS). wipo.int |
通过,而对附件B[ 和……]] 的修正则必须 由有关缔约方书面表示同意才能通 过。 daccess-ods.un.org | Amendments to Annex [A,] B [and …] [...] shall be adopted [by consensus and in relation to Annex B [and …]]; only with the written [...]consent of the Party concerned. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果在速度更快的行驶过程中 需要进行第二次校正,则安全传感器停止移动装置。 leuze.com | If a second correction is required with [...] an even faster speed, the safety sensor stops the side-tracking skate. leuze.com |
五、根据本条第四款通过的任何修正案如在通知之日起六(6)个月内无直接有 关的缔约方通知联合国秘书长其反对该项 修 正 , 则 被 视 为接受。 treaties.un.org | An amendment adopted in accordance with paragraph 4 of the present article shall be deemed accepted if during a period of six (6) months from the date of the notification, none [...] of the Parties directly concerned notify the Secretary-General of the United Nations [...] of their objection to the amendment. treaties.un.org |
35% 。如果达不到这一比例要求,且未在 规定时间内加以纠正,则选票 不予登记。 daccess-ods.un.org | If the quota is not met and the defect is not removed within a specified time, such ballot will not be registered. daccess-ods.un.org |
本产品为用户提供一个可以连接到PCRE(Perl兼容 的 正则 表 达 式)库的pascal接口,PCRE库是一个实 现 正则 表 达 式模式匹配的函数集合,它使用和Perl语言一样的语义和语法。 evget.com | LMD ElPack provides a pascal interface to the PCRE library, which is a set of functions that implement regular expression pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl. evget.com |
具有特别协同处理器(用于TCP、IPSec、加密、压缩 和 正则 表 达式)的网络处理器(NPU)能提高处理协议的能力,甚至实现更强的功能从而进行大负载测试。 exfo.com | The network processing unit (NPU) with specialized co-processors for TCP, IPSec, encryption, compression and regular expressions improves protocol processing performance and enables even more capacity for heavy load testing. exfo.com |
实施可持续发展教育的学 校准则正在制 订之中,该准则将帮助在学校一级整合可持续发展教育计划。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Preparation is under [...] way of school guidelines for ESD implementation [...]that will assist in the integration of ESD at the school level. unesdoc.unesco.org |
专家组记录了矿区非军事化取得的一些进展以及为 促进和实施针对供应链中的上游和下游行为者的尽职调查 准 则正 在 开 展的工作。 daccess-ods.un.org | It has documented some of the progress made in the demilitarization of mining zones and the [...] efforts under way to promote and implement its [...] due diligence guidelines with upstream [...]and downstream actors in the supply chain. daccess-ods.un.org |
克罗地亚已同意设立信息中心,与其他有 关国家的讨论则正在进行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Croatia has already agreed to the establishment of an information centre, and discussions with [...] other relevant States are ongoing. daccess-ods.un.org |
国家工作队报告准则正在简 化,以方便报告的编制工作, 目前正在采取措施,由国家办事处采取后续行动,并鼓励它们参与这一进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | The guidelines for the UNCT reports [...] are being simplified to facilitate the preparation of reports, and measures are being [...]taken to follow-up with country offices to encourage their involvement in this process. daccess-ods.un.org |
但是,这些教育机构正在努力战胜 困难,拉丁美洲及加勒比地区国际高等教育研究 所 则正 在寻求预算外资金,以期采用更多的方式来支持研究所 的活动。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, the institutions are making serious efforts to overcome those difficulties and IESALC, on its side, is also seeking extrabudgetary funds to support its activities in a more diversified way. unesdoc.unesco.org |
另一方面,《规则》正在授 予一 项权力,并且应当使用《示范法》的语言。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Rules, on the other hand, were conferring [...] a power and should use the language of the Model Law. daccess-ods.un.org |
为了在全组织范围实施公共部 门会计准则,正在采 取下列措施:为“团结”项目的推出战略制订详细的执行计 划,包括针对其影响的应急计划;编写公共部门会计准则政策指导手册,其中将 [...] 阐明公共部门会计准则政策框架,用于指导实施新的会计标准,以支持符合公共 [...] 部门会计准则的会计和报告工作;更新培训和传播计划;开办教员主导的培训课 程,并推出各种协作工具。 daccess-ods.un.org | As part of the [...] Organization-wide IPSAS efforts, the following initiatives are being pursued: [...]development of a detailed implementation [...]plan, including contingency planning for the impact of Umoja roll-out strategies, and an IPSAS policy guidance manual, which will articulate a framework of IPSAS policies that will guide the application of the new accounting standards to support IPSAS-compliant accounting and reporting; an updated training and communications plan; and the commencement of delivery of instructor-led training courses and roll-out of collaboration tools. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,相关准则正式 公布后六个月内,个人可以向宪法法院上诉,证明个人利益受到侵害。 daccess-ods.un.org | An appeal can also be lodged by any private individual who can prove a personal interest within six months of the official publication of the contested provision. daccess-ods.un.org |
此项提议得到支持,理由是,该提议避免了在《 规 则 》 正 式 界定 “通知”一词之前(该词定义可参见第 [...] 4 条草案)造成该词使用的可能的混 乱,而且该提议还体现了下述原则:在当事人接受《规则》时,在该阶段使用 的联系地址(最新地址定期提供给网上解决机构)应是所使用的地址。 daccess-ods.un.org | This proposal received support on the basis that it avoided the [...] potentially confusing use of the term “notice” [...] before it was formally defined in the [...]Rules (which definition can be found in draft [...]article 4) and furthermore encapsulated the principle that when parties accepted the Rules, the contact address used at that stage (as updated to the ODR provider from time to time), should be the address used. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果连接停留在此状态之 内,则正在发 送给调制解调器的初始化字符串中可 能存在错误。 redlion.net | If the connection remains in this state, there are probably errors in the init strings being sent to the modem. redlion.net |
玻利维亚农村山区项 目正帮助家庭改进其作物种植方法,资助年轻妇女 的教育,而越南的一个项目则正在为 农业地区妇女 提供建立小企业的技能。 daccess-ods.un.org | Projects in the rural mountain region of Bolivia were helping families to improve their crop cultivation methods and sponsoring the education of young women, while a project in Viet Nam was providing women in an agricultural district with the skills to establish small businesses. daccess-ods.un.org |
我国政府坚定致力于贯彻持久的法律 原 则 : 正当 程 序、平等享有法律保护、司法独立和伸张正义。 daccess-ods.un.org | My Government is deeply committed to [...] enduring legal principles: due process, equal [...]protection under law, judicial independence and justice for all. daccess-ods.un.org |
还有委员指出,特别报告员在本报告中与以前的报告一样,没有将“普 通”罪从严重的国际罪行区别开来,因为前者涉及“刑事事项互助的若干问题 案”中所含的事项,而后者则正如在 关于第二次报告的辩论中所赞同的那样得到 了特别报告员考虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was also noted that the Special Rapporteur in the present report, as in previous reports, had not distinguished “ordinary” crimes, concerning which matters were implicated in the Case concerning certain questions of mutual assistance in criminal matters, from grave international crimes, in relation to which special considerations applied, as had been countenanced in the debate on the second report. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,它还 [...] 就以下方面提出了政策建议:如何在以国际贸易 规 则正 在 变 化、南方工业强国影 响力日增、生产国际化和气候变化日益受到关注为特征的新的全球环境中促进非 [...]洲的工业发展。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, it offers policy recommendations on how to foster industrial development in Africa in the new global [...] environment characterized by changing [...] international trade rules, growing influence [...]of industrial powers from the South, the [...]internationalization of production and increasing concerns about climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
最后,委员会审查并注意 到委员会作为被告的 15 [...] 项判决,其中大多数案件维 持委员会的裁定,这表明基金《条例和 细 则 》 正 在得 到妥善执行。 daccess-ods.un.org | Lastly, the Board had reviewed and taken note of the 15 judgements in respect of which the Board had been the respondent; the Board’s [...] decisions had been upheld in most cases, indicating that the Fund’s [...] Regulations and Rules were being properly administered. daccess-ods.un.org |
论坛认为,针对货运代理商、多式联运营运商和物流服务商制订 最低标准和行为守则,正是提 高交通运输业从业人员的技能及其专业精神 方面的一项关键要素。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Forum considered that the development of minimum standards and codes of conduct for freight forwarders, multimodal transport operators and logistics service providers would be a critical factor in upgrading skills and professionalism in the industry. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,该机制的效益尚待观察,欧洲联盟委员 会则正在努 力加强包括《能源宪章》的多边机制,以更好地在消费国、过境国和 生产国之间协调实施全球能源政策。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, the effectiveness of the mechanism remains to be seen and the European Commission is seeking to strengthen multilateral mechanisms, including the Energy Charter, to better coordinate global energy policy among consumer, transit, and producer nations. daccess-ods.un.org |