单词 | 榜首 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 榜首—a championless common: be number one (best or worst) See also:榜—row notice or announcement public roll of successful examinees oar list of names
如看见清单榜首附近有这些字眼的 其中一个,你知道这种产品含大量添加糖。 cancer-asian.com | If you see one of [...] these near thetop of the list, you [...]know the product is high in added sugar. cancer-asian.com |
农业银行IPO完成后,中国让银行成为盈利机构的努力展示出了积极的成果:香港证交所2010 年IPO 总值名列榜首(很大程度归功于农业银行的IPO)。 australiachina.com.au | With the completion of Agricultural Bank’s IPO, China is showing the positive results of its efforts to make its banks [...] profitable institutions – the Hong Kong Stock [...] exchange wason thetop in 2010in terms [...]of IPO value (in big part due to the Agricultural Bank’s IPO). australiachina.com.au |
在发展中国家捐助方中,巴西、中国、卡塔尔和沙特阿 拉伯高居榜首。 daccess-ods.un.org | Among developing country contributors, Brazil, China, Qatar and Saudi Arabiatopped the list. daccess-ods.un.org |
虽然在BBH的排行榜里,它并不是榜首,也不是前三甲,但是它的整体环境很优。 4tern.com | Although Hat Trick Lodge is not listed at the top of BBH ranking, but it has great location, in the heart of Motueka city center. 4tern.com |
然而,在许多西欧 经济体,特别是在斯堪的纳维亚的经济体,收入和公平水平都居世界榜首。 daccess-ods.un.org | Nevertheless, the levels of income [...] and equity in many of the Western European economies, [...] especially those in Scandinavia, are among the [...]highest in the world. daccess-ods.un.org |
美银美林连续第二年荣膺全亚洲研究团队调查排名冠军,并且在《机构投资者》首次发布的全亚洲销售团队排名中位居榜首。 tipschina.gov.cn | BAML captured first place for a second [...] straight year in the All-Asia Research Team survey [...] and debuted infirst placein II's [...]inaugural All-Asia Sales Team ranking. tipschina.gov.cn |
如把巴西除外,非洲这个教科文组织的优先目标群 体名列到了榜首。 unesdoc.unesco.org | Excluding Brazil, it is Africa, a UNESCO priority, [...] which occupies the firstplace forthe allocations. unesdoc.unesco.org |
作为政治团体,或类政治团体,「基本法45条关注组」的民望近半年来一直高踞民望调查的榜首,如果他们能够好好善用自己的优势,以理性创造新共识,必定有一番作为。 hkupop.hku.hk | As a political group, or similar political parties, the popularity of the Article 45 Concern Group is always at the top list from those public opinion surveys. hkupop.hku.hk |
有这些数字为例,无怪乎厨房与浴室项目在2000年多数普通改建工程中名列榜首。 cn.lubrizol.com | With numbers like these, it’s little wonder that kitchen and [...] bathroom projects topped the list of [...]most common remodeling jobs in 2000. lubrizol.com |
根 据 2010 年国际贸易报告,阿拉伯联合酋长国位居中 东和北非地区榜首,在全球居第十六位。 daccess-ods.un.org | According to the international trade report of 2010, the United Arab Emirates was ranked at the top forthe Middle East and North African regions, and sixteenth globally. daccess-ods.un.org |
从证书申请企业所在地的资料展开分析(图四),资讯技术及办公设备产品的 CB 证书申请大多由台湾、日本和美国,共占该产品类别证书总量近七成;家用及类似用途设产品的申请则主要来自中国、韩国和意大利;从2007年起,中国该产品类别发证量一直以两位数增长,并连续五年位居榜首。 ipress.com.hk | In terms of applicant location, most IT and Office Equipment (OFF) CB certificate applicants were based in Taiwan, Japan and the United States, accounting for around 70%. Chinese, South Korean and Italian companies were the major applicants for Household and Similar Appliances (HOUS)CB certificates. ipress.com.hk |
今年,新加坡在全球竞争力位居榜首,取得的成就与新移民的贡献是分不开的。 chinese.sccci.org.sg | Our sterling performance in this year’s Global Competitiveness Index could not have been achieved without the contribution of the new immigrants in our ranks. english.sccci.org.sg |
根据世界知识产权组织的统计,2009 年华为专利申请数量居全球第二位,而此前在2008 年则高居榜首。 australiachina.com.au | According to the World Intellectual Property Organization, Huawei ranked second globally in terms of patent applications in 2009, after achieving the number one ranking in 2008. australiachina.com.au |
他的着作已翻译成55种语言,荣登世界各地畅销书榜榜首,并引发社会和文化层面的广泛讨论。 iwc.com | His bookshave been translated into 55 languages, topped the bestseller lists worldwide and are the subject of discussion at social and cultural level. iwc.com |
在按每家公司的国别对这些综合结果做进一步筛选后,中国国际金融有限公司被评为中国最佳证券经纪公司,联昌国际证券(CIMB [...] Securities)在马来西亚荣登榜首,麦格理资本证券(Macquarie [...]Capital Securities)为澳大利亚/新西兰最佳证券经纪公司,三星证券则为韩国最佳证券经纪公司。 tipschina.gov.cn | When these aggregated totals are further screened by the country in which each firm is domiciled, China International Capital [...] Corp. is deemed China's Best Brokerage, CIMB [...] Securitiesis topsin Malaysia, Macquarie [...]Capital Securities is No. 1 in Australia/New [...]Zealand, and Samsung Securities is the Best Brokerage in South Korea. tipschina.gov.cn |
凭借他的高超厨技,这家餐厅在2012年荣登《星期日泰晤士报》美食榜的榜首,一如既往地以苏格兰及法式风格相结合的烹饪为食客们带来惊喜。 visitbritain.com | Thanks to his handiwork, the [...] restaurantcame top of the Sunday Times’ Food List in 2012 and [...]continues to amaze visitors [...]with its mix of Scottish and French cooking. visitbritain.com |
全新GL系列稳占豪华越野车榜首位置。 mercedes-benz.com.hk | The new GL-Class [...] occupies the top position amongst [...]the luxury SUVs. mercedes-benz.com.hk |
市场调研机构IC [...] Insights日前公布了2011年全球集成电路销售额的排名表,北美地区以占全球53.2%的比例高居榜首,韩国、日本、欧洲以及中国台湾地区依次占据了该排行榜的第二至第五位,位居第六的是一个熟悉而又陌生的面孔,叫做“中国大陆和其他”,仅占全球集成电路销售额的1.6%。 xkzd.net | Market research agency IC Insights announced in 2011 the global IC sales ranking table, North America [...] to accounts for 53.2% of global [...] proportions topped the list, SouthKorea, Japan, [...]Europe and Taiwan region of China were [...]in possession of the charts from second to fifth, in sixth place is a familiar and unfamiliar faces, called" China the mainland and other", only accounts for 1.6% of sales of global integrated circuit. xkzd.net |
在联赛中,他们之前的五场比赛只赢了两场,如果他们想要回到积分榜首位,他们应该从现在起直到最后一场比赛都保持胜利。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | They’ve only won two of their last five matches in the [...] league and if they are to make an improbable [...] run back tothe top, they should keep [...]winning from now until the final game of the campaign. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
鉴于它们卓越的设施运营反应能力及对类似设施的丰富经验,在我们进行评估时,Equinix 高居外包数据中心供应商的榜首。 equinix.cn | Their superior facility operational responsiveness [...] and experience with similar installations put [...] them atthe topof thelist [...]of the outsourced data center venders we evaluated. equinix.com |
在工业企业领域,GF和另外两家企业并列位于榜首,获得+4的高分。 georgfischer.com | Georg Fischer wonfirst place inthe sector [...] industrial companies and got a mark of +4. georgfischer.com |
全球因灾害造成的经济损失估计为 3,660 亿美元而 2010 [...] 年的数字为 2,200 亿美元,亚太区域位例榜首,仅日本、泰国和新西兰遭受的损 [...]失就超过 2700 亿美元。 daccess-ods.un.org | The economic losses from disasters were estimated at US$ 366 billion globally compared [...] with US$ 222 billion in 2010, with Asia [...] and the Pacific toppingthelist, at [...]over US$ 270 billion alone for Japan, Thailand and New Zealand. daccess-ods.un.org |
另一方面,马德里竞技6-0战胜了拉科鲁尼亚,保持对榜首球队巴塞罗那的压力。 sportsbook.dafa-bet.net | On the other hand, Atletico de Madrid 6-0 won over Deportivo La Corunna, keeping up the pressure to table leader Barcelona. sportsbook.dafa-bet.net |
2005 年,中国校 友会(cuaa.net)网、21 [...] 世纪人才报·大学周刊、搜狐教育频道等联合举办的“2005 年 中国大学排行榜评选活动”评选结果,清华大学高踞全国高校综合实力排名榜首。unesdoc.unesco.org | In 2005, Tsinghua University ranks first in [...] the nationwide university [...] comprehensive evaluation bythe cuaa.net,the 21st century [...]talents newspaper---university weekly and learning.sohu.com. unesdoc.unesco.org |
今天,美国是世界上最大的小吃市场,而欧洲市场上销量居于榜首的是烘焙食品。 foodtechchina.com | Today, the United States is the [...] world's largest snack food market, while European sales volume on the [...] market is at the top of the list is [...]the baking food. en.foodtechchina.com |
尽管我们主动减缓在英国的销售,但於二零一二年 M&G 仍是英国销售额最大的投资管理机构,基金销售净额及总额均連续四年稳据英国榜首,如此成就史无前例。 prudential.co.uk | Despite the deliberate slowing of sales in the UK, M&G was the UK’s top-selling investment management house in 2012 and has ranked number one for both net and gross fund sales for an unprecedented four consecutive calendar years. prudential.co.uk |
纽约2013年2月21日电 /美通社/ -- 宏盟媒体集团 (Omnicom Media Group) 代理机构 OMD Worldwide 已连续第七次被《Gunn Report for Media》(全球媒体广告创意报告)评为全球最具创意的媒体代理商,保持着2004年该报告推出以来其一直位列榜首的“排他性”地位。 prnasia.com | NEW YORK, Feb. 21, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- For the seventh consecutive time, Omnicom Media Group Agency OMD Worldwide has been named the world's most creative media agency by the Gunn Report for Media, maintaining the exclusive lock the agency has held at the top of the rankings since the report was launched in 2004. en.prnasia.com |