单词 | 榛 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
释义 | 榛noun—hazelnutspl榛—Corylus heterophylla hazel tree 榛榛—overgrown with wild plantsExamples:榛果n—hazelnutspl 榛果—hazelnut cobnut filbert 榛仁—hazelnut kernel hazelnut "meat"
它的果实,榛果,是一种底部有绿色叶鞘,平滑如蛋形的坚果,叶鞘上排列着深深的棱。 clarinsusa.com | Its fruit, the hazelnut, is a smooth, egg-shaped [...] nut, held at the base in a green sheath with deeply cut-out edges. clarinsusa.com |
榛果生长于森林与灌木树篱,是一种常见于欧洲森林中的矮小植物。 clarinsusa.com | The hazelnutis asmall tree that [...] grows in woods and hedgerows, very common in European forests. clarinsusa.com |
除了教皇的信件和decretals这些藏品,我们有独立的集合,其中两个很重要,但托收榛,而斯蒂芬的拉里萨。 mb-soft.com | Besides these collections of [...] papal lettersandthe decretals, we haveseparate collections, [...]of which two are important, [...]the Collectio Avellana, and that of Stephen of Larissa. mb-soft.com |
这些发展包括 犯罪率下降,榛子收获季节敲诈勒索事件显着减少,各种基础设施措施和建设措 施也带来了一些创收机会。 daccess-ods.un.org | The developments included reduced crime [...] rates, significantly fewer incidents of [...] extortion during thehazelnut harvest season and [...]a variety of infrastructure and construction [...]measures that also brought about some income-generating opportunities. daccess-ods.un.org |
食典委通过了委员会所提议的步骤 5“即食食品”杏仁、榛子和阿月浑子中总黄曲 霉素最高含量拟议草案并将其推进到步骤 6。 codexalimentarius.org | The Commission adopted the proposed draft Maximum Level for Total [...] Aflatoxins inAlmonds, HazelnutsandPistachios [...]for “ready to eat” at Step 5 as proposed [...]by the Committee and advanced it to Step 6. codexalimentarius.org |
含可可巴、榛子及玫瑰果等蕴含丰富维生素的草本精华油,能在剃须前先软化胡须及深层滋润皮肤,令皮肤在剃须时得到最佳的保护。 senseoftouch.com.hk | Containing a powerful blend of Vitamin-rich herbal oils [...] including Jojoba, Hazelnut and Grapeseed, this [...]pre-shave medium softens the beard [...]and penetrates the skin to nourish and protect for the ultimate shave. senseoftouch.com.hk |
松脆海鲈鱼脊背,配以香粉和烘烤后的牛肝菌油,由榛子和黄油勾兑的焦糖滋味口蘑,这道菜与Schoffweg是天作之合。 marceldeiss.com | Crispy Sea Bass back with grilled cep oil and powder, caramel with buttered [...] mushroom and hazel to illuminate [...]the Schoffweg. marceldeiss.com |
采用经烘烤过的榛子、以及真正的朱古力,制作成口感幼滑丰富的榛子奶饮品。 sfgourmet.com | Smooth and [...] creamy, this unique blend of roasted Oregon hazelnutsandreal chocolate provides a rich and decadent [...]break from the ordinary. sfgourmet.com |
初次讨论建筑再利用时,便收集到许多话题,与会者提供许多创用案例,包括将乳酪工厂改造为攀岩健身中心,让多座工业区蜕变为文化中心,教堂也能变身住家,有人甚至指出,景观也可以再利用,例如美国奥勒冈州将榛果园改建为公园。 thisbigcity.net | Chatters provided some innovative examples of building reuse, including a cheese factory turned into a climbing gym, numerous industrial complexes turned cultural centers, and churches being used as residences. thisbigcity.net |
但是幸运的是,许多欧洲和北美洲的消费者都享受到了这种美味的榛子巧克力-不管是小时候从超市里还是从隔壁的法国煎饼店买到一包Nutella。 labbrand.com | Nonetheless, many Europeans and North [...] Americans are lucky enough to have indulged [...] in thisdelicioushazelnut chocolate spread [...]- whether it was during their childhood, [...]trying a sample at the supermarket, or from their neighborhood crepe store. labbrand.com |
在榛果、苹果、梨、杏和甜樱桃的主要过敏原及其他食物 (如花生和黄豆) 的次要过敏原中,存在与桦树花粉的主要过敏原 [...] Bet v 1 结构相同的同源蛋白质。 phadia.com | Major allergens inhazelnut,apple, pear, apricot [...] and sweet cherry as well as minor allergens in other foods, e.g. peanut [...]and soy, are structural homologs to the birch pollen major allergen Bet v 1. phadia.com |
榛 open2luv.com | Hazel open2luv.com |
回味中蕴含淡淡的杏仁、榛果与蜂蜜的味道 sfgourmet.com | Light aromas in the aftertaste [...] reminiscent of almonds,hazelnuts and honey. sfgourmet.com |
起源 维他命E多从植物油中找到(除了椰子油),还有紫花苜蓿籽,人造牛油,坚果(尤其是杏仁,巴西坚果,榛子,花生和薄壳胡桃,向日葵籽,芦笋,牛油果,牛肉,黑莓,牛油,鸡蛋,绿色多叶的蔬菜,燕麦和海鲜。 vitagreen.com | Origin and Sources Vitamin E is found in vegetable oils (with the exception of coconut oil), alfalfa [...] seeds, margarine, nuts (especially [...] almonds, brazil nuts, hazelnuts, peanuts and pecans), [...]sunflower seed kernels, asparagus, [...]avocados, beef, blackberries, butter, eggs, green leafy vegetables, oats and seafoods. vitagreen.com |
此餐食不含以下产品或其衍生物:谷頪丶贝谷类丶鸡蛋丶鱼丶花生丶酱油丶奶类丶果仁(杏仁丶胡桃丶榛子)丶芹菜丶芥末丶芝麻丶羽扇豆类植物丶软体动物,以及含量超过每公斤10毫克的二氧化硫及亚硫酸盐的食品。 airfrance.com.cn | This meal is free of the following products and their derivatives: cereals, shellfish, [...] eggs, fish, peanuts, soy, milk, nuts [...] (almonds, walnuts, hazelnuts), celery, mustard, [...]sesame seeds, lupine, mollusks, and [...]sulfur dioxide and sulfites in a concentration exceeding 10 mg/kg. airfrance.ru |
103. 伊朗代表团指出,即食食品杏仁、榛子和阿月浑子拟议的总黄曲霉素 8μg/kg [...] 的 含量是一个假设的含量,有必要等待食品添加剂联合专家委员会将进行的膳食接触评 估的结果。 codexalimentarius.org | The Delegation of Iran stated that the proposed level of [...] 8 μg/kg for total aflatoxins for ready [...] to eat almonds,hazelnuts andpistachios was [...]a hypothetical level and that it was [...]necessary to wait for the result of dietary exposure assessment to be conducted by JECFA. codexalimentarius.org |
与其他含有肌动蛋白抑制蛋白 (profilin) 的其他物质之间,如榛果、豕草花粉、芒果、艾草花粉、猫尾草花粉、芹菜、胡萝卜、花生和香料,也常发生交叉反应。 phadia.com | Cross-reactivity has also been frequently observed to other substances containing profilin, e.g.,hazel-nut, ragweed pollen, mango, mugwort pollen, timothy pollen, celery, carrot, peanut and spices. phadia.com |