

单词 欠租

See also:


owe v
lack v



rent v
hire v

lease out
rent out
land tax


External sources (not reviewed)

(iii) 至該月( 即 第 二個月)的第二十一天, 如 住戶尚 未清欠租,房屋 署 會發欠租最後警 告,促 請 住戶在 4 天 內 清欠租。
(iii) On the 21st day of
[...] that month, tenants who have not yet settled the arrears will be issued final warnings, which urge them to clear up all arrears within four days.
(三 ) 該 小 組有否考慮建 議
[...] 當 局 檢 控 那 些有欺詐意 圖並慣 性欠 租 金 的 住客; 若 否 , 原 因為何 ?
(c) whether the Working Group has considered proposing to the
Administration the prosecution of those habitual
[...] and fraudulent rent-defaulting tenants; if not, of [...]
the reasons for that?
由於住戶欠租紀錄 是 以個案形式 獨 立 存 檔 , 我們並沒有 電 腦紀錄 或 統 計 , 所以未能提 供 超 過 3欠租的公屋住戶數目。
Since rent default records are kept on separate case files, we have no computer or statistical records for calculating the number of public housing tenants who had defaulted on rent thrice or more.
就涉欠租的 遷出通知書的上訴個案中,只有 40%被上訴委員會(房屋)維持原 判。
Only about 40% of the Notices to Quit issued in
[...] connection with rent arrears were upheld by the [...]
Appeal Panel (Housing).
因此,本组织继续向欠租金的常驻代表团提供通讯服务(互联网、电话、邮件服务), 租借合同中有关收回办公室的规定也没有得到实施。
Thus, the Organization continues to provide communication services
(Internet, telephone, mail service) to
[...] Permanent Delegations in arrears and the provisions [...]
of the rental contract concerning the
restitution of offices have never been applied.
在听取了法律顾问就针对欠租金代 表团采取极端规劝措施所产生的政治和法律影响 的看法后,总部委员会请秘书处积极主动采取一切可能的法律措施,并将相关情况向其做出 报告。
After having heard the views of the Legal Adviser on the political and legal implications of applying radical dissuasive measures to delegations owing rent, the Headquarters Committee invited the Secretariat to go ahead and take all possible legal measures and to report to it in that regard.
(ii) 如 住戶在 下 個月第 七 天 還 沒 有清繳 上月及 當月租金,房 屋 署便會發欠租警 告,提醒住戶如不履 行 租 約 規定清欠租, 可 導 致 租 約 被 終止。
(ii) On the 7th day of the following month, if tenants who default on rents in the
previous month still
[...] fail to pay their rents, the HD will issue written warnings to remind them that their tenancies may be terminated if they do not settle the rent arrears in honour of the [...]
Tenancy Agreement.
总干事与总部委员会合作,将继续执行 欠租 金的 回收措施。
The Director-General, in cooperation with the Headquarters Committee, will continue to apply the
[...] measures to collect rental arrears.
鉴于上述,总部委员会第 160 届会议(2006 年 2 月 15
[...] 日)在讨论修订办公用房租金标 准的过程中,了解到已经很高的 欠租 金 数额的情况之后,认为问题已经非常令人担忧,要 [...]
求它的主席团对这个问题加以研究,并提出一套以权利和义务相结合、切实可行并有创新的 措施。
For that reason, the Headquarters Committee, having been informed, at its 160th session (15 February 2006) during the debate on revising the
rental rates for the offices, of the
[...] elevated amount of rental arrears, judged the situation [...]
to be sufficiently worrying to
request its Bureau to study the issue, and to propose to it a set of practical, innovative measures aimed at linking respective rights to responsibilities.
鉴于以上所述,执行局可以考虑重申关于收缴常驻代表团 欠租 金 的第 155 EX/ 7.6 号 和第 156EX/ 8.6 [...]
号决定,并要求总干事一视同仁地贯彻常驻代表团租用办公场地合同规定的 一切必要措施,包括将这些办公室重新分配给那些履行合同义务的代表团。
In the light of the above, the Executive Board may wish to reconfirm 155
EX/Decision 7.6 and 156 EX/Decision
[...] 8.6 on recovery of rental arrears from Permanent [...]
Delegations and to request the Director-General
to apply without exception all necessary measures resulting from the contracts on letting office space to Permanent Delegations, including the redistribution of those offices to delegations normally discharging their contractual obligations.
不过,有些 委员会成员虽然也敦促秘书处欠租 国 家严格执行有关房租协定的专门条款,但还是建议秘 [...]
书处在与常驻代表团交涉时要设身处地、灵活和有策略性,要考虑到现有的制度安排,如有 必要,可与有困难的国家进行讨论,根据具体情况采取个案特别处理的付款方式。
Nevertheless, several Committee members, although urging the
Secretariat to apply strictly the specific
[...] provisions of the rental agreement governing [...]
the situation of countries with rental
arrears, advised it to show circumspection, flexibility and tact with the Permanent Delegations, to take into account existing legal frameworks and, if necessary, to deal with countries finding it difficult to pay on a case-by-case basis.
在总干事向迁出米奥利斯办公楼,但仍然 欠租 金 的常驻代表团所属会员国的外交部 长发出了信函后,欠此类租金代 表团的数量从七个下降到四个,欠款总额从 122,000 美元 下降到 109,654 美元。
Consequent to the dispatch of letters from the Director-General to the ministers of foreign affairs of the Member States whose Permanent Delegations, after leaving their offices at Miollis, were still in debt to UNESCO, the number of debtor delegations in this category declined from seven to four and the total amount of their arrears decreased from €122,000 to €109,654.
由于严格执行了上述措施,秘书处收回并重新分配了 19 个由欠租金常驻代表团占用 的标准办公室。
Owing to the rigorous application of some of these
measures, the Secretariat has recovered and redistributed 19 standard offices occupied by
[...] Permanent Delegations in arrears.
有人认为,应加大工作力度,并促进参与房屋租赁的秘书处各部门之间的合作,以便巩固总 部委员会决定的原则,即欠租金的 代表团不能预订会议室或展览空间。
It was considered that efforts should be stepped up and cooperation between the various Secretariat units involved in the rental of spaces be strengthened in order to enforce the principle,
decided upon by the Headquarters Committee, that
[...] no delegation in arrears might book meeting rooms [...]
or exhibition spaces.
(i) 房屋署 會 於每月第 十四天向尚 未清繳 當月租金的 租戶發欠租通 知 ,提醒 他們有關租 約 的規定。
(i) On the 14th day of each month, the HD will issue reminders to
tenants who have not paid
[...] their rents for that month, alerting them to the relevant provisions in the Tenancy Agreement.
我想請問局長,在 主 要答覆第 五 段 所 提 到
的工作小組內,會否 考 慮 制 訂 一些簡易 的行政措 施 , 當 小業主 能 夠 提 供
[...] 足夠資 料 , 如 證 明 租客是欠租金及 已離去 , 便可以在保 持 合 [...]
理 平衡的 同時,安排 小業主 進入單 位 收 回 該 樓宇, 以 保 障 住 客 和業主的利益 ?
I would like to ask the Secretary if the working group mentioned in paragraph five of the main reply will consider formulating some simple administrative measures to arrange for owners to enter and repossess premises when owners can
provide sufficient information to prove
[...] non-payment of rent by tenants and that tenants [...]
have left to maintain a reasonable
balance and safeguard the interests of tenants and owners?
总干事还提交了一份关于维修,维护和安全活动计划,以及常驻代表团 欠租 金情况总结。
She also submits a forecast plan of
maintenance, conservation and security/safety activities, followed by a summary of
[...] Permanent Delegations’ rental arrears.
与此类似,为了弥补或节约此类开支所需的资金,委员会还审查了长期存在的 欠租 金问 题和非政府组织占用总部办公室的状况,并审议了总部场地租用基金状况及其财务条 例。
Similarly, for the purpose of recovering or economizing the resources needed to cover such costs, the
Committee was led to review the
[...] perennial questions of rental arrears and the situation [...]
of NGOs occupying offices at Headquarters,
and to examine the situation of the Headquarters Utilization Fund and its Financial Regulations.
政 府 不 宜 制 定法例,把欠 租 金 的 行為定 為 刑 事 罪行, [...]
因為此舉 會 干 擾 業 主 與 住客之 間 的 合 約 關 係 。
It would not be appropriate to enact legislation to
[...] make non-payment of rent a criminal offence [...]
as this interferes with the contractual
relationship between a landlord and his/her tenant.
鉴于以上所述,为了帮助总干事改善代表团 欠租 金 的 问题,总部委员会在其 2006 年 2 月 15 [...]
日的会议上决定提请执行局审议这一问题,并提出一整套创新的措施,使权利与义务 相结合。
In view of the above and in order to
help the Director-General to improve
[...] the situation with rental arrears of delegations, [...]
the Headquarters Committee in its
meeting of 15 February 2006 decided to request its Bureau to examine the issue and to propose a set of innovative measures aimed at linking respective rights to responsibilities.
(三 ) 現時有否法例,讓當局 檢 控 該等慣欠租的 住 客 ( 所 謂 職業租 客 );若 有,詳 [...]
情 為 何;若 沒有,有否評估是否須制定 該等法例?
(c) whether there is legislation
enabling the authorities to prosecute
[...] such habitual rental defaulting tenants; if so, the [...]
details of it; if not, whether it
has assessed the need to enact such legislation?
14.5 陳婉嫻議員察悉並關注到,上訴委員會(房屋)所接獲公 屋租戶涉欠租的上 訴個案數目增加,她詢問當局如何處欠 租個案 ,特別是涉及有真正困難的租戶的個案。
14.5 Miss CHAN Yuen-han noted with concern the increasing number of
appeals from PRH tenants
[...] involving rent arrears received by the Appeal Panel (Housing), and enquired about how rent arrears cases were [...]
handled, particularly
cases involving genuine hardship.
至於議員對涉欠租上訴的關注,上訴委員會(房屋)在進 行個案聆訊時,均一直採取靈活及理解的態度。
As regards the concern about
[...] appeals involving rent arrears, the Appeal Panel [...]
(Housing) had been adopting a flexible and
understanding attitude in hearing the cases.
由於欠租” 屬 於 違反 合約的行為 , 所以應循 民 事法提出 訴 訟 。
Since non-payment of rent is a breach of contract, [...]
it should be resolved through civil proceedings.
从附件 IV 中可看到 截至 2009 年 1 月 31 日,代表团、观察员和非政府组织 欠租 用 办 公室、停车场、会议室、 展览和文化活动的费用总额达 2,234,933 欧元,而 2008 年 1 月 31 日,此数额为 1,855,714 欧 元。
Annex IV shows that as of 31 January 2009, the total due from Delegations, Observers and NGOs for office, parking, conference rooms, exhibitions and cultural events has increased to €2,234,933 as compared to €1,855,714 as of 31 January 2008.
(d) 我們亦會欠租的租戶寄 發信件,提醒他們署方設有租金援助 計劃。
(d) HD will also remind
[...] tenants with rent arrears on the availability [...]
of the RAS by mail.
涂謹申議員:主席,鑑於 很 多 舊樓的 業 主 均 是 依靠收 租 為 生的老 人家,所以 對他們來說租客欠租會 對他們造成 很 大 的 打 擊 , 他們還須花 律 師 費 收 樓 以 對 付 職業租客。
MR JAMES TO (in Cantonese): Madam President, as many owners of old buildings are old people who make a living by rent collection, the non-payment of rents by tenants will strike a heavy blow at them and they have to pay legal fees for repossession of premises from professional tenants.
还报告了解决常驻代表 团欠租金的 问题,以及用执行局第一六 0 届和第一七 0 届(执行局 [...]
169 EX6.5 号决 议和 170 EX7.8 号决议)会议所批准的资金落实安全保卫措施的问题。
It also reports on the efforts made by
the Committee with a view to
[...] resolving the problem of rental arrears of Permanent Delegations [...]
and implementing the security/safety
measures financed by funds authorized by the Executive Board at its 160th and 170th sessions (169 EX/Decision 6.5 and 170 EX/Decision 7.8).
[...] 處發出清晰的指令,以指導他們如何處理相關問題,例如註銷無法追 欠租 的時 限、在進行法律程序期間就租戶的和解方案提出反建議的批准職級、發 [...]
All the District Lands Offices (DLOs) have been given clear instructions to tackle the
related issues, such as time limit on writing
[...] off unrecoverable rent, approval authorities [...]
to make counter offer of settlement
proposal of the tenant in the course of court proceedings, procedures for refunding deposits, and calculation of mesne profit.
针对 如何迫使一直欠租金的欠债方偿还欠款或迁出所占用办公室,代表团提出多项建议,包括 在互联网和内联网网址上发表目前有关该问题的辩论情况以及对 欠租 金 的代表团可以实施 的规章条例。
Several proposals were made by delegations with
a view to obliging recalcitrant
[...] debtors to settle their debts or move out of the offices they occupied, including publication on the Internet or Intranet website of current debates on the matter and the rules applicable to delegations with rental arrears.




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