

单词 欠薪

欠薪 ()

owe wages
back pay
wages arrears

See also:


owe v
lack v



salary n
fuel n


External sources (not reviewed)

根據以 非現金方式支付欠款的安排, 僱主可與續聘 僱員訂立協議,以現 金以外的代價如股票來交欠 薪。
Under the payment in lieu of cash arrangement, an employer can enter
into agreement with its continuing
[...] employees to trade in arrears in wages through payment [...]
in considerations other than cash, e.g. by shares.
全委會主席 全委會主席 全委會主席
[...] 全委會主席:我現在向各位提出的待議議題是:以下條文納入《1999 年破欠薪保障(修訂)條例草案》。
CHAIRMAN (in Cantonese): I now propose the question
to you and that is: That the following clauses stand part of the
[...] Protection of Wages on Insolvency [...]
(Amendment) Bill 1999.
勞工處 今 年 重 組 勞工視 察 科 , 把 特別視 察 組 的 數目由 5 個 增 至
[...] 12 個 , 以 加 強 執 法及遏 止違欠 薪 個案的 上升趨勢。
The LD has revamped the Labour Inspection Service this year, increasing the number of
special enforcement teams from five to 12, with a view to enhancing enforcement and curbing
[...] the rising trend of wage offences.
我們會繼續提供多元化的就業服務;同時 致力促進勞資關係,全力打擊非法勞工及違 欠薪 , 保 障僱員 權益,以及提高職業安全及健康水平。
We will also strive to promote labour relations, combat illegal employment and wage offences, protect employees’ rights and benefits, and improve occupational safety and health.
如有需要,政 府當局將考慮調撥更多資源,以打擊建造業 欠薪 罪 行
The Administration would consider deploying more resources
[...] to tackle wage offences in the construction industry should the situation warrant.
這是我們的統計,即是說,一半的僱員透過這些途徑, 也能取回他們應得欠薪,因 為這是我們認為最重要的,因為我們是保障僱 [...]
In other words, half of the employees can, through these channels, recover
[...] the outstanding wages due because we [...]
consider this the most important and our duty
is to protect the interests of employees.
稍後教育統籌局局長亦會就《1999 年破欠薪保障(修訂)條例草案》 提出政府的修正案,刪除有關書面承諾的規定及如僱員在終止僱用前 12 個 月內曾不止一次遭減薪,則破欠薪 保 障基金會以該段期間內僱主承諾的最 高工資水平計算特惠款項。
In a while, the Secretary for Education and Manpower will
also be proposing amendments to the
[...] Protection of Wages on Insolvency (Amendment) Bill 1999 to delete from it the requirement for an undertaking in writing, as well as to provide that if an employee's wages have been reduced more than once during a period of 12 months immediately before his dismissal, the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fund (PWIF) shall calculate [...]
the ex gratia payment
on the basis of the employee's highest wage level for which an undertaking has been made by his employer during that period.
[...] 要求押後,押後的理由是因為有一些由警方進行的調查,例如是否有偽造文 件、作出虛假證供,勞工處督察調查是否 欠薪 , 是 否有觸犯所謂的短付工 資等,尤其是在外傭方面,情況是頗嚴重的。
The situation is: According to their explanation, in the past few years, requests have been made in many such cases handled by the LT for postponement on the grounds that some of them are under investigation by the police, such as investigation on whether there is forgery of documents
or giving false testimony, and some are under investigation by inspectors of the LD on whether
[...] there is default on payment of wages or underpayment [...]
of wages, particularly
those concerning foreign domestic helpers which are very serious.
她詢 問,新增的撥款和人力資源將如何調配予各個工作範疇及措 施,特別是實施法定最低工資、對付違 欠薪 及 拖 欠 裁 斷 款項 的個案,以及推行鼓勵就業交通津貼計劃。
She enquired about the deployment of the increased provision and manpower resources for the various work areas and initiatives, in particular the implementation of SMW, the tackling of wage offences and defaults, and the implementation of the Work Incentive Transport Subsidy Scheme.
勞工處已採 取嚴厲的執法行動打欠薪罪行,此舉有助減少拖欠審 裁處裁斷款項的事件。
LD had already taken vigorous enforcement
[...] actions against wage offences which helped to reduce the incidents of defaulted LT awards.
條例草案建議修訂《破欠薪保障條例》,將基金發放特 惠款項的範圍,在某些限制下擴大至涵蓋未放法定假日及未放年假 薪酬。
The Bill proposes to amend PWIO to expand the scope of the ex gratia payment under PWIF to cover untaken statutory holidays and untaken annual leave subject to certain limitations.
勞工處會繼續加強搜集情報和證據,進行 針對性的巡查,務求將違欠薪的僱 主,包括董事及其他負責 人士,繩之於法。
We will 248 continue to strengthen intelligence gathering and evidence collection, and conduct targeted inspections with a view to bringing employers committing wage offences, including company directors and other responsible persons, to justice.
然而,石禮謙議員指出,建造業 欠薪 問 題不及飲食業嚴 重,並認為勞工處現已在建造業採取了適當的執法行動。
Mr Abraham SHEK however pointed out that
[...] the problem of wage default in the [...]
construction industry was not that serious as
in the catering industry and considered LD's current enforcement actions taken in the construction industry appropriate.
由於破欠薪保障基金(下稱"破欠基金")有 盈餘,而申請破欠基金的數目仍然偏低,他詢問政府當局會否 考慮在破欠基金下為僱員提供100%的保障。
As the Protection of Wages on Insolvency Fundhad a surplus, and the number of the Fund applications remained low, he enquired whether the Administration would consider providing 100% protection for employees under the Fund .
行政長官在2010年 10月 13日發表的2010-2011年度施政
報告中宣布,為配合法援局正在進行的輔助計劃檢討,以及令 更多中產人士受惠,政府會預留1億元,在有需要時注資輔助計 劃基金,以擴展有關計劃的涵蓋範圍,為更多類別的個案提供
[...] 法律援助,例如把涉及專業疏忽的申索損害賠償,延伸至更多 不同的專業,以及協助僱員追欠薪 及 其 他僱員福利。
In his 2010-2011 Policy Address delivered on 13 October 2010, the Chief Executive announced that to complement the SLAS review being conducted by LASC, and to benefit more people from the middle class, the Government would earmark $100 million for injection into the SLAS fund when necessary to expand the scheme to cover more types of cases, such as claims for damages for
professional negligence in a wider range of professions, and claims to
[...] recover outstanding wages and other employee [...]
很多国 家,特别是农村地区遇到更大的挑战,那就是培训和教师的薪水问题,他们常常 长时间的工作,却被欠薪水,或者被迫选择不任教。
An added challenge in many countries, particularly
in rural areas, is the
[...] training and remuneration of teachers who often work without pay over long [...]
periods or opt not to present themselves.
[...] 定不依循法改會的建議,改用另一方法,即規定欲進行企業拯救 的公司,須先向其僱員清付所欠薪 、 遣 散費和其他應付的法定 應得款項,然後才 [...]
可 發起有關程序。
Having regard to the strong objection to the proposed change to the use of the PWIF, we decided to depart from the LRC’s recommendation and adopt the approach of requiring the company
wishing to undergo corporate rescue to
[...] clear, if any, all arrears in wages, severance [...]
pay and other statutory entitlements due
and owing by it to its employees before the corporate rescue procedure could be initiated.
此 外,按照現行公共工程標準合約條文,如果有總承建商僱用的工 人向總承建商追欠薪,而 且能向勞工處處長證明其追討合理, [...]
政府便可在原定支付予總承建商的款項中,作出扣減,用以支付 該等欠款。
In addition, according to the current General Conditions of Contracts for public works, if a worker employed by the principal contractor
files a claim against the principal
[...] contractor in respect of wages payable to him [...]
and can prove to the satisfaction of the Commissioner
for Labour that the claim is reasonable, the Government may deduct the amount claimed from the contract sum payable to the principal contractor so as to settle the claim.
本條例草案的目的,在於讓勞工處處長在根據《破 欠薪 保 障 條例》(第 380 章)就支付遣散費特惠款項時,能在某些情況下,按僱員於工資被削減 [...]
前的水平計算付款,或按僱主在削減工資前作出的書面承諾之中所指明的準 則計算付款,並以計算所得款額較少者為準。
The purpose of the Bill is to enable the Commissioner for Labour, under the
[...] Protection of Wages on Insolvency [...]
Ordinance (Cap. 380) to calculate or make ex
gratia severance payments under certain circumstances, on the basis of the employees' wage level before wage reduction, or on a level specified in the written undertaking of the employer before the wage reduction, whichever results in a lesser amount.
一些工人在中华全国总工会体系之外采取行动追 欠薪 、 养 老金或医保、以及雇主拖欠的其他福利。
Some workers acted outside the ACFTU structure to
[...] demand back wages, pension, or health insurance contributions, or other benefits owed by employers.
(d) 提出意見,說明可否把被定罪的僱主向政府繳 交的罰款用以償還未清繳的為僱員所需支付的 強制性供款,確保即使僱主破產或清盤,僱員
[...] 的權益也不致受損;以及察悉一位委員的意 見,即破產或清盤法律程序在處理向僱員發欠薪方面已作出改善;及
(d) advise on the feasibility of settling the outstanding mandatory contributions in respect of the employee from the fine paid by the convicted employer to the Government so that the employee's entitlement would not be jeopardized even if the employer went into bankruptcy or liquidation; and note a member's view that
improved treatment in relation to repayment
[...] of outstanding wages to employees had [...]
been made in bankruptcy or winding-up proceedings; and
發 出 的 警 告 主 要 涉 及 僱欠 薪 、 違 反 假 期 規 定 , 以 及 沒 有 在 工 作 場 所 展 示 保 險 通 告 。
The warnings were mostly issued on wage and holiday offences, as well as on employers’ failure to display the notices of insurance at workplaces.
本人將於全 體委員會審議階段提出另一項修正案,撤銷任何承諾的規定,讓遭遇公司破 產的僱員,只要在被終止僱用前的 24
[...] 個月內曾被減薪,都可以該段期間內 的最高工資水平向破欠薪保障基金申請特惠款項。
So, I am going to move another amendment during the Committee stage to remove all requirements for undertakings, so that an employee, who has had his wages reduced within the 24 months immediately preceding the termination of his employment, will be able to apply for ex gratia
severance payment calculated on the basis
[...] of his highest wages level within that [...]
period if his employer became insolvent.
基於好奇,你打開另一項購物應用程式,螢幕呈現資訊並非卡路里數據,而是穀片來源第一手紀錄,亦可選擇聆聽種植農工的心聲,例如長時間工作、 欠薪 資 等 ,還附上雨林開墾為農田的照片;若放大照片,會列出各種棲地遭破壞的物種,再加上灌溉來源河川即時水位資料,以及過往鄰近田地的表土深度資訊。
Zoom in and there’s a list of species whose habitats were destroyed in the process, along with real-time reports of water levels in the river used for irrigation and the historical depth of topsoil in neighbouring fields.
委员会还建议缔约国确保移徙工人享有离职后 的相关权利,尤其是解欠薪及其 他福利问题,还应确保被驱逐的移徙工人有充 [...]
The Committee also recommends that the State party ensures the enjoyment of rights arising out of
post-employment, especially relating to the settlement
[...] of claims for wages and other entitlements, [...]
and that migrant workers who are
expelled have sufficient time to file complaints in this regard.
自从通货膨胀率,特別是食品项目,在 2007 年的夏天上涨以来,工人们欠薪、 未 付的最低工资和超时的抗议就更加频繁— [...]
Since the inflation rate, particularly of food items, went up in summer 2007 –
an unknown phenomenon in China –
[...] protests against wage arrears, non-payment of [...]
minimum wages and overtime became more frequent.
針 對業界欠薪問題 ,當局有沒有其他措施,如全面限制分判層數及引入承判商間 的付款保障,保障工人不會被拖欠工資?
Can these measures also protect those so-called “long-term casual workers” or “casual workers” in the industry? Does the Administration have any other measures in place to address wage arrears in the industry, such as limiting the number of subcontracting layers and introducing security of payment among contractors so as to protect workers from non-payment of wages?
委员会鼓励缔约国继续采取有效措施,提高工资,防止 欠薪 金 , 并确保实施 《劳工法》第133 条。
The Committee encourages the State party to continue to take effective measures to raise wages, prevent wage arrears and ensure the implementation of article 133 of the Labour Code, which, in line with the Covenant, stipulates that the minimum wage must not be lower than the worker’s minimum subsistence level in order to enjoy a decent living.
(b) 為 使 僱 員 獲 得 應 有 的 薪 酬 保 障 , 當 局 有 否 增 撥 資 源 , 特 別 是 增 聘 人 手 , 以 密 切 跟欠 薪 刑 事 化 的 落 實 ; 若 有 , 詳 情 為 何 ; 若 否 , 原 因 為 何 ?
(b) Has the Administration allocated additional resources, in particular manpower, for closely monitoring the criminalisation of wage defaults so as to ensure wage protection for employees?
[...] 鼓励该缔约国建立随生活费用调整的工资执行机制, 便利追欠薪,并对拖欠工资和加班费 、对工人动辄 罚 款和处罚 [...]
的 雇 主进行制 裁。
CESCR encouraged the State party to establish a wage enforcement mechanism adjusted to the cost of living, facilitate the redress of wage
claims, and take sanctions against
[...] employers who owe wages and overtime pay and impose [...]
fines and penalties on their workers.105 A/HRC/WG.6/4/CHN/2 Page9




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