单词 | 橙红色 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 橙红色 —red-orange colorless common: dark orange 橙红色 adjective —salmon pink adjSee also:橙红 adj—orange-red adj 橙色 adj—orange adj 红色 adj—pink adj • revolutionary adj 红色—red (color)
坏损的橙红色疏散 门扇被移植作为事务所会议室的大门,使旧建筑的元素得到尊重,焕发它旺盛的生命力。 chinese-architects.com | It is moved thus respected as the interior door of the meeting room, in prolonging the lasting period of architectural elements and its space. chinese-architects.com |
美国鸲是大约10英寸高,因为这的 橙红色 乳 房 闻名。 zh.northrup.org | The American Robin is about 10 inches high [...] and known for it's orange-red breast. northrup.org |
花瓣瓣片橙红色或带红色,倒卵形,重叠,苞片和花萼稀松的具长柔毛 flora.ac.cn | Petal limb orange-red or reddish, obovate, [...] overlapping, bracts and calyx laxly villous flora.ac.cn |
男性比女性有更多的橙红色乳腺 癌,这是一种褐色桔了。 zh.northrup.org | Males have more reddish orange breast than females, which is more of a brownish orange. northrup.org |
您须知道,Rifampicin会令您的尿液、粪便、口水、痰、汗水和眼 泪呈橙红色或红褐色。 polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg | you should know that rifampicin will cause the urine, stool, saliva, sputum, sweat, and [...] tears to turn reddish-orange to reddish-brown. polyclinic.singhealth.com.sg |
艰难的相机颜色来在多种:,红色和银色的TG – 610黑的TG – 310蓝色,橙色,红色,银白色-以适应每个人的风格。 technologeeko.com | The Tough cameras come in a variety of [...] colors: the TG-610 in black, red and silver and [...] the TG-310 in blue, orange, red, silver and white [...]– to suit everyone’s style. technologeeko.com |
如果您觉得需要为房间增添一抹亮色,列表中的六种扬声器护盖有如下颜色供您选择: 黄 色 、 橙色 、 红色 、 银色、黑色和白色。 bang-olufsen.com | When you feel the need to add a splash of [...] colour to the room, the list of options includes six fabric speaker [...] covers in yellow, orange, red, silver, black and white. bang-olufsen.com |
1)效率高按照通常的光效定义,LED的发光效率并不高(一般10~30lm/W,目前已知光效最高 的 橙红色 L E D 光 效可以达到55lm/W),但由于LED的光谱几乎全部集中于可见光频段,效率可以达到80~90%,而光效差不多的白炽灯其可见光效率仅为10~20%。 ferei.com | (1) high efficiency in accordance with the usual definition of luminous efficiency, LED luminous efficiency is not high [...] (usually 10 ~ 30lm / W, the highest known [...] efficiency of light orange-red LED light effect can [...]reach 55lm / W), but because of the [...]LED almost all concentrated in the visible spectral band, the efficiency can reach 80 to 90%, while the luminous efficiency of incandescent about the efficiency of its visible light is only 10 to 20%. ferei.com |
当您访问一个网站,您会看到一个彩色的指示条序列( 绿 色 , 橙色 , 红色 或 灰 色)在您的web浏览器的左上角它将会告诉您该网站是如何被评价的,或当您使用流行的搜索引擎作一个搜索时,您会看到一样的颜色编码标志列在各个名单旁边。 support.avast.com | When you visit a website, you will see a sequence of colored [...] indicator bars (green, orange, red or gray) on the top-left [...]corner of your Web browser which [...]tell you how the website has been rated, or when you do a search using one of the popular search engines, you will see the same color-coded indicator next to each of the listed results. support.avast.com |
金星: 粉橙色蓝宝石(粉橙色),红锆石 (黄红色锆石) hautehorlogerie.org | Venus: padparadscha sapphire (orange-pink), hyacinth (yellow-red zircon) hautehorlogerie.org |
SOFTSHELL for iPhone 4 备有粉红色、橙色、绿 色、蓝色、紫色、红色及黑色供你选择。 tunewear.com | SOFTSHELL for iPhone 4 is [...] available in Pink, Orange, Green, Blue, Purple, Red and Smoke colors. tunewear.com |
而在黑色、粉红色、啡色、深蓝色、 橙色 和 红色 的 保 护套上,我们采用了橡胶涂层表面处理,质感非凡并提供优异的手感。 tunewear.com | The Pink, Red, Orange, Navy, Brown and Black colors are rubber coated for [...] a unique texture and give a good secure feeling when gripped in your hand. tunewear.com |
除了现有的黑色之外,LeatherLOOK with [...] Front cover for iPad3/2 现在再增添六种新颜色系列:白 色 、 橙色 、 铜 色 、 红色 、 蓝 色和黄色等。 tunewear.com | In addition to the popular black color LeatherLOOK with [...] Front cover for iPad 3/2, the series is now available in six new [...] colors: White, Orange, Copper Brown, Red, Blue and Yellow. tunewear.com |
红色、橙色和绿 色指示器描述了各音乐商店的状态:红色表 明不可用,橙色显示扫描,绿色显示可用。 naimaudio.com | Red, orange and green indicators [...] describe the status of each music store: Red indicates unavailable, orange indicates scanning [...]and green indicates available. naimaudio.com |
最明显的 例子是红色——它周围的黄褐色和 橙色 被 吸 收掉,剩下的赤红和 猩 红色 得 到 加强、突出和 夸大。 motion.kodak.com | This is most evident with red—the adjacent muddy brown and orange colors are absorbed, leaving the purer crimson and scarlet reds emphasized, prominent, [...] and exaggerated. motion.kodak.com |
这个不可逆转的气味进化系统地伴随着酒的颜 色的变化:红葡萄酒变得橙色,白葡萄酒变得黄色/ 蜂蜜的颜色。 zh.seguin-moreau.fr | This irreversible change in wine [...] aroma is always accompanied by [...] a color change: red wines turn to shades of orange, and white wines [...]acquire yellow/honey-colored hues. en.seguin-moreau.fr |
GHS规定的化学物质分类和标签取代了之前使用 的 橙色 危 险 品标识,新标志现为白色菱形,带 有 红色 边 框。 reports.wacker.com | The GHS Regulation on the Classification and [...] Labeling of Chemicals [...] replaces the previous orange hazard symbols with new symbols consisting of a white diamond in a red frame. reports.wacker.com |
红色-青椒,橙色-胡萝卜,黄色-玉米,绿色-西兰花, 和紫色-茄子。 media.specialolympics.org | Red- Peppers, Orange- Carrots, Yellow- [...] Corn, Green- Broccoli, and Purple- Eggplant. media.specialolympics.org |
花被单身,偶尔(雄蕊瓣状)加倍,橙到 带 红色橙 ; 筒部2-4厘米; 裂片平展,带有一个紫色或者带红色 的 橙 斑 点, 5-12 * 1-3 厘米,有时有皱纹波状的边缘,内部裂片比外部的宽。 flora.ac.cn | Perianth single, occasionally double (stamens [...] petaloid), orange to reddish orange; tube 2--4 cm; segments spreading, with a purple or reddish orange patch, 5--12 [...]× 1--3 cm, margin sometimes [...]crinkly-undulate, inner segments wider than outer ones. flora.ac.cn |
全套包含透明粉红、红色、橙色、黄 色、柠檬绿、绿、湖水蓝、紫色、啡色、透明无色和黑色。 tunewear.com | The color lineup includes [...] transparent pink, red, orange, yellow, lime, green, [...]turquoise, purple and brown. tunewear.com |
注意: LED 指示灯先是闪橙色 (在设备接通电源后的 5 到 10 秒之间),然后闪红色 (在设备接通电源后的 10 到 15 秒之间)。 lifesize.com | Note: Note: The LED flashes orange first (between 5 and 10 seconds after applying power to the unit) and then red (between 10 and 15 [...] seconds after applying power to the unit). lifesize.com |
新会徽采用红橙两色,鲜明出众,充满活力与动感。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | The new logo uses [...] the two vibrant colours of vermilion and tangerine. english.sccci.org.sg |
对于除了橙色以外的其它颜色, 请添加或插入一个破折号和一个 衬套颜色代号, [...] 这样代号就是按字母顺序排列。 swagelok.com.cn | For a sleeve [...] color other than orange, add or insert [...]a dash and a sleeve color designator so that the designators are in alphabetical order. swagelok.com.cn |
果浅黄色,橙,红,或 胭脂红,扁球形到近球形,平滑或粗糙;果皮非常薄到厚,容易除去;瓢囊7-14果瓣或很少更多,酸到甜,有时苦,具少数或多数种子或很少无籽;汁胞丰满,短,很少纤细和长。 flora.ac.cn | Fruit pale yellow, orange, red, or carmine, oblate [...] to subglobose, smooth or coarse; pericarp very thin to thick, easily [...]removed; sarcocarp with 7-14 segments or rarely more, sweet to acidic and sometimes bitter, with few to many seeds or rarely seedless; pulp vesicles plump, short, rarely slender and long. flora.ac.cn |
产品提供蓝色、白色、绿色、红色、 黄 色 和 橙色 版 本 ,其丰富的色彩可方便设计师为各种标牌、电器、内部和外部汽车照明、背光和指示灯应用提供美观的设计。 digikey.cn | Available in [...] blue, white, green, red, yellow, orange, the product’s wide [...]color offerings extend aesthetic benefits for designers [...]of various sign, appliance, interior, and exterior automotive lighting, backlight and indicator applications. digikey.ca |
疣鼻天鹅大天鹅极为相似,但它们可以区分以他们的票据 颜 色 ( 红 疣 鼻 天鹅有一 个 橙色 的 法 案,而大天鹅有黄单),并在额头上的正上方的法案,其中肉质投影缺乏的大天鹅。 zh.northrup.org | Mute swans closely resemble Whooper swans, but can be [...] distinguished from them by the color of their [...] bills (Mute Swans have a reddish-orange bill, while Whooper Swans have [...]yellow bills) [...]and by the fleshy projection on their foreheads just above the bill, which the Whooper Swan lacks. northrup.org |
立法局應繼續擔任監管的角色,留 意公用事業的服務質素與收費;此外,亦應繼 續向政府施壓,務使政府總能磋商得最佳的安排。 legco.gov.hk | The Legislative Council should continue to act as a watchdog in terms of quality and charges for services, and in maintaining pressure on the Government to ensure the best possible arrangement at all times. legco.gov.hk |
不涌时是一弘清澈见底、明净如镜、池底由地下喷出的含硅物质凝结成的五彩缤纷或蔚蓝 或 橙红 的 底 面;涌泉开始喷涌前,先从池底冉冉轻烟飘渺而上,犹如美女的面纱,渐渐地池中喷出水泡,池面掀起涟漪,轻烟也渐成浓雾,直至池水达到沸点,突然水声澎湃、水花乱溅,几十道晶莹漱艳的水柱,此起彼落地射向崆穹,如 银 色 的 烟 花,在空中不断爆炸,令人叹为观止! onsmu.com | Philip Chung is not crystal clear when, bright and clean as a mirror, the bottom of the silicon material ejected from the ground condenses into a colorful or blue or orange-red underside; springs start spewing before the start on the bottom and slowly smoke misty as if the veil of beauty, spray pool gradually blisters, pool deck set off ripples, [...] smoke gradually became thick fog, until [...]the water reached boiling point, a sudden sound of surging water, spray splashing chaos, dozens of brilliant crystal clear rinse water column, after another to fired Kong Mountain dome, such as silver fireworks exploded in the air constantly, amazing! onsmu.com |