单词 | 櫫 | ||||
释义 | 橥—Zelkova acuminataExamples:揭橥—disclose
为积极落实「援外政策白皮书」揭櫫之各项原则,并厘 订我国援外工作之法制基础,外交部依据我国国情并参酌世 界潮流,研拟「国际合作发展法」(国合法)草案,於 99 年 5 月 18 日经立法院三读通过,并於同年 6 月 15 日由总统公 布施行,奠定我援外工作之法源,使我援外政策之目标、策 略及作法,更臻法制化、专业化、透明化及多元化。 mofa.gov.tw | To implement the principles specified in the White Paper on Foreign Aid Policy and establish a legal basis for Taiwan’s foreign aid efforts, MOFA took into account the situation in Taiwan as well as international trends in drafting the International Cooperation and Development Act (ICD Act), which was passed by the Legislative Yuan on May 18, 2010 and promulgated and entered into force on June 15 of that same year. mofa.gov.tw |
2008年2月正式揭櫫的「友达绿色承诺」,其中一项「Green DNA」系从内部员工做起,以各项教育与实际行动,引领实践绿色承诺,进而影响其家庭及周边社群,成为爱护地球永续经营的绿色企业公民。 auo.com | Green DNA, the core concept of AUO green solution, which has been announced in February 2008, is to educate our AUO members and lead them to drill the green commitment first. auo.com |