单词 | 模糊的区域 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 模糊的区域 noun—blur nSee also:模糊的 adj—vague 模糊—vague • fuzzy • indistinct 模糊 adj—blurred adj • obscure • blurry adj 区域的 adj—regional adj
通过模糊图像的上下区域,可 以从拍摄的实际场景中仅仅记录具有微型模型拍摄效果的图像。 ricoh.com | Blurring the top and bottom areas of the image [...] makes it possible to photograph actual scenes but record images that recreate [...]the impression given when photographing miniatures. ricoh.com |
由于信息技术已经大大改变了专业类和一般事务类工作人员的工作性质,某些工种之 间的区别现在已经很模糊。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Since information technology has profoundly changed the nature of work of staff in the Professional [...] category and staff in the General Service category, the [...] distinction that once existed for certain tasks is now blurred. unesdoc.unesco.org |
宏观审慎监管将对宏观经济政策生产影响, 因为需要宏观经济监测并与货币政策相协调,从 而 模糊 了 财 政和货币政策与金融 监管之间的区别。 daccess-ods.un.org | Macro-prudential focus had macroeconomic policy implications, as it would require macroeconomic [...] surveillance and coordination [...] with monetary policy, thereby blurring the distinction between fiscal and monetary [...]policies, and financial regulations. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,在这方面,我国代表团要强调,近年来, 使用 “国家管辖范围以外区域”这一语义 模糊的词 语 已经导致人们对如何处理位于国家管辖范围以外 [...] 的两个海洋区域——即公海和“区域”——资源的养 护和利用问题感到某种程度的困惑。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, in that connection my delegation wishes to [...] highlight that in recent [...] years the use of the ambiguous term “areas beyond national jurisdiction” [...]has led to a certain level of confusion on how to deal with [...]the conservation and use of those resources in the two maritime areas beyond national jurisdiction in question, namely, the high seas and the Area. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然本区域的发展模式各 不相同,但那些能够取 得最大成功的国家正是那些能够逐步提高其交通运输能力和效率的国家。 daccess-ods.un.org | While development patterns across the region vary, countries [...] that have been able to improve transport capacities and efficiency [...]have been the most successful. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些努力包括鼓励大学提供空间 [...] 法方面的单元;为空间法方面的本科生和研究生教育提供研究金;协助制定国 [...] 家空间立法和政策框架;组织讲习班、研讨会和其他专业活动以促进加深理解 空间法;为法律研究提供财务和技术支助;编写空间法方面的专门研究报告、 文件和出版物;支助空间法模拟法 庭竞赛;支助青年专业人员参加与空间法有 关的区域和国 际会议;为积累经验提供培训和其他机会;支助专门从事空间法 研究的实体。 daccess-ods.un.org | Those efforts included encouraging universities to offer modules on space law; providing fellowships for graduate and postgraduate education in space law; assisting in the development of national space legislation and policy frameworks; organizing workshops, seminars and other specialized activities to promote greater understanding of space law; providing financial and technical support for legal research; preparing dedicated studies, papers and publications [...] on space law; supporting [...] space law moot court competitions; supporting the participation of young professionals in regional and international [...]meetings relating to [...]space law; providing for training and other opportunities to build experience; and supporting entities dedicated to the study of and research relating to space law. daccess-ods.un.org |
然而,难点源于有些国家在立法上 模糊 用 词 ,有时在公共秩序和公共安全 的理由 之外又加上“公共安宁”,不清楚能否将其与公共秩序方 面 的 理 由真 正区 分开来。 daccess-ods.un.org | The difficulty, however, stems from terminological inconsistencies in certain domestic laws, which sometimes add the ground of “public nuisance” to those of public order and public security, without indicating clearly that it can truly be distinguished from the ground of public order. daccess-ods.un.org |
(g) 通用的方法可以有效地得到合作努力和倡议的补充,如“防扩散安全倡 议”,“全球反对大规模杀伤 性武器扩散合作伙伴关系”和“全球打击核恐怖主义 倡议”,以及履行不扩散义务的区域 行 动。 daccess-ods.un.org | (g) Universal approaches can be usefully complemented by cooperative efforts and initiatives, such as the Proliferation Security Initiative, the Global Partnership [...] [...] against the Spread of Weapons of Mass Destruction and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism, as well as regional lines for action, towards the implementation [...]of non-proliferation obligations. daccess-ods.un.org |
方案执行协调小组负责确保及时和全面执行联合国全球外勤支助战略,其 目标是:促进和改善对维持和平的支助;促进和改善对建设和平、选举援助、调 解支持和冲突预防的支助;改善工作人员的安全和生活条件;加强资源管理和问 责制,同时实现更高的效率和规模经 济 ;促进地方 和 区域的 投 资和能力;减少外 地行动对国内环境的影响。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Programme Implementation Coordination Team is responsible for ensuring the timely and comprehensive implementation of the global field support strategy for the United Nations, which is designed to expedite and improve support for peacekeeping; expedite and improve support for peacebuilding, electoral assistance, mediation support and conflict prevention; improve the safety and living conditions of staff; strengthen resource stewardship and accountability while [...] achieving greater [...] efficiencies and economies of scale; contribute to local and regional investment and capacity; and reduce the in-country environmental impact of field operations. daccess-ods.un.org |
在有关商业和人权的治外法权的激烈辩论中,两种截然不同的现 象 的 关 键区 别经常模糊不清。 daccess-ods.un.org | In the heated debates about extraterritoriality regarding business and human rights, a critical [...] distinction between two very different phenomena is usually obscured. daccess-ods.un.org |
涂謹申議員建議從擬議新訂第66A(2)條 刪去" 不論是否按照第(1)款提述的格式 作出的" ,並在《私隱條例》清楚訂 明,如答辯人拒絕按照私隱專員訂明的 格式作出答覆,可能會令答辯人處於不 利的位置,例如擬議新訂第66A(2)(b) 條所載的下述情況:如區域法院覺得答 辯人的答覆言詞閃爍或含糊不清,區域 法院可從此事中作出它認為公正及公平 的推論。 legco.gov.hk | Mr James TO's suggestion of deleting "whether or not in accordance with a form referred to in subsection (1)" from the proposed new section 66A(2) and clearly stipulating in PDPO that a respondent's refusal to reply in accordance with PCPD's prescribed form might bring the respondent in a disadvantaged position, such as the situation stated in the proposed new section 66A(2)(b), which provided that if it appeared to the District Court that the respondent's reply was evasive or equivocal, the Court might draw any inference from that fact it considered just and equitable to draw. legco.gov.hk |
在表面的形體和模糊的思 想體系背後,或許更重要的是要確保這些關鍵的崗位須由那些深受社會㆟士尊崇和勇 [...] 於衝鋒陷陣的老練政治家充當。 legco.gov.hk | Behind the [...] superficial forms and vague ideology, it is [...]perhaps even more important to ensure that these key posts will be [...]filled by seasoned politicians who command wide community respect and are ready to take charge. legco.gov.hk |
各机构一般都接受建议 9 中关于按报告期间汇报 差旅费支出的义务,并赞同有必要汇报像差旅费这样 [...] 重要而花钱的一个项目的情况,但是,他们表示担心 这种汇报工作可能使治理和管理两种职 能 的区 别变 得模糊。 daccess-ods.un.org | While agencies generally had accepted the obligation set out in recommendation 9 of the report concerning reporting of travel expenses by reporting period and had supported the need to report on an item as critical and costly as travel, they [...] had expressed concern that such [...] reporting might blur the distinction between [...]the functions of governance and management. daccess-ods.un.org |
因此,阿尔 及利亚欢迎今天秘书长和不扩散条约 1995 年审议和 延期大会上通过的中东问题决议的三个提案国一道 宣布,经与区域各国协商,并根据不扩散条约 2010 年审议大会通过的行动计划,任命 Jaakko Laajava 先生担任关于建立中东无核武器和所有其它大 规模 杀伤性武器区的 2012 年会议的主持人,并指定芬兰 为该会议的东道国。 daccess-ods.un.org | Hence, Algeria welcomes the announcement made today by the Secretary-General and the three sponsors of the resolution on the Middle East adopted at the 1995 NPT Review and Extension Conference, [...] in consultation with [...] the States of the region, of the appointment of Mr. Jaakko Laajava as facilitator and of Finland as the host country for the 2012 conference on the establishment in the Middle East of a zone free of nuclear and all other weapons of mass destruction, [...]in accordance with [...]the action plan adopted at the 2010 NPT Review Conference. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果通过消除物质基础设施方面的发展差距,并在 贸易和交通运输便利化方面采取最佳做法,从而在亚太区域所有国家间实现 [...] 无缝连接,那么本区域落在后面的经济体就能够进入世界上最大和最有活力 的市场,从而为更平衡的区域经济发 展 模 式 作 出贡献。 daccess-ods.un.org | If development gaps in physical infrastructure could be closed and best practices in trade and transport facilitation adopted, thus enabling all countries of the region to be connected seamlessly, the region’s lagging economies would be able to access the [...] largest and most dynamic markets in the world, contributing to a [...] more balanced pattern of regional economic development. daccess-ods.un.org |
能源部的全球安保互动与合作办公室在出口管制及相关边境安全方案的协 调和供资下,在风险评估和与大规模 毁 灭 性武器有关的物品确认方面培训战略贸 易专门人员(第 1540(2004)号决议第 3 段(c)和(d)),并帮助美国政府在前苏联国 家、东盟国家和中东主办与 1540 决议有关的区域讲习班。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Department of Energy’s Office of Global Security Engagement and Cooperation (GSEC), in coordination with and funding from EXBS, [...] trains strategic trade specialists in risk [...] assessment and WMD-related commodity identification (paras. 3 (c) and 3 (d) of resolution 1540 (2004)), and has helped the United States Government sponsor regional 1540-related workshops in the former Soviet States, the ASEAN States, and the Middle East. daccess-ods.un.org |
内罗毕办 事处于 2 月 16 日提供了工作计划,列出 6 项活动,一些活动用相当模 糊的语言表述,如“支持太阳能村”,另外一些活动则较具体,如两 个分地区太阳 能暑期学校(肯尼亚和尼日尔)。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The Nairobi office provided a work plan on 16 [...] February listing 6 [...] activities, some in quite vague terms such as “support for solar village” and others more specific such as two subregional summer schools on solar [...]energy (in Kenya and Niger). unesdoc.unesco.org |
使用強度滑桿來增減所選區域模糊的 程 度 ,直到你獲得想要的效果。 mammals.org | Increase or [...] decrease the amount of blur painted into the [...]selection area by using the Intensity slider until you achieve desired results. mammals.org |
然而,这些争端越来越多地涉及新的 领域 或仍然存在法律模糊性的传统领域, 特别是出口限制,而且还有气候变化以及绿 色经济办法、政府采购、服务、贸易的技术性壁垒和与贸易有关的投资措施。 daccess-ods.un.org | However, they increasingly [...] address new frontiers or traditional areas where legal ambiguity remains, notably [...]export restrictions [...]but also climate change and approaches for a green economy, government procurement, services, technical barriers to trade and trade-related investment measures. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这 两种情况中,要对本来可适用的豁免 确定这种例外,其共同标准是,放弃豁免是 否“肯定”,但是,这不应模糊这样 一个事实,即确定豁免何时可以被排除在外 是另一回事,后一种情况的问题 是条约解释问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | While in both cases, the common standard [...] identifying such exceptions to otherwise applicable immunity was whether the waiver or renunciation was “certain”, it should not obscure the fact that the determination of when immunity was excluded was different, the issue in the latter case [...]being one of treaty interpretation. daccess-ods.un.org |
如秘书长报告第 16 [...] 段所述,特别政治任务包括秘书长特使、个人特使和特别顾问的活 动,对制裁和监测委员会的支助,中小 规 模的 建 设 和平政治办事处、综 合办事处和区域办事 处以及援助团,上述任务基本都属政治性质。 daccess-ods.un.org | As indicated in paragraph 16 of the report of the Secretary-General, special political missions encompass activities of special and personal envoys of and special advisers to the Secretary-General, support for sanctions and [...] monitoring committees, [...] small to medium-sized political peacebuilding, integrated and regional offices, as well as [...]assistance missions [...]with mandates that can be defined as essentially political in nature. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们注意到,有两家海外受访机构讨论到了中国政府的国际援助捐款与中国国有企 业为获得资源采掘权而支付给国外政 府 的 款 项 之间 , 区 别 较 为 模糊。 eisourcebook.org | In the future, we expect that the method for calculating [...] SCVPS calculation will gradually improve. eisourcebook.org |
委员会提出了如下建议:(a)应在更大程度上注重灾害统计数据编 制工作的标准、方法和准则;(b)各国政府应系统性地收集关于小 规 模灾 害 的数据;(c)秘书处应继续强化旨在减少灾害风 险 的区域 合 作 机制和能 力建设,包括信息、通信和空间技术,以加速执行《兵库行动框架》; (d)通过开展区域合作和持续提供区域咨询服务,加强体制机构能力;(e) [...] [...] 减少灾害风险工作的所有利益攸关方均应充分利用亚洲及太平洋减少灾害 风险与发展网关。 daccess-ods.un.org | The Committee made a number of recommendations, such as: (a) that the development of standards, methodologies and guidelines for disaster statistics be given higher priority; (b) that [...] Governments [...] systematically collect data on small disasters; (c) that the secretariat continue promoting regional cooperative mechanisms [...]and capacity development [...]efforts for disaster risk reduction, including on information, communications and space technologies, to accelerate the implementation of the Hyogo Framework for Action; (d) that institutional capacity be strengthened through regional cooperation and continued regional advisory services; and (e) that all stakeholders of disaster risk reduction make full use of the Asia-Pacific Gateway for Disaster Risk Reduction and Development. daccess-ods.un.org |
此外,欧盟支持不扩散条约 [...] 2010 年审议大会商定 的机制,设立该机制的目的是执行 1995 年不扩散条约 审议大会关于中东问题决议,其中尤其包括:由秘书 长与 1995 年不扩散条约审议大会中东问题决议提案国 通过与该区域各国磋商,在 2012 年召开一次由中东各 国参加的会议,讨论在区域各国 自由达成的安排的基 础上和核武器国家的充分支持和参与下,建立中东无 核武器和其它所有大规模杀伤性武器 区的 问 题。 daccess-ods.un.org | In addition, the EU supports the mechanism, as agreed by the 2010 NPT Review Conference, for the implementation of the 1995 NPT resolution on the Middle East, which includes, in particular, the convening by the Secretary-General and the sponsors of the 1995 NPT resolution, in consultation with the States of the region, of a conference in 2012, to be attended by all States of the Middle East, on [...] the [...] establishment of a Middle East zone free of nuclear weapons and all other weapons of mass destruction, on the basis of arrangements freely arrived at by the States of the region and with the full support [...]and engagement of the nuclear-weapon States. daccess-ods.un.org |
(i) 审议对援助需求的区域处理办法以及为满足这些需求所作的努力,包括 通过区域组织 或由海关联盟、自由贸易区、无核武器区或无大 规 模 毁 灭 性武器区 成员国共同提出的援助请求。 daccess-ods.un.org | (i) Consider regional approaches to assistance needs and efforts to meet them, including assistance requests made through regional organizations, or jointly by States members of Customs unions, free trade zones or zones free of nuclear weapons or weapons of mass destruction. daccess-ods.un.org |
在这些模板内,阴影区域包含信息和说明性文本,白 色 区域 用 于 报告目 的,需 要由受影响的国家缔约方填写相关的量化数据,在多个选框内作出选择或 提供叙述性信息。 daccess-ods.un.org | Within the templates, the shaded areas contain information and explanatory texts and the white areas are for reporting [...] purposes and [...]must be filled in by affected country Parties with relevant quantitative data, selection of multiple choice boxes or narrative information. daccess-ods.un.org |
我们估计,实际上,选举前和选举后的活动同选 [...] 举本身一样重要,因此需要在选举前、后和期间提供 支助活动,以便吸取经验教训、发展能力和建立机构 记忆,以此改进布隆迪的选举进程并为我 们 区域 建立 一个堪称楷模的民主政体。 daccess-ods.un.org | We estimate that, in fact, pre- and post-electoral activities are just as important as the elections themselves, which will make it necessary to provide support activities before, after and during the electoral period in order to learn lessons, develop capacities and create [...] institutional memory with a view to improving electoral processes in [...] Burundi and establishing en exemplary democracy for our region. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果現有的僱傭合約的條款在某方面不清晰,或僱主確實因負擔 能力而需要修改,對不清晰的地方作出澄清或更新有關的條款,雙方 [...] 可以在調解服務員的輔助和引導下,一方面釐 清 模糊的 地 方 ,另一方 面亦可以盡量瞭解雙方的困難和需要,以確保雙方的權益均能合理地 [...] 符合現行法例,同時亦得到法律的合理保障。 legco.gov.hk | If the terms of the current employment contracts are not clear in certain areas, or if employers really have to change these terms because of affordability, clarify the unclear areas or [...] update the relevant provisions, the two [...] sides can clarify ambiguities and try their [...]best to understand the difficulties and [...]needs of both sides with the assistance and guidance of the mediator, so as to ensure that the interests of both sides can reasonably comply with the existing legislation and be reasonably protected under the law. legco.gov.hk |
2002 年蒙特雷会议后取得了重要进展,其中包括私营部门和 [...] 政府部门在危机预防和解决方面的工作关系得到改善,促进了债务可持续性问题 的对话;更清楚地认识到要维持债务可持续性,包括新巴塞尔资本协定在内的规 [...] 则必须逆周期而动;在公债中更多地引入了集体诉讼条款;内债和外 债 的 界 限更 加模糊,产生了一系列新的问题。 daccess-ods.un.org | Some of the salient developments since the Monterrey Conference in 2002 were the improved working relationship between the private and official sectors in the area of crisis prevention and resolution, which had contributed to a better dialogue on debt sustainability; the increasing realization that regulations, including Basel II, had to be counter-cyclical in order to maintain debt sustainability; the increasing introduction of [...] collective action clauses in bond [...] issues; and the increased blurring between domestic and [...]external debt, creating a new set of challenges. daccess-ods.un.org |
2011 年中旬至 2012 年初间,中国在南 海问题上的态度趋于缓和,这表明只要中央政府愿 [...] 意,就能对其海事部队和地方政府加以一定控制 力,但中国认为保持一定程度的政策 模糊 性 为其在 必要时采取更强硬立场提供了一定的自由空间,因 [...]此符合自身利益。 crisisgroup.org | China’s ability to moderate its approach to the South China Sea between mid-2011 and 2012 suggests that it is able to exert some control over its maritime forces and [...] local governments when it so chooses, but [...] sees a degree of ambiguity as in its interest, [...]giving it the freedom to take a more [...]hardline position when deemed necessary. crisisgroup.org |