

单词 欲速而不达

See also:


unwanted presence
uninvited (guest)
unexpected (appearance)

External sources (not reviewed)

达 到 无 欲 境 界 的 人 就 能不 为 感 官 享而 欲、 而 求, 从 而 完 全 超 越 自 我, 实 现 最 终 的 平 和。
71.‘‘The man who has renounced all desires, and who conducts himself without ego, arrogance, and attachment, is the one who achieves peace.
在科技方面,部分講者投訴在網上收看節目時,有緩 衝延誤,且節目的索引方法使用不 方 便 ,難以 速 搜 尋欲 收看的節目。
On technical front, speakers complained that there were
buffering delays when watching programmes on web, and the
[...] indexing of programmes was not user-friendly for quick search.
We must not spread these efforts so thin that we may end up with no noticeable improvements on the entire front.
无论是生物学还是神经学 方面看,我们似乎天生偏好墨守成规 而不 管自己曾多少次达过要“随心欲 、 随时 随地”观赏节目的愿望。
We may be biologically and neurologically “hard-wired” to prefer schedules and routine, no matter how often we profess a desire to watch “what we want, when we want, where we want.
品牌广告和整体网络广告正在占领 更大的市场份额,速达到10%,而传 统广 告支出增长仅为5%137 28 导致网络市场划不均的缘由何在?
Although brand advertising was gaining market share, so was online advertising as a whole: up 10 percent versus five percent for traditional ad spending137.
如果提交人稍后提及这 项规定,缔约国则认为其对提交人家庭生活的干预非 不 专 断 , 而 且 符 合 欲达到 的合法目标。
Should the author refer to this provision at a later time the State party submits that the interference with the author’s family life is both non-arbitrary and proportionate to the pursued legitimate aim.
因此, 港進聯 堅持, 特區政 制發展 的定案 , 必 須 在 社 會 上 達 成 廣 泛 共識, 並能確保 維持香港的 繁榮和 穩 定,亦 必 須 得到中 央 的 認 可 , 否欲 速 不 達 , 揠苗助長,而 會 令 萌芽中 的 樹苗枯萎, 拖 慢 了 國家期 望 香港循 序 漸 進 發 展 民主的進 程 。
The HKPA therefore insists that any final plan on constitutional development in the SAR must be based on a general consensus in society and that it must be able to maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.
鼓励过渡联邦政府、继任政府、非洲联盟和非洲联盟索马里特派团加强 努力,让人道主义援助速而不受阻 碍地 达 人 民 手中,又鼓励非洲联盟在国际 社会的支持下,支持特派团加强对其部队人员的人权和国际人道主义法方面的宣 [...]
Encourages the Transitional Federal Government, the successor Government, the African Union and the African Union
Mission in Somalia to intensify
[...] their efforts to facilitate rapid and unhindered humanitarian [...]
access, and also encourages the
African Union to support the Mission in increasing awareness and training among its troops on human rights and on international humanitarian law, as well as in the protection of civilians, with the support of the international community, while noting that humanitarian access and security and the fulfilment of human rights are linked, and that assistance efforts should take these linkages into account
而,一些办法将有些不发达 国家的一些关键产品排除在免关 税和免配额市场准入范围之外,特别是 不 发 达 国 家 意 欲 多 样化的产品,以致限 制了潜在的惠益。
However, exclusions from duty-free and quota-free access of some key products from some least developed countries in some schemes, especially those regarding products into which [...]
least developed
countries would like to diversify, limit potential benefits.
Go slow to go fast.
促请所有各方让人道主义援助 速而不 受 阻 碍地 达 人 民 手中,并促请 成员国切实支助索马里国家和地方当局提供社会服务,包括立即由非洲联盟索马 [...]
里特派团和有此意愿的成员国部署工程兵部队,按照不同地区的具体需要实施恢 复和发展方案作为和平红利
Urges all parties to facilitate rapid and unhindered humanitarian [...]
access, and urges Member States to support tangibly the
Somali authorities at the national and subnational levels in delivering social services inter alia with the immediate deployment of military engineering corps by the African Union Mission in Somalia and willing Member States, recovery and development programmes in accordance with the peculiar needs of the different regions as peace dividend
即使 方
[...] 向正確, 也 必 須 循 序 漸 進 , 否 則欲 速 不 達,得不償 失 。
Otherwise, our loss might outweigh our
[...] gain for haste does not necessarily bring [...]
以铀为原料的核能生产近不断加速 , 而 清 洁技术的开发则导致稀有金属、包括 稀土元素的需求增加。
Nuclear energy production, requiring uranium, had been accelerating in recent times, while the development [...]
of clean technologies
had led to an increased demand for rare metals, including rare earth elements.
这意味着将为所有人提供无障碍设计 而不 仅 仅 是针对残疾人 的无障碍产品及服务,而达到任 何创新或发展的最高质量、多功能性及普遍适 用性。
This promotion of accessibility and design
for all also means
[...] that we should not confine our vision to products and services designed to facilitate access by persons with disabilities, but should reach out to all [...]
citizens, seeking in
doing so to achieve the highest quality, versatility and general usefulness in every innovation or new development.
由於鄭海泉議員希望兩局有更佳的聯繫 而 我 亦 敬重他為㆒個 表現出色,但有點古怪的銀行家(眾笑) ― 他的才幹毋庸置疑,本身亦具有成為 部長的潛質 ― 我會支持有關建議,即行政局及立法局所有議員每月㆒起舉行閉門 會議,在自然的情況㆘,大家暢欲 言 , 事後 不 會 有 投訴、誤解、歪曲事實或洩漏 消息的事情。
Since Mr Vincent CHENG wants a better connection and since I respect him as a brilliant and eccentric banker (Laughter), a man of undoubted talent and a potential minister himself, I can support the proposal to have a monthly closed-door meeting between all of the Executive Council and all of the Legislative Council, no holds barred and no subsequent complaints or misunderstandings or misrepresentations or leaking, which is a natural phenomenon.
An appetite test confirmed that Ouda could not eat on her own.
不是 一个大国,不是具 有经济或军事实力的国家,但我 们有权以自己的方式和从自己的观点出发,与其他国 家一起为世界作出贡献,共同处理课题和问题,畅欲言,表达支持或反对的意见。
We may not be a large country or a country of economic or military power, but in our own way and from our own standpoint, we have a right to contribute to the world among other nations, to collectively approach issues and problems and to speak out whether in support or in [...]
但这些方 案往达不到预 期效果,因为它们未创造净就业 而 是 仅 仅以临时的低报酬工作 替代长期的高报酬工作以使后者数量减少。
[...] these programmes often did not work as projected since they did not create net employment [...]
but simply reduced the
number of permanent well-paying jobs with temporary low-paying jobs.
如果一名运动员在禁 赛期间退役并从赛外检查运动员注册库中被除名 而 后 又 欲 恢 复参赛资格,则该运 动员必须通知相关的反兴奋剂组织并接受了一段时期——时间等同于从其退役之日 起所剩余的禁赛罚期——的赛外检查,否 不 得 恢 复参赛资格。
If an Athlete subject to a period of Ineligibility retires from sport and is removed from Out-of-Competition Testing pools and later seeks reinstatement, the Athlete shall not be eligible for reinstatement until the Athlete has notified relevant Anti-Doping Organizations and has been subject to Out-of-Competition Testing for a period of time equal to the period of Ineligibility remaining as of the date the Athlete had retired.
不过, 委员会也敦促缔约国迅速采取 措施,落实真相委员会的建议,特别是对实行酷刑、虐待和强迫或非自愿失踪的 犯罪者进行速而公正的起诉和处罚,将被确认为侵害人权行为人的公职人员停 职,建立特别基金以向被害者提供赔偿,建造刻有所有被害者姓名的国家纪念 碑,并设立国定假日以缅怀受害者。
The Committee nevertheless
[...] urges the State party to take prompt steps to implement the recommendations of the Truth Commission, and in particular to prosecute and punish promptly and impartially those responsible for acts of [...] [...]
torture, ill-treatment or enforced or involuntary disappearance, to remove from their posts all officials who have been identified as alleged perpetrators of human rights violations, to create a special fund to compensate victims, to construct a national monument bearing the names of all the victims, and to declare a national holiday in memory of the victims.
由于无法可依和有不罚实施的暴力 而达 尔 富 尔妇女特别易受暴力侵 害。
[...] perpetuated as a result of lawlessness and impunity, to which the women of Darfur were particularly [...]
通过”金质工程”建设,打造质量监督检验检疫信息化平台, 而达 到 提 高质量监督检验检疫的行政执法水平,提高市场监管能力和质量安全监控的 速 反 应能力,改进政府行政管理模式,提高质检工作效率,促进对外经济贸易的发展,保护民族产业的发展,推动政务公开,为公众提供广泛的信息咨询服务的目的。
Through the Golden Quality Project, an IT-based quality supervision, inspection and quarantine platform is built to improve quality supervision, inspection and quarantine enforcement, increase market regulation and response abilities, transform the model of government administration, increase quality supervision, inspection and quarantine efficiency, boost foreign trade and economic cooperation, protect national industries, facilitate transparency in government affairs and provide extensive information services for the public.
联合国预防少年犯罪准则》(利雅得准则)(大会第 45/112
[...] 号决议,附件)提出,对受到经济、社会和文化上 速而不 平 衡 变化影响的家 庭的儿童,尤其是土著、移民和难民家庭的儿童,应给予特别的关注。
The United Nations Guidelines for the Prevention of Juvenile Delinquency (the Riyadh Guidelines) (General Assembly resolution 45/112, annex) provide that special attention should be given to
children of families affected by problems
[...] brought about by rapid and uneven economic, [...]
social and cultural change, in particular
the children of indigenous, migrant and refugee families.
对于驱动系统应用,确保达在空 载以及平坦路面工况下 的速不要超过此限定值。
In a machine propel
[...] application, maximum motor speed during unloaded, on - road travelling on level ground should not exceed this limit.
If the Government intends to carry out sweeping reforms in the Civil Service, has it ever considered that the reforms are far too drastic and that haste will only make waste?
主席女士,中 國 古 語有云 :欲 速 則 不 達 ”
Madam President, there is an old Chinese saying, [...]
"If you are in a hurry, you will never get there.
另外,高達80%選民表示其投票欲不 會 因 支持的候選人位列名單後排而減低 而不 會 因支持的候選人位列名單前排而增加其投票意欲的,則佔73%。
Besides, as high as 80% of the voters
claimed their propensity to
[...] vote would not decrease because the candidate they supported ranked rear on the list, while 73% expressed that their propensity to vote would not increase [...]
because the candidate
they supported ranked front on the list.
(c) 倘 閣 下 股 份之股 票 及 ╱ 或 過 戶 收 據 及
╱ 或 其 他 所 有 權 文 件(
[...] 及 ╱ 或 就 此 所 需 之任何 充 分 彌 償 保 證不 可即時 提 供 及 ╱ 或 已 遺 失而 閣 下 欲 就 閣 下之股 份 接 納 股 份 收 購 建 議 , 亦 應 [...]
填 妥 白 色 接 納 表 格 , 並
連 同 述 明 閣 下 已 遺 失 閣 下一張 或 多 張 股 票 及 ╱ 或 過 戶 收 據 及 ╱ 或 其 他 所 有 權 文 件( 及 ╱ 或 就 此 所 需 之任何 充 分 彌 償 保 證 )或 不 可即時 提 供 之 函 件 , 一 併 交付登 記 處 , 信 封 面 須 註 明「 中 國基建 港 口 有 限 公 司 股 份 收 購 建 議 」。
(c) If the share certificate(s) and/or transfer receipts and/or other document(s) of title (and/ or any satisfactory indemnity or indemnities required in
respect thereof) in
[...] respect of your Shares is/are not readily available and/or is/are lost and you wish to accept the [...]
Share Offer in respect
of your Shares, the WHITE Form of Acceptance should nevertheless be completed and delivered in an envelope marked ‘‘CIG Yangtze Ports PLC Share Offer’’ to the Registrar together with a letter stating that you have lost one or more of your share certificate(s) and/or transfer receipts and/or other document(s) of title (and/or any satisfactory indemnity or indemnities required in respect thereof) or that it is/they are not readily available.
此外,皮肤科医生的评分也表明,使用elure高级皮肤美白产品最早在8天后就可明显改善皮肤的整体美白效果 而 在 相 同的时间内使用2%氢醌霜或安慰 达不 到 这 样的效果。
In addition, dermatologist scoring demonstrated a significant improvement in overall fairness as early as Day 8 on skin treated with elure
Advanced Skin
[...] Lightening products, which was not observed on skin treated with 2% hydroquinone cream or [...]
placebo in the same timeframe.




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