

单词 欠安

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External sources (not reviewed)

如發現氣體焊接 設備的使用方法欠安全, 便會視乎情況而發出警告、敦促改善 [...]
They will issue warnings, improvement notices and suspension notices, or take out
[...] prosecutions whenever unsafe use of gas welding [...]
equipment is observed.
在获奖者身欠安或不 能到场的情况下,可以由 其指定代表领奖。
Prizes may be accepted by designated representatives of prizewinners, in case of indisposition or unavailability.
[...] 大需求。為此,事務委員會進行了一項研究,探討《床位寓所條例》 未能妥善處理的床位寓所欠安全及環境擠迫等問題。
Noting the prolonged waiting time for single-person public rental housing flats leading to a high demand in bedspace apartments,
the panel conducted a research to look
[...] into the issues of safety and overcrowdedness [...]
of bedspace apartments that had not
been adequately addressed by the Bedspace Apartment Ordinance.
如果施工方 式欠 安 全 , 有 關 當 局 亦 可 根據 《 建 築 [...]
物 條例》第 40(2B)條提出 檢 控 , 被 定 罪 者 最 高 的 刑罰是 罰 款 25 萬元 及 監 禁 3 年。
If they perform
[...] the works in an unsafe manner, they are [...]
liable to prosecution under section 40(2B) of the Buildings Ordinance
and subject to a fine of $250,000 and to imprisonment for three years.
[...] 的問題尚未解決,例如建築地盤惡劣的工作環境、 工地欠安全、拖欠工資 及多層分判,李卓人議員 關注到獎勵措施在吸引年輕人投身建造業取得的 [...]
Mr LEE Cheuk-yan expressed concern about the effectiveness of the incentive measures to attract young people to join the industry, given the many unresolved issues such as the poor
working conditions at construction
[...] sites, poor site safety, wage arrears, and multi-layer [...]
subcontracting which were prevalent
on non-public works construction sites.
在巡查或調查期間,勞工處人員如果發現違反職業安全及健康法例的情 況,或工作環境欠安全,便會採取適當的執法行動,包括向僱主或承 [...]
建商發出警告、送達敦促改善通知書或暫時停工通知書以確保其迅速改 善違規情況,或消除可引致死亡或嚴重傷害工人身體的即時危害,以及 提出檢控。
Where breaches of OSH
[...] legislation or unsafe conditions are [...]
identified during inspections or investigation, the LD will take
appropriate enforcement action, including issuing warnings, serving improvement notices or suspension notices on employers or contractors to secure prompt rectification of irregularities or to remove imminent risks of death or serious bodily injuries to workers, as well as initiating prosecutions.
根據以 非現金方式支欠款的安排, 僱主可與續聘 僱員訂立協議,以現 金以外的代價如股票來交換欠 薪。
Under the payment
[...] in lieu of cash arrangement, an employer can [...]
enter into agreement with its continuing employees to trade
in arrears in wages through payment in considerations other than cash, e.g. by shares.
可能是食物業處所 的衞生情欠佳,微生安全水平亦 欠 理 想
This may indicate a
[...] sub-optimal hygienic conditions and microbiological safety levels.
[...] 分包括根据大会以往届会的决定,与会员国达成的按年分期偿清其 欠 会 费这 种 安 排 的 实施 情况的报告。
Part II contains a report on the implementation of arrangements made with Member States by decisions of
previous sessions of the General Conference for the
[...] settlement of their arrears of contributions in [...]
annual instalments.
至於協助僱員可及時 發現僱主欠供款的安排, 委員亦察悉僱員可透過於本年 8 月設立的中央電 話查詢系統,以及互聯網或受託人所提供的其他途徑,查核其帳戶結餘,及 早發現僱主拖欠供款的情況。
In order to facilitate employees' detection of default contributions in a timely manner, members also noted that through the central enquiry line established in August this year and the Internet or other channels as provided by different trustees, employees may check their MPF account balances to ensure early detection of default contributions.
部分委 員察悉,現時香港與台灣之欠缺 類似 《 安 排 》或ECFA的制度化 安排,他們促請政府當局積極研究建立全面的經貿合作框架,以提 [...]
升兩地的經貿關係,增進商界投資兩地的信心,並推動在貿易、投 資、旅遊業及其他範疇的合作。
Noting that there was presently no
[...] institutionalized arrangement similar to CEPA and [...]
ECFA between Hong Kong and Taiwan,
some members called on the Administration to actively explore the establishment of a comprehensive framework for economic and trade co-operation with a view to enhancing bilateral trade and economic relations, strengthening confidence of investors from both sides, and fostering co-operation in trade, investment, tourism and other areas of co-operation.
由於現安排欠缺流 動資金和公信力這 兩項關鍵特質,可能會影響存戶對有關保障 的信心,因此不能有效防止銀行擠提。
The lack of liquidity and
[...] credibility under the arrangements, also undermines [...]
depositor confidence in the protection offered
and is not an effective deterrent to bank runs.
各 有 關部門及其承辦商,會 視乎轄下樹木的實際 情況,為發現病毒及 害蟲 或 健 康情欠佳的樹木安排合 適 的 治 理措施。
Based on the actual situation of trees under their purview, departments and their contractors will also arrange appropriate recovery measures for trees which are found to be affected by diseases and pests or in substandard health conditions.
張議員提 出的修正案只會令撥安排有欠靈活,並且會引起實際的技術問題。
This amendment proposed by Dr CHEUNG will only lead to
[...] inflexibility in funding arrangement besides causing [...]
technical problems in practice.
请总干事同意按照决议 28C/24.2 的规定用本国货币结清所拖欠的会费,并作出调 换安排,使拖欠会费 并面临外币困难的会员国,尤其那些属于最不发达国家的 会员国,通过向教科文组织以本国货币开设的银行帐户支付款项来结清所欠的会 费。
Invites the Director-General to accept settlement of arrears of contributions in national currencies in accordance with the provisions of 28
C/Resolution 24.2 and to
[...] conclude swap arrangements, to enable Member States, particularly those among the leastdeveloped countries, that are in arrears in the payment [...]
of their contributions
and are facing currency difficulties, to settle such arrears by making payments into a bank account opened by UNESCO in the national currency of their country, from which funds could be withdrawn to finance activities in national currency for the Member State concerned.
秘书长指出,全国各地共有 200 多所监狱和许多其他
[...] 拘留设施,因此,特派团需要单独专门设立一个股,处理影响这些设施的各种欠所造成的安全威 胁,并加强对惩教系统的政策和业务支助。
The Secretary-General also indicates that, with more than 200 prisons and numerous other detention facilities spread across the country, the Mission
would require a separate, dedicated
[...] unit to address the security threats posed by the [...]
deficiencies affecting those institutions
and to strengthen support for the corrections system at the policy and operational levels.
由于安欠佳, 所以观察员无法去往南部、东南部、东部和中央地区的许多投票 [...]
Insecurity prevented observers [...]
from going to a number of polling stations in the southern, south-eastern, eastern and central
regions from which a large number of the complaints of fraud and irregularities emanated.
事实上,中部非洲和其他 地欠发达和不安全的 恶性循环助长冲突和非法武 器流动,反过来又有可能使致力于取得进展的善意的 [...]
Indeed, a
[...] vicious cycle of underdevelopment and insecurity in Central Africa [...]
and elsewhere stokes conflict and illicit arms
flows, and that in turn can thwart well-intentioned Governments and international actors working for progress.
此外,當局亦應定期 公安全紀錄欠佳公 司的名單,令工友及社會大眾有所警覺。
Besides, the Administration should announce from
time to time the list of companies
[...] with unsatisfactory safety records in order to [...]
alert the workers and members of the public.
去年, 曾有報道指出樓花的內部認安排欠 缺 透明度及銷售數據的準確性不足。
There were reports last year saying that
[...] private sale arrangements lacked transparency [...]
and that the accuracy of released
sales figures was in question.
安全局势欠佳及 公路和铁路基础设施较差,达尔富尔混合行动将继续高 度依赖航空资产执行大量向达尔富尔及其周边地区运送人员和货物的任务。
Owing to the security situation and the poor state [...]
of the road and railway infrastructure, UNAMID will continue to rely
heavily on air assets for the fulfilment of its substantive tasks and for the transportation of personnel and cargo into and around Darfur.
舉例來說,假如機器發 生故障,通常可能是由於㆘述其㆗㆒個或多個原因所致,例如設 欠 妥 、 製造不合標 準安裝錯誤、保欠善、 噪作㆟員訓練不足、未有正確遵照操作程序等。
For example, if a machine fails, the cause can usually be traced to one or more of the following causes, for
example, defective
[...] design, improper manufacture, incorrect installation, poor maintenance, inadequate training [...]
of operators, failure
to follow proper operational procedures, and so on.
(e) 確實表明新近實施的非符合資格人士產科 套餐服務收費以配偶是香港居民的內地孕 婦為對象,會否構成種族歧視,因為該等 孕婦主要是華裔人士,與配偶同樣為香港 居民的其他種族的孕婦比較,此安 排對 前者欠公平
(e) confirm whether the implementation of the new Obstetric Package Charge for Non-eligible Persons whose spouses were Hong Kong residents would constitute racial discrimination, given that it would have the effect of putting these persons who were predominantly Chinese at a disadvantage as compared with pregnant women of other races whose spouses were also Hong Kong residents.
在这方面,国际社会有必要在联合国带领下,加 倍努力制订全球综合战略,以解决该地区不稳定的深 层根源,特别是确保更好地协调执行受影响国家、非 洲联盟、次区域组织以及各双边和多边利益攸关方所 采取的举措;加强国家能力以改善边境管制,解决缺安全和欠发达 这两种挑战;调动更多的国际援助支 持西非和萨赫勒地区国家;最后,考虑到目前没有一 个联合国机构拥有涵盖整个萨赫勒广阔地区的全面 授权,加强已经在该地区开展活动的联合国各机构之 间的互动以及它们的实地存在。
In the same context, the international community, with the United Nations in the lead, is also called upon to redouble its efforts to establish an integrated global strategy to deal with the deep-rooted causes of instability in the region, in particular by ensuring better coordination to implement the initiatives undertaken by affected countries, the African Union, subregional organizations and their various bilateral and multilateral stakeholders; strengthening national capacities in order to ensure better border control and address the challenges of a lack of security and underdevelopment; mobilizing more international aid for West African and Sahel countries; and, lastly, enhancing the interoperability among the various United Nations bodies already in the area and their presence in the field, given the fact that no United Nations body currently has a global mandate to cover the vast Sahel region.
我荣幸地通知您,苏丹政府希望获得在教科文组织第三十三届大会上的表决权,同时 希望能合安排支付拖欠教科 文组织的会费。
I have the honour to inform you that the Government of Sudan wishes to obtain the right to vote at the thirty-third session of
the General Conference of UNESCO and at the same
[...] time to regularize the arrears of contributions due [...]
to the Organization.
家用空调的泄漏主要安装欠妥和 缺乏预防性养护和腐蚀造成的。
The leakage rate in the domestic air-conditioning is justified mainly
[...] by the poor installation and the lack [...]
of preventive maintenance and corrosion.
缺乏出海口、远离主要市场、过境设施薄弱、海关和过 境手续繁琐、监管限制,以及法律和制 安 排 欠 缺 等 因素,会削弱内陆发展中国 家建立生产能力以及在全球市场形成竞争力的努力。
The lack of access to the sea and remoteness from major markets, inadequate transit facilities, cumbersome customs and border crossing procedures, regulatory
constraints, as well as weak legal and
[...] institutional arrangements, undermine the efforts of [...]
LLDCs to build their productive
capacities and to be competitive in world markets.
委員亦深切關注,某些市區重建局(“市建局”)已展開的重建項目在 規劃及補安排方面尚欠妥善 ,委員促請政府當局及市建局採用靈活的模 [...]
Some members also expressed grave concern that certain redevelopment projects that had been commenced by Urban Renewal Authority (URA) were far
from satisfactory in terms of planning
[...] and compensation arrangements. These members urged [...]
the Administration and URA to adopt
a flexible approach and consult the stakeholders to identify alternative arrangements acceptable to them as far as possible.
咨询委员会从 2009/10 年期间执行情况报告中注意到,非索特派团支助办修
[...] 订了航空行动构想,原因是,由于市场上没有现货,以及实 安 全 局 势 欠 佳 , 在 采购联合国固定翼飞机提供客货运支助方面遇到困难,而且,预测与使用商业服 [...]
务有关的费用节省也没有实现(见 A/65/619,第 17 段。
The Advisory Committee notes from the performance report for 2009/10 that UNSOA revised its aviation operation concept, due to both the difficulties experienced in procuring a United Nations fixed-wing aircraft for cargos and
passengers, owing to the lack of market
[...] availability and the security situation intheatre, [...]
as well as the projected cost savings
associated with utilizing commercial services (see A/65/619, para. 17; see also para. 8 (f) above).




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