

单词 欲速则不达

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Go slow to go fast.
在科技方面,部分講者投訴在網上收看節目時,有緩 衝延誤,且節目的索引方法使用不 方 便 ,難以 速 搜 尋欲 收看的節目。
On technical front, speakers complained that there were
buffering delays when watching programmes on web, and the
[...] indexing of programmes was not user-friendly for quick search.
We must not spread these efforts so thin that we may end up with no noticeable improvements on the entire front.
如果提交人稍后提及这 项规定,缔约则认为其对提交人家庭生活的干预非 不 专 断 ,而且符 欲达到 的合法目标。
Should the author refer to this provision at a later time the State party submits that the interference with the author’s family life is both non-arbitrary and proportionate to the pursued legitimate aim.
An appetite test confirmed that Ouda could not eat on her own.
由于多种原因,起草适当形式或不连续形式的具体条款如公约或 示范法供纳入国家法律体系并不总是可行:各国家法律体系经常使用 差异很大的立法方法和办法解决特定问题,各国可能还没有准备好就 单一办法或共同则达成一致,可能就找到统一办法解决特定问题的 必要不存在共识,或者就特定主题的关键问题以及如何处理这些问 题存在着不同程度的共识。
For a number of reasons, it is not always possible to draft specific provisions in a suitable or discrete form, such as a convention or a model law, for incorporation into national legal systems: national legal systems often use widely disparate legislative techniques and approaches for solving a given issue, States may not yet be ready to agree on a single approach or common rule, there may not be consensus on the need to find a uniform solution to a particular issue, or there may be different levels of consensus on the key issues of a particular subject and how they should be addressed.
透明度规则的序言反映了工作组提出的一项建议,即透明度 则 意 欲达到 的宗旨应当加以澄清(A/CN.9/717,第 [...]
112 段)。
The preamble to the rules on transparency reflects a suggestion made
in the Working Group that
[...] the purposes the rules on transparency were [...]
intended to serve should be clarified (A/CN.9/717, para. 112).
我很同意梁耀忠議員所說,有時候 欲速不 達,如果令它們盲目上馬,會製造一些後遺症,我們日後將會承受惡果。
If these projects are blindly launched, some after-effects will be created and we will suffer the consequences in future.
会上提出的意见包 括:由于《规则》不仅对仲裁作出规定,而且也对谈判和协助下调解作出规 定,应当注意不使《规则》的这些方面无法适用,特别是如果绝大多数案件是 在仲裁前的阶段处理的话;就该提案意在提出一条实体法规则而言,在一套合 同规则中放入这样一条规则有可能造成问题;不妨考虑作为协助下调解 则而 不是作 为仲裁规则来重塑《规则》,以此避免该提案意在解决的问题;借用 《贸易法委员会电子商务示范法》第 1 条的说明中的措词似达到预 期结果, 大意是,其规定并非意在减损旨在保护消费者的法律规范。
These included the following observations: that since the Rules provide not only for arbitration but for negotiation and facilitated settlement as well, care should be taken not to render those aspects of the Rules inapplicable, particularly where the vast majority of cases are disposed of at the stages prior to arbitration; that to the extent the proposal purports to state a rule of substantive law its presence in a set of contractual rules may be problematic; that consideration could be given to re-casting the Rules as facilitated settlement rules rather than arbitration rules and thus avoiding the problem that the proposal is intended to address; and that the intended result might be achieved by using wording found in a note to Article 1 of the UNCITRAL Model Law on Electronic Commerce to the effect that its provisions are not intended to derogate from legal norms aimed at consumer protection.
如果最后一次成功保存文件时,打开了Word的 速 保 存 功能 则 文 本可 能 不 会 按 正确的顺序显示,但是大部分文本均可找到。
If the last successfully saved document,
[...] open the Word's Fast Save feature, the text may not show the correct [...]
order, but most of the text can be found.
从本信附件所载有关违反停火情况的资料可以明显看出,阿塞拜疆一方不断 破坏该地区的稳定局势,目的是为其在解决纳戈尔诺-卡拉巴赫冲突方面的破坏 性立场开脱。要解决这一冲突,就应根据 2009 年 12 月 2 日欧安组织雅典部长声 明中重申不使用 武力或威胁使用武力、领土完整以及各民族享有平等权利与自 决权的则达成公正和平衡的协定。
As it becomes obvious from the information on the ceasefire violations annexed to this letter, there is a continuous effort from the Azerbaijani side to destabilize the situation in the region with the aim of justifying its destructive stance with regard to the resolution of the Nagorno Karabakh conflict, which should be achieved through a just and balanced agreement based on the principles of non-use of force or threat of force, territorial integrity, and the equal rights and selfdetermination of peoples, as reiterated in the OSCE Ministerial Statement in Athens on 2 December 2009.
对于驱动系统应用,确保达在空 载以及平坦路面工况下 的速不要超过此限定值。
In a machine propel
[...] application, maximum motor speed during unloaded, on - road travelling on level ground should not exceed this limit.
因此, 港進聯 堅持, 特區政 制發展 的定案 , 必 須 在 社 會 上 達 成 廣 泛 共識, 並能確保 維持香港的 繁榮和 穩 定,亦 必 須 得到中 央 的 認 可 , 否欲 速 不 達 , 揠苗助長,反 而 會 令 萌芽中 的 樹苗枯萎, 拖 慢 了 國家期 望 香港循 序 漸 進 發 展 民主的進 程 。
The HKPA therefore insists that any final plan on constitutional development in the SAR must be based on a general consensus in society and that it must be able to maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.
自由黨支持男女平等,但亦認為推行任何新政策、新法例都不 應該,亦不適宜過於急進,否則 欲速不 達 ,甚至會有反效果。
These are, however, not the views the Liberal Party would subscribe to. The Liberal Party supports equality between men and women, but we believe also that it is neither desirable nor appropriate to be over-radical in putting up any new policy or
legislation, otherwise, the more hasty it
[...] is, the lesser the speed it will be, or it [...]
may even go so far as being counter-productive.
然而,一些办法将有些最不发达国家的一些关键产品排除在免关 税和免配额市场准入范围之外,特别是 不 发 达 国 家 意 欲 多 样化的产品,以致限 制了潜在的惠益。
However, exclusions from duty-free and quota-free access of some key products from some least developed countries in some schemes, especially those regarding products into which least developed countries would like to diversify, limit potential benefits.
(b) 《公民权利和政治权利国际公约》第一条第 3 款中提及的 保留特定非自治领土,与《联合国宪章》及联合国就“赋予殖 民地国家和人民独立”通过的文不 符 ,其中包括,联合国大 会在 1970 年第 2625 (XXV)号决议中通过的《关于各国依〈联 合国宪章〉建立友好关系和合作的国际法原则宣言》,其中正 式宣布,各国有义务促进实现各民族平等权利及自决权之则,以迅速铲除殖民主义。
(b) The maintenance in a state of dependence of certain territories referred to in article 1 (3) of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights is inconsistent with the Charter of the United Nations and the instruments adopted by the Organization on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples, including the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among
States in accordance with
[...] the Charter of the United Nations, adopted unanimously by the United Nations General Assembly in its resolution 2625 (XXV) of 1970, which solemnly proclaims the duty of States to promote the realization of the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples in order to bring a speedy end to colonialism.
[...] 申其在日内瓦讨论中阐明的立场,即致力于根据普遍接受的国际讨论 则 , 达 成不 使用 武力的协定,并开启在阿布哈兹与格鲁吉亚之间发展平等和睦邻关系的进程。
In this context, Abkhazia once again reiterates its commitment to the preservation of peace and stability in the region and reaffirms its position,
enunciated in the Geneva
[...] discussions, that it aims to reach agreements not to [...]
use force and to launch a process of developing
equal and good-neighbourly relations between Abkhazia and Georgia, based on the universally accepted rules of international discourse.
公路沿线达则村被 选为这条观光线路的起点 达则 村 的可建设用地所剩无多,村口的一片滩涂因此成为修建游客接待站 不 二 选 择。
There is little land left for further development in this village, therefore the river beach along the road was the only choice for the site of a tourist center.
如果全球排放量继续以当速度上升,则不可能将全球平均气温的上升幅度控 制在 2℃内,更不用说 100 多个发展中国家所倡导的 更安全的 1.5℃阈值内。
If global emissions continued to rise at the current rate, it would be impossible to hold the rise in global mean temperatures below 2º C, let alone the safer 1.5º C advocated by over 100 developing countries.
无论是生物学还是神经学 方面看,我们似乎天生偏好墨守成规,不 管自己曾多少次达过要“随心欲 、 随时 随地”观赏节目的愿望。
We may be biologically and neurologically “hard-wired” to prefer schedules and routine, no matter how often we profess a desire to watch “what we want, when we want, where we want.
尽管上述目标对于整个非集中化战略的全面成功至关重要,但实现这些目标的进 速 度 则最 决于今后预算作出的抉择。
The pace of attainment of the above goals, despite the fact that they are crucial to the overall success of the decentralization strategy, is nevertheless dependent upon forthcoming budgetary choices.
利用其基于则的方法,可速无误地选择合适的驱 动器、电机、电缆、 I/O 连接器和其它附件。
With its rule-based approach, selecting the right drive, motor, cables, I/O connectors, and other accessory items is fast and error free.
2000 年,“你能”协会就如何与学校开展工 作发表了一份宣言,目的是在学校中发展和平文化,让每个人都能够从根本上理解“己不 欲勿施于人”的则。
In 2000, Youcan had adopted a charter on ways to work with schools to develop a culture of peace and educate students on the basics of treating others as they would like to be treated themselves.
一位与会者重申了在“社会科学和人文科学”部分所表示过的对 速 拟 定 准 则 性 文件 这种现象的担心。
One participant restated the concern already expressed in the section on Social and Human Sciences with regard to the process and pace of standard-setting instruments.
不是 一个大国,不是具 有经济或军事实力的国家,但我 们有权以自己的方式和从自己的观点出发,与其他国 家一起为世界作出贡献,共同处理课题和问题,畅欲言,表达支持或反对的意见。
We may not be a large country or a country of economic or military power, but in our own way and from our own standpoint, we have a right to contribute to the world among other nations, to collectively approach issues and problems and to speak out whether in support or in [...]
而新的规则则是要限制终止“政治性”条约、“与敌对状态不相容 的”条约以及如果欲维持则“不符 合 战争时期国家政策的”条约。
The new line, rather, is to limit termination to “political” treaties, treaties “incompatible with the existence of hostilities”, and treaties the maintenance of which is “incompatible with national policy in time of war”.396 While the leading judgments on this matter are not always models of clarity, it has become evident that, under contemporary international law, the existence of an armed conflict does not ipso facto put an end to or suspend existing agreements, although a number of them may indeed lapse or be suspended on account of their nature, commercial treaties for instance.397 (3) The reference in the chapeau to the “existence” of an armed conflict indicates that the draft articles cover the effect on treaties not only at the outbreak of the conflict, but also throughout its duration.
因此,应该借鉴适用于继承国提具反对的 规则,起草关于新独立国家维持被继承国提出的明示接受的 则 草案 5.16 之二, 并规定这方面也以 12 个月为时限;在此期间,新独立国家有权 达不 打 算 以维 持被继承国提出的明示接受。
Consequently, the wording of draft guideline 5.16, on the newly independent State’s maintenance of express acceptances formulated by the
predecessor State, should be
[...] based on the rule applicable to the formulation by the successor State of an objection, and the 12-month time period within which the newly independent State may express its intention not to maintain [...]
an express acceptance
formulated by the predecessor State should be retained.
此外,通 过持续磋商,政府还和不同生产线的运营商协议继续降低价格。各方就政府/生 产国生产线运营商共同使命则达成 一致,目的是从根源上商谈供应 不 是 像现 在这样,通过外国中介来进行。
The Government and the firms concerned agreed to continue, through ongoing dialogue, the price reduction process thus started; and, as a matter of principle, to organize joint missions to the producing countries in order to negotiate purchase terms at the source instead of going through intermediaries based abroad, as is currently the case.
如果急 於以普 選 作為各種 問 題 或 難 題的解 脫 ,本人相信將會 變欲 速 不達, 更 擔 心 到 時 後 悔 已 晚 。
If we are overly eager in adopting universal suffrage as the escape from various problems or difficulties, I believe more haste will only lead to waste and I am afraid by then, it would be too late to regret about this.




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