单词 | 款者 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 款者 noun, plural —defaulters plExamples:捐款者 n—donor n 存款者 n—investor n 捐款者—benefactor • contributor (charity) 存款者—saver • account holder
对评估情况的利用:很少提及评估情况,而且,甚至在 C/3 小组提请捐款者注意有关 评估情况时,几乎从不对其发表意见。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Use of evaluations: Evaluations are [...] rarely mentioned and almost never commented upon, even where the C/3 [...] team reminded contributors of relevant evaluations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
儿童基金会在许多国家办事处执行了这项建议,将继续同国家办事处一道 确保从现金援助收款者收取收据。 daccess-ods.un.org | UNICEF has implemented this recommendation in many country offices and will continue to work with its country offices to ensure official receipts are received from recipients of cash assistance. daccess-ods.un.org |
我們 關注到,醫院經過一段長時間才把欠款個案轉交醫管局總辦事處,或會耽誤 總辦事處對欠款者採取進一步行動。 legco.gov.hk | We are concerned that the long time span for hospitals to forward [...] unsettled cases to the HA Head Office might have delayed further action to be taken by [...] the Head Office against defaulters. legco.gov.hk |
加州兒童 服務是所有類型治療最常見的付款者 , 除語能治療主要是由學校和早期介 入計劃支付。 familyvoicesofca.org | CCS was the most common payer for all types of therapy, except for speech therapy which was paid for mainly by schools and early intervention programs. familyvoicesofca.org |
綜合以㆖的分析,民主黨認為政府推出的強制性私㆟公積金計劃是㆒個非常高風 險的投資計劃,有可能令供款者血本無歸,民主黨是不可以接受的。 legco.gov.hk | To sum up, the Democratic Party views the MPF proposed by the Government [...] as a very high-risk investment scheme and, in [...] the end, the contributors will possibly [...]lose every penny they have saved. legco.gov.hk |
(g) 可給予準時或提早還款者某種 形式的獎勵(如提供額外利 率優惠或退還風險調整利息或行政費)。 forum.gov.hk | (g) some form of incentives (e.g. [...] extra interest concessions or refund of RAF/administrative fees) [...] may be offered to loan borrowers who repay [...]early or timely. forum.gov.hk |
倘被催繳股款者其後轉讓其有關股份,彼仍需就其被 催繳的股款負責。 asiasat.com | A person on whom a call is made will remain liable for calls made upon him notwithstanding the subsequent transfer of the shares in respect whereof the call was made. asiasat.com |
應要求貸款者於完成課程後立即開始還款,例如考慮將還款 開始時間定於畢業後九個月或於貸款人獲聘後。 forum.gov.hk | Some suggested that we should review whether repayment should start [...] immediately after graduation in view of the general [...]decline in earnings of young people over the years, e.g. repayment may start nine months after graduation or only after the loan borrower has secured a job. forum.gov.hk |
加拿大和英國都 是使用單一付款者制度。 familyvoicesofca.org | Canada and England are single-payer health systems. familyvoicesofca.org |
巴塞爾協議下,資本充足率要求銀行保持與風險加權資產相關的資本水準,以應對潛在的損失,為存款人和其他 放 款者 提 供 保護。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | Under Basel guidelines, Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) requires banks to maintain levels of capital in relation to [...] their risk weighted assets as a cushion for potential losses, thereby providing [...] protection to depositors and other lenders. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
关于向捐款者退款的政 策问题,他指出, 目前正在制定这一政策,并将其作为 2012年1月完成的管理框架的一部分。 daccess-ods.un.org | Regarding the policy on refunds to donors, he said that this policy is currently under development as part of the regulatory framework, which would be ready as of January 2012. daccess-ods.un.org |
倘完成因星力國際單方面違約而未能落實,則賣方可通過向星力國際發出書面終止通知立即 終止協議,在此情況下,賣方可立即沒收星力國際已支付的部份按 金 8,800,000 [...] 港元,並立即 向星力國際退還有關按 金的餘下數額 11,200,000 港元及第二筆按金,而訂約方均毋須就此承 [...] 擔任何義務及責任,且訂約方均不得就申索損害賠償或執行強制履行令或任何其他權利及補 救措施而採取任何行動,惟任何先前違反有關 條 款者 則 除 外。 cre8ir.com | If Completion does not take place as a result of the sole default of Star International, the Vendor may forthwith determinate the Agreement by giving notice of termination in writing to Star International to such effect, in which event the Vendor shall forthwith be entitled to forfeit HK$8,800,000, being part of the Deposit, and shall forthwith refund, in additional to the remaining amount of Deposit of HK$11,200,000, and the Further Deposit to Star International and neither party shall have any obligations and liabilities thereunder and neither party shall take any action to claim for damages or [...] to enforce specific performance or any other rights and remedies save for any [...] antecedent breaches of the terms thereof. cre8ir.com |
其他工具侧重社区组织提供的小额贷 款方案等具体服务,以确保有内部管控政策和程序,并探讨小额贷款对小额 贷款 者的社会影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | Other tools focused on specific services offered by the community-based organizations, such as the microlending programme, ensuring that internal control [...] policies and procedures are in place as well as exploring the social impact [...] the small loans have on those who take small loans. daccess-ods.un.org |
维持办事处 这种不确定状态,只能使捐款者对办 事处的实际能力产生困惑,既不利于指导项目,也不利 [...] 于在职雇员的管理,使其不能与联合国其他机构建立起协调长久的关系。 unesdoc.unesco.org | It is inefficient, with regard to both project execution and staff management, to [...] keep the Bureau in a state of unsettled [...] limbo that leaves donors perplexed as to [...]the real capacities of the Bureau and the [...]Bureau unable to build a sustainable, collaborative relationship with the other United Nations agencies. unesdoc.unesco.org |
截至 2011 年 12 [...] 月,中东一些身份不明的捐款者向 J im’ale 转移了资金,而 后者则利用各种金融中介把钱送交青年党。 un.org | As of December 2011, [...] unidentified donors from the Middle [...]East were transferring money to Jim'ale, who in turn used financial [...]intermediaries to send the money to al-Shabaab. un.org |
适应基金并不像其他《公约》下的 基金需依赖捐款者贡献 ,而是由清洁发展机制 (CDM) 项目活动的 [...] 2% 的收益作为基金来源。 undpcc.org | Unlike other funds in the Convention that rely [...] mainly on donor contributions, this fund [...]is to be financed with a 2% share of proceeds [...]from clean development mechanism (CDM) project activities. undpcc.org |
孟加拉正在提议建立一个多方捐款者 的 气 候基金 来推动孟加拉的气候适应和减缓。 undpcc.org | Agreeing upon and applying principles appropriate to each fund under the Convention will be a challenge. undpcc.org |
友邦香港首席執行官陳榮聲先生( 左五) [...] 與其他獲獎機構代表 在香港紅十字會捐款者嘉許禮 2012 上合照。 aia.com.hk | Mr. Jacky Chan, Chief Executive Officer of AIA Hong Kong (fifth [...] from left) pictured with representatives of other awarded companies at the Hong Kong [...] Red Cross Donor Award Ceremony 2012. aia.com.hk |
首先,对于拿家庭物品这样的财产作 抵押的个人借款者可能会有一些不公平做法;其次,抵押品不易估值(任何种 类抵押品的估值都非易事,但如果象家庭物品之类的抵押品的价值是无形的或 [...] 者难以确定,抵押品的估值尤其困难);第三,在小额金融业务中担保权的登记 [...]特别困难;第四,一旦借贷人违约,执行和收债涉及一些特殊问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | First, there may be practices that are unfair for an individual borrower that offers assets [...] such as household goods as collateral; [...]second, valuation of collateral is not easy (valuation of collateral is a problem that arises in respect of any type of collateral, but in particular when the collateral’s value is intangible or which may be difficult to ascertain, like household items); third, registration of security interests in a microfinance context creates particular difficulties; and fourth, enforcement and collection in the event of borrower default raises particular issues. daccess-ods.un.org |
在「香港紅十字會捐款者嘉許 禮 2012」上,友邦香港獲頒發最崇高榮譽的 捐 款者 鑽 石 獎,以表揚公司對該會賑災救援工作的全 力支持。 aia.com.hk | At the ‘Hong Kong Red Cross Donor Award Ceremony 2012’, AIA Hong Kong [...] was presented with the [...] top accolade of Diamond Award (Big Donations), in recognition of the Company’s inspiring fundraising and tremendous [...]support of the organisation’s work in disaster relief. aia.com.hk |
Kiva(www.kiva.org)是一个“人对人”的小额贷款网站,它把个人 贷 款者 与世 界各地、特别是非洲的农村企业家链接起来。 daccess-ods.un.org | Kiva (www.kiva.org) is a person-to-person microlending website that links individual lenders to rural entrepreneurs around the world, especially in Africa. daccess-ods.un.org |
另外,就有關成員或其承繼人 目前應向本公司支付的全部款項而言,無論該等款項是於向本公司發出有關該成員以外任何人 [...] [...] 士的任何衡平或其他權益的通知之前或之後產生,及無論付款或履行付款責任的期間是否已實 質到來,且即使該等款項為該成員或其承繼人與任何其他人士(無論是否本公司成員)的共同 債務或責任,本公司均應對該成員名下(無論是否其他成員聯名)登記的每股股份(未繳足股 款者)擁有首要留置權。 cre8ir.com | The Company shall also have a first and paramount lien on every share (not being a fully paid share) registered in the name of a Member (whether or not jointly with other Members) for all amounts of money presently payable by such Member or his estate to the Company whether the same shall have been incurred before or after notice to the Company of any equitable or other interest of any person other than such member, and whether the period for the payment or discharge of the same shall have actually arrived or not, and [...] notwithstanding that the same [...] are joint debts or liabilities of such Member or his estate and any other person, whether a Member or not. cre8ir.com |
工作组强调,非传统捐款者也应 更多参与国家一级的协商进程。 daccess-ods.un.org | It was stressed that [...] non-traditional donors should be more involved [...]in the consultative process at the national level. daccess-ods.un.org |
額外虧損僅以 本集團已產生法定或推定責任或代表該聯營公司 付 款者 為 限 而確認。 sisinternational.com.hk | Additional losses are recognised only to the extent that the Group has incurred legal or constructive obligations or made payments on behalf of that associate. sisinternational.com.hk |
指标 25(a):在和平进程要求设立的过渡时期司法机制中,在其任务规定中载有 解决妇女和女孩的权利和参与问题条 款者 的 数 量和百分比 daccess-ods.un.org | Indicator 25 (a): Number and percentage of transitional justice mechanisms called for by peace processes that include provisions to address the rights and participation of women and girls in their mandates daccess-ods.un.org |
金融機構監督辦公室的職責是保障保單持有人、 存 款者 和 退 休金計劃成員免受不必要的損失,以及提升和管理監管架構,以增強公眾對競爭激烈的金融制度的信心。 commercial.hsbc.com.hk | OSFI's role is to safeguard [...] policyholders, depositors and pension [...]plan members from undue loss, and to advance and administer [...]a regulatory framework that contributes to public confidence in a competitive financial system. commercial.hsbc.com.hk |
最新指引使國民經濟核算統計數字更有效地反映銀行在促進資金從擁有盈餘資金的單位(例如 存 款者 ) 轉 移到需求資金的單位(例如 貸 款者 ) 所帶來的經濟貢獻。 censtatd.gov.hk | The latest guidelines enable national accounts statistics to reflect in a better way the economic contribution of banks in facilitating [...] the channeling of funds from units [...] with surplus funds (e.g. depositors) to units with demand for funds (e.g. borrowers). censtatd.gov.hk |
世界银行对灾害援助的评估表明,“对重建 工作(以及借款者以后 的长期发展)做出重大贡献的活动不包括 ERL(紧急重建贷款) 项目,因为它们不可能在分配的三年期限内完成”(World Bank, 2006, p. xxi)。 alnap.org | (and to the borrower’s subsequent longterm development) are not included in ERL [Emergency Recovery Loan] projects [...] because they cannot be [...]completed in the three years allotted’ (World Bank, 2006, p. xxi). alnap.org |