

单词 模糊数学

See also:

模糊 adj

blurred adj
blurry adj

模糊 v

blur v
blurs v

数学 n

maths n

External sources (not reviewed)

基本工具集包括 360° 图案匹配、边缘模糊点、 圆、柱状图 数学 和 基 本几何工具。
The basic tool set includes 360°
[...] degree pattern matching, edge, blob, circle, histogram, math and basic geometry tools.
其有着最佳的自动完成的复选框数 值 输入 , 模糊 输 入以及范围滑动棒。
[...] auto-complete combobox, numeric input, masked input, [...]
and range slider.
审计委员会认为,对每件案子从开始到结案所需 数 的 模糊 解 释可能导致安 全理事会对完成工作战略实施进展得出误解。
The Board is
[...] of the view that ambiguous interpretation of [...]
the number of days each case took from start to finish could result
in misunderstanding by the Security Council regarding the progress in implementing the completion strategy.
A mathematical model of the unit [...]
ensures quantitative and qualitative evaluations since it incorporates the highest process
know-how and all existing mechanical couplings.
在表面的形體模糊的思想體系背後,或許更重要的是要確保這些關鍵的崗位須由那些深受社會㆟士尊崇和勇 [...]
Behind the
[...] superficial forms and vague ideology, it is [...]
perhaps even more important to ensure that these key posts will be
filled by seasoned politicians who command wide community respect and are ready to take charge.
例 如,这些数据用于编制图像地图或地形地图形式的底图以提供光学数据,由于 光学或雷达卫星数据具有全天候的性能,因此这些数据也用于监测边界过境点 和其他敏感位置,用于帮助后勤人员选择正确的营地位置,使用 学数 据 和数字高程模型模拟洪 水和岩溶流,利用全球定位系统数据近实时支持安全跟 踪工具。
Such data are used, for example, for developing base maps in the form of image maps or topographic maps for optical data, monitoring border crossings and other sensitive locations using optical or radar satellite data, because of their all-weather day and night capabilities, and helping logisticians choose the
right location for a
[...] camp, using optical data and remotely sensed digital elevation model, to run flood or lava flow simulations and supporting [...]
security tracking vehicles
in near-real-time using GPS data.
(c) 人类发展指模式在 人口方面与简化模式一样,使用同一简 数学公 式
(c) The HDI model uses the same, simple, mathematical formula for population as the streamlined model.
[...] 平台,通用电气医疗保健将能够进行 CPB、FFT、八度音阶分析和模态分析,以获得其动态行为 数学模 型。
Using the PULSE platform, GE Healthcare performs CPB,
FFT, octave analysis and modal analysis on its products in
[...] order to obtain a mathematical model of their [...]
dynamic behaviour.
不论是铟锡氧化物,氧化锌,还是聚合物(3,4-乙烯基),我们独有的I TO 光 学模 型 , 加上可见/近红外仪器,可以测得厚度和 学 常 数 , 费 用和操作难度仅是光谱椭偏仪的一小部分。
Whether one encounters Indium Tin Oxide, Zinc Oxide, or Poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene), our proprietary ITO optical model, coupled with our visible/near IR instruments, can solve for both thickness and optical constants at a fraction of the cost and effort of a spectroscopic ellipsometer.
例如,如果您从调光设备上把多 模糊 通 道 放置 在一个面板上,模拟器中将只显示一个光束。
For example, if you place multiple dimmer channels from a dimmer pack on one panel, only one beam will appear in the emulator.
在这 两种情况中,要对本来可适用的豁免确定这种例外,其共同标准是,放弃豁免是 否“肯定”,但是,这不模糊这样 一个事实,即确定豁免何时可以被排除在外 [...]
While in both cases, the common standard identifying such exceptions to otherwise applicable immunity
was whether the waiver or renunciation was
[...] “certain”, it should not obscure the [...]
fact that the determination of when immunity
was excluded was different, the issue in the latter case being one of treaty interpretation.
由于缺乏有关统一索马里国内立法与 《公约》的信息,这造成了法律上 模糊。
The lack of information on the harmonization of national legislation of Somalia with the Convention
[...] creates legal ambiguity.
2002 年蒙特雷会议后取得了重要进展,其中包括私营部门和
政府部门在危机预防和解决方面的工作关系得到改善,促进了债务可持续性问题 的对话;更清楚地认识到要维持债务可持续性,包括新巴塞尔资本协定在内的规
[...] 则必须逆周期而动;在公债中更多地引入了集体诉讼条款;内债和外债的界限更模糊,产生了一系列新的问题。
Some of the salient developments since the Monterrey Conference in 2002 were the improved working relationship between the private and official sectors in the area of crisis prevention and resolution, which had contributed to a better dialogue on debt sustainability; the increasing realization that regulations, including Basel II, had to be counter-cyclical in order to maintain debt sustainability; the increasing introduction of
collective action clauses in bond issues;
[...] and the increased blurring between domestic [...]
and external debt, creating a new set of challenges.
OA运用科学数学模型, 结合企业内部/外部的信息为条件,为企业领导提供决策参考和依据;对于中层管理者而言:OA是信息管理系统(IMS),OA利用业务各环节提供的基础“数据”,提炼出有用的管理“信息”,把握业务进程,降低经营风险,提高经营效率; [...] [...]
OA of the mathematical model of the application of science, combined [...]
with internal / external conditions of the information
for business leaders to provide reference and a basis for decision-making; for middle-level managers: OA is the Information Management System (IMS), OA various aspects of the use of business to provide the basis for "data", to extract useful management "information", and grasp of business processes, reduce operating risk, improve operational efficiency; for ordinary employees: OA is the Service / business processing system.
在传统数学模型中 ,工程师把X定义为原因把Y定义为影响。1950年Dorian向他的客户解释道问题原因并不是由许多X的各种微小影响加起来造成的,而是由一个占统治地位的X造成的,这个X就是Red X。
When building mathematical models engineers traditionally [...]
refer to causes as X's and effects as Y's. By the late 1950's
Dorian was telling his clients that their problems were not caused by a little bit of each of many X's, they were caused by one dominant X, the Red X. The problem could be solved by finding the Red X.
据报道,缅甸约 有数学校实行多年级制,教师必须同时为不止一个年级的学生上课,但多数教 师并未受过此种教学所需特殊技能的培训。
According to reports,
[...] about half of Myanmar’s schools are multi-grade [...]
with teachers responsible for more than one grade
at a time, yet most teachers are not trained in the special skills required for this type of teaching.
2011 年中旬至 2012 年初间,中国在南 海问题上的态度趋于缓和,这表明只要中央政府愿
[...] 意,就能对其海事部队和地方政府加以一定控制 力,但中国认为保持一定程度的政 模糊 性 为其在 必要时采取更强硬立场提供了一定的自由空间,因 [...]
China’s ability to moderate its approach to the South China Sea between mid-2011 and 2012 suggests that it is able to exert some control over its maritime forces and
local governments when it so chooses, but
[...] sees a degree of ambiguity as in its interest, [...]
giving it the freedom to take a more
hardline position when deemed necessary.
扫描和检测机器时,具有图像质量高 模糊 度 低 (更高 数 据 采 集保真度)的特点。
Superior image
[...] quality and reduced blur (higher fidelity of data capture) on [...]
scanning and inspection machines.
协调员还赶紧补充说,同样必须承 认,“凡国际法其他规则已有规定的”一语产生了一些可能 模糊 地 带,反映了 不同法律制度规范之间的实际相互作用,而更具决定性的“只要符合国际法”一 语似乎就是要避免这一问题。
The Coordinator also hastened to add that it was equally important to acknowledge that the phrase “inasmuch as they are governed by other rules of international law” created a penumbra of possibilities, reflecting the practical interplay of norms between different legal regimes, which the more determinative “inasmuch as they are in conformity with international law” seemed to avoid.
[...] 不仅在西方国家和发展中国家要如此,更应特别重视民主概念仍 模糊 的 转 型期 国家。
It is very important that there be a special focus on empowering Governments and civil society organizations and on strengthening democracy, not only in
Western and developing countries but especially in the countries in transition, where
[...] democracy is still a vague concept.
如果选择更高的快门速度,快速移动的主体不会轻 易变模糊,但图像将变得更暗淡。
When a higher shutter speed is selected, fast‑moving subjects
[...] do not become blurred easily but the [...]
images will be darker.
监督与评估报告显示,该项目在普及科 学,采用实用的动手学习方法教授 学 和 数学 , 与 尼日利亚 学 和 数学 教 师 协会合作鼓励采 用创新的教学法,以及对几个州政府施加影响促使它们对本州学校的科学教育给予更有力的 [...]
Monitoring and evaluation reports suggest that the project has served a useful purpose in popularizing science, in the adoption of a
practical hands-on
[...] approach to teaching of science and mathematics, in stimulating innovative teaching [...]
methods in collaboration
with the associations of science and mathematics teachers in Nigeria and in influencing several state governments to provide better support to science education in their schools.
例如,我们已经注意到报告无关逻辑、目标导向的规划模糊成果 方面的分歧;“排挤掉”治理任务的政治问题;准备不足的辩论。
(We have, for example, noted the ramifications
[...] of reporting on vague results unconnected [...]
to logical, goal oriented programming;
political issues “crowding out” governance tasks; and poorly prepared debates.
食典委注意到,这一决定将影响新工作的拟议工作计划,并可能需要较长的时间 完成这些准则,因为这些准则将尽量采用一种新的以定量风险分析为基础的从农场到餐 桌的方法;肉鸡有大量学数据和 粮农组织/世卫组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议所作 的风险评估,但非肉鸡却不具备这些数据和评估,它们的风险情况、生产和加工条件不 同;在由粮农组织/世卫组织微生物风险评估联合专家会议进行风险评估以前可能有必要 对后一类鸡肉的学数据提 出新的全球要求。
The Commission noted that this decision would impact on the proposed work plan for the new work and might require a longer time-frame for the
completion of the guidelines since the guidelines would follow a novel farm-to-fork approach based on quantitative risk assessment to the widest
[...] extent practicable; that there existed considerable scientific data and a risk assessment by JEMRA for broiler chickens but not for non-broiler chickens with different risk profiles, production and processing conditions; that a new worldwide call for scientific data for the latter category of chicken meat might be necessary before a risk assessment be conducted by JEMRA.
[...] 了活动,重点是改进分地区和国家一级的教育和培训水平,并提高在各个研究课题上的研究 能力,即物理数学、化学(尤 其是生态及水化学)、生物科学和生物技术方面的研究能 力。
Activities in support of capacity-building in the basic sciences, the life sciences and the engineering sciences have focused on promoting education and training at subregional and national level and enhancing research capacities in various research
topics in physics, mathematics, chemistry (especially ecological and water chemistry) and
[...] biological sciences and biotechnologies, with the training of hundreds of scientists and [...]
specialists, especially women and young researchers.
还注意到《京都议定书》附件 B 修正案,12
[...] 注意到政府间气候变化专门委员会的工作以及通过继续支持该委员会交流学数据和 信息等措施,建设和增强特别是发展中国家的科学技术能力的必要性
Noting further the amendment to annex B to the Kyoto Protocol,12 Noting the work of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change and the need to
[...] build and enhance scientific and technological [...]
capabilities, inter alia, through continuing
support to the Panel for the exchange of scientific data and information, especially in developing countries
然而,难点源于有些国家在立法 模糊 用 词 ,有时在公共秩序和公共安全 的理由之外又加上“公共安宁”,不清楚能否将其与公共秩序方面的理由真正区 分开来。
The difficulty, however, stems from terminological inconsistencies in certain domestic laws, which sometimes add the ground of “public nuisance” to those of public order and public security, without indicating clearly that it can truly be distinguished from the ground of public order.




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