单词 | 止痛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 止痛noun—pain reliefnless common: anestheticAEn 止痛—analgesic relieve pain stop pain Examples:止痛法—method of relieving pain 止痛片—painkiller 活血止痛—invigorate blood circulation and alleviate pain [idiom.] See also:痛n—painn achen headachen 痛—sorrow thoroughly
对于流感、肚子疼等症状,医生通常不会为您开药,但您可以在药房(亦称药店或药行)和某些超市购买 止痛退烧等非处方药。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Generally, you will not receive medication for things like the flu or a [...] stomach ache, but you can buy [...] over-the-counter medicine forpain relief andfever from [...]a chemist (also known as a drugstore [...]or pharmacy) and some supermarkets. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
这种药叫做曲马多(Tramadol),是通过地道从埃及进口的劣质轻度片状 止痛药。 unicef.org | The pill was Tramadol, a [...] mild opioid painkillerof poor quality [...]imported through the tunnels from Egypt. unicef.org |
此外,这种巨大压力下产生的身体问题正在增加对初级 [...] 保健提供者的需求,而他们多次误诊和用药不当,包括开出令人上瘾的 止痛药。daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, physical problems arising from such intense stress were increasing demands on primary health-care [...] givers, who in many cases were misdiagnosing and prescribing inappropriate medications, [...] including addictive painkillers. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们滋润,止痛且不含香料的高效能护臀霜可以让您的宝宝倍享底部干爽,心情愉悦。 cn.iherb.com | Pamper your baby's bottom and improve his or her mood with our rich, emollient, fragrance-free Bitty Bottom Cream. iherb.com |
这些药物包括:磺胺类药物、抗生素、镇静剂、避孕药、关节 止痛药、口服糖尿病药物、圣约翰草,以及过敏药物。 shanghai.ufh.com.cn | These include sulfa-based drugs, [...] antibiotics, tranquilizers, birth-control [...] pills, arthritispainkillers,oral diabetes [...]medications, St. John's wort and allergy medications. shanghai.ufh.com.cn |
我在这里获得最基础的急救,那就是用冰敷和吃 止痛药。 4tern.com | They gave me a basic first aid [...] treatment, ice and pain killer to soothe my pain. 4tern.com |
他们也可回答有关其他药物和可能的相互作用的问题﹐例如 止痛药﹑伤风疗法﹑以及其他处方药物。 bcepilepsy.com | They are also available to answer [...] questions about other medications and potential [...] interactions,such as painkillers, cold treatments, [...]and other prescriptions. bcepilepsy.com |
对于只是遭受短时间腰痛的患者,我们建议使用 止痛药、 消炎药、物理疗法、使用支撑器、替代疗法和生活方式的改变。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | For patients who have only suffered [...] from back pain for a short period of time, we recommend painkillers, anti-inflammatory [...]drugs, physical [...]therapy, bracing, alternative therapies and lifestyle modifications. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
他们知道您愿意尝试任何方式来停止痛苦。 haltonwomensplace.com | They know that you are willing to try [...] anythingto stop the pain. haltonwomensplace.com |
儿童过早便接触吸毒问题、处方药物的非医疗使用及受管制 止痛药物的获得等新现挑战 daccess-ods.un.org | (i) Emerging challenges, such as the problem of children exposed to drug [...] use at a very early age and the non-medical use of prescription drugs, as well as [...] access to controlled painmedications daccess-ods.un.org |
国际人权法》、《人道主义法》和《难民法》在 保护妇女、儿童和男性权利自由,并减轻或防 止痛苦上是一致的。 globalprotectioncluster.org | provides technical support to the collection and analysis of sex-disaggregated data throughout all humanitarian programmes, in partnership with the humanitarian information Centre and others. globalprotectioncluster.org |
其他风险因素包括肥胖、GORD 家族病史、吸烟 和使用止痛剂[13]。 iasp-pain.org | Other risk factors include obesity, a family history of [...] GORD, smoking, and analgesicuse [13]. iasp-pain.org |
发言者还对 滥用处方药,尤其是对止痛药物 非医学使用的相关风险表示关切。 daccess-ods.un.org | Speakers also expressed concern about the abuse of prescription drugs, in particular the risks associated with the non-medical use of medication for the treatment of pain. daccess-ods.un.org |
尽管人们认识到真相与和解委员会促进了冲突后社会的疗伤 止痛过程,但人 们还不很清楚妇女参与这些过程以及这些过程满足妇女需要和解决妇女问题的 程度。 un.org | While it is recognized that truth and reconciliation commissions facilitate the healing process in post-conflict societies, the involvement of women in these processes, and the degree to which the processes address the needs and concerns of women, is not well known. un.org |
不适当的用药 或缺乏止痛剂可能带给猫咪巨大的疼痛,请参考亚洲动物基金《中国兽医猫狗绝育 手术指南》以符合动物福利要求。 animalsasia.org | Inappropriate use of [...] drugs or lackof analgesia maycause considerablepain tothe cat [...]– see Animals Asia‘s ―De-sexing of [...]the Dog and Cat for Chinese Veterinary Practitioners‖. animalsasia.org |
缅甸依然没有落实这些规定,因为一些监狱设施没有狱医、囚犯在许多情 况下必须自己购买基本止痛药以外的药品或为狱外医疗付款。 daccess-ods.un.org | These provisions are still not being met in Myanmar as some of the prison facilities do not have a prison doctor, and [...] prisoners in many cases have to purchase their own [...] medicines beyondbasicpain reliefpillsor pay [...]for outside treatments. daccess-ods.un.org |
一个好的急救药箱包括不同绷带,一些无菌纱布和敷料,一些抗生素软膏, 止痛药和一副防护手套。 hkcarworld.com | A good first-aid kit should include a selection of bandages, a few [...] sterile gauze pads and dressings, some [...] antibiotic ointment,acetaminophen tabletsand a [...]pair of nitrile protective gloves. hkcarworld.com |
当然,脊骨神经医师的徒手 [...] 治疗手段并不局限於手法或松动术,还包括徒手牵引、被动拉伸、按摩、扳机点的缺血性挤压 和用於止痛及缓解肌肉痉挛的反射技巧。 hkca.org | Of course, the chiropractor’s scope in manual therapy extends beyond the use of manipulation or mobilization and includes manual traction, passive [...] stretching, massage, ischaemic compression of [...] trigger points and reflex techniques designed to reduce pain and mu scle spasm. hkca.org |
其天然的抗菌抗炎功效可预防感冒、 止痛。 sfgourmet.com | Its natural antibacterial anti-inflammatory [...] effect can prevent colds,pain. sfgourmet.com |
无数的其他人正从中得益的光疗法,消除他们的依赖 止痛药,避免手术,减少或消除疼痛和炎症,回到健康的生活方式。 danpacplus.hk | Countless other people are reaping the benefits of laser therapy by [...] eliminating their [...] dependence on pain medications, avoiding surgery, decreasing or eliminating pain andinflammation, [...]and returning to a healthier lifestyle. danpacplus.hk |
4 128一.止痛药a 二.解热剂a 三.抗生素a 四.常见呼吸道疾病药物a 五.常见胃肠道疾病药物a 供60天、每天40名门 诊患者用的充足数量 和必备种类。 daccess-ods.un.org | Drugs for common cardiovascular conditionsa Adequate quantity and essential variety to support 40 outpatients per day for a period of 60 days. daccess-ods.un.org |
怀孕的时候腹镜手术优于传统开腹手术因为它可以减少术后不适, 所以使用较少的止痛药,同时也可以减少孕妇的呼吸功能抑制. websurg.com | Laparoscopy is preferable to open surgery because the reduced postoperative discomfort allows minimal use of opiates and causes little deterioration in maternal respiratory function. websurg.com |
如您需要止痛药或消炎药纾缓症状,请向医生查询。 hsbc.com.hk | Seek advice from [...] doctors if you need pain-killers or anti-inflammatory [...]drugs to alleviate the condition. hsbc.com.hk |
若感眼部不适,可按指示服食止痛药。 hksh.com | If there is discomfort in your eyes, [...] you cantakethe pain-killers provided [...]according to the instructions. hksh.com |
与会者认为需要进一步收集有关该问 [...] 题的信息;毒品和犯罪问题办公室提出的评估获取 止痛药物 的障碍调查表草案 是这方面值得欢迎的举措。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was felt that further information-gathering on that subject was needed; the draft [...] questionnaire proposed by UNODC for assessing [...] obstacles to access to painmedication was a [...]welcome initiative in that regard. daccess-ods.un.org |
治疗方法包括处方减少胃酸的药物,患者亦须避免服用 止痛药或类固醇等药物。 hsbc.com.hk | Treatment usually involves medicine to reduce stomach acid. Patients should also avoid certain [...] medicines(such as pain-killers andsteroids). hsbc.com.hk |
全世界有数百万人需要有必要的药品来 止痛,消除对毒品的依赖和治疗其他 疾病,但是,药品供应经常受以下因素限制:限制性药品规章制度、未建立正常 [...] 运作的供应和分配系统和保健系统能力不足。 daccess-ods.un.org | Millions of people worldwide require [...] essential medicines forpain,drug dependency [...]and other health conditions, but availability [...]is often limited by restrictive drug regulations, failure to implement a properly functioning supply and distribution system, and inadequate health-care system capacity. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,毒品和犯罪问题办公室正在针对儿童过早便接触吸毒、处方药物非 医疗使用及受管制止痛药物的获取等问题启动创新举措。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to drug dependence treatment and care, the training materials and documentation of Treatnet and of the UNODC/World Health Organization joint programme on drug dependence treatment and care are available from www.unodc.org/treatment/en/index.html. daccess-ods.un.org |