单词 | 榷 | ||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 榷—toll, levyless common: monopoly footbridge Examples:商榷adj—debatable 商榷—discuss bring up various ideas for discussion
认为所有地区都是“潜在受影 响”地区,而无论其起源,尤其是气候变化条件下,这种想法值得商榷。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is arguable that all areas are “potentially affected” areas regardless of origin, especially under conditions of climate change. daccess-ods.un.org |
这些判决是否过于严厉是可以商榷的,尤其考虑 到在科索沃解放军领导人拉穆什·哈拉迪纳伊的案件 中作出的无罪判决。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is possible to debate whether the sentences were too harsh, especially in the light of the not-guilty verdict handed down in the case of a leader of the Kosovo Liberation Army, Ramoush Haradinaj. daccess-ods.un.org |
教科文组织多年来在生物伦理方面所作的工作,特别是更近时期为探讨制定一些有关 生物伦理问题的普遍准则所作的工作,都表明,如果说就制定一个生物伦理准则文件的具体 内容方面现在还有一些待商榷的地方的话,那么制定这样一份文件的想法本身至少凸显出, 为了引导生命科学的进步和与之相随的技术发展,制定一个全世界共同的参照框架已是世界 的一个深刻的需要。 unesdoc.unesco.org | The work that UNESCO has been doing on bioethics for many years, particularly more recent work regarding the possibility of elaborating universal norms on bioethics, shows that while the exact content of the instrument on bioethics has yet to be discussed, the initiative shows that a shared frame of reference worldwide is badly needed to guide the progress of the life sciences and the attendant technological development. unesdoc.unesco.org |
这类法律不应仅限于重债穷国,还应当涵盖更广泛的贫穷国家(特别是那些 有资格获得国际开发协会贷款的国家);此外,鉴于全球经济衰退对许多发展中 国家预算造成的不利影响,该法还应当覆盖重债穷国后债务、原始债务(其中有 些的合法性值得商榷)和已经获得的法院裁决。 daccess-ods.un.org | Such legislation should not be limited to HIPCs but should cover a wider group of poor countries (particularly those eligible for International Development Association lending) and should, in view of the negative effects of the global recession on the budgets of many developing countries, cover post-HIPC debts, original debts (some of which may be of questionable legitimacy) and court judgements which have already been obtained. daccess-ods.un.org |
显然值得商榷的是,应被推定无罪的还押犯人的处境不应该比被判处还押犯人被控罪行的犯人更 糟:被判刑的囚犯有资格通过司法程序酌情考虑释放。 daccess-ods.un.org | It is clearly arguable that remand prisoners, who are to be presumed innocent, should not be in a worse situation than prisoners sentenced for offences of which the remand prisoners stand accused: sentenced prisoners are eligible to be considered for discretionary release through a judicial process. daccess-ods.un.org |
如果您对托儿服务机构对待自己子女的方式存有疑虑,应找托儿服务机构进行商榷。 studyinaustralia.gov.au | If you have concerns about the [...] way your child care provider is working with your child, you should approach the child [...] care provider to discuss the issue. studyinaustralia.gov.au |
然而,如果一个国家参与了 标准的制定,不管是参加过会议还是按照步骤程序提交过意见,它就已经毫无疑问 就在何种程度上可以接受这些规定的草案商榷过本国的有关组织。 codexalimentarius.org | However, a country which has taken part in the elaboration of the standard either by attending the meetings or by sending comments under the Step Procedure has, no doubt, consulted national organizations on the extent to which the draft provisions in the standard would be acceptable nationally. codexalimentarius.org |
如果规则未加规定,措施是否即属许可, 这个问题仍然值得商榷。 daccess-ods.un.org | The question of what effect, if any, the silence of the rules has on the permissibility or otherwise of the [...] measure, remains debatable. daccess-ods.un.org |
(j) 在有关 PROMEM 项目提出的将玛雅文化纳入本国教学大纲的建议中确定的不可商榷的标准显然已得到执行,因为进行双语教学的班级明显增加,教学大纲中的玛雅文化内 容和价值观也越来越多。 unesdoc.unesco.org | (j) The application of the Non-Negotiable Criteria set out in PROMEM’s proposal for the inclusion of Mayan culture in national school curricula was evident in the noteworthy increase in bilingualism identified in the majority of classrooms and the fact that Mayan cultural content and values were found to be increasingly present in school curriculum. unesdoc.unesco.org |
然而,把全民信息计划的一半预算拨给教科文组 织总部外办事处,用于支持国家委员会活动的做法需要研究和商榷,尤其是要考虑到这些资 金的使用效果。 unesdoc.unesco.org | However, the fact that exactly half of IFAP’s budget is allocated to UNESCO field offices to support activities of National Committees requiresanalysis,particularly with respect to the effectiveness of the use of these funds. unesdoc.unesco.org |