

单词 次生灾害

See also:

次生 adj

secondary adj
derivative adj

灾害 pl

catastrophes pl
calamities pl


disastrous damage



External sources (not reviewed)

2011年3月11日,日本东北部地区突发里氏九级特大地震,并引发巨大海啸、核电站泄漏事故等严 次生灾 害,造成重大人员伤亡和财产损失。
In March 11, 2011, an earthquake that meassured 9.0 on the Richter
scale occurred in northeast Japan, which
[...] caused secondary disasters such as a huge [...]
tsunami and leakage accidents at nuclear
power stations, as well as heavy casualties and property loss.
鉴于生自然灾害的次数增加,强度增大,教 科文组织自然科学部门的当务之急就是制定全面的应对办法。
As frequency and
[...] intensity of natural disasters increase, it is imperative [...]
that UNESCO Natural Sciences develop a comprehensive approach.
在 2010 年国际法委员会第六十二届会议上,特别报告员提交了关于 生灾 害时的人员保护问题的第次报告 (A/CN.4/629)。
At the sixty-second session of the International Law Commission in 2010, the Special
Rapporteur submitted his third report on the
[...] topic of the protection of persons in the event of disasters (A/CN.4/629).
美国国际发展署正在协调美国政府的全部努力以支持日本政府响应上周五袭来的地震 次生 海 啸 灾害 , 并 且正在指导人们从www.usaid.gov上获取有关响应捐款的信息。
USAID is coordinating the overall U.S. government efforts in support of the
Japanese government's response to the
[...] earthquakes and subsequent tsunami that hit Friday [...]
and are currently directing individuals
to www.usaid.gov for information about response donations.
委员会在第六十届(2008 年)会议上收到特别报告员的次报告(A/CN.4/ 598),探讨生灾害时的 人员保护情况的演变,查明关于这一专题的法律渊源, [...]
At the sixtieth session (2008), the
Commission had before it the preliminary report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/598), tracing the evolution of the
[...] protection of persons in the event of disasters, identifying the sources of the [...]
law on
the topic, as well as previous efforts towards codification and development of the law in the area.
正如他在介绍第三次报告时所说的那样,他在第 次报 告中有意提出在生灾害时国 家行使主要责任的具体范围、并限制国家行使责任 的一些条款。
As he had stated in his introduction to the third report, he intended, in his fourth report, to propose provisions that specified the scope and limits of a State’s exercise of its primary responsibility in the event of a disaster.
主席请委员会继续审议关于生灾害 时 人员保护问题的第 次 报告 (A/CN.4/ 629)
The Chairman invited the Commission to continue its consideration of the third
[...] report on protection of persons in the event of disasters (A/CN.4/629).
经社会指出,次区域 办事处的重点优先事项包括:(a) 通过包容性增 长、两性平等和利用区域知识网络进行政策宣传,加速实现千年发展目标; (b) 加强互联互通、贸易和交通运输便利化;(c) 促进区域经济一体化、区域 粮食和能源安全合作和减灾害风险 ;以及(d) 援助最不发达国家加生产 能力。
The Commission noted that the key
[...] priorities of the Subregional Office included: (a) accelerating the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals through inclusive growth, gender equality and policy advocacy by means of regional knowledge networks; (b) strengthening connectivity, and trade and transport facilitation; (c) promoting regional economic integration, regional cooperation for food and energy security, and disaster risk reduction; [...]
and (d) assisting the least developed countries in building productive capacity.
关于“生灾害时的人员保护”专题,委员会收到了特别报告员第 次报 告(A/CN.4/643 和 Corr.1),讨论了在超越受灾国家的本国应对能力时寻求援助的 责任问题,受灾国不得任意拒绝外来援助的义务,以及国际社会表示提供援助的 [...]
In relation to
[...] the topic “Protection of persons in the event of disasters”, the Commission had before it the fourth report [...]
of the Special Rapporteur
(A/CN.4/643 and Corr.1), dealing with the responsibility of the affected State to seek assistance where its national response capacity is exceeded, the duty of the affected State not to arbitrarily withhold its consent to external assistance, and the right to offer assistance in the international community.
国家和地方当局需要采取措施,减少国内流离失所者和全体人口遭 受复发性自然害或二次灾害的脆 弱性。
National and local authorities will need to take
measures to reduce the vulnerability of IDPs and the general population from
[...] recurrent natural hazards or secondary hazards.
关于“生灾害时的人员保护”专题,委员会审议了特别报告员的第次 报告 (A/CN.4/629),报告处理了中立、公正、人道原则以及尊重人的尊严的基本 概念。
In relation
[...] to the topic “Protection of persons in the event of disasters”, the Commission had before it the third report of [...]
the Special
Rapporteur (A/CN.4/629), dealing with the humanitarian principles of neutrality, impartiality and humanity, as well as the underlying concept of respect for human dignity.
委员会在本届会议上收到了特别报告员的第 次 报 告 (A/CN.4/629),全面 介绍了各国对委员会至今所开展工作的意见,即从需保护的人员的角度审议关于生灾害时的 人员保护的原则以及审议受灾国的责任问题。
At the present session, the Commission had before it the third report of the Special Rapporteur (A/CN.4/629) providing an overview of the views of States on the work undertaken by the
Commission thus far, a
[...] consideration of the principles that inspire the protection of persons in the event of disasters, in its aspect related to persons in need of protection, and a consideration of the [...]
question of the responsibility of the affected State.
[...] 是平衡主权与保护人权的需要,指出本专题的目的是 生灾害 时 的 人员保护,而 不是对国家权利的保护。
It was considered important to balance State sovereignty with the need to protect human rights, and it was recalled that the
purpose of the topic was the protection of persons
[...] in the event of disasters, and not the protection [...]
of the rights of States.
表示深为关注近年来自灾害、疾 病和 灾次 数 多 ,规模大,影响趋重,导 致许多人生,造 成严重生计损失,并威胁到农业生产和粮食安全,在发展中国 家尤其如此
Expressing its deep
[...] concern at the number and scale of natural disasters, diseases and pests and their increasing impact in recent years, [...]
which have resulted
in massive loss of life and livelihood and threatened agricultural production and food security, in particular in developing countries
[...] 书长设立应急准备和支助股的提议并非具体针对海地最近 生 自 然 灾害 的有关需要,而是要作出安排,以应对因自然灾害、针对联合国的恶意 [...]
The Advisory Committee received the following clarification: in spite of the timing of its presentation, the proposal of the Secretary-General to establish an Emergency Preparedness and Support Unit was intended not to respond
specifically to requirements related to
[...] the recent natural disaster in Haiti, but rather [...]
to put in place arrangements to deal
with any crisis that has occurred or that may occur as the result of natural disasters, malicious acts directed at the United Nations or other emergencies.
生灾害时保 护人员的问题 上,人的尊严是一个指导原则,对任何提供救助的行动及应对灾害方面的法律的 [...]
In the context of the protection of
[...] persons in the event of disasters, human dignity is [...]
situated as a guiding principle both
for any action to be taken in the context of the provision of relief, and in the ongoing evolution of laws addressing disaster response.
深切关注近年来自灾害次数多 、规模大,影响日益严重,在世界各社会造 成巨生命损 失,并给脆弱社会带来长期社会、经济和环境后果,有碍它们尤其 是发展中国家实现可持续发展
[...] its deep concern at the number and scale of natural disasters and their increasing impact in recent years, which [...]
have resulted in massive
loss of life and long-term negative social, economic and environmental consequences for vulnerable societies throughout the world and which hamper the achievement of their sustainable development, in particular in developing countries
又回顾《2005 年世界首脑会议成果》,1 重申世界减灾会议通过的《兵库宣言》、2 《2005-2015 年兵库行动框架:建 立国家和社区的抗灾能力》3 和主题为“印度洋灾害:减少风险,共创更安全的
[...] 又重申其在实施联合国各次主要会议和首脑会议成果方面提供政策指导的 作用, 深为关切近年来自灾害次数多、规模大,后果日益严重,造成巨 生 命损 失,对全世界弱势社会造成长期的社会、经济和环境后果,并有碍实现可持续发 [...]
Expressing its deep concern at the number and scale of natural disasters and their increasing impact in recent years, which have resulted in massive loss of life and long-term negative social, economic and environmental consequences for vulnerable societies throughout the world and hamper the achievement of their sustainable development, in particular in developing countries, Expressing its
deep concern also
[...] at the increasing challenges facing the disaster response and preparedness capacity of Member States [...]
and the United
Nations system as a result of the combined impacts of current global challenges, including the global economic and financial crisis, climate change and the food crisis,Emphasizing that disaster risk reduction, including the reduction of
一些代表强调需要在减灾害风险 和气候变化风险方面推进区域 合作机制和共享资源安排,包括那些涉及信息和通信以及空间技术的 机制和安排,以期改善应对各种不同类型的危害识别和防范规划、以 及与各区域次区域 组织建立伙伴关系开展协作。
Some representatives stressed the need to promote regional cooperative mechanisms
and resource-sharing
[...] arrangements for disaster risk reduction and climate change risk reduction, including those involving information, communications and space technologies, to improve different types of hazard identification and preparedness planning as well as partnerships and collaboration with regional and subregional organizations.
[...] 区域、最不发达国家、小岛屿发展中国家和非洲、内陆国家,以及洪涝、干旱 和荒漠化多发地区、生态系统脆弱以及与气候变化相关的极端 灾 难 性 事件和 趋势生次数增 多的发展中国家缔约方。
Priority will be given to particularly vulnerable developing countries, especially low-lying coastal, arid and semi-arid areas, LDC’s, SIDS and Africa, land-locked countries, and developing country parties with areas prone to floods, drought and desertification, with
fragile ecosystems, and facing increased
[...] frequency of extreme and catastrophic events and trends linked [...]
to climate change.
由于自然灾害数量的增加以及气候变化的破坏性影响,尤其是对小岛屿发展中国家和非洲国家的影响, 会员国要求教科文组织继续其长期支持科研和利用科学知识适应和减少气候变化的影响,以及减少自 灾害风 险,开展综合的水资源管理以及保 生 物 多 样性的工作。
In the light of the increased number of natural disasters and the devastating effects of climate change, in particular in the small islands developing States and in Africa, Member States requested UNESCO to continue its sustained efforts in supporting research and mobilizing the use of scientific knowledge
for adaptation
[...] and mitigation of climate change, natural disasters risk reduction, integrated water management, [...]
and biodiversity conservation.
鉴于阿拉伯区域正面临着因环境系统退化和由于越来越多的地质和气候变 化致使自灾害经常发生而不 断增加的风险,对生命、基础设施、生计手段和可 [...]
持续发展都有直接的影响,我们申明实施 2020 年阿拉伯减少灾害风险战略,承 诺执行关于气候变化的阿拉伯宣言和声明以及相关决议,并答应制订一项应对气
Given that the Arab region is facing ever-increasing risks as a result of
the degradation of environmental
[...] systems and the natural disasters that are occurring [...]
regularly because of increasing geological
and climate changes, which have a direct impact on lives, infrastructure, means of livelihood and sustainable development, we affirm implementation of the Arab strategy to reduce disaster risk 2020 and commitment to the Arab declaration and statement on climate change and the related resolutions, and promise to devise an Arab plan for dealing with climate change.
示范战略和实际措施》增订本认识到有些特殊的妇女群体特别容易遭受暴 力行为,无论是由于其国籍、族裔、宗教和语言,还是由于其属于土著群体、移
[...] [...] 民、无国籍人、难民、居住在不发达、农村或边远社区、无家可归、被机构安置 或拘留、身有残疾、是老年妇女、寡妇 生 活 在冲突、冲突后 灾害 局 势中,因 此,在制定针对暴力侵害妇女行为的预防犯罪和刑事司法对策时,需要对她们予 [...]
The updated Model Strategies and Practical Measures recognize that some special groups of women are particularly vulnerable to violence, either because of their nationality, ethnicity, religion or language, or because they belong to an indigenous group, are migrants, are stateless, are refugees, live in underdeveloped, rural or remote communities, are homeless, are in institutions or in detention, have
disabilities, are elderly, are widowed or live in
[...] conflict, post-conflict or disaster situations, and as such they [...]
require special
attention, intervention and protection in the development of crime prevention and criminal justice responses to violence against women.
秘书处扼要介绍了 2012-2013 年两年期信息通信技术和减灾害 风险次级方案战略框架,这一次级方案为同一个两年期的次级方案的 工作方案的制订提供了一个基础。
The secretariat provided an overview of the strategic framework for the
biennium 2012-2013 of the
[...] subprogramme on information and communications technology and disaster risk reduction, [...]
which served as the basis
for developing the programme of work for the subprogramme in respect of the same biennium.
在亚太经社会秘书处内,关于(a) 信息和通信技术及减灾害 风险的次级方 案、以及关于(b) 贸易和投资次级方案,一直在其各 自的工作方案中推动实行电子政务和无纸型贸易。
Within the ESCAP
[...] secretariat, the subprogrammes on (a) information and communications technology and disaster risk reduction [...]
and (b) trade and investment
have been promoting e-governance and paperless trade, respectively, in their work programmes.
[...] 会,日本将于 2012 年 7 月在受灾的东北地区举行次关于 大规 灾害 问题 的高级别国际会议,讨论以何种方式尽可能加强减少灾害风险的能力,扩大 [...]
The delegation informed the Commission that Japan would hold a
high-level international conference on
[...] large-scale disasters in July 2012 in the disaster-stricken [...]
Tohoku region to discuss ways
to maximize capacities for disaster risk reduction and broaden cooperation and coordination among relevant stakeholders.
秘书长表示,该 中心建于 2010 年 1
[...] 月地震之后,目的是便利稳定团立即恢复运作,减少稳定团 在海地的足迹,减轻万一生另一 次灾 难 时 的人员和财产损失风险,缓解当时在 海地严重缺乏办公和居住空间的情况,以及确保为稳定团维持一个灾后恢复和业 [...]
According to the Secretary-General, the Centre was established in the aftermath of the January 2010 earthquake to facilitate the immediate resumption of the Mission’s operations, reduce the Mission’s footprint in Haiti, mitigate the risk of
further loss of life and property
[...] in the event of another disaster, alleviate the severe [...]
lack of office and residential space
in Haiti at that time and ensure the maintenance of a disaster recovery and business continuity facility for the Mission.




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