单词 | 歆 | ||||||||||||
释义 | 歆—pleasedless common: moved
永瑆捡了旧的仿雄黄玻璃烟壶,让雕工加上环耳、款识,或许有这样的可能,但是我们认为可能性并不大。 e-yaji.com | While the remote possibility remains that Yongxing found an old, plain realgar-glass bottle and ordered the lapidary to add both the mask-and-ring handles and the mark, this seems unlikely. e-yaji.com |
就市场情况而定,本集团预期「瑆华」及位於大埔的首期「Providence Bay」将於今年年末推出预售。 wingtaiproperties.com | Subject to market conditions, both “9 Warren Street” and the first phase of “Providence Bay” in Tai Po are expected to be launched for pre-sale towards the end of this year. wingtaiproperties.com |
本壶归永瑆所有,是仿雄黄玻璃作的,呈宫廷式兽首衔环耳,本壶当然可推测为宫廷作坊的产品。 e-yaji.com | Belonging to the prince, being of realgar-glass, and bearing imperial style mask-and-ring handles, this bottle justifies an attribution to the imperial glassworks. e-yaji.com |
诒晋斋的主人是永瑆 (1752–1823),乾隆皇帝第十一子。 e-yaji.com | The hallmark on the foot of this bottle, Yi Jin Zhai, is that of Yongxing, (1752–1823), the eleventh son of the Qianlong emperor. e-yaji.com |
我们不能确保这件壶是为永瑆制作的,但把兽首衔环耳和款识放大就可见,它们的雕磨格调是一致的,款识一定不是後加的。 e-yaji.com | Under high magnification it becomes clear that the style of carving and polishing of the mask-and-ring handles is identical to that of the mark, the two appearing to have been executed at the same time, in the same lapidary workshop. e-yaji.com |
於未来六个月,本集团将密切关注市场动态,力求把握销售良机,推出大坑「瑆华」、西半山加冕台及大埔Providence Bay的项目预售,以及销售其他豪宅项目的余下单位。 wingtaiproperties.com | We will closely monitor the market in the next six months in order to seize the right windows to launch the presales of “9 Warren Street” in Tai Hang, Coronation Terrace in Mid-Levels West and Providence Bay in Tai Po, as well as to sell the remaining units of our other luxury residential projects. wingtaiproperties.com |