

单词 次要

次要 noun ()

minor n


次要的 adj

subsidiary adj
fringe adj

External sources (not reviewed)

来文提交人次要求人 身保护令的申诉在六天内得 到审讯并在两天之后作出裁决,而上诉是在三星期内作出裁决的。
His application for habeas corpus at first instance was heard within six days and decided two days later, whereas the appeal was decided within three weeks.
[...] 其他私人行为者有时统称为“公民社会”行为者,他们的活动也包括在条款草案 的范围,但处次要地位,或作为国家义务(例如第 5 条所规定的各国合作的义 [...]
务)的直接受益人,或根据受灾国、第三国或实体或私人行为者国籍国国内法 律,间接地实施条款草案。
The activities of nongovernmental organizations and other private actors, sometimes collectively referred to as “civil society” actors, are included
within the scope of the draft
[...] articles only in a secondary manner, either as direct beneficiaries [...]
of duties placed on States
(for example, of the duty of States to cooperate, in article 5) or indirectly, as being subject to the domestic laws, implementing the draft articles, of either the affected State, a third State or the State of nationality of the entity or private actor.
分 部 資 料 用 兩 種 分 部 形 式 列 報:(i)按 主 要 分 部 報 告 — 業 務 分 部;及(ii)按 次 要 分 部 報 告 — 地 區 分 部。
Segment information is presented by way of two segments: (i) on a primary segment reporting basis, by business segment; and (ii) on a secondary segment reporting basis, by geographical segment.
各位部长次要求妇 女署执行主任特别关注生活在外国占领下的妇女状况 及其遭受的痛苦,特别是通过全面按照包括国际人道主义法和人权法在内的国 [...]
The Ministers reiterated the request to [...]
the Executive Director of UN Women to pay special attention to the situation of
women living under foreign occupation and their suffering by, inter alia, appointing a focal point to address their situations in full conformity with international law including international humanitarian law and human rights law.
誠如上文「商標許可協議」第3(a)節可比商標交易一表中所述,可比商標交易 之主要可比個案次要可比 個案的年度許可使用費收費率分別介乎於營業額的0% 至1.5%及最少0.21%至10.0%之間,因此,商標許可協議項下應付的年度許可使用 費收費率(即營業額的1.0%)屬可比商標交易的範圍以內。
As set out in the table of the Comparable Trademark Transactions in the section 3(a) headed ‘‘The Trademark License Agreement’’ above, the annual royalty rate of primary comparables and the secondary comparables of the Comparable Trademark Transactions are ranging from 0% to 1.5% and from at least 0.21% to 10.0% of turnover respectively and therefore the annual royalty rate of 1.0% of the turnover payable under the Secondary Trademark License Agreement is within the range of the Comparable Trademark Transactions.
如果我們只說, 因為當局目標正確,一定要進行這些工作來達到這個目標,於是所作的 工作程序,我們沒法監察,也無須監察,或像劉江華議員剛才所指,一 旦監察,便會破壞工作高度的保密性,破壞工作的有效性,於是危害整 個社會安全;如果以這樣的心態 ⎯⎯ 我再強調一次 ⎯⎯ 以這樣的邏 輯、這樣的心態、這樣的立場來處事,那麼政府 次要 求 撥 款8,000萬 元,明年是8億元,日後可能是18億元,我們也無須再問,因為還可以 問甚麼呢?
If we only say that because the Government's objectives are correct, and these objectives have to be achieved by carrying out this work, and therefore we cannot and need not monitor the process involved; or as pointed out by Mr LAU Kong-wah, once monitoring is carried out, the highly confidential nature and effectiveness of such work would be compromised, which would in turn jeopardize the security of the whole society; if this attitude is adopted ― I stress again ― if such logic, attitude or stance is adopted, there is no need for us to ask any question about the Government's funding proposal of $80 million this year, or $800 million next year or possibly $1.8 billion in the future, because there is nothing we can really ask.
报告在论述中涉及到厄立特里亚人,但都是有局限 次要 角 色 ,而且还是根 据在押者令人怀疑的证词。
Even if we allow that the narrative is in fact true — and Eritrea believes it isn’t — it is abundantly clear that the alleged attempt was from start to finish an OLF effort.
虽然,如上所述,经常furnishes的mishnah本身为在塔木德haggadic要素列入地,虽然在讨论的主题的halakah经常导致自己haggadic治疗,哈加达只 次要 地 位 ,在犹太法典,因为这是,无论是在起源和目的,halakic工作,并打算作为一个行政的tannaitic [...]
Although, as stated above, the Mishnah itself frequently furnishes the ground for the inclusion of haggadic elements in the Talmud, and although the subjects discussed in the Halakah
frequently lead of
[...] themselves to haggadic treatment, the Haggadah occupies only a secondary position in [...]
the Talmud, since this
is, both in origin and in purpose, a halakic work, and was intended to serve as a commentary on the chief authoritative work of the tannaitic Halakah, the Mishnah of Judah I. Those portions, therefore, which treat of the interpretation of the Mishnah are the substance of the Talmud.
该决定强调,尊重言论自由与 尊重宗教信仰和宗教象征是密不可分的两项原则,与不了解和不理解行为作斗争也是齐头并 进的,这样才能实现建设和平及恢复各种文化、文明、宗教和各国人民之间的对话。为强化 教科文在这方面的行动,该决定请总干事首先要加强教科文组织的相关计划和行动,履行其 促进相互理解与尊重各国人民宗教及文化价值观和表达自由的职责;次要加速 执行不同 文明、文化和民族间对话行动计划,创建一种和平共处文化;第三要将现行的所有国际文书 汇编成书,对这些文书进行深入的研究,并且为促进相互理解提出教科文组织可以采取行动 的方式方法,从而克服目前依然存在的不了解彼此的行为方式与生活的状况,促进和平、宽 容和不同文明、文化、民族和宗教间的对话。
In order to reinforce UNESCO’s action to that end, it invited the Director-General, firstly, to strengthen UNESCO’s programmes and actions to fulfil its commitment towards mutual understanding and respect for all peoples’ religious and cultural values, and freedom of expression; secondly, to accelerate the implementation of the plan of action for the dialogue among civilizations, cultures and peoples with a view to creating a culture of peace and of living together; thirdly, to undertake a compilation and comprehensive study of all existing relevant international instruments, and to propose means and modalities of action available to UNESCO for the purpose of furthering mutual understanding in order to overcome the still prevailing ignorance of each other’s ways and lives, and of promoting peace, tolerance and dialogue among civilizations, cultures, peoples and religions.
律政司動議㆓讀:「㆒項修訂與警司警誡少年罪犯有關的法律、撤銷與出版有關的某些 罪行、修訂關於在刑事法律程序㆗某些程序事項的法律、修訂影響律師及外國律師執 業的法律、授權律政司向法庭申請委任司法受託㆟、使若干條例在㆒ 次要 方 面 合理 化及加以改善、將女性罪犯或女性受感化者的監管㆟員須為女性的規定予以免除、授 權㆟民入境管理隊的成員在某些情況㆘持手令進入㆞方及搜查、修訂關於囚犯在監管 ㆘釋放的法律、修訂關於將去世㆟士的遺體或其部分用於治療或其他獲准目的的法 律,以及就其他雜項次要修訂 訂定條文的草案。
THE ATTORNEY GENERAL moved the Second Reading of: "A Bill to amend the law relating to juvenile offenders cautioned by police superintendents, to abolish certain offences relating to publication, to amend the law relating to certain procedural matters in criminal proceedings, to amend the law affecting solicitors' and foreign lawyers' practice,
to enable the
[...] Attorney General to apply to the court for appointment of judicial trustees, to rationalize and improve minor aspects of various Ordinances, to dispense with the requirement for supervising officers of female offenders or probationers to be female, to empower members of the Immigration Service to enter and search with warrant under certain circumstances, to amend the law relating to release of prisoners under supervision, to amend the law relating to the use of deceased persons' bodies or parts thereof for therapeutic or other permitted purposes and to provide for other miscellaneous and minor amendments.
因此, 我们次要求专 家小组按照制裁委员会的现行做法, 以及对其他会员国透明的正当理由,公布专家小组的 [...]
We therefore once again request that the final [...]
report of the Panel be published, in accordance with the ongoing practice
of sanctions committees and for the legitimate reason of transparency with regard to other Member States.
很难理解仅因接受或导致依赖的行为如何就会产生 次要 责 任 ”,因为第 2 款所述次要责任 ”在国际法中尤其是一个不寻常的概念,需要明确阐述这一责 任与原始责任的关系。
It is hard to understand how “subsidiary responsibility” emerges from mere acceptance or conduct inducing reliance since “subsidiary responsibility”, as referred to in paragraph 2, in particular, is an unusual concept in international law that requires a clear indication of its relation to the original responsibility.
大多数工作介于这两个极端之间, 次要 求 能够利用非结构化或动态任务完成结构化工作流程。
Most work falls somewhere between these two
[...] extremes, many times requiring the [...]
ability to utilize unstructured or dynamic
tasking to complete a structured workflow.
无需用手机控制如果次要跳过 曲目或接听来电时都必须拿起手机,该有多麻烦?
Phone not requiredHow annoying is it to have to reach for your phone
[...] every time you want to skip a track or [...]
answer a call?
如果父母欠其子女抚养费,但却拥有工资和/或其 次要 的 不 稳定收入,或 可获得部分或全部以实物形式支付的工资和/或其他收入,以及如果出现由于某 [...]
种原因不可能按工资或其他收入的比例支取抚养费的其他情况,法庭可设定每月 支付的抚养费的固定金额,或固定金额与按工资和/或其他收入的一定比例设定 的金额并存。
In cases when the parent that owes
childcare allowance to his child has a salary
[...] and/or other secondary unstable or [...]
fluctuant income or receives salary and/or
other income which are partially or totally in kind, as well as in other cases when due to certain reasons the charge of the allowance as a share of the salary and/or other income is impossible, the court of law may set the amount of the allowance as a fixed amount of money paid monthly, or concurrently in a fixed amount and as a share of the salary and/or other income.
关于黎巴嫩共和国和叙利亚共和国这两个姊妹 国,我们次要求以 色列按照全面解决中东危机各个 方面的方案,撤出叙利亚和黎巴嫩被占领土,以加强 该区域各国人民的和平与稳定。
In regard to the sister republics of Lebanon
[...] and Syria, I reiterate our call for Israel’s withdrawal from Syrian and Lebanese occupied territories, based on the option [...]
of a comprehensive
settlement of all aspects of the Middle East crisis, in a way that will strengthen peace and stability for all the peoples of the region.
另外一些发言者希望把重 点主要放在重大计划 II 和 III 审查小组的意见上,并指出继续定期严格审查所有科学活动极为重要,有助于确 定哪些活动次要的,哪些活动与其它国际组织开展的活动是重复的。
Others also indicated that they would have liked to see more focus on the observations of the experts’ panel that reviewed MP II and MP III, and pointed to the critical importance for the science portfolio to be rigorously examined on a continuous and regular basis to determine which activities are marginal or duplicative of other international organizations’ endeavours.
能够有进一步的正义”同时,还提请注意这一问题:即如果将主要的责任放在单 独的国家身上,而不是放在能够指导具有健全法律基础的国际联盟的那些新的格
[...] 局、实体和机构之上,将会产生何种得失的权衡以及影响,此外,如何才能对要和次要的责任作出区别与衡量。
While highlighting the need to “enabling greater justice in the global political economy”, attention was drawn to the questions of what the trade-offs and repercussions of putting primary responsibilities on individual States as opposed to new configurations, entities and institutions that could inform legally sound
international federations were, and how distinctions
[...] between primary and secondary responsibilities [...]
could be drawn and measured.
例如,如果您只想触发器对 每次要的低 频打击音发生反应,可以使用此项。
This can be of use if you only want the trigger to
[...] react to every second bass beat, for [...]
次要求, 专家组收到科特迪瓦司法部的一份正式来文,其中说明被制 裁个人的法律状况如下:Charles [...]
Blé Goudé、Simone Gbagbo、Pascal Affi N’ Guessan、Alcide Djédjé和洛朗·巴博将被起诉,罪名是结伙盗窃、结伙武装抢劫、
Pursuant to numerous requests, the Group [...]
of Experts received an official communication from the Ministry of Justice of Côte
d’Ivoire on the legal status of the sanctioned individuals, in which it was indicated that Charles Blé Goudé, Simone Gbagbo, Pascal Affi N’Guessan, Alcide Djédjé, and Laurent Gbagbo were subject to prosecution for counts of group theft, group armed robbery, crimes against the public economy, misappropriation of public funds and looting.
一些代表团次要求执行局每 年在年度会议上讨论儿童基金会性别平等工作进展。
Some delegations reiterated their request that the Executive Board discuss progress in UNICEF gender equality work every year at the annual session.
纳杰菲先生(伊朗伊斯兰共和国)(以英语发言): 真抱歉我次要求发言,但鉴于法国和联合王国代表 [...]
Mr. Najafi (Islamic Republic of Iran): I am sorry to
[...] take the floor again, but in view of [...]
the statements made by the representatives
of France and the United Kingdom I am obliged to clarify some points.
我 們 明 白 對 行 使 司 法 酌 處 權 有 影 響 的 事 情 可 能 甚 為 廣 泛 , 但 與 我 們 建 議 的 例 外 情 況 無 關 的 考 慮 因 素 , 對 於 司 法 酌 處 權 的 行 使 , 則次 要 。
We realise that matters affecting judicial discretion could be wide-ranging, but considerations not relevant to the exceptions we recommend should be of only peripheral importance to the exercise of that discretion.
根據本集團之內部財務匯報,本集團以業務分類作為主 要之報告格式,而地域分類則作 次要 之 報 告格式。
In accordance with the Group’s internal financial reporting, the Group has determined that
business segments be
[...] presented as the primary reporting format and geographical segments as the secondary reporting format.
可比商標交易次要可比 個案之年度許可使用費收費率為介乎於最少營業額 的0.21%至10.0%,因此,商標許可協議項下應付的年度許可使用費(相當於營業額 的2.2%)屬於可比商標交易次要可比個案之範圍內。
The annual royalty rate of the secondary comparables of the Comparable Trademark Transactions are ranged from at least 0.21% to 10.0% of turnover and therefore the annual royalty of 2.2% of the turnover payable under the Trademark License Agreement falls within the range of the secondary comparables of the Comparable Trademark Transactions.
按 照 本 集 團 的 內 部 財 務 申 報 制 度,就 財 務 報 表 而 言,本 集 團 已 選 擇 以 業 務 分 部 資 料 作 為 主 要 呈 報 方 式,而 地 區 分 部 資 料 則 作次 要 呈 報 方式。
In accordance with the Group’s internal financial reporting system, the Group has chosen business segment information as the primary reporting format and geographical segment information as the secondary reporting format for the purposes of these financial statements.
为此目的,并且为 了帮助禁止所有核武器的发展、生产、获取、试验、 储存、转让、使用或威胁使用,并规定销毁此种武器, 不结盟运动次要求尽 早召开一次国际会议。
To that end, and to help prohibit the development, production, acquisition, testing, stockpiling, transfer, use or threat of use and to provide for the destruction of all nuclear weapons, the NAM once again calls for an international conference at the earliest possible date.
关于这组专题各伙伴关系总体覆盖的部门(包括 要 和 次要 重 点),有 170 项 伙伴关系举措在一个或多个专题问题领域列举了 要 或 次要 重 点
With regard to the sectoral coverage totals (both
[...] primary and secondary focus) for the partnerships in this thematic cluster, 170 partnership initiatives list either a primary or secondary focus in one [...]
or more of the thematic issue areas.




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