

单词 欠身

See also:


External sources (not reviewed)

(b) 安老院:為未能獨自在社區中生活,但無需倚賴他 人提供起居照顧或護理服務,以及在統一評估機制 下被評為沒有缺損或輕度缺損的長者,提供住宿照 顧、膳食及有限度的起居照顧服務; (c) 護理安老院:為健欠佳、身體殘 疾、認知能力稍為 欠佳及在統一評估機制下被評為中度缺損而未能 自我照顧起居,但在精神上適合羣體生活的長者, 提供住宿照顧、膳食、起居照顧及有限度的護理 服務;及
(c) care and attention ("C&A") home: provides residential care, meals, personal care and limited nursing care for elders who suffer from poor health or physical/mild mental disabilities with deficiency in activities of daily living but are mentally suitable for communal living, and are assessed to be of moderate impairment level under SCANAMES; and
涂謹申議員表示,鑒於未經 詳 細 討論,欠缺有關新身份 證 計劃的政 策考慮的資 料,民 主 黨 的 議員不 會 支 持 現時的建議 。
Mr James TO stated that in the absence of detailed
[...] discussion and lack of information on the policy considerations for the new ID Card project, [...]
Members of the Democratic
Party (DP) would not support the present proposal.
導 致青年 人 失 業 情況嚴 重 的 原因是多方 面 的,如 經濟環欠佳、 青 年 人身 競 爭 力 不 足 等。
The causes of youth unemployment are many, such as adverse economic situation, and poor competitiveness on the part of young people.
駕駛人士必 須明白,身體狀況欠佳時駕駛,除了危害自身安全外,更會對乘客及 行人等構成許多危險。
They must know that when driving in poor health, they will not only put their own safety at risk but will also endanger passengers and passers-by.
由所有董事(因健欠佳或身體殘 障暫時未能行事者除外)及所有替任董事(如 適用,而其委任人如上所述暫時未能行事)簽署的書面決議案,將猶如在妥為召開及舉 行的董事會會議上通過的決議般具有同等效力及作用,惟有關人數須足以構成法定人數 以及一份該決議案的副本須已發給或其內容須已知會當其時有權按此等細則規定的發 出會議通告方式接收董事會會議通告的所有董事,且概無董事得悉或已接獲消息指任何 董事反對該決議案。
A resolution in writing signed by all the Directors except such as are temporarily unable to act through ill-health or disability, and all the alternate Directors, if appropriate, whose appointors are temporarily unable to act as aforesaid shall be as valid and effectual as if a resolution had been passed at a meeting of the Board duly convened and held provided that such number is sufficient to constitute a quorum and that a copy of such resolution has been given or the contents thereof communicated to all the Directors for the time being entitled to receive notices of Board meetings in the same manner as notices of meetings are required to be given by these Bye-laws and further provided that no Director is aware of or has received any objection to the resolution from any Director.
由所有董事(因健欠佳或身体残 障暂时未能行事者除外)及所有替 任董事(如适用,而其委任人如上所述暂时未能行事)签署的书面决议案(有关人 数须足以构成法定人数,以及一份该决议案须已发给或其内容须已知会当其时有权 按细则规定的发出会议通告方式接收董事会会议通告的所有董事),将犹如在妥为 召开及举行的董事会会议上通过的决议案般具有同等效力及作用。
A resolution in writing signed by all the Directors except such as are temporarily unable to act through ill-health or disability, and all the alternate Directors, if appropriate, whose appointors are temporarily unable to act as aforesaid shall (provided that such number is sufficient to constitute a quorum and further provided that a copy of such resolution has been given or the contents thereof communicated to all the Directors for the time being entitled to receive notices of Board meetings in the same manner as notices of meetings are required to be given by these Articles) be as valid and effectual as if a resolution had been passed at a meeting of the Board duly convened and held.
僱員亦可以普通債 權身 分就公司欠的 其 他款項,向公司申索。
They may also be able to claim the company in the capacity as ordinary creditors
[...] in respect of any other amount owed by the company.
因此,當政府宣布進一步發展私立 大學和自資學位時,我們必須再清楚警告:千萬不能忘記副學士“大 躍進”的慘痛教訓,令學位價值再受衝擊,再次貶值,令青年人再次 受苦,欠下一身學債
Therefore, as the Government has announced that it will further develop private universities and self-financing undergraduate degree programmes, we must raise this warning again, loud and clear: Do not ever forget the bitter lesson of the "Great Leap Forward" in the number of associate degree places and deal another blow to the value of undergraduate degrees, thereby causing their further depreciation and leaving young people in predicament and heavy debts upon graduation.
鉴于监狱环境内的群体更可能身心健康方欠佳, 包括药物依赖、艾滋病毒/艾滋病和结核病等,这种现象尤 其令人担忧。
Given that populations in prison settings are more likely to have poorer health, both physical and mental, including drug dependence, HIV/AIDS and tuberculosis, this is particularly worrying.
由所有董事(因健欠佳或身體殘 障暫時未能行事者除外)及所有替任董事 (如適用,其委任人如上文所述暫時未能行事者)簽署的書面決議案(有關 [...]
人數須達法定人數,且該決議案已按細則規定發出會議通告的方式發給或將 其內容知會當時可接收董事會會議通告的所有董事),將猶如在正式召開及
A resolution in writing signed by all the Directors except such
as are temporarily unable to act through
[...] ill-health or disability, and all the alternate [...]
Directors, if appropriate, whose
appointors are temporarily unable to act as aforesaid shall (provided that such number is sufficient to constitute a quorum and further provided that a copy of such resolution has been given or the contents thereof communicated to all the Directors for the time being entitled to receive notices of Board meetings in the same manner as notices of meetings are required to be given by these Articles) be as valid and effectual as if a resolution had been passed at a meeting of the Board duly convened and held.
業界向來有意見認為,電訊局長有多重角色,集執法者、規管者和裁判 者於身,權力過大欠缺制衡。
All along, the industry is of the view that the TA, assuming a multi-functional role of prosecutor, regulator and judge, is vested with excessive powers without adequate checks and balances.
運輸署亦會通過與業界 的定期會議,繼續向商用車司機傳達 身 體 情 況 欠 佳 下駕駛的危險性。
The TD will, through regular meetings with the trade, continue to convey the message to drivers of commercial vehicles that it is dangerous to drive when physically unfit.
理由十分簡單:第一,我們的修正案是有一個很重 要的原則,那便是僱主在減薪時,必須根據破 欠 薪 基金 本 身 所 定 下的準則 來處理。
The reasons are very simple. First, our amendment has a very important principle, that is, employers must follow the rules laid down under the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund if wage reductions have been made.
香 港 僱身 處 於欠 缺 最 高 工時法例保 障 的勞工市場, 面 對 目 前 只 [...]
會 飆 升 的 工時中位 數 ,政府 的 紓緩方案應該 是訂定休 息時間。
What the employees in Hong Kong are facing is a [...]
labour market with no legislative protection in respect of maximum hours
of work, so with the ever-rising median hours of work, the Government should try to ease the situation by making regulations on rest time.
如被保人不幸身故,指定的受益人將可獲發人壽保障,金額相等於以下兩者中之較高者(i)最低人壽保障7加上積存紅利及利息1,2(如有),減去任何保 欠 款 ; 及(i i) 於 身 故 時的退保價值5。
In the event of the Insured’s death, the designated beneficiary will receive a Life Benefit that is equivalent to the higher of the (i) Minimum Life Benefit7 plus accumulated dividends and interest1,2(if any), less any indebtedness; and (ii) surrender value5 upon death.
司機的駕駛能力明顯受損有多種原因,常見原因 包括司身體狀況欠佳和生病、飲用酒類和服用藥物。
Common causes are the physical state and illness of the driver, consumption of alcohol and consumption of drugs.
4.50 本行可隨時及毋須另行通知,動用閣下之任何戶口及授權使用者(如適用)之任何戶口(不
[...] 何貨幣之任何貸方結餘,作為償還閣下或授權使用者根據本條款及細則拖欠本行之任何債 項(不論以任何身分及屬實際或或有債項,亦不論是閣下或授權使用者 身 拖 欠 或 是 閣下 或授權使用者連同任何其他人士拖欠的債項)。
4.50 We may, at any time and without notice, apply any credit balance in any currency on any account of you and, where applicable, any account of the Authorized User, whether in the name of you or the Authorized User or in the names of you or the Authorized User and any other person, in or towards satisfaction of any indebtedness owed by you or the Authorized User to us under these
Terms and Conditions in
[...] whatever capacity and whether actual or contingent or whether owed solely by you [...]
or the Authorized User
or by you or the Authorized User and any other person.
由于证身体欠 佳、 没有就各种重要事项和程序问题作出裁决等种种原因,审判日程已经推迟。
The trial schedule has slipped for a variety of reasons, including scheduling problems due to the ill health of witnesses, outstanding decisions on various key matters and procedural issues.
如公司拖欠 僱員的款額,超逾僱員從信託戶口獲發 的款項及根據《公司條例》 獲得的優先付款的總 額,僱員仍 可以普 通債權身分就尚欠的款 額,向公司申索 。
They may still be able to claim the company in the capacity as ordinary creditors in respect of any amount still owed by the company that is more than the total amount of payments under the trust account and preferential payments under the Companies Ordinance.
在因斯坦尼希身体欠佳和 西马托维奇的首席律师去年去世造成一系列延 误后,审判目前以每周两天庭审的时间表进行。
After a series of delays attributable to Stanišić’s ill health and the death of Simatović’s lead counsel last year, the trial is now proceeding on a two day per week sitting schedule.
信貸提供者在考慮向個㆟或個㆟擬作擔保㆟的其他㆟士批出、檢討或續批個㆟ 信貸的過程㆗,或個㆟以當事㆟或擔保㆟ 身 分 出 現 欠 帳 時 ,可向信貸資料服 務機構查閱有關個㆟在信貸安排方面的信貸資料(再加㆖目前守則准許收集的 負面資料)。
A credit provider may access from a credit reference agency credit data about an individual’s credit facility (in additional to the negative data as currently permitted) in the course of considering any grant, review or renewal of consumer credit to the individual or to another person for whom the individual proposes to act as a guarantor; or upon default by the individual as principal or as guarantor.
每年審計署均提 出大量浪費公帑的例子,足證不同部門 身欠 缺 資 源效益管理的意識。
Every year, the Audit Commission would present many examples showing waste of public money, evident that the departments themselves are not aware of the need for effective management of resources.
[...] 理,我亦認為有些官員行事過於明哲 身 , 欠 缺 團隊精神,甚至違反 香港整體利益,未有勇於承擔後果,這同樣有欠恰當。
By the same token, I also consider that some government officials just want
[...] to play it safe and lack the team spirit, [...]
so much so that they would even go against
the overall interests of Hong Kong and lack the courage to bear the consequences, which is also inappropriate.
此 方 案 可 避免法定格 式身欠缺彈 性 這個問題,因 為如果 規 定 須採用法定格 式,格 式㆖的任何偏 差 ㆒ 開始便會影響 文書的有效性。
It avoids the rigidity of a statutory form, where any deviation from the form may affect the validity of the instructions from the outset.
我很同意吳靄儀議員、鄭經 翰議員剛才的說法,我們事實上是一個如此進步的社會,對於弱勢社羣、對 於一些身真的很欠缺能 力自行解決問題的人,我們一定要幫助他們,政府 一定要幫助他們解決問題。
We are a progressive society and we must help the socially disadvantaged and those who genuinely lack the ability to solve problems on their own, and the Government must help them solve their problems.
在获奖身体欠安或 不能到场的情况下,可以由 其指定代表领奖。
Prizes may be accepted by designated representatives of prizewinners,
[...] in case of indisposition or unavailability.
氨基甲酸乙酯過去 曾作工業、醫藥和獸藥用途,但其後因為含有毒性,而且療 欠 佳 ,故 己被禁止作人類醫藥用途。
Its use in human medicine was later banned due to toxicological concerns and lack of efficacy.
這些老人家都有一種落葉歸根的 心態,很想回鄉生活,但卻因身體 欠 佳 或不良於行,以致無法經常往返兩 [...]
But since they are in poor health or have mobility problems, they are unable to
travel frequently between the two places.
[...] Consequently, they must either forego the [...]
"fruit grant" or give up the idea of returning
to their hometowns, much to their frustration.
他无法与家属联系。根据从收到的信息, Al-Murbati 先生一直被剥夺上述权 利,并继续遭受拘留身体欠佳, 又完全不知道被拘留的原因和拘留期。
It follows from information received that Mr. Al-Murbati has been denied the abovementioned rights and continues to suffer ongoing detention burdened with ill-health and without knowledge of the reasons of the said detention and its duration.
他一生忙碌,尽身体状况欠佳但 仍充满活力, 他的崇高愿景、稳重以及有感染力的人道和博爱精神 只是亚拉杜瓦总统的几个美德而已,现在,他的去世 使我们失去了这些美德,正因如此,特别是由于已故 总统英年早逝,非洲集团为此落泪。
This busy life, highly active despite his frail health, this lofty vision, sobriety and engaging sense of humanity and fraternity are only a few of the virtues that we are now deprived by the passing of President Yar’Adua.




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