

单词 正儿八经

正儿八经 ()


See also:

正正 adv

exactly adv


according standards

正经 adj

serious adj

External sources (not reviewed)

然而,随着中国在重重压力下放弃国家对各大公司的支持,这些公司自身努力成 正儿八经 的 全球参与者,它们不得不采取这样的国际步骤,向全世界证明它们可以与其他世界顶级公司竞争。
Still, as China comes under pressure to wean its companies off state support and as these companies themselves try to become serious global players, they will have to take such international steps and prove to the world that they can compete with other top world players.
她指出今后将每两年提交一次该决议草案,并强调 这一做法说明中心经过八年的 运行后, 经 步入 了正轨。
The draft resolution would henceforth be presented every two years, demonstrating that
[...] the Centre was on the right track after eight years of operation.
正在议程项目 3 下审议的共同文件之外经社会 还收到了宏 经济 政策、减贫及包容性发展委员会第二届会议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/4)和可持 续农业促进减贫中心理事会八届会 议报告(文件 E/ESCAP/68/5)。
In addition to the common documents being considered under agenda item 3, the Commission had before it the report of the Committee on Macroeconomic Policy, Poverty Reduction and Inclusive Development on its second session (E/ESCAP/68/4) and the report of the Governing Council of the Centre for the Alleviation of Poverty through Sustainable Agriculture on its eighth session (E/ESCAP/68/5).
改善母亲健康的活动主要集中于在一线卫生设施(综合卫生中心)和医院提 供综合产前护理;为母亲和 0-15 岁儿童免费治疗疟疾;向感染艾滋病毒/艾滋病 的患者提供免费医疗;向母亲发经 杀 虫 剂处理过的蚊帐;为综合保健中心和转 诊医院配置设备和必要的和急用的产科和新生儿护理药物;对产科人员和保健中 心进行必要的产科及新生儿保健和基本急救方面的现场全面培训/进修;对孕妇儿童正常进行免疫接种;母正常 补铁 , 儿 童 和 产后期的母亲补维生素 A。
Activities to improve maternal health include integrating prenatal follow-up care within all front-line health facilities (Integrated Health Centres) and hospitals; making malaria treatment free to mothers and children up to 15 years of age; provision of free medical care to people living with HIV/AIDS; distributing insecticide-treated mosquito nets to mothers; provision of equipment and medication for basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal
care to Integrated Health Centres and
[...] national referral hospitals; on-site training in/review of basic and emergency obstetric and neonatal care and comprehensive first-aid care for maternal health-care workers and at Integrated Health Centres; systematic vaccination of pregnant women and children; systematic administration of iron to mothers and vitamin A to children and to mothers post-partum.
里约集团认为,“适儿童生 长的世界”这一文 件经通过八年了 ,但仍具有现实意义,因为该文 件的最终目标即充分尊重全世界所有儿童的权利这 一目标还未达到。
In the Group’s view, the document
[...] entitled “A world fit for children” was still relevant eight years after its adoption [...]
because its ultimate goal
of full rights for all the world’s children had still not been achieved.
儿童之家的运作模式分为两种, 一种收八名轻度弱儿童, 另一种则兼收一名轻度弱 儿 童 及 七名智 正 常儿 童。
There are two modes of operation either in
[...] a group of eight children with mild intellectual disability or in a mix of one child with mild intellectual disability to seven ordinary children.
根据大会第二十六届会议通过经第 二 十 八 、 二十九届会议修订的《关于联合国教科 文组织与基金会及其它类似机构之关系的指示》第 II 和第 V 条的要求,总干事在此向执行 局通报有关她就与基金会及其它类似机构建立为期六年且期满后可续延 正 式 关 系所做决定 的情况。
Under Section II and Section V of the Directives concerning UNESCO’s relations with foundations and similar institutions adopted by the General Conference at its 26th session and amended at its 28th and 29th sessions, the Director-General shall inform the Executive Board of her decision to establish official relations with foundations and similar institutions for a renewable term of six years.
然而,委员会表 示关切的是,许儿童仍 然被迫在危险的条件下工作并因此辍学,特别是女童往 往经正式雇佣,从事艰苦和有辱人格的家政服务。
However, the Committee is
[...] concerned that many children are still forced to work in hazardous conditions and drop out of school for that reason, and that especially girls are often employed informally in domestic work [...]
under very difficult and degrading conditions.
尽管经正式停 火,但占领者违反适用国际法而 对阿塞拜疆平民和民用目标故意发动的袭击近年来 已变得更加频繁、更加猛烈,导致住在阵线附近包儿童在内的许多居民死亡或受伤。
In spite a formal ceasefire, deliberate attacks by the occupier against Azerbaijani civilians and civilian objects, in contravention of applicable international law, have become more frequent and violent over recent years, resulting in the killing and maiming of many inhabitants residing near the front lines, including children.
在审议了文件 32 C/DR.8 以后, 委员会建议大会请总干事满足该决议草案提出的要求,当 正 常 计 划需提供一笔 捐款,举办八届世界儿童戏剧节,它亦可在参与计划项下提出申请。
Following its examination of 32 C/DR.8, the Commission recommended that the General Conference invite the Director-General to meet the request of this draft resolution, given that it will be the subject of a regular budget
contribution, which will be
[...] allocated to the organization of the eighth World Children’s Theatre Festival, and could also [...]
be the subject of
a Participation Programme request.
然而,委 员会感到遗憾的是,虽然经正式实 现尊 儿 童 意见的原则,但是公共政策以及 司法和行政程序的制订、落实和评估中往往仍然缺乏对儿童意见的尊重。
However, the Committee regrets that
while the principle of respect for
[...] the views of children has been formally achieved, it continues [...]
to be an element that is
too often missing from the formulation, implementation and evaluation of public policies as well as in judicial and administrative procedures.
需要采取综合 办法,解决儿童进行经济剥 削的根本原因;在这 方面,欧洲联正在努力加强伙伴国的制度和无歧 视地提供基本服务的能力,办法包括普遍出生登记、 免费普及初级义务教育和获得基本保健服务。
A comprehensive approach was needed
[...] to tackle the root causes of the economic exploitation of children; in that respect, the European Union [...]
was endeavouring to strengthen partner
countries’ systems and capacities for delivering basic services without discrimination, including through universal birth registration, free, compulsory and universal primary education and access to basic health services.
我谨请你呼吁国际社会继续拨出足够的资金用于斯里兰卡的能力建设,以促 进保护儿童,并请联合国开发计划署、儿基会和其他有关联合国机构在其各自任 务范围内并与斯里兰卡政府密切合作,应对社 会 - 经 济 问 题,这也将有助于解决 儿童福利问题,包括加强相关的国际机构,从而进一步提供援助,帮助实 儿童 恢复正常生活和重返社会方案。
I invite you to call upon the international community to continue to allocate adequate funding for capacity-building in Sri Lanka for the protection of children and to request the United Nations Development Programme, UNICEF and other relevant United Nations agencies, within their respective mandates and in close cooperation with the
Government of Sri Lanka,
[...] to address socio-economic issues that will also contribute to addressing the welfare of children, including strengthening relevant national institutions, and provide further assistance in the implementation of rehabilitation and reintegration programmes for children.
在教育领域,教科文组织联儿 童基金会正在协 助拟订国家教育计划,并且实施各项战略,以防止教育中心的暴力行为。
In the area of education,
[...] UNESCO, jointly with UNICEF, is supporting the development [...]
of a national education plan and implementing
strategies to prevent violence at educational centres.
强调《公约》所有缔约国有义务采取立法、司法及其他措施,确保充分执行 《公约》各项规定, 回顾大会 1992 年 12 月 16 日第 47/111 号决议,其中表示欢迎消除一切形 式种族歧视国际公约缔约国第十四次会议于 1992 年 1 月 15 日决定4 修正《公约》八条第六款,并增加新的一款作为 八 条 第 七款,以期从联合 经 常 预 算中为 消除种族歧视委员会提经费, 并重申对《公约》修正案尚未生效深表关切
the obligation of all States parties to the Convention to take legislative, judicial and other measures to secure full implementation of the provisions of the Convention, its resolution 47/111 of 16 December 1992, in which it welcomed the decision, taken on 15 January 1992 by the Fourteenth Meeting of States Parties to the International Convention on the
Elimination of All
[...] Forms of Racial Discrimination, to amend paragraph 6 of article 8 of the Convention and to add a new paragraph, as paragraph 7 of article 8, with a view to providing for the financing of the [...]
Committee from the
regular budget of the United Nations,4and reiterating its deep concern that the amendment to the Convention has not yet entered into force
在医务科,拟新设 15 个本国员额(6 个本国干事和 9 个本国一般事务人员), 因为该科在过去数年里经扩大 了它所提供的服务,这些服务包括联科行动总部 诊所不间断地运作,该诊所现在为强化一级诊所,而不是以前的一级诊所;病人 从三级医院出院后在他们家里对其进行追踪观察;定期对阿比让以及西区和东区 的 11 家三级医院的病人进行探访;区总部的医生开展外联活动,一周两次访问 地处偏远的办公室;在重要的活动期间向政府和作为联合国综合框架一部分的联 合国国家工作队提供支助;拟议在库马西后勤基地每天提 八 小 时 的医疗支助, 而不是目前的两小时。
In the Medical Services Section, the establishment of 15 additional national posts (6 National Officers and 9 national
General Service staff) is proposed, as the Section has over the past years expanded the services it provides, which include round-the-clock operation of the UNOCI headquarters clinic, which is now functioning at level I-plus rather than the
[...] previous level I; patients are followed up at their homes after discharge from level III hospitals; patients are regularly visited in the 11 level III hospitals in Abidjan and in Sector West and Sector East; doctors in the regional headquarters perform outreach activity by visiting remote offices twice a week; support is provided to the Government during important functions and to the United Nations country team as part of the United Nations integrated framework; and medical support is proposed to be provided eight hours a day at the logistics base in Koumassi as opposed to the current two hours a day.
经社会收到“次级方案概述:与亚洲及太平洋包容性可持续经济和社 会发展有关的议题和挑战”(文件 E/ESCAP/68/2,第一至八部分)、经社会 各项决议执行情况进展概要(文件 E/ESCAP/68/3)、以及 2010-2011 两年期方 案绩效报告(文件 [...]
The Commission had before it the subprogramme overview: Issues and challenges related to inclusive and sustainable economic and social development in Asia and the
Pacific (E/ESCAP/68/2,
[...] sections I to VIII), the summary of progress in the implementation of Commission resolutions (E/ESCAP/68/3), [...]
and the programme
performance report for the biennium 2010-2011 (E/ESCAP/68/INF/3).
工程科学和技术的至关重要性经在 联 合国 八 国 集 团、二十国集团、非洲联盟和非 洲发展新伙伴关系的会议和报告中,在 2002 年的约翰内斯堡可持续发展问题世界首脑会议 (WSSD)、世界工程师组织联合会(WFEO)和世界工程师大会 2000 年(汉诺威,主题为 “人类--自然--技术”)、2004 年(上海,主题为“工程师朔造可持续的世界”)、2008 年 (巴西利亚,主题为“工程学:富有社会责任的创新”)和计划在 2011 年(日内瓦,主题 为“工程学赋予世界以力量”)举行的会议,包括 1999 年的世界科学大会上,都给予了突 出的强调。
The vital importance of engineering and technology has been emphasized at meetings and reports of the United Nations, G8, G20, the African Union and NEPAD, the Johannesburg World Summit on Sustainable Development (WSSD) in 2002, at the WFEO World Engineers Conventions in 2000 (Hanover, theme: “Humanity – Nature – Technology”), 2004 (Shanghai, theme: “Engineers Shape the Sustainable World”), 2008 (Brasilia, theme: “Engineering: Innovation with Social Responsibility”), and the forthcoming WEC in 2011 (Geneva, theme: “Engineers Power the World”) and the World Conference on Science in 1999.
(b) 与成员国,包括常驻代表及经社会成员指派的其他代表咨
[...] 询委员会协商,并作为关于秘书处评价活动的两年期报告的一部分, 向经社会呈报评价结果,经社会 第六 八 届 会 议始、并在今后各两 年期报告内延续下去。
(b) Consult with member States, including with the Advisory Committee of Permanent Representatives and other Representatives Designated by Members of the Commission, and
present the results to the Commission as part of the biennial reporting on the secretariat’s evaluation activities,
[...] beginning with the sixty-eighth session of the Commission [...]
and continuing in future biennial reports.
主席先生,如果英國決意發展代議政制 正 如 在㆒ 九 八 ㆕ 年 就憲制改革發表的綠皮書及 白皮書所承諾,並且沒有因為㆗國的批評而改變立場;如果六㆕㆝安門事件沒有發生;如 果英國真正在香港推行兩局共識方案,而不只是「空口講白話」;如果英國對香港㆟所許㆘ 加快民主步伐的承諾貫徹始終,而不是猶豫不決,更不是傾向爭取像外相韓達德㆒貫所認 為的頭獎,即尋求與㆗國達成共識(結果現在要為經濟理由而取悅㆗國);如果英國與㆗國 之間沒有秘密函件,把香港㆟蒙在鼓裏,使香港㆟的信心像「搖搖」般起落不定,那麼香 港㆟現時便會處於更佳的境況,並有條件活得更好及有更光明的前景。
Mr President, if Britain were determined to move on a course of development of representative government as promised by their 1984 Green and White Papers on constitutional reform and not changed its stance because of China’s criticism; if the June 4 Tiananmen incident had not happened; if Britain truly pushed the OMELCO consensus for Hong Kong and not just providing lip service; if Britain had been consistent and not wavering from promising Hong Kong people to push for a faster pace of democracy and yet moving towards achieving what the Foreign Secretary Douglas HURD has consistently considered as a first prize, which is to strive for a consensus with China and finally now, to appease China for economic reasons; if Britain did not have any secret letters with China, which has kept Hong Kong people in the dark and suspended Hong Kong people’s confidence like a yo-yo, then Hong Kong would be in a better position now, a better position to live in and prosper for the future.
哥斯达黎加常驻代表团还请将本照会和意见列为人权理事会第 八 届 会正式文件。
The Permanent Mission of Costa Rica further
requests that this note and the comments appear as an
[...] official document of the eighteenth session of the Human [...]
Rights Council.
非正规照料:在家庭环境中提供的任何私人安排。亲属或朋友 ( 非 正规 亲属照料)抑或其他人,以个人身份 经儿 童 、 其父母或他人提议,而非经 行政或司法当局抑正式授 权机构安排,持续或无限期地照顾儿童
(i) Informal care: any private arrangement provided in a family environment, whereby
the child is looked after on an ongoing or
[...] indefinite basis by relatives or friends (informal kinship care) or by others in their individual capacity, at the initiative of the child, his/her parents or other person without this arrangement having been ordered by an administrative or judicial authority or a duly accredited body
另一种有效的工具则是在柬埔 寨实施的“在家中培养儿童识字前技
[...] 能”的项目,它是对达喀尔目标1(幼 儿保育)的具体而又有影响的贡献, 其对象正规的幼儿服务机构顾及不 到的儿童。
Another effective tool was the Development of Children’s Pre-literacy Skills at Home project in Cambodia, a concrete and visible contribution to Dakar Goal
1 on Early Childhood Care and Education, which targets
[...] the children not reached by the formal early childhood [...]
[...] 而进行的种种努力,但委员会关注缔约国不同法庭系统的裁决之间不统一,并且 迟迟没有通过民法,这可能阻止一 儿 童 获得 公 正 的 裁决,并可能在混合婚姻的 家庭事务中对不同的人口群组造成严重的歧视。
While welcoming the efforts of the State party to codify Sunni family law, the Committee is concerned at the lack of uniformity between judgements of different court system in the State party, as well as at the delay
of the adoption of the civil law,
[...] which may prevent some children from having access [...]
to fair judgments and cause significant
discrimination against different segments of the population in family matters occurring in mixed marriages.
会议提出了许多其它建议,诸如确保数字遗产得到保护,包括把档案和图书馆作为 “世界记忆计划”的组成部分;制 儿 童 和成人媒体教育计划;根据信息社会世界首脑会议 的精神,特别在知识社会和知经济 的 背景下,推广普及使用信息传播技术。
A range of other suggestions was put forward, such as: to ensure the preservation of digital heritage, including archives and libraries as a component of the “Memory of the World Programme”; to
develop media education
[...] programmes for children and adults; and to increase familiarity with the use of ICTs, especially within the framework of the knowledge society and knowledge economy, in light of the [...]
outcomes of the World
Summit on the Information Society.
报告还指出,在与冲突各方展开保护儿童的对话方面进展有限,并强调,全 国团结政府和苏丹南方政府在通过保护儿童的国家立法、在国家警察部队中确立
[...] 儿童保护的模式以及在全国解除武装、复员和重返社会进程中重 儿 童 等领 域正 在采取的举措很重要。
The report also notes some limited progress in establishing child protection dialogue with parties to the conflict and highlights important ongoing initiatives by the Government of National Unity and the Government of Southern Sudan in areas such as adoption of national legislation for the protection of children, establishment of child
protection modalities in the national
[...] police force and focus on children in the national [...]
disarmament, demobilization and reintegration process.
此外,执行局第一八六届会议要求“总干事结合其一八六届会议的讨论情况和与各地 区组的磋商结果,尽快起草基金《章程》 正 案 , 以提交 八 七 届会议审议”(第 186 EX/6 号文件--第 V 部分第 7 段和第 186 EX/39 号决定第 7 段)。
In addition, the Executive Board at its 186th session requested “the Director-General to prepare and submit, as soon as possible, amendments to the Statutes of the Fund for consideration at its 187th session, taking into account the discussions at its 186th session and following consultation of the regional groups” (186 EX/Decision 6-V para. 7 and 186 EX/Decision 39 para. 7).
(e) 该研究所的工作人员向国际预防诈骗大会提交文件,包括 2010 年举 行的注册舞弊审查师学会环太平洋地区舞弊问题会议;在英国剑桥大学耶稣学 院举行的第二八届国际经济犯 罪专题讨论会。
(e) Staff members of the Australian Institute presented papers at international fraud prevention conferences, including the Association of Certified Fraud Examiners’
Pacific Rim Fraud Conference
[...] 2010; the twenty-eighth International Symposium on Economic Crime, at Jesus [...]
College, University
of Cambridge (United Kingdom).
41 根据该决定,森林论坛决定以八届 会正式协 商期间拟定的带方括号的案文草稿42 为基础,在第九届会议上完成对 议程项目 6 的审议,注意到论坛第九届会议主席打算进行非正式磋商,以便所 有成员国就带方括号的案文草稿中的实质性问题达成协议,并且如果就那些问 [...]
2009 年尽早召开为期一天的论坛第九 届会议特别会议,以便通过所商定的案文。
At its 42nd plenary meeting, on 29 July 2009, the Economic and Social Council, recalling decision 8/2 of 1 May 2009 of the [...]
United Nations Forum
on Forests,41 by which the Forum decided to complete the consideration at its ninth session of agenda item 6, based on the bracketed draft text developed in informal consultations during its eighth session,42 noted that the Chair of the ninth session of the Forum intended to undertake informal consultations in order to reach agreement among all Member States on the substantive issues in the bracketed draft text and authorized, should agreement be reached on those issues, the holding of a one-day special session of the ninth session of the Forum, within existing resources, at the earliest possible date in 2009, for the purpose of adopting the agreed text.




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