单词 | 橿 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 橿—Quercus glauca畿—territory around the capitalExamples:京畿—capital city and its surrounding area 新畿内亚—Papua New Guinea
赤道畿内亚Alen油田(O区块)仍按预算及计划开发,预计於二 零 一 三 年 底 首 次 投 产,预 计 日产 量 为 3 7 , 5 0 0 桶。 glencore.com | The Alen field (Block O) development in Equatorial Guinea remains on budget and schedule for first production in late 2013 at an expected rate of 37,500 barrels per day. glencore.com |
对喀麦隆及赤道畿内亚多个区块进行进一步勘查钻 探按计将於二零一二年展开。 glencore.com | We continue to see customer behaviour and physical premia consistent with this view. glencore.com |
水原市是南韩京畿道的首府,有一百多万人口。 seagate.com | Suwon is the provincial capital of Gyeonggi-do, South Korea and has over a million people. seagate.com |
Winpac在韩国京畿道设有制造厂,在加利福尼亚州圣何塞设有销售和市场营销机构。 tipschina.gov.cn | Winpac mantains a manufacturing facility in Gyeonggi-do, Korea, and a sales and marketing operation in San Jose, CA. tipschina.gov.cn |
能源产品的行业活动经调整EBIT表现於二零一一年增加60%至375百万美元,乃受到较高的 煤炭均价、Prodeco产量增加及Aseng油田(I区块–赤道畿内亚)开始生产推动。 glencore.com | Energy products’ industrial activities Adjusted EBIT performance increased by 60% to $ 375 million in 2011, driven by higher average coal prices and increased production at Prodeco and the commencement of production at the Aseng oil field in Block I – Equatorial Guinea. glencore.com |
沿着巴布亚新畿内亚(Papua New Guinea)的小岛潜入海中,畅游在暗礁之间,你将会见识到保存了好几千年的海底世界。 macaucabletv.com | Diving along the islands and amongst the reefs of Papua New Guinea, see a world perfectly preserved from thousands of years ago. macaucabletv.com |
公会在澳洲各大城市、香港、马来西亚、新加坡、纽西兰、英国、巴布亚新畿内亚、印尼及菲济均设有支部或分会。 hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au | The organisation has divisions / branches in all Australian capital cities, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Singapore, and branches in New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Fiji. hongkong.china.embassy.gov.au |
配合 LG Telecom 及 SK Telecom 的 CDMA 网络,南韩漫游服务覆盖率高达 99%,遍及首尔、釜山、大邱、仁川、光州、大田、京畿道、江原道、忠清北道、忠清南道、庆尚北道、庆尚南道、全罗北道、全罗南道、济州道及其他地区。 peoples.com.hk | Together with LG Telecom's and SK Telecom's CDMA networks, the network coverage of our South Korea Roaming Service reaches 99% of the nation including: Seoul, Pusan, Taegu, Incheon, Kwangju, Taejon, Kyonggi-do, Kangwon-do, Chungchongbuk-do, Chungchongnam-do, Kyongsangbuk-do, Kyongsangnam-do, Chollabuk-do, Chollanam-do, Cheju-do, etc. You can also use KT (3G/4G) and SK Telecom (3G) networks which covers Seoul, Incheon, Busan, Daejeon, Daegu, Gwangju, Ulsan, Seogwipo, Jeju, South Jeju and North Jeju. peoples.com.hk |
Alen油田/凝析油田(O区块–赤道畿内亚)的海底开发钻探及钻井完成工程仍在进行,而浅水井口平台已於二零一一年下半年送达并安装。 glencore.com | Subsea development drilling and well completion work on the Alen gas/condensate field (Block O – Equatorial Guinea) remains ongoing, whilst the shallow water wellhead platform arrived and was installed in H2 2011. glencore.com |
赤道畿内亚Aseng油田(I区块)目前的计划最高日产量约为60,000桶/天。 glencore.com | Current production at the Aseng field (Block I) in Equatorial Guinea is at the planned plateau rate of around 60,000 barrels per day gross. glencore.com |
赤道畿内亚Aseng油田(I区块)继续表现良好,按每日平均生産率62,000桶计算,二零一二年首九个月生产累计总产量17百万桶。 glencore.com | The Aseng field (Block I) in Equatorial Guinea has continued to perform well, producing 17.0 million barrels of cumulative gross production at an average gross rate of 62,000 barrels per day during the first nine months of 2012. glencore.com |
同时CCI的其它设计和生产地点还包括:瑞士温特图尔、瑞典塞夫勒、奥地利维也纳、日本大阪、韩国京畿道(Kyunggi-Do)。 ccivalve.com | With headquarters in Rancho Santa Margarita, California, and offices worldwide, CCI also operates major design and manufacturing facilities in Winterthur, Switzerland; Saffle, Sweden; Vienna, Austria; Osaka, Japan; and Kyunggi-Do, South Korea. ccivalve.com |
英国太古集团有限公司除持有太古股份有限公司的控股股权外,也营运一系列全资拥有的业务,包括深海船务、冷藏库、离岸和陆上运输物流服务及农业生产,主要营业地为澳洲、巴布亚新畿内亚、东非、斯里兰卡、美国和英国。 swirepacific.com | In addition to its controlling shareholding in Swire Pacific, John Swire & Sons Limited operates a range of wholly-owned businesses, including deep-sea shipping, cold storage, off-shore and road transport logistics services and agricultural activities with main areas of operation in Australia, Papua New Guinea, East Africa, Sri Lanka, the USA and the UK. swirepacific.com |
石油勘探及生産(Glencore所占权益:I区块23.75%/O区块25.0%) 於二零一二年,赤道畿内亚Aseng油田(I区块)继续表现良好,按每日平均生産率61,700桶计算,生产累计总产量22.57百万桶。 glencore.com | The Aseng field (Block I) in Equatorial Guinea has continued to perform well during 2012, producing 22.57 million barrels of cumulative gross production at an average gross rate of approximately 61,700 barrels per day. glencore.com |
特别是为了满足地区的地方工业区和中小企业的医疗需求而提供的〈产业保健管理及特殊健康诊断〉,京畿道指定〈地区急救医疗中心〉(2008保健福利部 优秀急救医疗中心),拥有尖端医疗设备和专业负责人员的京畿南部地区的首个〈心脏血管中心〉等为地区社会提供了领先的技术和医疗服务。 goodmhospital.co.kr | GMH opened industrial health service and specialized health checking service, local emergency center approved by Kyonggi-do (recognized as 2008 excellent ER center by Ministry of health & welfare), and heart blood center for providing highly qualified medical service with employees in local industrial factories and small-medium companies. goodmhospital.co.kr |
坡州发电厂计划于 2010 年 11 月投入运营,届时将为韩国首都首尔西北部的京畿道坡州城大约 57,000 座公寓提供区域供热水和电力。 emerson.com | The Paju plant, which is expected to be up and running in November 2010, will supply district heating water and electricity to approximately 57,000 apartments in Paju city, Gyeonggi, located northwest of the capital city of Seoul. emerson.com |
日本近畿大学的久辅度德教授在其研究中表示,乳酸菌的主要生理作用为改善消化不良的问题,但其最有力的生理功效却是提高人体的免疫能力,以作疾病感染的预防;乳酸菌尚能增加体力体能、辅助肝功能及改善肝排毒功能、防止动脉硬化,甚至有抑制癌细胞繁殖的功效。 organicmama.com.hk | Professor Hisasuke from Kinki University said, one of the physiological role of Lactobacillus is to improve digestive problems, but its powerful physiological effect also improve the immunity and prevent the disease; Lactobacillus is capable of increasing physical healthiness, supporting liver function (detoxification), preventing arteriosclerosis, and even inhibiting cancer cells multiply. organicmama.com.hk |