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本文件包括第 180 EX/33 号文件第 I 部分正件和第 II 部分(附件),其中有总干事关 于教科文组织截至 2007 年 12 月 31 日财务期帐目的报告、外聘审计员的审计意见、业经审 计的财务报表以及外聘审计员的报告和总干事为此所提出的书面意见。
This document incorporates document 180 EX/33 Part I Rev. and Part II (Annex) containing the report of the Director-General on the accounts of UNESCO for the financial period ended 31 December 2007, the audit opinion of the External Auditor, the audited financial statements and the report of the External Auditor together with the written comments of the Director-General thereon.
[...] 文组织与尼日利亚联邦共和国政府之间关于该中心的协定草案建议与协定范 本有出入的条款(见第 35 C/22 号件及修正件)。
This document contains the results of the feasibility study for the proposed Centre, supplemented by an annex containing such provisions of the proposed draft agreement between UNESCO and the Government of the Federal
Republic of Nigeria concerning the Centre as deviate from the standard model
[...] agreement (see document 35 C/22 and Corr.).
第一起件正 在审理之 中,第二起 案件的审理工作已 经排好 时间, 将 于本月开始 ,第三起件正 处于对反 驳 起 诉 的 理由进行裁决的阶段。
In the first of the cases the trial was in progress, in the second it was scheduled and would start this month, while the third case was at the stage of deciding on the objections to the indictment.
毒品和犯罪问题 办公室出版了准备工作件(正式记 录),7 该文件就这些文书的起草提供了全 面的背景资料。
(official records),7 which provide background information on the negotiation of the instruments.
尤其应避免在其它件正在到 达或是更改时使 用文件(例如,SW 文件就是一个不好的选择,因为日志文件将随每项作业而 更改)。
In particular, avoid using folders where other files are arriving or changing (for example, the SW folder is a bad choice, because the log file changes with every job).
Our procedures to value did not require us to conduct
any searches or inspect
[...] the original documents to verify ownership or to verify any amendment which may [...]
not appear on the copies handed to us.
如果您的件正在使 用“块代码解压”进行保护,您的软件将始终受到保护直到解密验证通过为止,因为代码是从可执行文件中提取出来的。
If your software is protected using "Extraction Block Code" protection, your software will stay protected until decryption was valided, because the code is extracted from the executable file.
(a) 文件编写计划 中央案例研究水资源管理件正在不 断编写中,这些文件是根据省级案例研究的成果和报告、 各类专题报告,以及国际先进方法与经验编写而成。
There has been a continuous production of Central Case Study water resources management related documentation based on the reports and findings of the provincial case studies, the various thematic papers that have been commissioned and international best practice and experience reporting.
关闭温度传感器的盖子时,必须确保密 件正 确 就 位并且没有夹住连接线。
When you close the top of the temperature sensor, make sure
[...] that the seal is correctly positioned and [...]
that no connecting leads are wedged in.
[...] 员;请秘书长确保平等对待所有语文事务处,并确保会员国代表之间有效地用多 种语文进行沟通,包括通过以所正 式 语 文同时分发 件 ; 请 新闻部改进所采取 的行动,实现在联合国网站上同等使用六种正式语文;请秘书长向大会第六十五 [...]
届会议提交一份综合报告,说明充分执行大会有关使用多种语文的各项决议的情 况(第 63/306 号决议)。
At its sixty-third session, the General Assembly took note of the appointment by the Secretary-General of a new Coordinator for Multilingualism; requested the Secretary-General to ensure equal treatment for all language services and effective multilingual communication among representatives of Member
States, including through
[...] simultaneous distribution of documents in all official languages; requested [...]
the Department of Public
Information to improve actions taken to achieve parity among the six official languages on the United Nations website; and requested the Secretary-General to submit to it at its sixty-fifth session a comprehensive report on the full implementation of its resolutions on multilingualism (resolution 63/306).
在建議的第 13A(1)條中,刪去“土地的賣方為給予該土地的 業權,只須向買方交付以下兩者 —”而代以“土地的買方要 求賣方為給予該土地的業權而向買方交付 件正 本 的 權利,只 限於以下件的正本 —”。
In the proposed section 13A(1), by deleting everything before paragraph (a) and substituting – “(1) Unless the contrary intention is expressed, a purchaser of land shall be entitled to require the vendor to deliver to him, for the purpose of giving title to that land, the original of both of the following only –”.
它声称,申诉中提及的件正在接 受西班牙司法当局,具体而 言是休达第一预审法院的调查。
It states that the events referred to in [...]
the complaint are under investigation by the Spanish judicial authorities and specifically
by Examining Court No. 1 of Ceuta.
关于一些国家 提出的要求采取切实措施调查攻击新闻工作者和人权维护 者事件的建议,黑山说,杀害“Dan”日报主任和主编的刑事 件正 在 审 理之 中, 对于攻击新闻工作者的三起案件的刑事诉讼已经完成。
Regarding the recommendation of several states to undertake effective measures to investigate attacks on journalists and protectors of human rights, Montenegro stated that in the case of the criminal offence of homicide of the Director and Editor-in-Chief of the daily „Dan“ the trial was in progress and in three cases of assaults on journalists the criminal procedures had been completed.
除其 他外,这项法律的 2007 年 11 月的修正案,将塞尔维亚共和国负责战争罪行的检 察官办公室和贝尔格莱德地区法院战争罪行委员会的管辖范围,扩展至《刑法
典》370 至 386 条203 规定的刑事罪行案件中的刑事罪行罪犯、犯下刑事罪行后 帮助罪犯的罪行,还扩展至 1991 年 1 月 1
[...] 日之前在前南斯拉夫境内所犯的严重 违反国际人道主义法件,正如《 前南斯拉夫问题国际刑事法庭规约》所规定 的。
The amendments to this Law as of November 2007, inter alia, expanded the competence of the Office of the War Crimes Prosecutor of the Republic of Serbia and the War Crimes Council of the District Court of Belgrade to the offenders of criminal acts, assistance to offenders after the committed criminal act, in case of criminal acts prescribed in articles 370 through 386203 of the Criminal Code, as well as to severe violations of the international humanitarian law
committed in the territory of the former
[...] Yugoslavia as of 1 January 1991, as stipulated [...]
by the Statute of the International
Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
联塞部队将努力在缓冲区生活件正 常 化 方面取得进 展,并将继续采取有效措施,防止未经许可使用该地区,并视需要向两族提供人 [...]
While UNFICYP will strive to achieve
[...] progress towards normal living conditions in the buffer zone, [...]
it will continue to take effective
measures against unauthorized use of this area and provide humanitarian assistance to members of both communities, as required.
我们提供的测试设施包括3个电动振动筛,在最常用的振动测试 件 ( 正 弦 、 随机振动分析)中它可提供超过22000N的外力。
Our vibration testing facilities contains 3
electrodynamic shakers to provide over 22000N in the most used
[...] vibration testing events – sine and random vibration [...]
带有流量计的 AFS 能确 保系统件正常工作。
The AFS functions with the flow meters to ensure
[...] that system components are functioning correctly.
他回應主席就市面上流通的舊版千元 鈔票數量作出的查詢時指出,由於 件正 在 調查中,政府當局 認為現時並非發放該等資料的適當時間。
In response to the Chairman’s enquiry on the number of the old series $1,000 banknotes in circulation, he pointed out that as the case was under investigation, the Administration considered that it was not the right time to release such information.
再如,对 于Yahoo邮件,可以指定收件人、主题、 件正 文 和 超过50个其它元数据标签。
Another example could be Yahoo Mail, where it is possible to specify receiver, subject, message and more than 50 additional meta data tags.
极端天气件正更为频繁, 往往伴随越来越多的气候波动和变化。
Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent, often associated with increasing climate variability and change.
我前面那位发言 者的措辞不过是在转移人们对以色列恐怖主义的注 意力,以色列恐怖主义行径的唯一目的就是破坏在西 岸和加沙地带建立巴勒斯坦国的可能性,把人们的注
[...] 意力引向除国家恐怖主义之外的问题上,而联合国在 纽约和日内瓦分发的数以千计的 件正 是 国 家恐怖 主义这种恐怖主义形式的铁证。
The words that you heard from the speaker who spoke before me were merely a distraction to divert attention from Israeli terrorism, the sole purpose of which is to undermine the possibility of establishing a Palestinian State in the West Bank and Gaza and to focus attention on issues other than State terrorism, a
form of terrorism that is well-evidenced
[...] in thousands of documents issued by the United [...]
Nations in New York and Geneva.
咨询委员会还在其各份报告中就秘书长报告说 明的其他事项提出意见,例如新系统的范围、将于 2008 年完成的为联合国行政法庭的判决支付酬金的 工作、新的内部司法系统中法官的服务 件 、 正 式解 除法官职务的机制、由工作人员出资的工作人员法律 援助计划及可能在内部司法系统中利用信息和通信 技术等等。
The Advisory Committee had also commented in its reports on other matters covered in the SecretaryGeneral’s reports, such as the scope of the new system, the payment of an honorarium for judgements to be completed by the United
Nations Administrative
[...] Tribunal in 2008, the conditions of service of judges in the new system of internal justice, mechanisms for the formal removal of judges, [...]
a staff-funded scheme
for legal assistance for staff and possible uses of information and communication technology in the administration of justice system.
其中,下列因素可能導致實際結果與這些前瞻性聲明中所描述的結果存在實質性的差異:技術的快速變化或產品停產,潛在成本上漲,客戶訂單偏好的改變;半導體行業的激烈競爭以及隨之而來的價格下滑壓力,對產品的需求與接受程度相關的不確定因素;終端市場的不利 件 ; 正 在 進 行中或已計畫的發展或市場推廣和宣傳所帶來的影響,預測未來需求的困難性;預期訂單或積壓訂單無法實現的可能性;產品責任問題,以及現有或預計半導體行業出現其它未能預計的潛在業務和經濟情況或不利因素;保護專利及其它所有權的困難性和成本,客戶的產品認證事宜而引致產品停產或其它困難等。
The potential risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, such factors as rapidly changing technology and product obsolescence, potential cost increases, variations in customer order preferences, weakness or competitive pricing environment of the marketplace, uncertain demand for and acceptance of the company's products, adverse circumstances in any of our end markets, results of in-process or planned development or marketing and promotional campaigns, difficulties foreseeing future demand, potential non-realization of expected orders or non-realization of backlog, product returns, product liability, and other potential unexpected business and economic conditions or adverse changes in current or expected industry conditions, difficulties and costs of protecting patents and other proprietary rights, inventory obsolescence and difficulties regarding customer qualification of products.
但是, 议会的现有瘦客户机件正在日 益老化并且需 要更新。
However, the council’s existing
[...] thin client hardware was becoming outdated and needed [...]
to be refreshed.
儿童基金会和扶轮社之间的伙伴关系是根据 E/ICEF/1990/P/L.35 号件正 式建 立的,此后执行局将其数次延长,最近一次(根据第 2005/12 [...]
号决定)延长至 2005 年至 2010 年期间。
The partnership between UNICEF
[...] and Rotary was formally established in accordance with document E/ICEF/1990/P/L.35, [...]
and has been extended
by the Executive Board since then, most recently for the period 2005 to 2010 (pursuant to decision 2005/12).
它认为普遍 加入这个条约,特别是中东所有国家加入这个条约并将它们的全部核设施置于国 际原子能机构(原子能机构)保障监督制度之下,是设立一个无核武器区的必要件,正如关 于在中东区域设立无核武器区的研究报告所主张的那样(A/45/435)。
It believes that the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone requires universal accession to this Treaty, particularly by all countries in the Middle East region, and the placement of all their nuclear facilities under International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) safeguards, as recommended in the study on the establishment of a nuclear-weapon-free zone in the region of the Middle East (A/45/435).
1.7 申請豁免人士應填妥附件 2 的《噪音排放證書的「一般審核」表格》和附件 3 的《申
[...] 請豁免車輛廢氣及噪音排放規定》表格,連同所有有關 件正 本 提 交環境保護署審批。
1.7 Applicant should complete the “Noise Emission Certificate General Approval (NECGA) Form” in Annex 2 and the “Application for Exemption from Vehicle Exhaust and Noise Emissions Requirements” form in
Annex 3 and submit to the Environmental Protection Department for approval together with
[...] all original supporting documents.
(3) 未經本公司尚未行使認股權證之認購權四分三之持有人親身或以受委代表出席通過之 決議案批准及在根據該等認購權證條款及 件正 式 召 開及舉行之大會上就該項決議案 投票,本條細則有關成立及維持認購權儲備之規定不得以任何方式修改或增訂以致將 會更改或撤銷或具有效力更改或撤銷本條細則下與該等認股權證持有人或該類別認股 權證持有人利益有關之規定。
(3) The provisions of this Bye-law as to the establishment and maintenance of the Subscription Rights Reserve shall not be altered or added to in any way which would vary or abrogate, or abrogate, or which would have the effect of varying or abrogating the provisions for the benefit of any warrantholder or class of warrantholders under this Bye-law without the sanction of a resolution passed by holders of three-fourths of the subscription rights represented by the outstanding warrants of the Company present in person or by proxy and voting on such resolution at a meeting duly convened and held in accordance with the terms and conditions of such warrants.




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