

单词 機票价格

See also:

机票 n

ticket n
tickets pl
airfare n
air tickets pl

机票 pl

airline tickets pl
airfares pl


admission fee


air ticket
passenger ticket

External sources (not reviewed)

可以增加新票,更新价格,点 击完成功能。
You can add a
[...] new stock , updates prices , click on completion .
黑色或啡褐色的真皮護照套,內有一個 格 , 可讓你放進護照 機票 、 信用卡、健康證明書、外幣等物品。
This black leather
[...] passport holder comes with pockets inside to hold your passport, ticket, credit cards, [...]
health certificates, foreign currency and so on.
这样做是为了确保每月所有参与者都按相同 价格取 得购得票。
This is intended to result in all
[...] Participants paying the same price for Purchased Shares [...]
each month.
(c) 認可電機票 ⎯⎯ 除承機票和航空貨運單作為空運 憑證外,亦承認以電機票及電子航空貨運單作為空運 憑證。
(c) Recognition of Electronic Tickets – Electronic tickets and air waybills, in addition to physical and air waybills, are recognized [...]
as proof of carriage.
旅 遊 簽 賬 類 別 之 合 資
格 交 易 包 括 但 不 限 於 :
[...] (i) 於 網 上 預 訂 酒 店 房 間 ; (ii) 於 航 空 公 司 或 旅 行 社 網 站 預機 票 或 / 及 旅 遊 套 票 , 而 所 有 交 易 均 須 以 港 幣 簽 賬 ; 合格 之 交 易 並 不 包 括 以 信 用 卡 於 網 上 銀 行 繳 費 或 / 及 於 商 戶 編 號 [...]
為 非 酒 店 / 航 空 公 司 / 旅
行 社 之 商 戶 / 機 構 ( 根 據 恒 生 / Visa 國 際 組 織 / Master Card Asia / Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited 不 時 界 定 ) 或 個 別 商 戶 之 收 單 銀 行 所 鑑 定 之 商 戶 編 號 為 非 有 關 行 業 之 正 確 商 戶 編 號 或 其 他 未 經 許 可 之 簽 賬 。
Eligible transactions in Travel category include but not limit to:
(i) online hotel
[...] booking; and/ or (ii) air tickets / travel vouchers via the web sites of airlines or travel agencies and all transactions must be in HKD. Eligible transactions do [...]
not include online bill
payment with credit card via internet banking and/ or transactions with the merchant codes which are not defined as Hotel / Airline / Travel Agencies by “Hang Seng”/ Visa International / MasterCard Asia/Pacific (Hong Kong) Limited from time to time, transactions with the merchant codes which are not defined as correct codes of related business by the merchants’ acquiring banks and any unauthorized transactions.
在博覽會期間機票及酒店都格外緊 張;加上歐洲國家盃臨近,結果僅有兩天時間去參觀所有藝術博覽會,於是便選定了「Art Basel」、「Liste08」及「Scope」三個風格截然不同的博覽作為是次行程的重點。
With the UEFA dates approaching, ‘Art Basel’, ‘Liste08’ and ‘Scope’ were my priorities for the two days I had.
这些风险和不确定性包括但不限于:获得股票补偿的数额;确定股票补偿数额所适用的公司 票价格 ; 员工股票期权的行权方式;扩大公司客户群的困难;抓住市场机会的困难;提供满足客户需求的解决方案的困难;漫长的销售周期;开发新产品的困难;与厂商和合作伙伴关系的困难;国际业务的高风险;管理高速成长的困难;管理公司财务业绩的困难;聘用和留住员工及员工胜任工作的能力;公司的现金需求;新会计声明的影响以及加剧的竞争等。
These include, but are not limited to: the amount of
stock-based compensation awarded; the
[...] applicable Company stock price used to determine [...]
stock-based compensation; the exercise
pattern of employee stock options; difficulties expanding the Company's customer base; difficulties leveraging market opportunities; difficulties providing solutions that meet the needs of customers; poor product sales; long sales cycles; difficulties developing new products; difficulties in relationships with vendors and partners; higher risks in international operations; difficulties managing rapid growth; difficulties managing the Company's financial performance; the ability to hire and retain employees and appropriately staff operations; the Company's cash needs; the impact of new accounting pronouncements and increased competition.
可能导致实际结果或事件与当前预期存在实质性差异的因素包括但不限于商 价格 的 变 化、 票 市 场 的变化、勘探矿产资源的失败、影响公司经营活动的监管政策的变化、获得所需监管批准的延误或失败、与未来所需融资的获得和成本有关的不确定性、与解释钻探结果及其他生态数据有关的不确定性、以及矿产勘探与开发行业涉及的其他风险。
Factors that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from current expectations
include, among other things,
[...] changes in commodity prices, changes in equity markets, failure [...]
to establish mineral resources,
changes to regulations affecting the Company's activities, delays in obtaining or failures to obtain required regulatory approvals, uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future, the uncertainties involved in interpreting drilling results and other ecological data, and the other risks involved in the mineral exploration and development industry.
公司和Athena公司已经同意,收购价格达1960万美元的资金将以公司股票的形式支付,所确定的 票价格 为 每 股1.1加拿大元。
The Company and Athena have agreed
that up to $19.6 million USD of the purchase price will be paid in shares of the
[...] Company at a deemed price of $1.10 CDN.
(h) 政府提供的人员(45 500
[...] 美元),主要是由于全员部署 8 名政府提供的工 作人员,在 2009/10 期间则存在 15%的延迟部署因数,以及商业班机来 票价格 从每人 4 200 美元增加到 4 620 美元。
(h) Government-provided personnel ($45,500), owing mainly to the full deployment of eight Government-provided personnel, compared to a 15 per cent delayed deployment factor
applied in 2009/10, as well as the
[...] increase in commercial airfare from $4,200 to $4,620 per round-trip movement per person.
如同我们之前通报的一样,由于本季度 票价格 的 上 涨及以保留员工为目的的两个股票补偿计划的一年期的重叠,本季度的成本大幅增长。
As we have previously communicated, due to
[...] the rise in stock price in the quarter [...]
and the one-year overlap for retention purposes
of two stock compensation programs, there was a significant cost headwind in the quarter.
对于标的资产现值(票价格)这个 输入来说刚好相反,绿色柱形条在图表的右边,表示在输入和输出之间有正相关关系。
The opposite is true for PV
[...] Underlying Asset (stock price) where the green [...]
bar is on the right side of the chart, indicating
a positive correlation between the input and output.
当本地习俗或其他情况导致您很难拒绝出于个人使用目的而提供的门票或 如果不接受就造成冒犯时,无论 票价格 是 多少,您必须向公司道德办公室报 告接受门票的情况。
If local customs or other circumstances make it very
difficult or offensive for
[...] you to reject a ticket offered for personal use, you must report the acceptance to the corporate ethics office regardless of the value of the ticket.
E. 證券 — 繼續支持內地符合條件的證券類金融機構在
[...] 港設立分支機構及依法開展業務;深化內地與香港金融 服務及產品開發的合作,允許以人民幣境外 格機 構投 資者方式投資境內證券市場。
E. Securities — To continue to support qualified Mainland financial institutions engaged in securities activities to set up subsidiaries in Hong Kong and to operate businesses in accordance with law; and to deepen cooperation between the Mainland and Hong Kong in financial services and products development, and to
allow investments in the Mainland securities market by
[...] means of the RMB Qualified Foreign Institutional [...]
Investor scheme.
5)在缺乏認受性的政治環境下,政治領袖以至民間可以運用全民 票機 制 為 他們的政制或政策目標爭取所需的認受性。
(5) In a political environment lacking in
legitimacy, political leaders and even the civic
[...] society may use referendums to gain legitimacy [...]
for their political system or policy objectives.
一般 而 言機 票 格 價 不 單 止 受 航 程 距 離 影響, 亦受很多其他因素,例如 航 空 [...]
公司 的 整 體運作成 本 、 有關城 市 的生活水平 、 物 價指數 、 貨 幣 兌換率 等影響。
Generally speaking, air ticket prices are affected not only [...]
by the flight distance but also by factors such as airlines'
overall operating costs, the living standard and price levels of the concerned cities, exchange rates, and so on.
可用資源包括:格列表、線上機 註 冊 表單*、直接造訪支援服務、產品合作、銷售指南、試用版本、促銷、圖片展示、市場行銷活動等。
Resources include price lists, an online opportunity registration [...]
form*, direct access to support services, product collaterals,
sales guides, trial versions, promotions, an image gallery, marketing campaigns and more!
作為功能齊全的測試實驗室,香港德國萊茵TUV藍牙測試實驗室為香港第一和唯一的藍牙 格 認 證測 試 機 構 (B QTF),可針對所有的藍牙規格(從傳統的BR/EDR到現今4.0技術版本)提供射頻、藍牙通訊/應用協議與兼容性測試,目前已協助多家芯片及模塊廠商針對4.0核心技術版本的芯片及模塊完成藍牙資格認證程序。
TUV Rheinland Hong Kong Bluetooth testing
laboratory as the first
[...] and the only qualified Bluetooth Qualification Test Facility (BQTF) in Hong Kong, which can handle RF conformance [...]
testing, Bluetooth
protocol and application profile testing for all Bluetooth specification (BR / EDR, to the latest 4.0 version).
此外,分化型定价战略(国外游客收费高于国内游客)和提供关于如何利用门票的明 确信息似乎可以增加公园收入和游客对较高 票价格 的 接 受度。
Further, having a differentiated pricing strategy (charging foreign visitors more than national visitors), and providing clear information on how entrance fees are being utilised seem to increase park income and acceptance of higher fees.
如拘留者在遠處被拘留,你需要給他或她巴 票 或機 票和金錢,使他們能回到灣區。
If the detained person is being held far away, you will need to send
[...] him/her a bus or airline ticket plus money to [...]
return to the Bay Area.
(i) 由于商业航空公司票价格上涨 导致军事观察员和联合国警察旅费增 加,并由于特遣队人员空缺率较低造成较高的每日和文娱津贴,需增加经费 [...]
50 万美元。
(i) Additional requirements of $0.5
million relating to the increase in
[...] commercial airline ticket prices for the travel [...]
of military observers and United Nations
police, and higher daily and recreational allowances for contingent personnel resulting from the lower vacancy rate.
您可在本网站查看航班时刻表,但我们建议您联系航空公司、旅行社或使用在线预定系统以查询 票价格 及 空 余机位的相关信息。
You may review the Flight Schedules on our web site, but then we suggest you
contact the airlines, a travel agent, or use an online
[...] reservation system to obtain airfare and seat availability [...]
6.5. 副局長和政治助理(及其配偶)到外地公幹 機票 等 級和膳宿津 貼的規則和規例與適用於相類職級公務員的規則和規例相同。
6.5 The class of travelling on duty outside Hong Kong and the subsistence allowance for under secretaries and political assistants (and their spouses) are subject to the same rules and regulations as those applicable to civil servants at comparable levels.
本人建議願意長期發展全民票機制 的議員和社會人士,共同組織聯席會議,或建立其他平台,先詳細和深入地研究全民投票制度的本質,和在香港社會發展的可行性。
Here, the author would like to suggest that those legislative
councilors and people who are willing to
[...] develop long-term referendums machinery can organize [...]
a joint committee or construct other
platforms to first examine the nature of referendums and the feasibility of introducing it to Hong Kong carefully.
商 務 旅 遊 需 求 仍 然 疲 弱 , 加 上 航 空 公 司 競 相 減 價 及 推 出 各 式 推 廣 優 惠 , 藉 以 刺 激 休 閒 旅 遊 的 市 場 需 求 , 以機 票 的 平格 急 劇 下 跌 , 令 國 泰 在 可 見 將 來 的 收 益 繼 續 受 損 。
Demand for business travel remains weak, and airlines are competing very aggressively to stimulate demand amongst leisure travellers, with widespread discounting and a wide range of special promotional offers in the market.
但是,还可以采取其他的行动加强所实现的淘汰,例如采取有 利环境的生产做法、降低进口替代 价格 的 新 奖励措施和正确地查明影响作物的具体害虫 [...]
However, other actions could also be taken to strengthen the phase-out achieved, such as the adoption of
environment-friendly production practices, new
[...] incentives to reduce the price of imported alternatives [...]
and the correct identification of
the specific pests or diseases affecting crops.
可以使用预测的金融数据(DCF 模型中的现
[...] 金流),可比数据(可比市场数据,例如部门指数和行业平均值),或是历史数据( 票价 格,或是油价和电价)。
You can use forecast financial data (cash flows from a DCF model), comparable data (comparable
market data such as sector indexes and industry averages), or
[...] historical data (stock prices or price of oil and [...]




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