

单词 欺人太甚

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更进一步,学生必须学习认知控 制变數实验的必要性,以及科学知識的累积本质,整合一个領域以上的科学知識,研究 科学領域的问题,并了解到科学力的成果,偶而也会因错 出现瑕 疵。
Further, they must learn to recognize the need for controlled experiments and the cumulative nature of scientific knowledge, integrate knowledge from more than one area of science,
investigate science-based issues, and
[...] recognize that science is a human endeavor occasionally flawed by mistakes and even fraud.
长时间以来,贩卖人口的过程变得越来越复杂, 走私者利用一整秘密 法的移徙办法,并在旅途的不同 阶段变换策略,所涉及的人包括政府和非政府部门的合法和非法人物。
Over time the process of human trade has become more complex, whereby
smugglers and
[...] traffickers use a combination of deceptive, clandestine or even legal modes of migration, [...]
switching strategies
at different stages of the journey, and involving both legitimate and illicit actors at the governmental and non-governmental levels.
由於这一事实,即启示理论复活,天使,魔鬼,并弥赛亚来晚了催产素年初intertestamental期间犹太教,学者们经常追踪这些想法,以拜火教施加影响的 太人巴比伦流亡。
Because of the fact that the revelation of the doctrines of resurrection, angels, Satan,
and the Messiah comes
[...] late inthe OToreven in the intertestamental period in early Judaism, scholars have frequently traced these ideas to Zoroastrian influence exerted upon theJewish peopleafterthe Babylonian exile.
鉴于 调查团成员的信誉,特别是坚持要把巴勒斯坦战争罪行的指称纳入实况调查工作 的戈德斯通法官本人的信誉,那种本着来自人权理事会的任何东西都是带偏见的 说法,或者说报告的结论称以色列国防军应当对战争罪负责这一结论本身的性质 就呈现出反以色列的――或用一些更火气冲天的词― 是反 太人的说 法,来对报告的结论和建议挑刺,看来是不负责任、毫无意义的。
Given the credibility of the members of the Mission, and in particular of Justice Goldstone himself, who insisted on including allegations of Palestinian war crimes within the FFM undertaking, it would seem irresponsible and frivolous to mount an argument against the findings and recommendations built around either the claim that anything emanating from the Human Rights Council is bound to be biased, or that the report, by finding the IDF responsible for the commission of war crimes, is by the very nature of its conclusions exhibiting an anti-Israeli, or in some dramatically-inflamed claims, even an anti-Semitic bias.
目前已提交委员会的一份 文件(A/C.5/63/3/Add.1)载有秘书处工作人员的意 见,但它实际上包含了管理层和工作人员代表两方 面的意见,其中一人甚 本不属于秘书处,这 一点有悖于大会第 35/213 号决议和工作人员条例第 8.2 条的规定,也体现出围绕这一问题所采用俩。
One of the documents currently before the committee (A/C.5/63/3/Add.1) was presented as containing the views of Secretariat
[...] but in fact it contained views of both management and staff representatives, some of whom were not even part ofthe Secretariat, as required by General Assembly resolution 35/213 and regulation 8.2 of [...]
the Staff Regulations.
通过在三种语言的因特网论坛“沿海 地区促持续发展良策” (www.csiwisepractices.org)开辟六个新的张贴栏,进一步 宣传了良策、指导方针和原则,这些张贴栏涉及广从对援地区不同的看法到 提高对沿海地区管理认识活动的效率等。
Wise practices, guidelines and principles were also furthered through
six new postings to the trilingual,
[...] Internet-based “Wise Coastal Practices for Sustainable Human Development” Forum (www.csiwisepractices.org) that ranged from contrasting viewson Pacificaidto the effectiveness of awareness campaigns in coastal management.
一个严格的礼仪纯度方面越的生了一个purifactory仪式,如洗澡,用清水洒无尽的继承,与骨灰或牛粪,水sippings,呼吸镇压抹黑 [...]
- 所有圣事的性质和罪恶的有效缓解。
A scrupulous regard for ceremonial
[...] purity, surpassing eventhat of theJewish Pharisee, gave rise [...]
to an endless succession of
purifactory rites, such as baths, sprinkling with water, smearing with ashes or cow-dung, sippings of water, suppressions of breath--all sacramental in character and efficacious for the remission of sin.
国际空间气象举措通过在全球范围部署基于地面的仪器阵列,如全球定位 系统接收器、磁强计远镜监测器 子探测器,并在全 世界研 间共享所记录的数据,为各种空间气象现象的观测作出贡献。
The International Space Weather Initiative contributes to the observation of space weather phenomena through the deployment of ground-based worldwide
instrument arrays, such
[...] as GPS receivers, magnetometers, solartelescopes, very-low-frequency monitors, solar particle detectors and the sharing [...]
of recorded data
among researchers around the world.
[...] 现任何欺诈行为,但是这不意味着理所当然地消灭可能性概率),而是恰 恰相反,因为系统目前存在薄弱环节。
No fraud has been detected, within the limits of the investigations conducted, but that does not mean, quite the
contrary in view of current system weaknesses, that the
[...] likelihood (and probability) of fraudhas been reasonably [...]
按照要求,我们要报告涉及高层管 非法行为以及超出财务报表轻微误 报范围的欺诈和非法行为(不管是高级管理人员或其他工作人员)。
We are required
[...] to reporton fraudandillegal acts involving senior management and fraud and [...]
illegal acts (whether caused
by senior management or other employees) that cause other than trivial misstatement of the financial statements.




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