单词 | 欨 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 璨—gemluster of gem欨—blow or breathe upon to smile璨璨—very brightExamples:璀璨adj—brightadj 璀璨n—sparklen 璀璨—resplendent
在国际知名澳洲电影《我的璀璨生涯》(My Brilliant Career) 一片中所担任的要角, 让她登上国际的舞台。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | Coveted role in the internationally renowned Australian movie, My Brilliant Career, launched her onto the international stage. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
他们已经成为传奇人物,其 光芒盖过了世界各地所有人,成为众星中的璀璨明 星;今天,他们已成为和平、安全与稳定的化身。 daccess-ods.un.org | They have been much larger than life, bright illuminations in a firmament of stars, where they have outshone all those around the world; today they are icons of peace, security and stability. daccess-ods.un.org |
Oris方形日历钻表,璀璨闪耀的钻石轻盈点缀于3点钟与9点钟位置。 oris.ch | The glimmer and sparkle of the diamonds on either side of the dial at 3 and 9 o’clock bring a burst of Hollywood glamour to the otherwise understated chic of this Oris model. oris.ch |
与Van Cleef & Arpels的精灵一起,体会在幽暗无边的黑夜中划出一道璀璨闪耀的光线,闪烁出一款带花香的木香调香水— Van Cleef & Arpels梦幻精灵香水。 hk.eternal.hk | With Van Cleef & Arpels Féerie, the night and its trail finally see the light of day. hk.eternal.hk |
为实践我们对下一代缔造更璀璨前景的承诺,我们成立了国富浩华(香港)教育信托基金,为香港与中国内地儿童及青少年提供教育资助。 crowehorwath.net | To realize our commitment to building a brighter future for the next generation, we established the Crowe Horwath (HK) Education Trust to promote educational initiatives in Hong Kong and China. crowehorwath.net |
如果她今年能在澳大利亚网球公开赛上赢得桂冠,便会更加巩固她在世界人口第一大国中璀璨之星的地位。 tipschina.gov.cn | If she can win the deciding match of the Australian Open this year, she will further confirm her place as a genuine star in the world's most populous nation. tipschina.gov.cn |
经过一天奇妙的探索之旅后,最好的放松方式就是享用寂静之声(Sounds of Silence)晚餐,在沙漠夜晚星光璀璨的夜空下享用美味佳肴。 australia.com | A perfect way to wind down after an amazing day of discovery is the Sounds of Silence where you dine under the sparkling stars of the desert night sky. australia.com |
本公司从过往经历吸取经验,逐步重整本集团业务以精简业务及专注於本集团有增长机会之范畴,尤其是前景璀璨 之中国内地本土消费市场。 equitynet.com.hk | Learning from the past, the Company is steadily reconfiguring the Group’s business activities in order to streamline the Group’s business and concentrate its activities in areas where growth opportunities exist for the Group especially in mainland China where domestic consumer market has revealed promising prospects. equitynet.com.hk |
沿途都能一览黄金海岸璀璨的自然珍宝美景。 danpacplus.hk | Along the way you will soon discover the treasures that make this coast as precious as gold. danpacplus.hk |
作品由多个可充气的雕塑组成,其灵感都来自生物世界,整座雕塑完全伸展开来后,璀璨夺目,象征一个硕大的生物有机体已经进入成熟阶段。 shanghaibiennale.org | Upon reaching its full height, the work blooms with light, in the form of multiple organically-inspired inflatable sculptures suggesting the final maturation of an enormous biological organism. shanghaibiennale.org |
餐厅采用闪烁璀璨的 “苍穹”式玻璃天花设计,由着名建筑师莫里斯•格拉斯亲自操刀设计,使餐厅沐浴在迷人的光线下。 shangri-la.com | Crowning the restaurant is a stunning glass 'cupola', designed by the renowned architect Maurice Gras, which bathes the restaurant in light. shangri-la.com |
由于高质量和极具灵活性的锐高TALEXX LED模块,昆士兰LLC可以在最璀璨和明亮的展示柜中展示乌克兰非常出名的宝石项链,将“璀璨”带入一个新的境界。 tridonic.cn | Thanks to the high quality and extreme flexibility of Tridonic’s TALEXX LED modules, Queensland LLC was able to equip Ukraine’s most famous jewellery chain with the brightest, most brilliant jewellery showcases possible. tridonic.com |
尽管有起伏、压力、痛苦、疾病、别离,但生命仍然充满着璀璨的片段和希望。 hksh.com | The ups and downs, pressure, pain, illness and death are unavoidable in different seasons of life. hksh.com |
然后,宝石雕刻师一颗接着一颗雕琢成为顾客量身打造的长阶梯形造型,以让光线得以获得最理想的反射角度,尽显美钻的璀璨亮丽,总重约37.76克拉。 audemarspiguet.com | The lapidaries then craft them one by one, shaping a customized baguette cut while achieving proportions that enable an ideal reflection of the light and impeccable brilliance through 37.76 carats. audemarspiguet.com |
2013年50寸以上大尺寸电视市场规模急速扩大,带动侧光式LED背光源需求及LED使用颗数攀高,激励隆达电子、晶元光电、新世纪光电、璨圆等LED厂商1月营收成长。 jxlcd.com | In 2013, more than fifty inches large size TV market scale rapid expansion, drive side light type LED back light demand and LED to use a number up, incentive ronda electronics, crystal yuan photoelectric, the new century photoelectric, such as ladies round LED manufacturers January revenue growth. jxlcd.com |
细致的璨光柔焦微粒子,可以全面修饰肌肤瑕疵。 aster.com.hk | Can delicate soft focus light particles can be fully modified skin flaw. aster.com.hk |
此款腕表直径40毫米,为自动上链白金表款,表盘、表圈和表带上密镶璀璨美钻,堪称Piaget Polo最为奢华的珠宝表款。 piaget.com.cn | In its 40 mm diameter version, this most bejewelled of the Piaget Polo models is a self-winding watch in white gold illuminated by diamonds on the dial, the bezel and the bracelet. en.piaget.com |
九月澳门国际烟花汇演,新濠锋於各殿堂级餐厅均推出主题盛宴,让宾客与家人一同欣赏皎洁明月或漫天绽放的璀璨烟花的同时,大啖美食佳肴,谛造温馨难忘时刻。 yp.mo | Sample exceptional cuisine at Altira Macau and savor the magical moment when glittering fireworks light up the Macau skyline - a truly amazing experience unavailable anywhere else in Macau. yp.mo |
阿伯丁被称为欧洲“石油之都”,并以其璀璨的花岗岩建筑而闻名,游客常常对这座城市安宁整洁的环境而感到满意。 englishuk.com | It is famed for its sparking granite architecture and visitors often express their delight at how safe, clean and beautiful the city is. englishuk.com |
K.O. Dining Group的酒窖是亚太区最大型、藏酒量最丰富的葡萄酒窖之一;客人一边欣赏璀璨醉人的维港景色,一边细意品尝环球名厨的创意,与知己摰爱把盏共醉,享受前所未有的极致餐饮体验。 ipress.com.hk | Featuring three high-end restaurants offering modern Japanese, Chinese and Italian cuisines, plus a 10,000-bottle wine cellar, one of the region’s largest and most impressive, K.O. Dining Group’s spectacular waterfront location also means connoisseurs of gastronomy can enjoy panoramic views of Hong Kong’s legendary harbour and skyline while savouring the most sublime creations by culinary talents from around the world. ipress.com.hk |
若中国都市共组成一顶皇冠,上海应是最璨烂耀眼的钻石,人口超过2300万,推动全球经济霸权东移,每位居民也随之起舞。 thisbigcity.net | A megacity of over 23 million people, it has catalysed the shift of global economic hegemony eastward, with seemingly each one of its inhabitants spurring it on. thisbigcity.net |
尽管有起伏、压力、痛苦、疾病、别离,但生命仍然充满着璀璨的片段和希望。 hksh.com | Yet, life is still wonderful made up of wonderful moments, and hope. hksh.com |
翌日,Accornero带来了他的画作,这就是“Flora”—— 一幅色彩缤纷的花卉图像,而它注定会在之后的日子里绽放无比璀璨的动人光芒。 gucci.com | The next day Accornero returned with his painting: it was the “Flora”, a multicoloured flowered template that was destined for an unimaginably extended future. gucci.com |
只要夜空是晴朗无云、星光璀璨的,那见到北极光的机会就会很大。 visitfinland.com | If you notice that the night sky is clear and starry, then your chances of seeing the northern lights are also good. visitfinland.com |
但是也有一些品牌在面对这一机会时有可圈可点的表现。譬如兰蔻开发了“一吻倾城”的手机应用;施华洛世奇在其于2012年夏天在上海举办的“璀璨之谜”展览活动中将移动作为了其传播的核心部分。 labbrand.com | Other brands however are doing a better job at tapping this opportunity such as Lancôme with is “kiss the city” app or Swarovski who made mobile a central part of its communication around its “sparkling secret” expo held in Shanghai during the summer of 2012. labbrand.com |