单词 | 槔 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 痔noun—hemorrhoidnhemorrhoidsAEpl痔—piles槔—water pulleyExamples:痔疾n—haemorrhoidn 痔疮n—hemorrhoidsAEpl haemorrhoidn sprainn
Med-Rite Labs发布了一款FDA认可的无需药物的新型治痔设备,预计该设备可实现治痔市场的变革。 tipschina.gov.cn | Med-Rite Labs has announced a new FDA-approved, drug-free hemorrhoid treatment device that is expected to revolutionize the hemorrhoid treatment market. tipschina.gov.cn |
肠癌症状以无痛便血为主,其中血液呈红色或鲜红色,与早期内痔的症状非常相似。 asiancancer.com | The main symptom of Bowel cancer is painless hematochezia (having blood in stool) and the blood is red or bright red which is very similar to the symptom of early hemorrhoids. asiancancer.com |
治疗痔疮的外用药膏和肛栓剂一般由多种成份组成。 hsbc.com.hk | Creams, ointments and suppositories used for treatment of piles usually contain more than one active ingredient. hsbc.com.hk |
表示关切,每年世界各地约 1 500 万至 2 000 万名育龄妇女,包括少女,发 生可预防的孕产妇病、残疾、受伤以及与怀孕和分娩有关的疾病,包括因早孕和 早育以及诸如子宫脱垂、产科瘘、应力性尿失禁、高血压、痔疮、会阴撕裂、尿 路感染、严重贫血等他高风险情况造成的上述结果,由于这些情况,妇女遭受影 响其福祉的严重身体、经济、心理和社会后果 daccess-ods.un.org | that each year approximately 15 million to 20 million women of childbearing age worldwide, including adolescent girls, suffer from often preventable maternal morbidity, disabilities, injuries and illnesses connected with pregnancy and childbirth, including as a result of early pregnancy, early childbearing and other high-risk conditions, such as uterine prolapse, obstetric fistulas, stress incontinence, hypertension, haemorrhoids, perineal tears, urinary tract infections and severe anaemia, and that, as a result of these conditions, women suffer serious physical, economic, psychological and social consequences that affect their well-being daccess-ods.un.org |
因患内痔而进行注射治疗的人士。 hsbc.com.hk | Individual who had injection treatment for internal hemorrhoids. hsbc.com.hk |
起保後180日内发生的以下疾病: 尿道结石或胆结石,高血压或心血管疾病,白内障,需动手术的鼻腔病变,痔疮,胃溃疡、十二指肠溃疡,子宫内膜异位,需动手术的扁桃腺病,糖尿病,甲状腺机能亢进,肺结核,皮肤或肌肉组织肿瘤、骨肿瘤或血液或骨髓的恶性病。 ing.com.hk | The following illnesses occurring in the first 180 days of cover: Stones in the urinary or biliary systems, Hypertension or Cardio-Vascular Diseases, Cataracts, Nasal condition requiring surgery, Haemorrhoids, Gastric and Duodenal Ulcers, Endometriosis, Tonsils requiring surgery, Diabetes Mellitus, Hyperthyroidism, Tuberculosis, Tumor of skin or muscular tissue, bone tumors or malignancies of blood or bone marrow. ing.com.hk |
冷冻疗法设备使用8分钟,可持续10个小时缓解痔疮症状,是目前治痔市场上最有效的非手术疗法。 tipschina.gov.cn | The cryotherapy device can be used for 8 minutes and delivers up to 10 hours of hemorrhoid relief, making it the most effective non-surgical treatment available on the market for the treatment of hemorrhoids. tipschina.gov.cn |
痔疮可分内痔和外痔,内痔主要位於肛门较深入处。 hsbc.com.hk | Internal piles are swollen veins inside the anus. hsbc.com.hk |
国际奥会是肠道癌症、 前列腺炎、 痔疮、 关节炎、 皮肤和许多其他疾病的预防。 uzi-diagnostika.g-sochi.ru | The IOC is the prevention of intestinal cancer, prostatitis, hemorrhoids, arthritis, skin and many other diseases. uzi-diagnostika.g-sochi.ru |
该病痛缓解疗法由Med-Rite Labs旗下公司Hemor-Rite生产,被FDA认定为II类医疗设备,该设备采用Cryotherapy(冷冻疗法),可有效减缓痔组织的内外膨胀。 tipschina.gov.cn | Produced by Hemor-Rite, a Med-Rite Labs Company, this pain relief therapy is delivered by an FDA designated, Class II medical device, using Cryotherapy (cold therapy), that effectively reduces the internal and external swelling of the hemorrhoidal tissue. tipschina.gov.cn |
痔疮的病徵包括肿、痛、痕痒及出血等,一般痔疮药物? hsbc.com.hk | The most common symptoms of haemorrhoids include itching, burning, bleeding, pain, swelling and discomfort in the perianal area. hsbc.com.hk |
一般市面上的痔疮药可有效减低痔疮所带来的不适。 hsbc.com.hk | Most drugs on the market can effectively reduce the symptoms caused by piles. hsbc.com.hk |
2007年上半年,本集团销售收入人民币500万元以上的产品达36个;其中,销售收入显着增长的 重点产品有消渴丸、夏桑菊颗粒、安神补脑液、化痔栓、清热消炎宁胶囊、前列通片与咳喘顺丸 等,该等产品的销售收入分别比去年同期增长21.26%、8.85%、64.98%、12.95%、26.76%、 47.20%与211.44%。 equitynet.com.hk | Sales of certain major products, including Xiao Ke Wan, Xia Sang Ju Ke Li, An Shen Bu Nao Ye, Hua Zhi Shuan, Qing Re Xiao Yan Ning Jiao Nang, Qian Lie Tong Pian and Ke Chuan Shun Wan etc., significantly increased by 21.26%, 8.85%, 64.98%, 12.95%, 26.76%, 47.20% and 211.44% respectively when compared with the corresponding period of last year. equitynet.com.hk |
而外痔则位於肛门附近或突出肛门外。 hsbc.com.hk | External piles develop around or protrude outside the anus. hsbc.com.hk |
她是腹腔镜结肠和直肠手术方面的专家,接受过经肛内镜下微创手术 (TEM) 的训练,并擅长经肛吻合器直肠切除术 (STARR),以及痔疮环状切割手术(PPH)。 mountsinaifpa.org | She is an expert in laparoscopic colon and rectal surgery, is trained in transanal endoscopic microsurgery (TEM), and specializes in stapled transanal rectal resection (STARR), as well as in the procedure for prolapse and hemorrhoids (PPH). mountsinaifpa.org |
在全球人口需要有效的治痔疗法重新恢复日常活动时,Hemor-Rite Cryotherapy适时面市。 tipschina.gov.cn | Hemor-Rite Cryotherapy enters the market at a time when the global population needs an effective treatment for hemorrhoids to resume regular daily activities. tipschina.gov.cn |
由保单正式生效後6个月内因下列伤病的感染或发病而引致的住院或治疗将不获赔偿:1) 肺结核 2) 肛门廔管 3)胆石 4) 肾石、尿道结石或膀胱结石 5) 高血压或心血管病 6) 胃或十二指肠溃疡 7) 糖尿病 8)肿瘤或癌症 9) 痔疮 10) 扁桃腺切除手术 11) 鼻中隔膜、鼻窦或鼻甲骨病变 12) 甲状腺机能亢进 13) 白内障 14) 椎间盆突出或退化。 dbs.com.hk | Confinement or Treatment for Sickness contracted or commencing within 6 months from the commencement of Policy for the following Disabilities: 1) Tuberculosis 2) Anal fistulae 3) Gall stones 4) Stones of kidney, urethra or urinary bladder 5) Hypertension or cardiovascular disease 6) Gastric or duodenal ulcer 7) Diabetes mellitus 8) Tumours or malignancies 9) Haemorrhoids 10) Disorders of tonsils requiring tonsillectomy 11) Disorders of nasal septum, sinus or turbinates 12) Hyperthyroidism 13) Cataracts 14) Prolapsed intervertebral disc or disc degeneration. dbs.com.hk |
主 治 肠 风 脏 毒 下 血 、 便 前 出 血 、 或 便 後 出 血 、 或 粪 中 带 血 、 痔 疮 、 直 肠 出 血 、 症 见 血 色 鲜 红 、 舌 红 、 脉 弦 数 者 。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | Bleeding induced by wind in the intestines and toxin in viscera, haematochezia before or after defecation, passing stools containing blood, haemorrhoids, rectal bleeding, manifesting as bright red blood, with red tongue and rapid taut pulse. balancemedicalsupplies.com |
有猜测称,因为坐姿无法使耻骨直肠肌彻底放松、导致排泄不彻底,粪便回到乙状结肠并持续给乙状结肠施压,这可能成为导致痔疮和憩室病的主要原因之一。 beijing.ufh.com.cn | Some hypothesize that, because this sitting position causes incomplete evacuation, waste then backs up into the sigmoid colon, putting continuous pressure on the sigmoid colon. beijing.ufh.com.cn |
临 床 参 考:本 方 常 用 於 病 後 调 理 、 虚 弱 体 质 改 善 、 虚 弱 感 冒 、 肺 结 核 、 胃 下 垂 、 胃 弛 缓 者 、 神经 衰 弱 、 阴 痿 、 子 宫 脱 垂 、 功 能 性 子 宫 出 血 、 血 小 板 减 少 性 紫 癜 、 痔 疾 脱 肛 、 多 汗症 、 疝 气 、 子 宫 後 屈 症 、 肌 无 力 眼 睑 下 垂 、 肝 炎 、 气 虚 头 昏 眼 花 、 糖 尿 病 等 皆 有 效。 balancemedicalsupplies.com | This formula is often used in aftercare, improving poor constitution, treating common cold, pulmonary tuberculosis, gastroptosis, gastric atony, neurasthenia, impotence, metroptosis, dysfunctional uterine bleeding, thrombocytopenic purpura, prolapse of the rectum related to hemorrhoids, hyperhydrosis, hernia, uterine retrodisplacement, ptosis due to myasthenia, hepatitis, dizziness with Qi deficiency, diabetes mellitus, etc. For lassitude due to wind-cold attack, combining with Xiao Chai Hu Tang is recommended. balancemedicalsupplies.com |