

单词 款方式



payment method
terms of payment

See also:

款式 n

style n
design n
contributory n


good taste


way (of life)

External sources (not reviewed)

[...] 才我提出的數項理由,我們其實有很好的論據,支持我們局部以 款方式代 替正式興建居屋。
Due to the various reasons given above, we have very good grounds to support our decision to partially replace
[...] HOS production with the offer of loans.
董事認為,行使一般授權配發及發行新股份將令本公司得以把握有利市況進行集 資及/或作為款方式。
The Directors believe that an exercise of the General Mandate to allot and issue new Shares will enable the
Company to take advantage of market conditions to raise additional capital
[...] for and/or as a means of payment by the [...]
(m) 就任何年期的任何土地與可繼承產(不論其上是否全部或部分已有建築),或任何宅院或物業
[...] 單位,或任何土地與可繼承產、宅院或物業單位的任何產業權或權益,按本公司認為合適的 金額、利率及條款與條件,以 款方式 墊 款 , 尤 其是向承辦本公司將給予墊款或同意墊款或 [...]
擁有權益的任何物業的加建或發展或修繕工程的任何一位或多位人士、公司或法團,貸出資 金。
(m) To advance money by way of loan on any land or hereditament of any tenure, whether the same shall be wholly or partly built on or not, or on any messuages or tenements, or any estate or interest in any land or hereditaments, messuages or tenements,
at such amount and at such rate of
[...] interest and upon such terms and conditions as [...]
the Company shall think fit and in particular
to lend money to any person or persons, company or corporation undertaking to build on, or to develop or improve any property upon which this Company shall advance, or agree to advance money or in which it is interested.
他 們建議,雖然為業務的目的複製及分發版權作品的侵權複製品會
[...] 招致刑事法律責任,但與業務有附帶關係或邊際關係的侵權作為 或活動,則可透過民事程序以 款方式 處 理
They suggest that while the copying and distribution of infringing copies of copyright works for the purpose of business will attract criminal liability, infringing acts or
activities incidental to or marginally related to business can be dealt with through civil
[...] proceedings in the form of a fine.
買賣供股股份(以未繳股款及繳足 款方式 ) 將 須繳納印花稅、聯交所交易費、 證監會交易徵費及香港適用的其他費用及收費。
Dealings in the Rights Shares (in both
[...] nil-paid and fully-paid forms) will be subject to the payment of [...]
stamp duty, Stock Exchange trading
fee, SFC transaction levy and other applicable fees and charges in Hong Kong.
此软件能够处理合同、需付金额 和社会保险收益,并可管理相关的信息数据库;利用 信息技术,通过银行系统和教科文组织的两个主要银 行开发的先进软件,实现了大多数 款方式 的 现代 化。
The software manages contracts, payment requests and social security returns, and maintains database of related information; Employment of IT to modernize method of making most payments through the banking system, through the use of state-of-the-art software developed by UNESCO’s two principal banks.
(A) 除非本公司與任何可換股優先股股東協定任何其他 款方 式,否 則本公司將向有關可換股優先股股東寄發港元(或 [...]
倘以另一種貨幣付款,則為有關其他貨幣)支票支付因兌 換或贖回優先股而導致的任何現金分派及有關款額,郵寄 地址為該名可換股優先股股東於有關記錄日期於股東名冊
(A) Unless any other manner of payment is agreed [...]
between the Company and any CP Shareholder, payment of any cash distributions
and moneys due on conversion or redemption to such CP Shareholder shall be made by the Company posting a cheque in Hong Kong dollars (or in the case of payments which are to be made in another currency, such other currency) addressed to that CP Shareholder at his registered address appearing on the Register as at the relevant Record Date and at his risk.
这些程序应根据第 37 条[**超级链接** ]在投标邀请书中列明,所涉及
[...] 的事项可以包括诸如获取招标文件的方式、地点、对招标文件收取的费用、款方式和币种,以及第 37 条(d)项[**超级链接** ]所提及的更为实质性的事项, [...]
即可以根据第 8 条对参加特定采购程序加以限制(其后果是,被排除在外而无
These procedures are to be set out in the invitation to tender in accordance with article 37 [**hyperlink**] and may concern such matters as the means of obtaining the solicitation documents, the place where they may be obtained, the price to
be paid for the solicitation
[...] documents, the means and currency of payment as well as the [...]
more substantive matter referred
to in subparagraph (d) of article 37 that the participation in the given procurement proceedings may be limited in accordance with article 8 [**hyperlink**] (with the consequence that suppliers or contractors excluded from participation in the procurement proceedings will not be able to obtain the solicitation documents).
(2) 根據公司法的條文、任何指定證券交易所的規則,本公司的組織章程大 綱及章程細則,以及任何股份或類別股份持有人所獲賦予特別權利的情況下,股份可 按董事會認為合適贖回款方式(包括自股本中撥款)發行,而該贖回可由本公司或股 份持有人選擇。
(2) Subject to the provisions of the Law, the rules of any Designated Stock Exchange and the Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company, and to any special rights conferred on the holders of any shares or attaching to any class
of shares, shares may
[...] be issued on the terms that they may be, or at the option of the Company or the holder are, liable to be redeemed on such terms and in such manner, including out [...]
of capital, as the Board may deem fit.
抵扣或退款将以下订单时所用的 款方式 退 还 至下订单时所用的帐户。
Credits or refunds will be made to the same method of payment and account used to place the order.
此外,工作文件还探讨了各法庭未作为一个因素加以明确处理的问题,那就 是,所提起的索赔类型是否影响到法庭以最惠国 款方式 纳 入 其他规定的意愿, 以及是否影响到最惠国的适用限制,包括马菲基尼案中述及的“公共政策”例外 情形。
Moreover, the working paper considered the question, albeit not explicitly dealt with by the tribunals as a
factor, whether the type
[...] of claim being made had had an influence on the willingness of tribunals to incorporate other provisions by means of an MFN clause, as well as the [...]
limits of the application
of the MFN, including the “public policy” exceptions set out in Maffezini.
不过,有些 委员会成员虽然也敦促秘书处对欠租国家严格执行有关房租协定的专门条款,但还是建议秘 书处在与常驻代表团交涉时要设身处地、灵活和有策略性,要考虑到现有的制度安排,如有 必要,可与有困难的国家进行讨论,根据具体情况采取个案特别处理的 款方式。
Nevertheless, several Committee members, although urging the Secretariat to apply strictly the specific provisions of the rental agreement governing the situation of countries with rental arrears, advised it to show circumspection, flexibility and tact with the Permanent Delegations, to take into account existing legal frameworks and, if necessary, to deal with countries finding it difficult to pay on a case-by-case basis.
大会第六十四届会议决定宣布从 2010 年 8 月 12 日开始的一年为“国际青年
[...] 年:对话和相互了解”;决定在联合国主持下组织一次世界青年会议,作为国际 年的最重要活动,并邀请大会主席与会员国进行开放式非正式协商,以确定该会 议的形式,该会议的经费将以自愿 款方式 筹 措 (第 64/134 号决议)。
At its sixty-fourth session, the General Assembly decided to proclaim the year commencing on 12 August 2010 the International Year of Youth: Dialogue and Mutual Understanding; decided to organize under the auspices of the United Nations a world youth conference as the highlight of the Year; and invited the President of the Assembly to conduct open-ended informal consultations with Member
States with a view to
[...] determining the modalities of the conference, which was to be funded by voluntary contributions (resolution [...]
(cc)而於緊隨有關行使後,須用作全數支付新增股 份面值的認購權儲備進賬額須予資本化及用作 全數支付有關新增股份面值,而該等股份須隨 即以入賬列作繳足款方式向行 使權利的認股 權證持有人配發;及
(cc) immediately upon such exercise so much of the sum standing to the credit of the Subscription Right Reserve as is required to pay up in full such additional nominal amount of shares shall be capitalised and applied in paying up in full such additional nominal amount of shares which shall forthwith be allotted credited as fully paid to the exercising warrantholder; and
根據第二份換股協議及補充協議,楊先生及星謙已同意於Keen Castle 將 指定的日期將彼等各自於友信行的股權轉讓予Keen Castle,作為Keen Castle以入賬列 為繳足款方式向楊 先生配發及發行合共500股Keen Castle股本中每股面值1.00美元的 普通股的回報。
Under the Second Share Swap Agreement and the Supplemental Agreement, Mr. Ieong and ICL have agreed to transfer their respective equity interests in ISH to Keen Castle on a date to be designated by Keen Castle in return for allotment and issue of a total of 500 ordinary shares of US$1.00 each in the capital of Keen Castle, all credited as fully paid, to Mr. Ieong by Keen Castle.
总体而言,有60%的毕业生用款方式 支 付 学费,但比例因课程类型不同而差异巨大,其中67%的全日制MBA毕业生、50%的高级MBA毕业生、48%的非MBA专业硕士毕业生以及47%的兼职MBA毕业生采用 款方式。
Overall, 60 percent
[...] of alumni took out loans to pay for their education, but the proportions varied by program type, with 67 percent of full-time MBA alumni, 50 percent of executive MBA alumni, 48 percent of non-MBA specialized master's alumni, and 47 percent of part-time MBA alumni taking out loans.
许多国家在如下领域面临各种实际存在的挑战:(a) 起诉恐 怖主义案件;(b) 防止通过新款方式、现金运送人及滥用非营利组织来资助恐 怖主义;(c) 确保反恐措施符合国家按国际法承担的义务。
Many States face genuine challenges in such areas as (a) prosecuting terrorist cases; (b) preventing the financing of terrorism through new payment methods, cash couriers and the misuse of non-profit organizations; and (c) ensuring that counter-terrorism measures comply with their obligations pursuant to international law.
款方式为实 物偿付,以提供投入的方式(例如农具)起到了促进和改善作 用,譬如过渡到使用有机肥料。
Payments were made in-kind in the form of provision of [...]
inputs (such as farm tools) to promote and implement improvements
such as a transition to organic fertilizers.
它还关注在缔约国的国家、地区和地方预算中缺乏一种顾及儿童权利的款 方式。
It is further concerned at the absence of a
[...] child-rights approach to allocations in the State party’s [...]
national, regional and local budgets.
科特迪瓦政府能否筹集资金支付第四项补充 协议中规定的复员费也是这些进程成功与否的关键,特别是考虑到国际伙伴不情 愿支持“现金款”方式,“ 现金付款”本身往往被证明既不足以,也不利于前 战斗人员可持续地重返社会。
The ability of the Government of Côte d’Ivoire to raise the funds for the payment of demobilization packages provided for in the fourth supplementary agreement will also be key to the success of
these processes,
[...] especially in the light of the reluctance of international partners to support cash payments which, in themselves, [...]
have often proven
to be neither sufficient nor conducive to the sustainable reintegration of ex-combatants.
缴付的规费数额、款方式以及 付款人身份。
the amount of the fees being paid, the method by which payment is being made and the identification of the party making the payment.
公 司 所 提 供 的 存 款 利 率 、 活 期 存 款 利 率 以 及 香 港 政 府 對 於 以 分 期款 方 式 支 付 的 土 地 售 價 所 收 取 的 費 用 等 , 然 後 才 採 納 每 年 1 0 % 這 個 數 字 作 為 適 當 的 利 率 。
The court in LAM Mei-lan v LEUNG Yuk & another went on to consider deposit rates offered by leading finance companies, savings account rates and Government charges on purchase prices of land paid in instalments before adopting 10% per annum as the appropriate rate of interest.
同 樣 , 任 何 人 , 如 以 分 期款 方 式 出 售 貨 品 , 其 在 收 取 法 定 利 息 方 面 所 享 的 權 利 , 不 應 損 害 其 所 享 有 的 其 他 權 利 , 例 如 因 顧 客 欠 繳 分 期 付 款 而 收 回 貨 品 的 權 利 。
Similarly, the right to statutory interest of a person who has hired out goods should not prejudice such rights as he may have to re-take possession of them for non-payment of the instalments.
(f) 公司采购的货物和服务的价款应该如以上所述对佣金等费用支付方面进 行考虑,但在供应商所提供的产品和服务的所在国支付的款项不需要进
[...] 行专门审查或不需要从收款人处获得付款请求书,除非当时情况暗示本款方式违法或不道德。
(f) Payments for goods and services purchased by the Company are subject to the same considerations noted above with respect to payment of commissions, etc., except that payments made in the country in which the product was delivered or service rendered by the vendor are not, per se, considered subject to special review or a requirement for a written request
for payment from an officer of the payee unless
[...] circumstances suggest the manner of payment might [...]
be illegal or unethical.
委员会认为,目前最高养恤金数额 定为年净基薪的三分之二,已充分顾及任职超过 9 年
[...] 的情况,特别是考虑到国际法院和两个国际法庭法官 的养恤金办法采用了不款方式。
It took the view that the current maximum level, at two thirds of annual net base salary, provided adequate recognition of service beyond nine years,
particularly considering that the pension schemes for members of the Court and judges of the
[...] Tribunals were non-contributory.
实时支付/实时增值税组织的 Chris Williams 随后就移动电子付款问题发 了言,这种款方式在发 展中国家得到了迅速推广,主要原因是这些国家的手机 用户激增。
Chris Williams of RTpay/RTvat followed with a presentation on mobile electronic payments, which had rapidly increased in developing countries owing mainly to the explosion in the use of cell phones in those countries.
[...] 内,建立了一个社会安全网,以一次性 款方式 帮 助 贫困人士满足基本需要,并 支持社会融入活动,这些活动以及其他计划导致在 [...]
2011 年为寻找工作者制造了 450 000 个工作岗位。
Within this framework of social protection and poverty reduction, a social safety net has been put in place to
help underprivileged persons meet their
[...] basic needs in the form of lump sum payments [...]
and support for social integration activities
as part of various schemes that led to the creation in 2011 of 450,000 posts for job-seekers.
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