

单词 次国家

See also:

国家 pl

nations pl
States pl

External sources (not reviewed)

有关 孕产妇死亡率和发病率,例如性别平等和持续有效和平等的保健系统的问题是各 种收入次国家面临的挑战。
Underlying issues concerning maternal mortality and morbidity, such as gender
equality and sustaining effective and an equitable health system, are
[...] challenges faced in countries of all income levels.
成功的适应措施将需要长期思考及详尽 地考量有关在区域 (跨国)、国家、次国家及地方 各层面的气候变化风险。
Successful adaptation measures will require long-term thinking and
explicit consideration of climate change risks at the
[...] regional (cross-national), national, sub-national and local levels.
专家们一致认为,次国家牵头 的倡议为特设专家组的讨论提供了宝贵的 基础。
Experts agreed that this Country-led Initiative had provided a valuable basis for discussions by the Ad hoc Expert Group.
会议重申,第三条足够全面,足以涵盖国际 国家 或 次国家 一 级 的任何接受 者。
The Conference reaffirms that Article
III is sufficiently comprehensive to cover any recipient whatsoever at the
[...] international, national or sub-national levels.
大洋洲海关组织在 2010 年 6 月和7月间与禁止化学武器组织一道为该区域 《化学武器公约》缔约国举办了一期培训讲习班和 次国家 履 约 培训后,正与成 员国海关署协作,执行编码协调制度等措施,以追踪这些国家进口附表所列化学 品或化学前体的任何情况并向有关国家机构报告。
Following a training workshop and a national implementation training with the Organization for Prevention of Chemical Weapons in the region for States parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention in June/July 2010, the Oceania Customs Organization is collaborating with member customs administrations to implement measures such as the harmonized coding system in order to keep track of any imports of scheduled chemicals or chemical precursors into countries and to report to relevant national authorities.
[...] 编现有国家科技能力和专门技能清单;召开各国利益相关者多方会议,讨论提交给本国政府 批准的现状报告;确定国家优先事项、需求评估和商业计划;举办第 次国家 磋 商 会议并提 请本国政府批准;以现状报告为基础,拟定一份修订的国家科技政策草案;最后,将项目实 施情况纳入国家发展规划。
The different phases in the STI policy review process which is undertaken in close collaboration with the relevant ministries, include the following: an inventory of existing national capacity and know-how in science and technology compiled by national and international experts; national multi-stakeholder meetings to discuss the status report which is submitted to governments
for endorsement; identification
[...] of national priorities, needs assessments and subsequent business plans; a second national consultation [...]
and endorsement by governments;
elaboration on the basis of the status report of a draft revised national science policy; and finally, integration of implementation projects in national development plans.
例如,在 2009 年,参与编写乌兹别克斯坦关于执行《儿童权利公约》的 第三、次国家报告的有 20 家非商业性非政府组织。
In 2009, for example, 20 non-profit NGOs took part in the preparation of the third and fourth periodic report of Uzbekistan on its implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child.
(b) 信息通报战略应该规定国家、 次国家 和 地 方一级充分和系统地传播 气候变化信息,以便促进参与并为采取行动奠定基础
(b) A communications strategy should make provision for adequate and
systematic dissemination of climate change
[...] information at national, sub-national and local levels [...]
in order to promote involvement and create a basis for action
由于第三和第次国 家信息 通报报告方式存在差异和不一致,不可能计 算出附件二缔约方通过这些渠道提供的资金援助。
Due to gaps and inconsistencies in reporting approaches in the
[...] third and fourth national communications, [...]
it is not possible to
calculate the financial assistance provided by Annex II Parties through such channels.
虽然非典型性肺炎的流行造成了活动的推迟,下述活动正在中国开展:中国将在上海 举办次国家讲习 班,汇集八个试办点的合作伙伴,相互交流所遇到的困难和取得的经验教 [...]
The following activities are being
[...] implemented in China: a national workshop in Shanghai, [...]
China bringing together the partners
of the eight pilot sites, in order to share difficulties and lessons learnt; a conference co-organized with the UNESCO Beijing Office entitled “Promoting Young Migrants to Find Jobs in Shanghai”, with the participation of the Ministry of Labour and Social Security (MOLSS) and the Shanghai Municipal Government (July 2003).
在第一次会议期间,主席建议修订本届会议议程和工作方案,以便让 Sahli 女士介绍她参加 2009 年 11
[...] 月在日内瓦举行的少数群体问题论坛第二届会议的情 况,并且让奈切夫斯卡女士就工作组近期开展的 次国家 访 问情况做简短介绍。
During the 1st meeting, the Chair suggested that the agenda and the programme of work for the session be revised so as to include a presentation by Ms. Sahli on her participation in the second session of the Forum on Minority Issues, which had been held in Geneva in
November 2009, and a short summary by Ms.
[...] Najcevska of the two country visits recently [...]
carried out by the Working Group.
履行机构鼓励已经收到编制第二次以及酌 情编制第次国家信息 通报所 需资金的非附件一缔约方作出一切努力,按照第 8/CP.11 号决定第 [...]
3 段的规定提交 国家信息通报。
The SBI encouraged those non-Annex I Parties that have
already received funding for
[...] their second or, where appropriate, third national communications, [...]
to make all efforts to submit
their national communications in accordance with decision 8/CP.11, paragraph 3.
社会保护、家庭和儿童部与主管部委合作,编制和翻译了关于《修订的欧 洲社会宪章》(摩尔多瓦共和国通过 2001 年 9 月 28 日第 484-XV 号法律批准)执 行情况的 2005-2007 年《第次国家报告》。
In cooperation with the competent ministries the Ministry of Social Protection, Family and Child has prepared and translated the Fourth National Report for the period of 2005–2007 on the implementation of the Revised European Social Charter, ratified by the Republic of Moldova by Law No. 484-XV from 28 September 2001.
与会者指出,大部分国家目前正在起草或刚刚完成了第 次国家 信 息通 报,墨西哥除外,它目前正在起草第 次国家 信 息 通报。
[...] noted that most countries are currently drafting or have recently completed their second national communications, with the exception of Mexico, which is currently drafting its fifth national communication.
首先国家有义务确保其公民根据准则行动。次 国家有义 务确保遵守公共秩序,主要是在公共安全和公共卫生两个方面。
Basically, the State has a duty to ensure that the citizens comply with rules and that law and order are respected, mainly in the interests of security and public health.
在每个历史的节点都能发现这个委员会的标记,从1972年的乒乓外交到随后在艺术家、学者以 次国家 级 领 导人之间的交流,我们对此表示感激。
The Committee's fingerprints can be found at every historic point, from the ping pong
diplomacy of 1972 to subsequent exchanges between artists,
[...] academics, and sub-national leaders, and [...]
for that, we are grateful.
科学和技术联络员国家、次国家和/ 或区域各级最重要的成就/ 工作成果 是什么?
What have been the most important achievements/outcomes of the
[...] contribution of the STC at national, subnational and/or [...]
regional level?
2006-2010 年第次 国家方案在生殖健康领域取得的成就包括:(a)完成 [...]
2008 年人口普查;(b)提高避孕普及率、产前护理和 经由专业医护人员接生的数量提高;和(c)拥有专业 技能的助产士人数及青年友好型服务数量增加。
Achievements of the third country programme, 2006-2010, [...]
in the area of reproductive health, included: (a) the implementation
of the 2008 census; (b) increased contraceptive prevalence, antenatal care, and deliveries by skilled attendants; and (c) increased availability of skilled midwives and youth-friendly services.
国家一级的政策、战略和计划能够为适应提供一个总体战略框架以及扶持 型环境,次国家和地 方政府、公共部门及私营部门提供参与适应行动的激励办 [...]
National-level policies, strategies and plans can provide an overarching strategic framework for
adaptation, as well as an enabling
[...] environment in which subnational and local governments, [...]
the public sector and the private
sector are provided with incentives and regulation to engage in adaptation actions.
(a) 日本政府将协助伊朗伊斯兰共和国和蒙古为在这些国家举行国家协商进行 筹备工作 并帮助在下一年度根据斯里兰卡所举行协商的模式在这两个家中举行一次国家协商会议
(a) The Government of Japan would assist the Islamic Republic of Iran and Mongolia in preparing country consultations in these
countries and help convene in
[...] either of these countries a country consultation meeting on the model of [...]
the consultation held in Sri Lanka in the year to come
此外,各联合国信 息中心、各联合国办事处和各开发署办事处为千年发展目标高级别会议组织了 20 多次国家或区域发布和揭幕活动。
In addition, over 20 national or regional launches and curtain-raiser events for the High-level Event on the Millennium Development Goals were organized by United Nations Information Centres, United Nations offices and UNDP offices.
自上一份报告以来,罗马尼亚共举行了 4 次国家全民公决(一次是关于 2003 年《宪法》修订,一次是 2007 [...]
年 5 月罢免总统,这两次全民公决均有着决 定性价值,一次是 2007 年举行的关于在议会选举中推行实名制投票的咨询性全 民公决,一次是关于减少议员人数、将议会改为单院制的咨询性全民公决),此
Since the last report, four national referenda were held [...]
in Romania (a referendum on the revision of the Constitution in
2003 and a referendum on the dismissal of the President in May 2007, both having decisional value, a consultative referendum on the introduction of the uninominal voting at the parliamentary elections, which was held in 2007, and a consultative referendum on the reduction of the number of parliamentarians and on transforming the Parliament into a unicameral one), plus countless local referenda.
( 请详述) ?此种方针和工具主
[...] 要包括在这一主题领域框架内处理特定类型的损失和损害的常规、非常规和创新 手段,特别是受气候变化国家、 次国家 和 地方三级的倍增效应、放大效应和强 化效应驱动的手段。
Such approaches and tools include, inter alia, conventional, non-conventional and innovative instruments to address specific types of loss and damage in the context of this thematic area, especially those driven
by the multiplying, magnifying and intensifying effects of climate
[...] change at the national, subnational and local levels.
( 国家、次国家和地 方各级) 、条例、政策、战略、体制框架、规划和协调程序、国际合作政策、方 案、项目、活动、补贴、筹资机制、收费结构、经营者合同、申诉程序、司法和 准司法裁决以及许多其他可能的考虑。
What constitutes a good practice can thus include initiatives as diverse as international treaties, legislation (at the national, subnational and local levels), regulations, policies, strategies, institutional frameworks, planning and coordination procedures, international cooperation policies, programmes, projects, campaigns, subsidies, financing mechanisms, tariff structures, operators’ contracts, complaints procedures and judicial and quasi-judicial decisions, among many other possible considerations.
项目主要针 对三个发展
[...] 中地区(非洲、亚洲和拉丁美洲)中各三个次区域和三个国家,以及一个转型 国家 次区域
The project will focus on three subregions and three countries in each
of developing regions (Africa, Asia and Latin America) and on
[...] one subregion with countries with economies in [...]
[...] 问题,尤其是小武器和轻武器的非法贩运问题,并鼓励该次区域各国充分执国家、次区域 、区域和国际各级采取的有关措施,并考虑在这方面采取适 [...]
The Security Council reaffirms the importance of addressing the illicit arms trafficking, in particular, of SALW through an approach of common and shared
responsibility, and encourages the States of the subregion to fully implement relevant measures
[...] adopted at the national, subregional, regional [...]
and international
levels and to consider appropriate steps in this regard.
[...] 2009 年 7 月 16 日在埃及沙姆沙伊赫举行的第十次 不 结 盟 国家 运动 国家元首 和政府首脑会议通过的《最后文件》,6 其中重申不结盟国家运动对恐怖 [...]
主义问题的集体立场,并再次申明以前提出的关于要求在联合国主持下召开一次 国际首脑会议以制订国际社会共同对付一切形式和表现的恐怖主义的系统对策
的倡议,7 以及其他相关倡议
Recalling also the Final Document of the Fifteenth
Summit Conference of Heads of State and Government of the
[...] Movement of Non-Aligned Countries, adopted in Sharm el-Sheikh, [...]
on 16 July 2009,6 which reiterated the collective position of the Non-Aligned Movement on terrorism and reaffirmed its previous initiative calling for an international summit conference under the auspices of the United Nations to formulate a joint organized response of the international community to terrorism in all its forms and manifestations,7 as well as other relevant initiatives
大会和经济及社会理事会对每次年度审查结果的讨论应包括:(a) 通过各
[...] 国政府以及联合国系统各秘书处和政府间机构的报告以及其它相关的次区域、区 域和国际组织和机构的报告,跟踪了解、监测和评 国家 、 次 区 域、区域和全球 各级执行《行动纲领》的进展情况;(b) 促进国际合作以支持《行动纲领》,包 [...]
括捐助方之间和上文提及的各类组织之间的协调;(c) 根据最不发达国家面对的 新的国内外形势制定新的政策和措施。
Consideration of each annual review in the General Assembly and the Economic and Social Council should include, inter alia, (a) follow-up, monitoring and assessment of progress in the implementation of the Programme of Action at the national, subregional, regional and
global levels through reporting by Governments, as well as by the secretariats and intergovernmental bodies
[...] of the United Nations system and of other relevant subregional, regional and [...]
international organizations
and institutions; (b) fostering international cooperation in support of the Programme of Action, including coordination among donors and among organizations referred to above; and (c) elaborating new policies and measures in the light of changing domestic and external circumstances facing least developed countries.
其中 一些措施已在实施之中,其他的将在两年期内跟进:“编写并分发一本实用的合作手册;改
[...] 域层面的非政府国际组织的成员或分支机构;指派联合国教科文组织外地办事处的协调人;国家、次区域 和区域层面,尤其是在总干事依据 C/4 和 C/5 [...]
号文件的两年期的协商范围内 促进非政府组织协商;以及建设来自发展中国家的国家和区域非政府组织的能力”。
Some of these measures are already under way, others will follow during the course of the biennium: “the preparation and dissemination of a practical handbook on cooperation; the improvement of the functionalities of the NGO database to identify members or branches of international NGOs maintaining official relations with UNESCO and active at the national and/or regional levels; the assignation of focal points in UNESCO field
offices; the promotion of NGO
[...] consultations at the national, subregional and regional [...]
levels, inter alia, on the margins
of the Director-General’s biennial consultations on the C/4 and C/5 documents; and the building of capacities of national and regional NGOs from developing countries”.
次级方案2 涉及秘书处支助调整和制国家、次 区 域 和区域行动方案、与 相关国际组织的合作、促进3 [...]
项里约公约间的协同作用、以及开展有关荒漠化/ 土地退化和干旱问题与水、粮食安全、扶贫、两性平等、森林和移徙等问题之间 的相互关联的分析工作和宣传工作。
Subprogramme 2 involves the support of the secretariat
to the alignment and
[...] development of national, subregional and [...]
regional action programmes (NAPs, SRAPs and RAPs), cooperation
with relevant international organisations, promotion of synergies among the three Rio Conventions, and analytical work and advocacy concerning interlinkages between DLDD and water, food security, poverty alleviation, gender, forests and migration.




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