

单词 横楣子

See also:

(horizontal character stroke)
harsh and unreasonable


lintel n


External sources (not reviewed)

Lice, mosquitoes are a problem [...]
in Chinese prisons and many prisoners suffer from scabies.
若我们在截止日期前未收到此表格,展 楣 板 上 的资料将按照参展申请表上的资料处理。
If your fascia name details are not received by the above deadline, the company name and details in the application form will be used.
僱員 一 旦楣 起來, 真 的 敗 訴 的 話 , 便 會 被 僱 主 追 討訴訟 費 。
And, if the employee is really so unlucky as to lose his case, the employer will claim payment of litigation costs by him.
哀悼子是一个横跨北 美相当普遍的鸟。
The mourning dove is a fairly common bird across North America.
我們的服務:維修和裝飾,建築和工程,交鑰匙工程,混凝土,路緣石,路板,護欄板,戒指, 子 和 底 部的井,樓梯,樓梯平台,托盤和托盤磚,板,樓板, 楣 , 梁 和螺栓,桿和樁,砂漿,混凝土管,箱,花壇,基礎,加氣混凝土,加氣混凝土,擴大粘土重量輕混凝土,重量輕骨料塊,磚私人,面臨的磚,煤渣磚,浮動,樓梯,橫梁,金屬窗,窗口PVC粘合劑,瓷磚,鋪面磚,鋪路磚,車庫,混凝土,鋼筋混凝土,磚石,金屬,裝飾材料,木材,散裝和有約束力的材料,管道,暖氣等。
Our services: Repair and decoration, building and construction works, turnkey construction, concrete, curbs, road plates, fence plates, rings, lids and bottoms of the
wells, stairs,
[...] landings, trays and trays slabs, panels and floor slabs , lintels, beams and bolts, poles and piles, mortars, concrete [...]
pipes, boxes and flower
beds, foundations, aerocrete, aerated concrete, expanded clay lightweight concrete, lightweight aggregate blocks, bricks Private, facing brick, cinder blocks, FLOATING, stairs, beams, metal windows, windows PVC adhesive for tiles, paving tiles, paving bricks, garages, concrete, reinforced concrete, masonry, metal, finishing materials, timber, bulk and binding materials, plumbing, heating, etc.
小册子、概况介绍、挂图、资料袋:每年编写若干期“欧洲经委会每周通讯”(2); 关于性别平等与经济的小册子(1);每年编制若干套宣传材料(光盘、小 子 、 横 幅、 面板、宣传画和明信片)(2);每年编写若干套“欧洲经济委员会为你做什么?
(iv) Booklets, fact sheets, wallcharts, information kits: annual sets of the ECE weekly newsletter (2); booklet on gender and economy (1); annual sets of information and promotional materials (CD-ROMs, brochures, banners, panels, posters and postcards) (2); annual sets of brochures on “What UNECE Does for You” (2); annual sets of films on ECE activities (2)
委员会审议了该决议草案之后建议大会请总干事提供启动资金,就 横 向 项 目“ 子校 园--改进开放远程学习”和“信息传播技术支持亚非中学远程教育”项下,建立一个开 [...]
Having examined this draft resolution, the Commission recommended to the General
Conference that it request the
[...] Director-General to provide seed funding for a feasibility [...]
study of the creation of a regional
virtual library of open distance-learning modules under the cross-cutting projects “E-campus – Improving open distance learning” and “ICT-supported distance education of secondary schools in Asia and Africa”.
昔日,此金句被題在舊院行政樓(已被拆卸)的 楣 上, 今日則高懸在新院大堂的橫樑上,時刻提醒我們:為主作工,願 主心滿意足。
This Isaiah scripture was written on the old administrative block; today, it is printed on the lobby of the new hospital, reminding us that the one we
在尚未对 31 C/5 和 32 C/5 期间进行的各横向专 题项目所取得的经验和结果进行全面 评估之前,总干事的建议是:在 33 C/5 期间,只继续保留一些正在进行的为数不多的、特别 是在总部外办事处实施的以及采用创新形式和方法的、并已经明显取得有效成果的几 横向 专题项目,但不增加新横向专 题项目。
Pending a full evaluation of the experience gained with and the results attained by the various CCT projects carried out during the 31 C/5 and 32 C/5, the Director-General recommends to continue during the 33 C/5 only a limited number of ongoing CCT projects which have demonstrably shown effectiveness and results in particular at the field level as well as the use of innovative modalities and approaches, but not to add new CCT projects.
如Objet公司一样,很多机械和CADAM行业的公司都非常信任TraceParts,乐意通过TracePar ts 电 子 邮 件 营销 横 幅 广 告来推广他们的产品和服务。
Like Objet, a number of companies in the mechanical industry and CADAM sector
have placed their trust in TraceParts to promote their products and
[...] services through email marketing and banner campaigns.
主要功能包括:微软的Outlook样式的分组、过滤、排序、自定义合并单元格 子 表 、 集成打印 横 向 纵 向分割和多重数据视图。
It offers features like Excel-like split views, filtering, hierarchical binding, grouping, printing and exporting without any additional coding required.
驾驶室的门 道和窗户都子弹横飞,船长命令关闭船的发动机。
The doorway and windows of the bridge room came under fire and the captain ordered that the ship’s engines be cut.
就警察部门改革进行新闻宣传和外联活动,包括举行 3 次新闻发布会,制作 1 000
[...] 件 T 恤 衫、1 000 份传单、3 000 份小子、1 000 张招贴画、80 幅横幅、2 个电视节目、5 个无 线电宣传鼓动节目和 [...]
10 篇文章,以使公众了解海地国家警察内设置的保护未成年人特警
队 2.3 司法和惩教系统的改革和机构加强工 作 2.3.1 完成司法部重组,增设规划、统计和司法监 察部门
Public information, advocacy and outreach campaigns on police reform, including 3
press conferences, 1,000
[...] T-shirts, 1,000 flyers, 3,000 pamphlets, 1,000 posters, 80 banners, [...]
2 television programmes, 5
radio publicity drives and 10 articles to raise awareness about the Brigade de protection des mineurs within the Haitian National Police 2.3 Reform and institutional strengthening of the judicial and correction systems 2.3.1 Completion of the restructuring of the Ministry of Justice to include planning, statistics and judicial inspection units
子酱这个词横空出 现时,这意味着它是源于鲟鱼的鱼籽,而不考虑鲟鱼是否来自伊朗,美国或其他地方。
When the
[...] word caviar appears alone, it implies that it the roe is of sturgeon [...]
origin, regardless of whether the sturgeon
comes from Iran, the United States, or anywhere else.
第一个人必须沿着子的赤道,把横切成 两半;第二个人必须沿着桔子的南北轴、顺着自然的桔子瓣走向把它切成两半。
The second person must divide his on the north-south axis, along the naturally occurring segments.
车站,码头那些等车等船的,饭店里那些等饭菜的,他们手上都是拿着手机,发信息,玩游戏,看电子书,下班后的公交车地铁上,旅途的火车上他们还是拿着手机,游戏机,电子书,PSP,平板电脑,数码相机那些消费电子产品来打发时间,总之;只要谁在无聊的时候,手上都拿了一个数码产品在尽情的享受,请抬头看看你身边那些人他们都在做什么......在这个 子 消 费 品 横 行 的 年代越多的新的产品不断的横空出世,它覆盖了通讯,网络,游戏,播放,视频,音影,电子书,拍照,录音,邮件,聊天,导航,雷达.......
Stations, wharves those waiting for the bus, boat, restaurant and other food, their hands are holding a cell phone, send messages, play games, read books, bus after work on the subway, train journey holding mobile phones, game consoles, e-books, the PSP, tablet PCs, digital cameras, consumer electronics products to pass the time, short; who is boring, hands and took all of a digital product to enjoy, please look up those they see around you
what to do ... more
[...] new products in the era of rampant in the consumer electronics turned out, which [...]
covers communication,
network, game, play, video, sound or video , books, photographs, recordings, e-mail, chat, navigation, radar ...
脚气是一种极常见的真菌感染性皮肤病,通常被称为脚癣 - 红色毛癣菌为足癣的主要致病菌,目前尚未涉及蠕虫感染。
Athlete's foot is a fungal infection, often called ringworm -- although there is no worm involved.
4.4 大樓面向皇后像廣場的中央門廊頂上築有三 楣 飾3 ,其頂部 豎 立著一尊公義雕像,雕 像下是題字“Erected AD MDCCCCX”(公元1910 年 豎 立 )(見 第 1頁 附 圖 )。
4.4 The central section of the Building facing Statue Square is surmounted by a pediment.3 The pediment is topped by a Statue of Justice and under it is the inscription "Erected AD MDCCCCX" (Erected AD 1910) (see the figure on page 1).
Galderma's extensive product portfolio is available in 70 countries and treats a range of dermatological conditions including: acne, rosacea, onychomycosis, psoriasis & steroid-responsive dermatoses, pigmentary disorders, skin cancer and medical solutions for skin senescence.
Ringworm is a fungal infection that can occur on the body or head.
外部,装饰的雕塑是迪尚(Deschamps)的作品:过去漆成彩色的带状水果花叶边饰,展现狩猎和园艺乐趣的三 楣 , 带 有象征四季的图案 楣 窗。
Outside, it is decorated with sculptures by
Deschamps: a fruit frieze garland
[...] once painted with colours, pediments evoking the pleasures of [...]
hunting and gardening, window
imposts symbolizing the four seasons.
建築物的楣、斗 拱和仿中式建築特色的裝飾物已被拆下,不過,它們的結 [...]
The lintels, brackets and Chinese [...]
architectural decorations have also been dismantled, with the building form and structure preserved.
如同古 希腊和古罗马神殿的三楣饰, 如同文艺复兴时期伟大壁画的轮回,建筑 [...]
Like the pediments of Greek and [...]
Roman temples and the great Renaissance frescoes, architecture can provide a backdrop to
visual works of art and make them part of itself.
极端子横行, 靠的是不 信任、恐惧和猜疑,并利用这些为他们服务。
Extremists thrive on mistrust, [...]
fear and suspicion and use them to their advantage.
总之,特别强调了需要采取有效的部门间行动,而且要努力解决 性别平等和人权横向问题。
Overall, strong emphasis was placed on the need for effective intersectoral action and on the pursuit of cross-cutting issues, such as gender issues and human rights.
可是,你不用擔心,如果世界和香港真的這麼 楣 , 金融風暴第 二波又再來臨,有特別的措施推出時,我們一定會立即回應。
If Hong Kong and other parts of the world are really so unlucky to be hit by a second wave of the financial tsunami, thus necessitating the introduction of special measures, we will definitely respond instantly.
鄭 汝樺局長算是楣,正 如我有一次在事務委員會上說 ⎯⎯ 她今天不 在席,她掌管房屋和交通兩大範疇,但兩大範疇均被一些財團和大商 家控制,以致她工作上相當困難。
As pointed out by me in a panel meeting ― the Secretary is not in this Chamber today ― she is in charge of two major areas, namely housing and transport, which are under the control of some consortia and tycoons.
津巴 布韦报告说,其雷横跨与 莫桑比克的边界,两国的国家排雷行动管理局已经在 [...]
技术层面上讨论了进入这些雷区及其排雷责任的问题,不久,两国之间业已存在 的政府双边高层论坛将讨论这些问题,解决这些问题预计不会存在困难,因此本 阶段第三方没有理由介入。
Zimbabwe has reported that it
[...] has mined areas that straddle its border [...]
with Mozambique, that issues of access and responsibility
for clearance of these mined areas have been discussed at the technical level between the two countries’ respective national mine action authorities, that these issues will be subject to discussion in due course at bilateral high level government forums that already exist between the two countries and that no problems in dealing with these issues are anticipated and therefore the involvement of third parties is not warranted at this stage.
国家中央局还进行其他具体工 作,例如任命反恐联络员;把刑警组织的
I-24/7 计算机系统同各警察单位联系 起来,使移徙和移民事务总局能够进入刑警组织的固定网络数据库和机动网络数
[...] 据库,检查国际机场旅客名单,以防止恐怖 子 入 境 和过境;更新丢失和被盗护 照数据库;以及调查和登记希望在萨尔瓦多活动的各国际基金会。
The National Central Bureau carried out other specific work such as appointing the terrorism liaison official; linking the INTERPOL I-24/7 computer system and police units, giving the General Directorate of Migration and Immigration access to the Fixed Interpol Network Database and Mobile Interpol Network Database (FIND/MIND) to check passenger
lists at the international airport in order
[...] to prevent terrorists from entering and [...]
passing through the country; updating the
database of lost and stolen passports; and investigating and registering international foundations that wanted to operate in the country.




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