单词 | 次向 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 次向 noun —reassure n
联合委员会至少每两年一次向联大 和成员组织提交一份附有其资产负债表的基金业 [...] 务活动报告,并把联大就该报告采取的任何行动通知各成员组织”。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Board shall present to the [...] General Assembly and to the member [...] organizations, at least once every two years, [...]a report, including a balance sheet, on [...]the operation of the Fund, and shall inform each member organization of any action taken by the General Assembly upon the report”. unesdoc.unesco.org |
(b) 上次向委员会提交报告以来就酷刑或虐待行为进行了多少相应的调查 和起诉以及定罪。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) The corresponding number of investigations, prosecutions and convictions for acts of torture or ill-treatment that have occurred since the last report was submitted to the Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |
瓦克首次向土耳 其市场推出VINNAPAS®威耐实EP 3360产品。 wacker.com | For the first time on the Turkish [...] market, WACKER is presenting VINNAPAS® EP 3360, an aqueous dispersion based on vinyl acetate-ethylene [...]copolymers, stabilized with polyvinyl alcohol and emulsifiers. wacker.com |
此外,提交人的律师数次向比什 凯克军事法院请求释放提交 人,均无效。 daccess-ods.un.org | Furthermore, his lawyers requested his [...] release several times in the Bishkek Military Court, to no avail. daccess-ods.un.org |
委员会吁请缔约国酌情在各个层次向 学 生及所有直接参与促进和保护经济、 社会和文化权利的专业人员,如公务员、教师和社会工作者与警察提供有关 人权的教育,包括经济、社会和文化权利的教育。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee calls on the State party to provide education on human rights, including on economic, social and cultural rights, to students at all levels as appropriate, and for members of all professions that have a direct role in the promotion and protection of economic, social and cultural rights, including civil servants, teachers, social workers and the police. daccess-ods.un.org |
特别报告员自上次向大会 提出报告(A/64/271)以来,不时提到移民、难民和 寻求庇护者面临的人权挑战的问题,包括通过参加各种会议和发布新闻稿以及进 [...] 行国家访问期间提出这一问题(见第三节有关访问阿拉伯联合酋长国和新加坡的 审议情况)。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since his last report to the General Assembly (A/64/271), [...] the question of the human rights challenges faced by migrants, [...]refugees and asylum-seekers has been raised by the Special Rapporteur on various occasions, including through participation in conferences and meetings, as well as through press releases and in the context of country missions (see section III for a consideration of the missions to the United Arab Emirates and Singapore). daccess-ods.un.org |
12.4 一位观察员赞成秘书处代表提出建议,即可能需要审议 EX/4-C/3 的报告制度,以便 在不影响报告质量的前提下减轻报告的负担,也许可以每年 一 次向 执 行 局春季会议提交一份 详细的报告。 unesdoc.unesco.org | 12.4 One Observer agreed with a suggestion made by the representative of the Secretariat that it may be desirable to review EX/4-C/3 reporting to lighten the reporting burden without compromising its quality, possibly by issuing annually a detailed report at the spring sessions of the Executive Board. unesdoc.unesco.org |
在中部非洲区域土著人民保护方面取得了显著进展,这包括中非共和国批准 [...] 了《国际劳工组织(劳工组织)关于独立国家境内土著和部族人民的第 169 号公 约》,以及喀麦隆将有关土著人民权利的信息列入其最近 一 次向 消 除 种族歧视委 员会提交的定期缔约国报告(CERD/C/CMR/15-18)之中。 daccess-ods.un.org | With regard to the protection of indigenous peoples in the Central African region, notable progress included the ratification, by the Central African Republic, of International Labour Organization (ILO) Convention No. 169 on indigenous and tribal peoples, and the inclusion of information relating to the rights of indigenous peoples [...] by Cameroon in its [...] most recent periodic State party report submitted to the Committee on the Elimination [...]of Racial Discrimination (CERD/C/CMR/15-18). daccess-ods.un.org |
(b) 一次向全体 会员国和区域组织开放的特别会议,旨在审查执行第 1373(2001)号决议的全球努力。 daccess-ods.un.org | (b) A special meeting open to the wider [...] membership and regional organizations to review global efforts to implement resolution 1373 (2001). daccess-ods.un.org |
在我第一次向安理会通报情况的会议上(见 S/PV.6528),我强调了安理会以协商一致方式通过第 [...] 1970(2011)号决议的重要性,并宣布我们将在随后几 周请求发出逮捕令。 daccess-ods.un.org | At the meeting when I first briefed the Council [...] (see S/PV.6528), I emphasized the importance of the Council’s consensus [...]adoption of resolution 1970 (2011) and announced that we would request arrest warrants in subsequent weeks. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果運載有貨物的貨車在北上路程中於香港關口完成了ROCARS的清關手續及離境後,在深圳口岸被中國海關截查並原車帶貨遣返回港,貨車上的貨物是否需要再 一 次向 道 路 貨物資料系統申報及作出捆綁才能回港? rocars.gov.hk | In the course of northbound trip, if a laden goods vehicle is repatriated by the Mainland Customs after going through the ROCARS and immigration departure clearance at Hong Kong land boundary control point, [...] should the goods onboard be declared via the ROCARS and then bundled with the vehicle [...] before it can enter Hong Kong again? rocars.gov.hk |
(B) 倘本公司就股息或其他股份付款向有權收取人士寄出的支票、付款 單或匯單連續兩次未被兌現,或有關支票、付款單或匯單首次無法投遞而被退回 本公司,本公司無責任再次向該人 士寄發有關該股份的任何股息或其他應付款 項,直至其就此將有關地址知會本公司。 minmetalsland.com | (B) If any cheques, warrants or orders for dividends or other moneys payable in respect of a share sent by the Company to the person entitled thereto are left uncashed on two consecutive occasions or on one occasion if such cheque, warrant or order is returned to the Company undelivered, the Company shall not be obliged to sent any dividends or other moneys payable in respect of that share due to that person until he notifies the Company of an address to be used for the purpose. minmetalsland.com |
因此巩发党很有可 能利用弹劾再次向执政者施压。 crisisgroup.org | It is likely that the threat of impeachment could be used again to pressure the executive. crisisgroup.org |
然而,上诉法院不能为审理此案作安排,因为高等法院的判决尚未以书面形 式下达,尽管她的律师曾数次向首席 法官反映高等法院法官不当地迟迟不以书面 [...] 形式下达判决一事。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, her case could not be scheduled before the Court of Appeal because the judgment of the High Court had still not been [...] issued in writing, although her [...] lawyer had on several occasions consulted with the [...]Chief Justice on the unwarranted delay [...]on the part of the High Court judge to submit his ruling in writing. daccess-ods.un.org |
在编写报告草稿之后,再次向包括 开发计划署和联合国人口基金在内的所有利益相关者分发了报告草稿,征求评论 [...] 意见。 daccess-ods.un.org | Once, the draft report had been prepared, [...] it was once again circulated among all the stakeholders including the UNDP and the UNFPA for comments. daccess-ods.un.org |
本说明附件所载预算资料是根据大会第 49/233 A 号决议第一节第 [...] 8 段提交, 该段请秘书长每年两次向大会提交一个汇总表,列出每项维持和平行动 [...]7 月 1 日 至 6 月 30 日期间按类别分列的拟议所需预算经费和所需资源总额,以供参考。 daccess-ods.un.org | The budgetary information contained in the annex to the present note is submitted pursuant to General Assembly resolution 49/233 A, section I, paragraph [...] 8, in which the Secretary-General was [...] requested to submit twice a year to the [...]Assembly for information purposes a table summarizing [...]the proposed budgetary requirements of each peacekeeping operation for the period from 1 July to 30 June, by category and with the aggregate total resource requirement. daccess-ods.un.org |
本文件的附件载有按区域分列的所有非政府组织名单,并提供了各非政府组织 最近一次向秘书 处提供的详细联络方式。 unido.org | The annex to the present document includes [...] all NGOs listed by region and shows contact details as most recently provided by the [...] respective NGO to the Secretariat. unido.org |
关于财务主任提供的服务问题,秘书处 再 次向 环 境 规划署提交了一项协定草案,其中 体现了执行委员会就为期五年的固定费用作出的决定,并请环境规划署提供有关其费用的 证明,并澄清增加支助工作人员的必要性。 multilateralfund.org | In relation to the issue of service of the Treasurer, the Secretariat had resubmitted a draft agreement to UNEP reflecting the Executive Committee decision on a fixed fee for five years and requesting UNEP to substantiate its fees and clarify the need for additional support staff. multilateralfund.org |
有關加租上限 [...] 10%方面,相信大家也知道,我們在條例草案的審議過程 中,已經多次向政府 提出,居民其實是十分憂慮的,如果每次加租也沒有上 [...]限,不管工資調升多少。 legco.gov.hk | Regarding the 10% ceiling on rent increases, I believe Members [...] all know that during the scrutiny of the [...] Bill, we did repeatedly tell the Government [...]that residents were extremely worried [...]that there was no ceiling on rent increases irrespective of income increases. legco.gov.hk |
主席女士,我 與 廉 政 專 員 希望藉 今 次 向本會提交報 告的機 會,感 謝 本 會及市民大 眾 對廉署的 支持, 以 及 貪污問題諮詢委員會各 成員於 年 內所作的 寶 貴貢獻, 並 且 向 精誠不 渝、盡忠 職守的 全體廉署人員致意。 legco.gov.hk | Madam President, the Commissioner of the ICAC and I would like to take this opportunity to thank this Council and members of the public for their support, and the members of the Advisory Committee on Corruption for their valuable contribution. legco.gov.hk |
劳瑞尔 访华时由邓小平首次向菲律 宾提出来的。 crisisgroup.org | Domestic pressure is also hindering a practical solution to the issue. crisisgroup.org |
帳戶還款資料包括上次到期的還款額,上次報告期間(即緊接銀行 上 次向 信 貸資料服務機構提供帳戶資料前不多於31 日的期間)所作還款額,剩餘可用信貸額或未償還數額及欠款資料(即過期欠款額及逾期還款日數,清還過期欠款的日期,及全數清還拖 欠為期超過60日的欠款的日期(如有))。 bank.hangseng.com | Account repayment data include amount last due, amount of payment made during the last reporting period (being a period not exceeding 31 days immediately preceding the last contribution of account data by the Bank to a credit reference agency), remaining available credit or outstanding balance and default data (being amount past due and number of days past due, date of settlement of amount past due, and date of final settlement of amount in default lasting in excess of 60 days (if any)). bank.hangseng.com |
自从我上次 向安理 会通报(见 S/PV.6494)以来,三项重大进展为 索马里和平进程提供了重要的推动力:第一,上月举 行了第二次加罗韦索马里全国制宪协商会议;第二, 通过了关于扩大非洲联盟索马里特派团(非索特派团) [...] 并为之提供充沛资源的第 [...]2036(2012)号决议;第三, 11 天前刚刚举行了伦敦会议。 daccess-ods.un.org | Since my last briefing to the Council (see S/PV.6494), three major developments have provided momentous [...] impetus to the Somalia [...]peace process: first, the second Somali National Garowe Consultative Constitutional Conference held last month; secondly, the adoption of resolution 2036 (2012) on an expanded and well-resourced African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM); and thirdly, the London conference held just 11 days ago. daccess-ods.un.org |
古巴驻联合国日内瓦办事处和瑞士其他国际组织代表团谨借此机会 再 次向 人权 理事会秘书处致最崇高的敬意。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Permanent Mission of Cuba to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations in Switzerland takes this opportunity to renew to the secretariat of the Human Rights Council the assurances of its highest consideration. daccess-ods.un.org |
考虑到申诉人在重新开始的调 查期间所受的恐吓,要求他再次向曾 经 多次审议他案件的机构提出新的上诉是不 合理的。 daccess-ods.un.org | Given the intimidating manner in which the renewed investigation was conducted, it would be unreasonable to expect him to restart the new round of appeals to the same bodies that have already considered his case repeatedly. daccess-ods.un.org |
(e) 核实所提请求是新的请求还是再次提出的请求,若为 再 次向 监 察 员提出 的请求,且其中不含任何补充资料,应将所提请求退还申请人,供其考虑。 daccess-ods.un.org | (e) Verify if the request is a new request or a repeated request and, if it is a repeated request to the Ombudsperson and it does not contain any additional information, return it to the petitioner for his or her consideration. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果政府消息人士再次向傳媒洩漏調查數字,新聞工作者大可以要求有關人士提供調查的詳細資料,否則一律拒載。 hkupop.hku.hk | If the government's informed source divulged any survey figures again, journalists can actually ask related pollsters to supply detailed information of the survey; otherwise they can reserve the right not to publish them. hkupop.hku.hk |
关于“(……) 向缔约国提出建议和技术支持,包括赞助方案”的任务,执行 [...] 支助股在闭会期间工作方案和缔约国第十一届会议之前, 两 次向 赞 助 方案捐助团 体提交了拟议的战略计划,并与排雷中心的会议经理一同执行了捐助团体通过的 [...]“赞助战略指导”。 daccess-ods.un.org | With respect to the mandate to “provide advice and technical support to States Parties [...] (…), including on the Sponsorship [...] Programme,” the ISU twice provided a proposed [...]strategic plan to the Sponsorship Programme [...]Donors’ Group – in advance of the Intersessional Work Programme and the 11MSP – and implemented, in concert with the GICHD’s conference manager, the strategic direction on sponsorship adopted by the Donors’ Group. daccess-ods.un.org |
在 2010 年 11 月理事会第三十八届会议上,秘书处提供了关于政府间组织 和国际非政府组织与工发组织合作程度的补充信息(IDB.38/18 号文件),以及 [...] 一份按区域分列的所有非政府组织的概要,其中列有这些非政府组织最近 一次 向秘书处提供的详细联络方式。 unido.org | At the thirty-eighth session of the Board in November 2010, the Secretariat presented supplementary information about the extent of cooperation of intergovernmental and international non-governmental organizations (NGOs) with UNIDO (document IDB.38/18) as well as an [...] overview of all NGOs listed by region and showing contact details as most [...] recently provided by the NGOs to the Secretariat. unido.org |
埃及继前几次向 1540 委员会提交报告后,按照第 1673(2006)号安全理事会 [...] 决议第 3 段关于“鼓励所有已经提交此类报告的国家……提供有关本国执行安全 理事会第 1540(2004)号决议的情况的补充资料”的规定,随函提交关于埃及第 [...] 1540(2004)号决议执行工作的补充资料,以便列入 1540 委员会编写的埃及“汇 总表”。 daccess-ods.un.org | As a follow-up to previous [...] reports submitted by Egypt to the 1540 Committee, [...]and in compliance with paragraph 3 of Security [...]Council resolution 1673 (2006), which “encourages all States that have submitted such reports to provide ... additional information on their implementation of resolution 1540 (2004)”, Egypt wishes to submit, enclosed herewith, additional information on the implementation by Egypt of Security Council resolution 1540 (2004) for inclusion in Egypt’s “matrix”, as prepared by the 1540 Committee. daccess-ods.un.org |