单词 | 止血栓 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 止血栓—plug stop bleedingtamponSee also:止血n—hemostasisAEn haemostasisBEn 止血—staunch (bleeding) hemostatic (drug) 血栓—thrombosis blood clot 血栓n—thrombusn infarctionn
手术后形成心脏血栓的危险 增加,故需使用抗凝药物稀释血液,防止血栓形成。 world-heart-federation.org | After surgery there is an increased [...] danger of bloodclots formingin the heart, so anticoagulant medicines to thin theblood are givento preventthis. world-heart-federation.org |
Genous生物工程支架技术的特点是在支架表面固定了抗体,捕获血液循环中的内皮祖细胞 (EPC),从而在支架杆上和支架杆之间快速形成内皮层,防止血栓形成并降低血管再狭窄的风险。 orbusneich.com | The Genous Bio-engineered surface features antibodies immobilized on the stent that capture circulating endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs), which in turn rapidly form an endothelial layer over and between the stent struts. orbusneich.com |
受此结果影响,加上迄今为止所说的肺血栓栓塞症等,他们认为有必要进行关于灾害时各种各样心血管病的预防方法宣讲。 tohoku.ac.jp | The results of the study show the need for preventative medical management measures, not only with pulmonarythromboembolism aspreviously suggested, but with all types of cardiovascular diseases. tohoku.ac.jp |
王振义博士现任上海交通大学医学院终身教授,是中国公认的首屈一指的血栓和止血专家。 afcr.org.hk | Dr. Wang is currently a professor at the Medical [...] School of Shanghai Jiao Tong University and is recognized as one of [...] the experts inthrombosis andhaemostasis in China. afcr.org.hk |
已报道的使用PMMA骨水泥(但与PMMA骨水泥并不直接相关)的最严重的不良反应是:(1) 心肌梗死,(2) 脑血管意外,(3) 心跳停止,(4) 猝死,及(5) 肺栓塞。 wmt.com | The most serious adverse reactions reported with the use of, but not directly related to PMMA bone cement are: [...] (1) myocardial infarction, (2) [...] cerebrovascular accident, (3) cardiac arrest, (4) sudden death, and (5)pulmonaryembolism. wmt.com |
这些物质可以预防血栓的形成,从而保护人们防止冠心病的发作和脑卒中的发生。 world-heart-federation.org | They protect people from heart attacks and strokes by preventing bloodclots. world-heart-federation.org |
他同时兼任上海血液研究所的荣誉所长,曾任《中华血液学杂志》荣誉主编,国际心脏学会理事,及国际血栓和止血协会理事。 afcr.org.hk | He serves as honorary director of the Shanghai Institute of Haematology, and also served as former honorary [...] editor-in-chief of The Chinese [...] Journalof Hematology, former council member of International Society for Heart Research and International Society on Thrombosisand Haemostasis (ISTH). afcr.org.hk |
如果在不再视为犯罪的同时采 [...] 取必要规模的戒毒、教育措施和其他措施,例如阻止血液传播病毒的蔓延,就能 最有效地让社会所有成员享有健康权。 daccess-ods.un.org | Where decriminalization occurs alongside treatment, education and other interventions implemented to [...] the required scale — for instance, to [...] contain thespread of bloodborneviruses — the [...]right to health of all members of society is realized most effectively. daccess-ods.un.org |
在松开止推垫圈 (4 个螺栓,17号扳手)之后,所有管接头都可以自由转动(图 36 和附录中的 图 [...] 893 899)。 highvolt.de | After loosening the pressure ring (4 [...] M10/wrench 17 screws), all pipe connections can be [...]freely swiveled (Figure 36 and appendix, 893 899). highvolt.de |
由于这些研究结果,美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)宣布绝经后女性使用的所有雌激素产品上都必须有警示标签,说明长时间使用该产品会增加心肌梗塞、中风、血栓和乳腺癌的风险。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | Because of these research findings, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced that all products for postmenopausal women containing estrogen should have a [...] warning label stating that prolonged use could increase the risk of heart [...] attacks,strokes, bloodclotsandbreast cancer. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
血栓抽吸可明显改善ST段抬高型心肌梗塞患者的临床结果,已获得了最新欧洲心脏病学会(ESC)指南的IIa级推荐。 tipschina.gov.cn | Thrombus aspirationsignificantly [...] improves the clinical outcome in STEMI patients and has received a IIa recommendation [...]in the most recent ESC guidelines (European Society of Cardiology). tipschina.gov.cn |
我们对3Flow血栓抽吸导管的效果感到自豪:3Flow血栓抽吸导管的特色使其成为放心进行血栓抽吸术的独特产品。 tipschina.gov.cn | We are proud of the results of the 3FlowCatheter:Its features make the 3Flow catheter a very unique product that eases thrombus aspiration. tipschina.gov.cn |
深度静脉血栓症(DVT) 的症状是在腿部形成血栓块。 united.com | Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT) is a condition involving the formation of bloodclots in the legs. united.com |
研究对巴勒斯坦人血栓形成易感因素的基因变体进行了实验室 试验,培养了巴勒斯坦在分子生物学方面的能力,同时也在以色列和巴勒斯坦的研究者之间 [...] 建立了专业信任和智力合作。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The research allowed performing laboratory [...] assays for genetic variants of [...] susceptibility factors for thrombosis among Palestinians [...]thus enhancing Palestinian capacity [...]in molecular biology, while at the same time building professional trust and intellectual cooperation between Israeli and Palestinian researchers. unesdoc.unesco.org |
适用的话,在静脉穿刺完成后,应立即除去止血带。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The tourniquet, if applied, [...] shall be immediately removed after the venipuncture has been made. unesdoc.unesco.org |
此外,这些元件能防止螺栓连接出现最终分 离。 heico-fasteners.cn | In addition, [...] these elements prevent a final separation. heico-fasteners.cn |
其首要目标是12个月的初始通畅率,次要目标是技术成功率、止血时间和伤口并发症发生率。 tipschina.gov.cn | The primary endpoint is primary [...] patency at 12 months, with secondary endpoints being technical [...] success,time to hemostasis and wound complication rate. tipschina.gov.cn |
大多数蛛状静脉患者都可以接受治疗,孕妇、哺乳期妇女以及有禁忌症的人士除外,此处所指的禁忌症包括:深静脉血栓、皮肤感染、未受控制的糖尿病,以及患者正在服用抗凝血剂等情况。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Most anyone suffering from spider veins can receive treatment, with the exception of pregnant or nursing women, individuals [...] with contraindications such as a history [...] of deepvein thrombosis, skininfections, [...]uncontrolled diabetes, or patients taking anticoagulants. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
另含A+停止活栓以减少於停止乐段中移调的需要。 tomleemusic.com.hk | An A+ stop valve is included to eliminate the need to transpose during stopped passages. tomleemusic.com.hk |
结果表明:在外周血细胞中可区分出红细胞、单核细胞、大淋巴细胞、小淋巴细胞、嗜中性粒细胞和血栓细胞;嗜中性粒细胞内的特殊颗粒包括A、B、C三型;嗜中性粒细胞分为Ⅰ型粒细胞(内含A、B、C三种特殊颗粒)、Ⅱ型粒细胞(内含A型和C型两种特殊颗粒)和Ⅲ型粒细胞(内含C型特殊颗粒)。 actazool.org | The ultrastructural study revealed that the neutrophils include three types of cells according to their special granules(A,B and C special granules):type Ⅰ(included A,B and C special granules)、type Ⅱ(included A and C special granules)and type Ⅲ(included C special granules). actazool.org |
长时间坐着不动或躺着不动时,腿部的静脉出现血栓(深部静脉血栓),血 栓移动到肺部堵塞血管(肺栓塞)则可能会导致死亡的病症。 tokyo-icc.jp | If the clot moves to the lung and blocks theblood vessel (pulmonary thrombosis → pulmonary embolism), death can result. tokyo-icc.jp |
於 2007年中由世界卫生组织所发表的Wright Study 指出血栓形成的最主要成因是长时间缺乏活动。 dragonair.com | In mid 2007 the World Health Organization [...] published the Wright Study that confirms that the primary [...] factor involved in DVT formation is a [...]long period of immobility. dragonair.com |
在创伤是开放性(复合性)骨折或复杂性骨折合并血管或神经损伤的情 况下,为抢救生命、保存肢体,理想的治疗方案应是止血或控制出血、 固定骨折,并后送上一级医院。 daccess-ods.un.org | In cases where the injury is an open (compound) fracture or complex fracture associated with vascular or neurological damage, with the aim to save [...] life and limb, the ideal [...] treatment should be stop or control the bleeding, stabilize the [...]fracture and evacuate to a higher level hospital. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,大部分的临床表徵是偶发性的,在 APS [...] 病患中盛行率只有 5%,几乎所有器官都可能因为 APS 而受损,在某些情况下,APS [...] 的症状可能会以不同型式表现,例如:舞蹈症、心脏腔室中的血栓、急性呼吸窘迫症候群、艾迪森氏症、Budd-Chiari [...]症候群、骨内缺血性坏死、产妇症候群等。 immunocap.nl | However, a large variety of clinical manifestations have been occasionally described in pateints with APS, with prevalences lower than 5%. Virtually any organ, system or tissue of the body can be affected and the APS be [...] manifested in such diverse conditions as [...] chorea, intracardiac thrombus, ARDS,Addison's [...]disease, Budd-Chiari syndrome, AVN of [...]bone or HELLP syndrome, to name just a few. immunocap.nl |