

单词 止血带

See also:


hemostatic (drug)
staunch (bleeding)


blood n

External sources (not reviewed)

适用的话,在静脉穿刺完成后,应立即除 止血 带。
The tourniquet, if applied, [...]
shall be immediately removed after the venipuncture has been made.
D.4.8 采血官员应在不可能对运动员或其成绩产生不利影响的位置上用消过毒 杀过菌的抹布或药签清洁皮肤,必要时使 止血带。
D.4.8 The Blood Collection Official shall clean the skin with a sterile disinfectant wipe or
swab in a location unlikely to adversely affect the Athlete or his/her performance and, if
[...] required, apply a tourniquet.
它的好处是容易操作,并且带的弹性可以有效压迫受伤区域、达 止血 目 的
The advantages of the compression bandage are that it is easy to
[...] put on and the elastic provides sufficient pressure to stop bleeding in the area.
[...] 取必要规模的戒毒、教育措施和其他措施,例如 止血 液 传 播病毒的蔓延,就能 最有效地让社会所有成员享有健康权。
Where decriminalization occurs alongside treatment, education and other interventions implemented to
the required scale — for instance, to
[...] contain the spread of blood borne viruses — the [...]
right to health of all members of society is realized most effectively.
许多与会者主张按分计划来划拨下放的计划资源,这样既可以 止 资 金 分散带有一定的灵活性。
Many participants favoured the allocation of decentralized programme resources by subprogramme, so as to avoid a dispersion of funds and to instil an element of flexibility.
[...] 方案以囚犯为公正的中间人,有效地减少了暴力, 而且当局对被止带入监 狱设施的物质实行了更加 严格的管制。
An innovative programme for mediation and dispute settlement, with inmates serving as impartial intermediaries, had effectively reduced
violence, and the authorities had imposed tighter controls on
[...] the entry of prohibited substances into [...]
prison facilities.
西非的三个特派团(联科行动、联利特派团和联合国塞拉利昂建设和平综合 办事处(联塞建和办))以及联合国西非办事处(西非办)继续在一些领域开展合 作,其中包括:与联利特派团开展联合边境巡逻,以 止 非 正规的武装集团和武 器跨界移动;联科行动和联利特派团之间组织联合培训方案,其他特派团也参加; 除了通过租赁线路建立与科特迪瓦三个大城市的链接以外,还保持与联利特派团 的地面微波链接,以提高服务质量和速度,利用尚未使用的卫 带 宽 实 现节余; 以及各特派团之间共享航空资产。
The three missions in West Africa, UNOCI, UNMIL and the United Nations Integrated Peacebuilding Support Office in Sierra Leone (UNIPSIL) as well as the United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA), continue to work together and cooperate in a number of areas,
including: joint border
[...] patrols with UNMIL to prevent cross-border movement of irregular armed groups and weapons; organizing joint training programmes between UNOCI and UNMIL, which are also attended by other missions; maintaining a terrestrial microwave connectivity with UNMIL in addition to establishing leased line connectivity to three major cities in Côte d’Ivoire to enhance service quality and speed and achieve savings from unused satellite bandwidth; and the sharing [...]
of air assets among the missions.
如果情况持续或恶化,例如尿带血或发 烧,应立刻告知医生或放射治疗师。
If this discomfort persists or worsens
[...] such as having bloodstain in the urine, [...]
or if you develop a fever, please inform
your doctor or radiation therapist at once.
(h) 警察和法院有权在发生对妇女的暴力行为时下达并强制执行保护和禁 止令,包括将行为人从住所带走, 禁 止 在 住 所内外与被害人和其他受影响当 事人进一步接触,并有权下达和强制执行子女支助和监护令,以及对违反这些 [...]
(h) Police and courts have the authority to issue and enforce protection and restraining or barring orders in cases of violence against women,
including removal of the perpetrator from
[...] the domicile and prohibition of further contact [...]
with the victim and other affected
parties, inside and outside the domicile, to issue and enforce child support and custody orders and to impose penalties for breaches of those orders.
急性腹泻除补充体液外通常无需处理,尽管腹带血(痢疾)或高热可能需要抗生素治疗, 例如环丙沙星或复方新诺明(遵照本地指南)。
Acute episodes of diarrhoea do not usually need
treatment except fluid replacement,
[...] though diarrhoea with blood (dysentery) or high [...]
fever may need antibiotics, eg ciprofloxacin
or cotrimoxazole (follow local guidelines).
[...] 赋予它的责任,不是以发表新闻声明敷衍了事,而是 立即通过一项决议来迫使占领国以色列 止 其 对加 沙带的地面、海上和空中的侵略,立即撤出部队, 解除对加沙的围困,开放过境点,结束集体惩罚政策, [...]
护所的卫生和教育机构,因为对这些安全庇护所的袭 击是非法的。
We therefore demand that the Security Council assume its responsibilities under the Charter of the United Nations and not settle for making press statements, but rather immediately adopt a resolution that
compels Israel, the
[...] occupying Power, to stop its land, sea and air military aggression on the Gaza Strip; immediately [...]
withdraw its forces;
lift the siege on Gaza; open the crossings; end the policy of collective punishment; and provide protection for the Palestinian people, including the protection of health and educational institutions that are safe havens, as attacks on such safe havens are illegal.
就4F设备介入来说,Marc Bosiers博士表示并发症发生率仅为3.3%,平均手工压 止血 时 间为8分钟左右,是使用6F设备所需时间的一半。
On the 4F intervention side, Dr. Marc Bosiers presented a complication rate of only 3.3% and a mean manual compression time of around 8 minutes, halving the time experienced when using 6F.
如果您希望捐献带血,请 告诉您的助产士或妇科医生,他们会告诉您信 息并指导您该手续。
If you wish to give away blood from the umbilical [...]
cord please inform your midwife or gynaecologist so that they can give
you information on the procedure (mark ‘x’ if this is your preference).
政府可否告知本局,在短期內是否會在電視的黃 金時間內播放㆒些教導老師、學生,以至市民的宣傳片,指出處理流血的基本常識, 首先就是要穿戴手套協助傷止血, 以 防 止 愛 滋 病毒透過血液的傳染?
Would the Administration inform this Council if it intends to broadcast in the near future on television during prime hours to educate teachers, students and the public on the commonsense approach to deal with bleeding, the first
step of which is to wear gloves
[...] before handling bleeding wounds so as to prevent contracting the AIDS virus through blood?
在静脉穿刺时止血器释 放太迟会导致钾的数值假性升高或导致稀 释效应。
Delayed tourniquet release during [...]
venipuncture can result in falsely elevated potassium values or dilution effects.
在创伤是开放性(复合性)骨折或复杂性骨折合并血管或神经损伤的情 况下,为抢救生命、保存肢体,理想的治疗方案应 止血 或 控 制出血、 固定骨折,并后送上一级医院。
In cases where the injury is an open (compound) fracture or complex fracture associated with vascular or neurological damage, with the aim to save
life and limb, the ideal
[...] treatment should be stop or control the bleeding, stabilize the [...]
fracture and evacuate to a higher level hospital.
应指出,古巴法律止携带爆炸 物准备前往他国的船只和飞机进入或留在古 巴港口或机场。
It should be noted
[...] that Cuban law prohibits vessels and aircraft carrying explosives [...]
bound for other countries from arriving
or remaining at Cuban ports or airports.
当 前的难题是扩大将全人类联系在一起的各种价值观和原则的共同点,同时 止 一 体 化 带 来 的 压力。
The challenge is to enlarge the common denominator of values and principles that bind us all together as human beings, while guarding against the pressures of uniformity.
将仔细筛选和训练这 20 个新员额的任职人员,他们将负责在观察团在苏呼
米的所有房舍进出点提供安保护卫;用目视、金属探测器和 X
[...] 光设备等手段检查 所有进入房舍的人员、包裹和汽车;搜查和暂时保管武器, 止 武 器 被 带 进 房 舍; 在观察团总部各处巡逻;控制观察团总部内的汽车交通;向安保管制中心报告所 [...]
The incumbents of the 20 new posts, who would be carefully screened and trained to provide the required level of security services, would be responsible for the provision of security coverage at entry points throughout Mission premises in Sukhumi; screening of all personnel, packages and vehicles entering the premises through visual
inspections, metal detectors and
[...] X-ray equipment; identification and temporary custody of weapons prior [...]
to entry into the premises;
conduct of patrols throughout Mission headquarters; control of vehicular traffic in Mission headquarters; and reporting of all security, fire and safety violations to the security control centre.
日本经济新闻及其电子版以"iPS细胞,安全制作,DNAVEC,效率提高"为题,就本公司和先端医疗振兴财团先端医疗中心的共同研究中,使用仙台病毒载体从 带血 由 来 造血干细胞成功制作出iPS细胞的成果发表于《美国国家科学院院刊》作了报道。
NIHON KEIZAI SHIMBUN, print and electronic editions, published an article titled "Generation of safe iPS cells, DNAVEC improves efficiency," reporting that DNAVEC, in collaboration with the Institute of Biomedical Research and Innovation (IBRI),
succeeded to generate iPS cells
[...] from hematopoietic stem cells derived from umbilical cord blood and that the achievement [...]
is to be published
in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS).
小组委员会 建议在监狱周围与犯人接触的人止 公 开 携 带 其 他武器,包括警棍,除非因安全 和保安需要他们携带,以处理特别的事件。
The SPT recommends that the open carrying of other weapons,
including batons, by persons in contact
[...] with prisoners be prohibited within the prison [...]
perimeter, unless they are required
for safety and security in order to deal with a particular incident.
止将本机附带的软 件转让、复制、反向汇编、反向编 译、反向工程以及违反出口法令的出口行为。
Distributing, copying, disassembling, reverse compiling, reverse engineering, and also exporting in violation of export laws of the software provided with this unit are expressly prohibited.
警员制服上应 有明确的身份标识,在执勤时应止 携 带 现 金
Police officers should have visible identification on their uniforms
[...] and should be prohibited from carrying [...]
cash while on duty.
顺便提一句,嵌入的异物或许有助 止血 , 这 意味着拔除异物可能比不拔掉它更有害。
Incidentally, the embedded
[...] object may help block bleeding; this means that removing [...]
the object may do more harm than good.
1835 年,英国宣布止血腥的 逗牛游戏,于是斗狗“运动”开始风行。
In 1835 Bull baiting was outlawed in England, and the ""sport"" of dog fighting became popular.
不结盟运动要求以色列停止对巴勒斯坦人民采 取的此类非法行径,永远止对加沙 地 带 的 非 法封 锁,并立即、持续地开放加沙所有边界过境点,以便 缓解人道主义危机并满足巴勒斯坦人民重建和经济 复苏的紧迫需求。
The Non-Aligned Movement demands that Israel cease such illegal practices against the Palestinian people and put a permanent end to its illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip by allowing the immediate and sustained opening of all Gaza border crossings needed to alleviate the humanitarian crisis and to meet the urgent reconstruction and economic recovery needs of the Palestinian people.
鉴于(a) 美国的保留已在严格意义上作了特定解释,即在防扩散斗争 中,对于必须高温才能消除生物毒素和 止 给 普 通民 带 来 毁 灭性后果的设 施,要使用燃烧武器来对付其中的生物武器或其他类似成分;(b) 美国提具 的保留绝不是为了使任何人逃避在选择攻击手段和方法时尽可能小心谨慎, 避免和无论如何尽可能减少意外造成的平民人命损失、平民受伤和平民财产 受损的义务;(c) 《议定书》的目的和宗旨可恰当地解释为是保护平民免受 使用燃烧武器造成的连带损失;联合王国将不反对这项保留,因为这项保留 没有违背《议定书》的目的和宗旨。
On the basis that (a) the United States reservation is correctly interpreted as a narrow reservation focused on the use of incendiary weapons against biological weapons, or similar counter-proliferation, facilities that require high heat to eliminate the biotoxins, in the interests of preventing potentially disastrous consequences for the civilian population, (b) the United States reservation is not otherwise intended to detract from the obligation to take all feasible precautions in the choice of means and methods of attack with a view to avoiding, and in any event to minimising incidental loss of civilian life, injury to civilians and damage to civilian objects, and (c) the object and purpose of the Protocol can properly be said to be to protect civilians from the collateral damage associated with the use of incendiary weapons, the United Kingdom would not object to the reservation as contrary to the object and purpose of the Protocol.69 36.
功效:護脾養胃、清熱解毒、排毒清脂、祛皺消斑、養顏正氣、能保持毛細血管正常的抵抗能力、舒張血管、降低血壓、改善循環、 止血 管 硬 化,較適用于心血管病人的保健食用,並用於預防中風。
Efficacy: protect the spleen and stomach, detoxify, detoxification, remove the wrinkle and freckle,beauty righteousness, to maintain normal
capillary resistance,
[...] diastolic blood vessels, lower blood pressure, improve circulation, prevent hardening [...]
of the arteries, is more
suitable for the cardiovascular patient and for the prevention of stroke.
雖然現時本港設有多個醫療服務的投訴渠道,有專管醫生專業表現 的醫務委員會(“醫委會”),有醫院管理局(“醫管局”)的兩層投訴機制,
[...] 但對制止大量醫療事故的出現,可謂作用有限,我們只看到出錯又出 錯,好像大出血般,不知何時才 止血。
Despite the fact that there are a number of channels for handling complaints against health care service in Hong Kong, including the Medical Council of Hong Kong (MCHK), which is responsible for regulating the professional performance of medical practitioners, and a two-tier
mechanism operated by the HA, they are
[...] not very useful in curbing the occurrence of [...]
a large number of medical incidents.




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