

单词 欧洲货币

See also:

欧洲 n

European n

External sources (not reviewed)

由于瑞士地欧洲货 币联盟 的中心且欧盟是瑞士最大的贸易伙伴,欧元对于瑞士而言 具有重要地位。
Due to its location in the
[...] heart of the European Monetary Union and the [...]
fact that the EU is its largest trading partner,
the euro is extremely important for Switzerland.
2010 年第二 季度所作的评估显示,如欧洲货币 继 续贬值,2010 年的预测可能需要降低 6.2%(6 [...]
200 万美元)。
Assessments made in the second quarter of 2010 indicate that
projections for 2010 may need to be reduced by 6.2 per cent ($62 million)
[...] if devaluation of European currencies continues.
在这方面,应分析美元汇率贬值的影响, 特别是对使欧洲货币的国家的影响。
In this context, the impact of the declining U.S. dollar exchange rate, in particular on countries
[...] attached to the Euro currency should be analyzed.
它们的经济越强,就越能挑战德国 欧洲货币 和 财 政政策的僵化愿景。
The stronger their economies, the more they can challenge Germany’s
[...] rigid vision of Europe’s monetary and fiscal policy.
这一局面还暴露欧洲货币联盟缺 乏最后贷款方机制等体制性弱点。
The situation has also exposed institutional
[...] weaknesses of the European monetary union, such [...]
as the lack of a lender-of-lastresort mechanism.
1999 年 1 月 1 日,由十一个成员国组成欧洲货币 联 盟 终于成立 了。
On 1 January 1999, the European Monetary Union was finally [...]
created, with 11 member countries.
当新欧洲货币“欧元” 被推出时,瑞士法郎在 2000 年 4 月到 9 月间兑换欧元的价值显著上涨,并且仍是世界上最坚挺的货币之一。
When the new European currency "Euro" was introduced, [...]
the Swiss franc in April 2000 to September exchange between the euro's
value rose significantly, and is still the world's one of the strong currency.
欧洲的货币政策 一直遵循美国宽松的货币政策。
Monetary policy in Europe has followed the [...]
accommodative policy of the United States.
[...] 和平、稳定和繁荣,帮助提高了生活水平, 发行了单一欧洲货币,并 正在循序渐进地 建设一个单一的全欧洲市场,使人员、货物、 [...]
服务和资本在各成员国之间像在一个国家 内一样自由流动。
It has delivered half a century of peace, stability and prosperity, helped raise
living standards, launched
[...] a single European currency, and is progressively [...]
building a single Europe-wide market in which people, goods,
services, and capital move among member States as freely as within one country.
欧洲货币机构投资同时也是ADHESION GROUP的股东,汲取法国Adhesion [...]
Group的成功经验,决定开设一个专著于亚洲市场的相似机构,通过汲取在欧洲和美洲市场上所获得的成功经验,致力于协助世界葡萄酒行业在这个代表着未来的 市场上的发展。
PLC is also the shareholder of ADHESION GROUP, and with the success story of ADHESION GROUP
based in France, has decided to open a similar structure dedicated to the Asian market, with the will to accompany the world wine industry on this market of future with high potential, by using the tools which showed their ability on the European and American markets.
欧盟(EU)在引进欧元之前,计算出 欧洲货币 制 度 (EMS)下采用 欧洲货币 单 位 (ECU),亚洲 币 单 位 (AMU)可参照欧盟的方法,计算出作为东亚货币的加权平均值。
We calculate the AMU as a weighted
[...] average of East Asian currencies according to the method used to calculate the European Currency Unit (ECU) adopted by EU countries under the European Monetary System (EMS) [...]
prior to the introduction of the euro.
在您的账户中发出的电货币,与 欧洲 电 子 货 币 指 令(2009年9月16日指令 2009/110/EC)以及英国国家有关立法规定相符合。
The electronic money on your Skrill (Moneybookers) is issued
[...] in accordance with the European Electronic Money Directive [...]
2009/110/EC of 16 September 2009) and the relevant national legislation of the United Kingdom.
欧洲单一货币区的正式名称为“ 欧元区”。
The official
[...] name of the European single currency zone is the [...]
“euro area”.
然而,Skrill (Moneybookers)严格遵欧洲电子货币指 令2009/110/EC和英国国家为了确保安全和电子货币账户的资金流动性的法律规定控制下的法律要求。
However, we strictly adhere to the legal
[...] requirements under the European Electronic Money Directive [...]
2009/110/EC and UK national
legislation which are designed to ensure the safety and liquidity of funds deposited in electronic money accounts.
我认为,欧盟不会解体,希腊不会退出欧盟,欧元会继续担 欧洲 的 主 要 货币 , 事 实确实如此。
I thought the European Union would hold together, Greece included, with the euro remaining the continent’s main currency, and it has.
这意味着两套机构共存,以协调两种国家:“欧元国”(euro-in)和更愿意在以强健的单一市场和共同民主价值为基础的 欧洲 中 保 留 货币 主 权 的国家。
This implies two-tier institutions that can accommodate both types of countries: the “euro-ins”
and those that prefer to
[...] preserve their monetary sovereignty in a larger Europe built around a vibrant [...]
single market and common democratic values.
美国欧洲宽松 的货币政策 导致过剩的流动资金充斥市场,为正在努力纾解 通货膨胀压力的亚洲金融市场政策制定者带来额外的挑战。
The excess liquidity
[...] resulting from loose monetary policy in the US and Europe poses an additional [...]
challenge for policy makers
and financial markets in Asia, which is facing inflationary pressures.
委员会的组织委员会由 31 个成员组成,世界银行、国货币基 金 组织欧 洲共同体和伊斯兰会议组织固定参与。
The Organizational Committee of the Commission is composed of 31 members, with standing
participation, of the World Bank, the
[...] International Monetary Fund, the European Community Union [...]
and the Organization of the Islamic Conference.
另在第 6 次会议上,国货币基金组织欧洲 联 盟 、欧洲经济委员会和国际 统计学会的代表发了言。
Also at the 6th meeting, statements were made by the
representatives of the
[...] International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the Economic Commission for Europe and the International [...]
Statistical Institute.
在进行双边洽商后,德国、比利时、法国、联合王国、荷兰、芬兰、世界 银行、非洲开发银行欧洲联盟、国 货币 基 金组织、联合国开发计划署等发展 伙伴都表示愿意援助布隆迪。
Following bilateral contacts, development partners, namely Germany, Belgium, France, United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Finland, the World
Bank, the African
[...] Development Bank, the European Union, the International Monetary Fund and UNDP, [...]
expressed willingness to assist Burundi.
在加入  Blackstone 之前,Said 先生担任高盛公司的执行董事长达七年,主要负责该公司固定收益 货币 及 商 品部 欧洲 和 中 东的机构客户管理。
Before joining  Blackstone, Mr. Said was an Executive Director at Goldman Sachs & Co. for seven years, focused
on institutional
[...] client management in Europe and the Middle East for the firm’s Fixed Income, Currency & Commodities [...]
根据大会第 60/180 号决议和安全理事会第 1645(2005)号决议第 9
[...] 段,建设 和平委员会的组织委员会由 31 个成员组成,世界银行、国货币基 金 组织欧 洲联盟和伊斯兰合作组织固定参与。
The Organizational Committee of the Commission is composed of 31 members with standing participation, pursuant to paragraph 9 of General Assembly resolution 60/180 and Security Council resolution 1645
(2005), of the World Bank, the
[...] International Monetary Fund, the European Union and the [...]
Organization of Islamic Cooperation.
[...] 区的副行长、非洲联盟委员会主席、秘书长特别代表、负责建设和平支助事务的 助理秘书长、以及来自有关国家的众多高级别代表、以及区域和次区域组织和金 融机构,包欧洲联盟 、非洲开发银行、中部 洲 经 济 和 货币 共 同 体及中非国家 经济共同体(中非经共体)的高级代表。
The event was attended by the President of the Central African Republic, the Secretary-General of the United Nations, the Vice-President of the World Bank for the Africa region, the Chair of the African Union Commission, the Special Representative of the Secretary-General, the Assistant Secretary-General for Peacebuilding Support and numerous high-level representatives of interested countries, as well as senior representatives of regional and subregional organizations and
financial institutions,
[...] including the European Union, the African Development Bank, the Central African Economic and Monetary Community and the [...]
Economic Community of
Central African States (ECCAS).
瓦克的采购部门将在2013年至2018年的各REACH阶段中继续敦促我们的 货 商 在 欧洲 化 学 品管理局为他们生产的物质或混合物按时进行注册。
As the 2013 to 2018 REACH stages approach, our Procurement department will
be asking our suppliers whether the
[...] substances and mixtures supplied to us will meet the [...]
deadlines for ECHA registration.
20.40 本次级方案预计能实现目标和预期成绩,前提是:(a) 在欧洲经委会区域开展活动的国际统计 机构,尤其是经济合作与发展组织(经合组织 ) 、 欧洲 共 同 体统计 局 ( 欧 统 局 )、国 货币 基 金组 织(基金组织)和世界银行以欧洲经 委会各成员国的国家统计局具有合作意愿;(b)各国统计 机构以及欧统局、经合组织和基金组织免费提供欧洲经委会统计数据库所需要的数据;(c) [...] [...]
可 以得到资源,用以向统计系统欠发达的国家的统计局提供技术援助;(d) 技术基础结构得到充 分调整,以支持与数据库和网上公布数据有关的活动。
20.40 The subprogramme is expected to achieve its objectives and expected accomplishments on the assumption that (a) there is a willingness to cooperate on the part of international statistical agencies active in the ECE region, in particular the Organization for Economic Cooperation
and Development
[...] (OECD), the Statistical Office of the European Communities (Eurostat), the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank, and on [...]
the part of the national
statistical offices of ECE member countries, (b) data needed for the ECE statistical databases are made available by the national statistical agencies and by Eurostat, OECD and IMF free of charge, (c) resources are available in order to provide technical assistance for the national statistical offices of countries with less developed statistical systems and (d) the technological infrastructure is sufficiently scaled to support activities related to databases and web dissemination.
(e) 联合国各机构和各国际组织协助亚太统计所实施其培训方案, 尤其是亚行、亚太经社会、劳工组织、国 货币 基 金 组织 欧洲 经 济委员会、 太平洋共同体秘书处、教科文组织统计研究所、工发组织、联合国统计司及世 [...]
(e) United Nations agencies and
international organizations,
[...] particularly ADB, ESCAP, ILO, IMF, ECE, the Secretariat of the Pacific [...]
Community, the UNESCO Institute
for Statistics, UNIDO, the United Nations Statistics Division and the World Bank for collaborating with SIAP in the implementation of its training programme.
此外,我们还认为,由世界银行、 国货币基金组织欧洲联盟、非盟和伊斯兰会议组 织代表出席的 2010 年建设和平伙伴关系问题会议是 [...]
探讨和促进建立更牢固、更持久的伙伴关系的重要论 坛,以便在脆弱和容易发生冲突的国家建立和维持和 平。
In addition, we believe that the March 2010 meeting on partnership for peacebuilding, which was attended by
representatives of the World Bank,
[...] the International Monetary Fund, the European Union, the [...]
AU and the Organization of the Islamic
Conference, was an important forum for exploring and advocating for stronger, more enduring partnerships to build and sustain peace in fragile or conflict-sensitive societies.
我还希望再次感谢区域和国际伙伴,包括中部 洲 经 济 和 货币 共 同 体、中非 经共体、洲联盟、欧洲联盟 和法语国家国际组织做出的多部门贡献,它们为中 非共和国的和平与民族和解进程继续提供支助。
I also wish to reiterate my appreciation for the multisectoral contribution of regional and international
partners, including the Central
[...] African Economic and Monetary Community, ECCAS, the African Union, the European Union and the International [...]
of la Francophonie, for their continued support for the peace and national reconciliation process in the Central African Republic.
在这同一个时期, 教科文组织还在与西非国家经济共同体、中部 洲 国 家 经济货币共同体和洲葡语 国家这三个方面的合作中,举办了一些部长级教育会议。
During the period under consideration, UNESCO also organized ministerial conferences on education in three cooperation bodies, namely
the Economic Community of West African States
[...] (ECOWAS), Central African Economic and Monetary Community (CEMAC) and [...]
Portuguesespeaking Countries in Africa (PALOP).




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